What's Love Got to Do With It?


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He dropped to his knees and buried his face into her crotch. Pulling her lips aside with his fingers he began running his tongue up and down her slit, occasionally pushing it into her depths and then pulling out again. He soft moans quickly change to louder cries of passion as he repeatedly stimulated her pleasure centers. He lapped at her clitoris, drawing it from its protective hood. When he sucked it into his mouth and rubbed it gently with his teeth; he sent her into a wild orgasm. Her cries became shrieks and she gripped his head with both her hands while thrusting her pelvis harder against his face. His mouth was positioned just right, and she squirted directly into it as she came. He continued to lick her and tease her button until she pushed him away begging him to stop.

He rose to his feet smiling at her eagerly and helped her rise up and crawl into the bed. She moved over to make room for him, and he joined her, placing his body over hers. He positioned his knees between her spread legs and began rubbing his shaft against her mons. Her hands reached up and held his sides as he rubbed back and forth. He felt her hips begin to raise off the bed as she tried to stab herself onto him. With his hand he guided his tip to her entranced and pushed into her steadily. She was so moist and slick that he buried himself to the hilt with one thrust.

Unlike last night, theirs was a joint coupling. She responded to his every move. When he lowered his face to hers she returned his kiss fervently, sticking her tongue into his mouth and moaning desperately. She synchronized her own hip thrusts to his as they fused themselves together in a slow erotic dance of passion. When he began thrusting and pumping harder and harder, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down next to hers. She kissed his ear, neck, and shoulder crying out, "Oh God!" over and over. She raised her legs up higher and higher until they pointed straight up to the ceiling giving him deeper access to her womb. Sweat beaded across his face as he slammed into her rapidly.

"Oh fuck! Yes!" He finally cried and pushed deeply one final time as he began shooting his cum deep inside her. She felt the surge of his hot seed and surrendered to her own shuddering climax. She held onto him as he gasped for breath, and felt his rigid cock begin to soften and withdraw from her. Eventually her legs lowered back to the bed, and she relaxed her hold, allowing him to roll off her and lay against her side.

"Oh my God!" He panted into her ear. "That was so amazing!"

She lay on her back with her eyes closed, too winded to talk. Instead, she just nodded and continued breathing rapidly.


By 3 pm they had made love twice more and then again in the shower before they dressed and went to the kitchen for food. They sat beside each other at the table devouring sandwiches and talking quietly.

"So, what do we do now?" Kathy asked him earnestly. She was no longer shy and withdrawn around him. Her bare foot rested on his under the table just for an excuse to touch him.

"Well, we need to discuss what we want and share our expectations for each other." He began. "I know it's early, but I am pretty sure I want you and you alone." He added as he smiled at her.

She leaned in to kiss him after she swallowed. "I want you too." She replied. "I just don't understand what happened."

"I don't either but I'm not looking back." He replied. "I think I just made love for the first time in my life." He paused to take another bite and reflected as he chewed. "Monica and I were completely physical. It was dynamite and pure electricity." He admitted. "But I don't think I ever once felt an emotional bond with her." He waved at the door disgustedly. "And if I did, it shriveled up and died once we got here."

Kathy cringed, once more embarrassed by the antics of her girls. Then she shrugged and turned back to him as he finished his lunch. "So...Grayson Emerson." She stood as she took his plate. "Do you have a middle name?" He couldn't speak as he stared hungrily at her ass as she stepped over to the kitchen sink. She looked back at him expectantly.

"Jacoby." He finally answered.

"And you work in aerospace as a manager or something?" She continued as she rinsed off the plates and set them in the dishwasher with their glasses.

"Or something." He replied coyly and winked at her when she turned toward him with a curious expression.

"Why do I think that there is more to you than Monica knows?" She asked, inviting him to join her on the couch. "What is the company you work for?"

He sat next to her and slid his arm around her shoulders pulling her to him. "EJ Aeronautics." He said then reached into his pocket to remove a business card. He handed it to her. Her eyes bulged when she read it:

EJ Aeronautics, Inc.

A subsidiary of Grayson Enterprises

Grayson J Emerson--Owner & CEO

She gasped. "You own the entire company?"

He nodded taking the card back. "Plus a few others."

She shook her head before leaning it against his shoulder. "My daughter doesn't know does she?"

He smirked. "Not a clue."

"Damn. She really blew this one." The mother of four sighed. Not that she was complaining. She was feeling a connection to this man that she had never had before. And she wasn't about to give it up for anything or anyone.

"Yep." He had no idea that he was feeling and thinking the same thoughts as her at that moment.

"One thing is certain." She stated happily. He looked at her waiting. "You wont be sleeping on this old couch anymore."

They were interrupted in their quiet musings by the sudden entrance of a disgruntled Tina, who stomped into the house closing the door roughly and throwing her bag onto the table, before realizing that she wasn't alone. "Um...Hi, mom." She stared at them curiously as she walked over to the couch. She bent over and kissed her mother on the head then walked towards the kitchen still eyeing them suspiciously. "You two look...comfortable." She said with a tone betraying her curiosity.

Kathy burst out laughing, a sound that the youngest daughter had not heard in a long time (or Grayson--ever).

He grinned at her and looked back at the younger woman with a wink.

Tina turned back towards them and stood with her arms crossed. "Okay what the hell is going on?" She demanded. "Did I miss something?"

Kathy rose from the couch and went to hug her daughter. "Yes sweetheart. You missed a great deal." She caressed her cheek lovingly. "But not as much as your sister has."

He could see the gears turning behind her eyes as she looked back and forth at them several times. "So, you two are..." She swept her long blonde hair back over her ears. "And Monica doesn't..." She stared wide eyed at her mom who shook her head with a knowing smile. Tina bent her knees excitedly and grabbed her mother's arms. "Oh my God!" She screeched with a huge smile and laugh. "This is just too much! I can't believe it!" She bounced repeatedly and hugged her mom again. "And she has no fucking clue yet!" She erupted into a fit of hysterically laughter and spun around.

Grayson's laugh brought her up short and he raised his eyebrows as she strutted towards him with a frown. "And just who are you?" She demanded with a fake deep voice. "And what are your intentions with MY mother?" Her façade crumbled as her mirth burst forth again. "I don't care!" She squealed with delight. "You are gonna pop that stupid bitch's ego like a zit!" She squealed as tears leaked from her eyes. She plopped down on the couch right beside him and beamed up at him. "I can't wait to watch this."

Grayson just laughed again and put his arm over her shoulders. "It will be my pleasure."

"So can I call you 'daddy'?" she asked demurely with a fake bat of her eyelashes.

Kathy snorted and Grayson laughed again. "Oh, please don't Tina." He chided. "Pappa will do." They were all laughing at that, and Kathy joined them on the couch sitting on the other side of her daughter.

"Show her your card honey." He liked the way that sounded coming from her and he casually handed the card over.

Tina's bubbly hippy vibe vanished as she shot to her feet in amazement and turned back to them with big eyes. "So, you are some super rich guy?" She stammered.

"Tina!" Kathy admonished.

Grayson shrugged. "I do alright for myself." He stated ambiguously.

The 19-year-old wasn't letting it go. "Are you a Millionaire or something?"

"Tina!" Kathy barked more firmly. Her daughter ignored her as she looked at him expectantly.

He made a face as he spread his hands at his side. "Or something."

Tina's eyes bulged as she waved the card around. "And Monica has no idea that she had her hooks into a freakin Billionaire..." She grinned when he didn't correct her. She plopped back down and clung to his arm batting her eyes at him ridiculously. "Do I get an allowance? Pappa?" She tried to keep a straight face but began giggling when her mom smacked her shoulder angrily.

"Tina Marie!" She growled. "I can still spank you!"

"C'mon! pleeeze!" She whined with a stupid grin that made Grayson burst out laughing.

"Why do you need an allowance?" He chuckled. "I thought you had a job."

Her grin faded and she sighed angrily. "My job sucks!" She groaned. "And the pay fucking sucks!" She leaned over to untie her shoes. "I still need to come up with another $1,500 if I'm ever gonna get my car out of the shop." She stood and did a sexy pirouette like a pole dancer. "Unless I'm willing to spread them like Moni for my perv mechanic."

"What kind of car is it?"

"'63 Bug." She replied proudly. "She's sky blue and beautiful." She added dreamily. "But her clutch is fried and so is the tranny. And something about a throw up bearing." She went and put her shoes in the mud room.

"Out." He corrected. "Throw 'out' bearing. I love VWs! My first car was a refurbished Thing." He said with enthusiasm. "Still have it."

She smiled at him as she went into the kitchen. "I think I may like you." She confessed. "Pappa."

He groaned for ever encouraging her. "We will work something out." He promised.

7 pm came and went and there was no sign of the three older sisters. Grayson just sighed and got to his feet. "I have a thought." He declared to them as they sat together waiting for the imminent confrontation. "A very evil thought." He grinned.

They both looked up at him with nearly identical expressions of curiosity.

"Let's just go to bed and sleep on it."

Mother and daughter looked at each other as it dawned on them. With a grin Tina reached over and kissed her mom on the cheek, before jumping to her feet. "Well good night y'all." She called in her best Texas drawl. Grayson rolled his eyes. "Try not to keep me up." She added as she bounced lightly up the stairs.

Finding the couch empty again was sure to send Monica over the edge, but Grayson was beyond caring. Nor was he even aware of their arrival later that night. Kathy's soft cries of passion right next to his ear covered the noise of their drunken entry and their startled dismay at the empty living room. He didn't even hear them stagger up the stairs to bed.


Everyone was late getting up the following morning. Tina rose first and made the coffee as she eagerly anticipated the fireworks. Her mom joined her with a knowing smile, and they sat together at the table chatting quietly until Lisa and Lola made an appearance, followed closely by Monica. The oldest sister staggered down the stairs glaring at the empty couch.

"Where is Grayson now?" She demanded.

Kathy and Tina looked at each other with faked expressions of astonishment. "I guess he really is tired of sleeping on that old couch." Their mother suggested. Only she noticed the master suite door open slowly.

"How are we going to work this out if he just keeps taking off like this?" Monica screeched angrily. "I told him to wait for me."

Tina turned toward her sister and gave her a disgusted look. "I guess he's done waiting."

The twins looked at each other worriedly.

"Well, he didn't go far." She blurted as she opened her phone. "His car is still out front." She began pecking at the keypad furiously.

Grayson walked quietly out of the master bedroom, bare foot and bare chested, wearing only a worn pair of sweatpants. Lisa and Lola gaped as he stretched his arms and yawned loudly. "Nope." He said. "Not far at all."

Tina giggled as Monica screeched in surprise and whirled around, dropping her phone.

"Gray!" She cried startled. Then she started towards him with her arms held wide. "Baby you scared me!"

He dodged her hug and continued to the table. The three older sisters all stared open mouthed as he grabbed Kathy into a tight hug and kissed her deeply. It shocked them even more when she returned both gestures just as passionately.

The silence was suffocating until Tina began making loud gagging noises causing her mother to kick her in the shin. She yelped and giggled.

"What...the...fuck?" Monica shrieked when the two lovers finally parted and turned to her holding hands. She stared at them with a horrified expression. "Wh--wha..."

Kathy stepped forward. "Monica. Sit down. And close your mouth before..." She turned irritable as Tina interrupted her with a loud burst of hysterical laughter. "Tina please..."

But the youngest couldn't help herself as she bent over holding her sides and brayed like a donkey. "I--I can't...help it!" She cried. Monica sat down and gaped at her with a vacant expression. Tina looked back at her and started laughing again. "You!" She pointed at her stunned sibling, gasping with tears in her eyes. She stepped forward and fell onto the couch bumping her rudely. "You stupid cow!"

Everyone else looked on with various expressions. Lola's was equally vacant while her twin gaped in utter disbelief. Kathy frowned and twisted her nose while Grayson struggled not to let Tina's amusement infect him.

"Oh my God! This is so awesome!" Tina cried as she poked her sister again. "You fucked up so bad!" Her voice choked as she fell into another fit of giggling. "And you're so fucking dumb, you don't even know what you lost!" With that she fell back on the couch and began kicking her legs in the air.

Monica's face darkened with rage as she slapped at her sister's flailing legs and jumped to her own feet. "What is she talking about?"

"It's really quite simple Monica." Grayson said facing her. "Though I agree with Tina that you probably wont get it." He smirked as the youngest lost her shit again and muffled her laughter into the couch cushion. "But its like this." He looked evenly at his ex-fiancé. "Having me abstain from any sex was the best thing you could have ever done to me." Monica's face continued to reflect her vacant expression.

"You see when I finally did have sex again," He turned and pulled Kathy to him with a warm hug. "I got to experience the greatest thing in the universe. Something I never had with you." He kissed her deeply and smiled. "I felt what it is like to make love to someone." He explained. "And now I know what I truly want, and I have it." He looked back at his ex. "And for that I am truly grateful."

There was a pregnant silence in the room as his words sank in. Lisa looked at her twin with wide eyes and silently mouthed the words, 'Oh my God!'. Tina beamed at everyone around the room and Monica stood opening and closing her mouth in disbelief.

"You fucked my MOTHER?"

Kathy sighed. "Oh, don't be so crude dear!" She retorted. "It was so much more than fucking."

Which of course sent Tina into another fit of amused hysterics.

Monica's face clouded and tears began falling from her eyes. "But...what about the wedding?" She bawled. Even Tina froze in amazement at her words.

"Oh dear." Sighed their mother.


"So, what is going to happen now?" Lola asked as she sat back down at the table.

"Well," Grayson began. ", in a few days your mother and I are going to head back to Houston." He looked at the twins evenly. "You are both big girls and can decide for yourselves what you want. You can continue to live here and carry on as usual." He gave them each a smirk. "Or if you want to try and move forward with your lives, you can let me know and we will see if I can help you out."

He looked over at Tina who was still basking in the glow of her mirth. "You and I have things to talk about." He smiled. "But first we are going to head over and see this mechanic of yours." Her eyes lit up and she jumped to her feet, bouncing to his side to kiss his cheek and hug him warmly. "Thank you." She purred. "Pappa."

"What about me?" Monica asked tearfully as she sat on the couch shredding tissues.

Grayson sighed at her whiny voice. "What about you Monica?"

She sniffed. "You can't just give up and walk out on me..."

He shook his head disdainfully. "No. You actually walked out on me."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
RanDog025RanDog0255 months ago

Loved it. Great humor! Perfect plot with all the perfect characters. Your a great Author, I hope you come back soon! Thank you. 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STAR.

servant111servant1118 months ago

Seriously over the top and great fun!

5 stars

AngelRiderAngelRider11 months ago

99% of the time I would hate something like this and either ignore it, offer a meh or something similar. Yet, I sit here amused and more than a little confused why I enjoyed this. I mean, for sure this is total nonsense. It's ridiculous. Still, I found it quite amusing.

bigurnbigurnabout 1 year ago

Once again, a story that deserves to be a series. Two or more chapters would be about right. 4 Stars

tralan69ertralan69erover 1 year ago



I think your comment is ridiculous. Everything you whined about is possible. Think about it.

tralan69ertralan69erover 1 year ago


She could have been 16 when she gave birth to Monica and still been in her 30"s.

tralan69ertralan69erover 1 year ago


Good story, lousy ending. Grayson never even confronted monica on her cheating on him EVERY NIGHT!!! Who was giving Grayson the blowjobs? -

The twins. Page 2, near the top.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You have real talent but, lamentable, you use it as a platform to indulge wild crude porn imagery; rather than the precision craftsmanship of a laser you start spraying with a fire hose...something of a stock and trade in all to many LE writers.

Most painful for me is for the portrayal of a brilliant, perceptive man who clearly knows his fiancé is a loser 5 ways from Dixie and just rolls along with it hoping she'll finally give him a fuck to relieve his "Blue-Balls"

Please re-read this story with the above thoughts in mind.

I truly you could evolve into the 5 STAR 🌟 Plus level of writer that Saddletramp exemplifies if reorient your approach.

Still, if what you have offered thus far is all you want please press on.

I just won't be reading with you.

Gods Speed.

nestorb30nestorb30almost 2 years ago

Uh unless mom popped them out young, 28 yo Grayson is marrying a forty something 😳

ker63469ker63469almost 2 years ago

I agree with the other comments the ending could have been better. Still a lot of unanswered questions.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


Northpacific2017Northpacific2017almost 2 years ago

Have read all you have to offer so far, cheat, both parts have great potential, What has love, also has great potential, all were enjoyable, as far as they went. Great first and second attempts, in my opinion. Look forward to expansion of each, and any new offerings you may have.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Next chapter please

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 2 years ago

Good story, lousy ending. Grayson never even confronted monica on her cheating on him EVERY NIGHT!!! Who was giving Grayson the blowjobs?

muskyboymuskyboyalmost 2 years ago

Good story, lousy ending. Grayson never even confronted Monica on her cheating on him EVERY NIGHT!

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