When a Body Meets a Body...


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After a quick breakfast, a long kiss and a "have fun," I got in my car and headed down the road. I got into work and started to clean up my tools and stuff. My boss came over about 10 and said he was going to miss me and if I ever got back into the area to look him up; my job would always be there. I thanked him for that and for playing along and making the call last night. He shook my hand and said, "No problem." With a cuff to my shoulder, he left me to my thoughts. At quitting time, I shook hands with all my buddies and handed the key to my tool box to Tim the "new guy." Tim was just starting out and didn't have a set of tools of his own yet and had been making due between the shop's stuff and borrowing from the guys. I had sold him my set for pennies on the dollar, telling him that the cost of moving them to my new job wasn't worth the effort.

I left work and drove over to the bank. I took out as much as I could from both our savings and our checking accounts; it totaled about $5,000. From the bank, I drove home and had a quiet night in. I packed a small overnight bag, mostly the money, some underwear and some toiletries. I had two stiff drinks and was in bed before 9 that night.

In the morning, I dressed, took one last look around the house and called for a cab. While waiting for my ride, I sat on our front porch swing and thought of all our hopes and dreams that had gone down in flames. About twenty minutes later, my ride showed up.

I took the cab from our house to the Raccoon Municipal Bus Station where I hopped on a bus to Amarillo. What a boring freaking ride! After getting off the bus in Amarillo, I walked over to the car rental place and picked up my reserved eco car. Talk about a scary drive! Here I was in a 500 pound toy car sitting on 480 pounds of lithium battery. One hit and that bugger would go up like thermite.

Anyway, I drove out to the spa and turned the car in to the car place's satellite desk in the lobby. I walked over to the front desk, showed my ID and got one of those swipe key cards for the room.

I went to the elevator bank and was soon on my way up to meet destiny (and NO, while that IS a stripper name, I was referring to meeting my fate, not some pole swinger).

Standing outside of "my" room, I eased my Berretta 96 out of its Allesi Bodyguard holster and racked a round into the chamber. I held the pistol in my right hand and ran the keycard with my left. I opened the door as quietly as I could and soft-padded into the room. I just about threw up when I saw what was going on in the bed. Janet was tied to the four corners of the bed... spread eagled. She was wearing a leather blackout hood and a fucking black leather collar around her neck... son-of-a-bitch! She got all pissy assed when I wanted to try using some scarves once and here she was all full frontal bondage and with a really fat old fucking guy. POS was pumping away in her cunt (I guess it could have been her ass... I certainly was not going to look or ask) and she was making umf-umf-umf noises. The stupid shit didn't even turn around when the door snicked close.

I walked up behind him, grabbed a pillow off the floor, pushed it and the muzzle of the 96 to the back of his head and put two through his skull. WOW! Did he make a mess.... blood, bone and grey tissue all over Janet and whatever was in his bladder and bowels out the other end.

Janet started to make all sorts of noises and was trying to throw POS's now useless corpse off of herself. I knelt down beside her and whispered in her ear... "Easy babe... it's all over." Janet fucking went berserk! The hood must have had a gag built in cuz she wasn't making too much noise and I could not understand a word she was saying.

I stoked my fingers over her leather covered face and said "This is how it is... I don't care why, what, when, how or how many. This one is enough. If you wanted to play dress up or make believe... I would have been right there with you. Not this... NOT EVER!"

I stood up and picked up the phone to call the front desk. "Desk? Yea, this is Stan Strangski in room 1229. Yea, listen... is it possible to extend our stay a few more days? No? How about a late check out? Great! Yea, if you could give us a 6PM checkout Sunday that would be great." With that I put the handset back on the base, looked around the room, walked over and opened the window. Turning out the lights, I looked over at Janet thrashing around under POS and walked out.

When I got in the lot, pulled out my key ring, opened up Janet's car and drove away. I needed to stay low while I got lost in the hinterlands of Texas. It was getting late so I pulled up short of the Oklahoma State Line in a middle of nowhere town. The dive of a motel was old but clean... at least the roaches were polite and scuttled off when I turned on the lights. Listen... I notice polite bugs... had a Palmetto Bug (read giant FLYING cockroach) in Carolina HISS at me one time... I do NOT need bugs with attitudes.

Anyway.... I holed up for the night. Weren't going nowhere until the morning. Just wanted to get some sleep before the long hard drive north to the Canadian border.

Amazingly enough, no one checked in on POS and Janet until Thursday afternoon when housekeeping opened the door to clean for the next guest. Well, the stink from what POS left on the bed, the mess Janet had left on the bed, what with her trapped under POS and POS's bloated rotting body hit the poor housekeeper in the face, hard. She just puked up right there at the door. The stink spread down the hall and everybody got into the act. Finally the Manager called the cops, who called the Coroner who was totally FREAKED when he found that Janet was still alive under POS. Man, talk about a three ring circus!

Janet was comatose... totally zombie freaky-deaky. She had been trapped under POS for almost five days; unable to move, unable to see, unable to talk. She knew that I knew. She knew her life, her family, everything was over... and she had DAYS with nothing to do but think about it. Did I mention that POS's dick was still inside her when they pulled him off?

It took two days to get her awake and then two more days to get her quiet. And THEN it took THREE freakin days for them to find ME! What a bunch of incompetent losers..... well, maybe not the Texas Ranger who actually found me in Canada. HE did it by the book, plus he didn't just shoot my ass right off the bat.

I had made it over the border from Idaho by then and was planning the drive further west to British Columbia when he showed up out of nowhere. The Ranger cuffed me, threw me into the trunk of his Crown Vic and drove me back to Dallas for arraignment. It is amazing what a TR badge will do for expediting a border crossing AND eliminating all those sticky questions like "anything to declare?", "pop the trunk" much less... "What is all that noise coming from out of your trunk, Sir?" They held me 'til the next day up in the tombs (holding cells) before I went in front of the Judge. After all the blah blah blah and yammer yammer yammer... the Judge asked me how do I plead? "Not Guilty Your Honor" I said and that was that. I was held over with no bail and assigned a Public Defender (PD).

The PD kept at me to accept a plea deal... go for involuntary manslaughter. But geeeeze, I set this thing up and put TWO in his head... sorta hard to say I had not planned to kill the POS. SO off to the races we went.... erm... off to trial we went!

It was not much of a trial. The State Prosecutor walked all the evidence they had past the jury and it was just plain fact that I had done it. I could see it in their eyes, the jury had me convicted and hung before my defense even started.

The State played a bit dirty, in my mind, when they brought Janet into the Court Room to show what had been done to her. Janet was walked into the courtroom with the aid of a person on either side of her. She walked with a slow uneven shuffle. Her eyes were empty... the person known as Janet was still not back. Her body was walking around but weren't nobody to home. Something about being trapped under a rotting body did things to her mind. At lease she still had a body... yea *sigh* she really did still look hot and my heart just hurt when I had to look at her... and maybe after a few years they can get her back with the living. Don't know. Don't care.

Any who, the State tried to ask Janet questions, but her responses where monosyllabic (HEY! A big word for a squid, dotcha think?) at best. At least she didn't drool or anything, but you could tell that Janet was really mentally fucked up.

The next day, my PD finally got me up on the witness stand and after the typical state your name bullshit, he asked, "Mr. Strangski, you have heard the testimony put forward by the prosecutor. You have seen the evidence against you. There is irrefutable proof you performed certain actions. At this time could you tell the jury, in your own words, why you did the things the State has proven."

"Thank you Sir," I said, "I will start at the beginning, the day I first began to suspect my wife of cheating on me."

So, I began my tale of woe. I did not sugar coat anything nor did I try to deflect away from my responsibility. I finished up by explaining that the POS totally disrespected me. Even if he had Janet's permission, even if she had told him that I was OK with her playing around, he knew she was married. He knew he either had to keep away from Janet or be man enough, and POLITE enough, to approach me and ASK me if it was OK to bang Janet. He did NOT do that. He just thought it was OK to fuck another man's wife. He thought there would be no repercussions. He was wrong.

"So yes, I shot the POS and left him for dead. I did not however, hurt my wife. She is the love of my life, the reason I get up in the morning and the treasure I hold in my heart when I go to sleep each night."

I picked up the glass of water from the side board of the witness box and took a sip. "I left my wife completely alone," I continued, "She was in the exact position, the exact condition SHE WANTED TO BE!"

"My wife wanted that POS to place her in a demeaning bondage scene and to place his phallus into her vagina. That was all by her consent. She cooperated with him to achieve her goals. I would never presume to thwart her wants and needs, so I simple left her exactly where and as she had worked so hard to be."

My PD then asked, "Mr. Strangski, with all the things coming forward in the media about sexual harassment and human sex trafficking and such, I need to ask you straight up for the jury to hear your answer... did you get a sexual thrill when you shot your wife's lover?"

I looked at my PD and about threw up on him. My face was a mask of shock and with a gimlet eye I said, "Are you fucking nuts? What the hell, man, that is the most fucked up thing I have ever heard!"

The judge was hammering his gavel and yelling something about "strike that response" and "Mr. Strangski, I will not allow that kind of language in my court!"

After things settled down, my PD asked a final question, "Mr. Strangski, if you had to do it over again, would you do anything differently? Do you feel any remorse for your actions?"

I looked him in the eye and said, "No. I thought long and hard on what my wife was doing." I turned my head and focused on each and every jury member. "I determined that what she and POS were doing was unforgivable, I would do exactly the same again and no, I have no remorse for my actions."

Well, at that, the folks in the visitor's area went nuts. The reporters were all trying to get out of the courtroom so as to file their copy. My wife's family were screaming at me. My Mother and Father were supporting each other, weeping in big shaking sobs.

So, after all the hoopla and time and expense... the Jury comes back with... GUILTY on the murder one charge and on the kidnapping charge (I left Janet tied up, restrained you see). They also found me guilty of a few of the minor charges... but who cares. The murder charge was the whole enchilada. My PD was sitting there with his jaw hanging open like he never heard nothing like this before.

The Judge slammed his gavel down... BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM... "The Sheriff will take the prisoner into custody and deliver him to the State Penitentiary at Austin until such time as an order for execution is delivered. At that time, the State will execute the prisoner in such manner as prescribed by law. Remove the prisoner from my court"

The last I saw of the Judge was as the Bailiffs were walking me away and the doors swung shut.

So there you have it. I am sitting on Death Row waiting. The Legal Eagles are all up about appeal this and Supreme Court that. But at the end of the day, I blew POS to hell and left Janet in a living one. I knew what I was doing was considered wrong or at least illegal and I did it anyway. Some things you can forgive and forget. Some you can't.

What's that you say? Why in the beginning did I say Texas met my requirements if I am now on Death Row? Fair question. I picked Texas because if I didn't make it to Canada, I didn't want to run for the rest of my life or get captured and put in jail for life. I needed a state that still had the death penalty; none of this life in prison without parole crap.

The moral of this tale? How about this... before you act, ask yourself the question "Is it worth going to jail over?" If the answer is NO, then walk away, no matter how much it hurts, no matter how badly you have been treated, just leave. I mean, crap people, it's only stuff and stuff don't mean shit in the end. If, however, the answer is YES, then just fucking do it. Do it, then take it in the chest like a man. The only person you will ever need to justify yourself to is God... and I should be seeing him soon now.


AGAIN!!!! NO sexualization of murder!!!!!

A sandwich walks into a bar and sits down on one of the stools. The bartender walks over and with a jerk of this thumb towards the bar back says, "Better move it on along bud, can't you see the sign? We don't serve food here."

(snare-drum rim-shot, cymbal crash... waa waa waa)


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Terrible story

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Agree with a comment before.... Stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Probably the most realistic story I've read on this site. The kill scene and aftermath was pretty brutal. Not sure what half these commenters are talking about in regards to being a pussy or wimp or gay and whatnot. Dude killed her lover and sent her to the happy house. Told the court he was out of fucks to give. Then he realistically got sentenced to death, as was his plan. What was suppose to happen? He shot him, the bullet went through, killed her too, while he secretly made off to some nonextraditional country and lived happily ever after with some hot pornstar looking chick that was 22, a Virgin, and only had eyes for him forevermore, living off his secret cayman island fund with Millions? Get real. Good story.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 1 year ago

Not a happy ending, but it is an interesting character study. Personally, I'd find a way to just leave and be rid of her.

Norseman123Norseman123about 1 year ago

She got the worst of it 5*****

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Top story. Top writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What kind of wimpy spineless writer is this… one who hates men, damn feminist man hating woke crap story… if you shot the POS shoot the disrespectful cheating SLUT!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Either u get the guy wimp out and take a cheating whore back and eat her cumfilled pussy clean OR u go all over and end up in murder mayhem land...

What’s wrong with ya? Got kicked out of ur asylum?

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