When in Rome


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The farrier was summoned. The eight were locked in manacles and fetters and chained together in male/female order with the professor in first position, Peggy trailed him, then came Fred. Behind Fred, Antionette had her shapely bottom ogled by Anthony. Behind Anthony was a crying Gloria. Martin felt guilty focusing on Gloria's physique. When he turned away however he was confronted by the sobbing but still radiant naked Mrs. Harper. Martin wondered which section of Hell he would be consigned to for his mental comparisons of the big bosomed, long-legged, Gloria and the petite, modest breasted, and enticingly compact, professor's wife. As for Michelle, even through her tears, she noted how broad and well-built the young man in front of her was. His buttocks caught her attention. Her childhood, and even her adult life, had not really prepared her for exposure to the male animal. All-girls Catholic schools through college with only her sister and mother in the home. Her father had died when she was an infant. Her staunchly conservative mother had forbidden her from dating. She took a cousin to both the junior and senior prom. He kissed her on the cheek at the end of each evening. Her paternal figures had all been priests. All four years of college she was a commuter student. She never lived in a dormitory or pledged a sorority. Only when she had gone to graduate school was, she able to exert a bit of independence. The classics seemed a natural course of study. She thought she might become a librarian or perhaps a teacher of Latin and French at her old alma mater. Her relationship with Donald began when she sought his opinion on a bit of her translation of medieval Latin. His maturity and age were priestly. His knowledge was profound. His manner was patient and kind. Michelle fell for him in a big way. even though he was an Episcopalian! "It can't end this way!" she sighed.

The eight were marched out into the full sunshine, towards the front of the domus. The master of the estate appeared shortly. His look as he gazed at the chained Americans was that of the practiced slave appraiser. With their hand behind there backs, none of them could hide themselves with their hands.

The estate master noted that his overseers had arranged them in probable value order, lest expensive to most expensive. He largely agreed with their assessment. The old man was probably useless unless he possessed a special skill. The thin redhaired lad, he would have ranked higher. A slim barbarian boy could be easily taught to be submissive between the sheets. He loved fucking women but a boy in bed was sometimes better. They sucked and they took it up the ass, something no Roman man would do. The delicate nature of the boy appealed to him. He saw him sleeping at the foot of his bed, a fancy collar about his neck.

The boy from Italia could bet set to work straight in the fields. One of the overseers whispered in his ear the virgin status of the brown-haired one. A virgin slave was quite the novelty. She was not his type but her knew many who liked their women that way. Her virginity could be auctioned off or purchased for a son of an associate who had just come of age. The blonde tall one should be nursing with those breasts. Those hips should be birthing new slaves. He'd have her sent to the breeder shed immediately. Some huge strapping slave, perhaps the blond barbarian with the marvelous body and impressive phallus?' If the strapping one turned out to be a dud as a stud, sterile or underperforming, gladiator schools would drool over him, and he could be sold for a nice profit. Especially as he had spent nothing to obtain him!

The fair petite one was perfect. It seemed almost as though she was tailored to his preferences. Even if the entire rest of the lot proved worthless, the small fair one was a bonanza on her own. She'd be sharing his bed this evening.

The well-off Roman issued his orders for the dispensation of his new slaves in a coded Latin that neither Donald nor the others could follow. Later, Donald deduced it was a way for the Master and his overseers to communicate in front of slaves or foreigners without being understood by those not in the know. A primitive form of Pig Latin. One by one the slaves were unshackled.


Gloria found herself in an attractive outbuilding. Tapestries hung from the ceiling and the walls were brilliant colors. A mosaic of a fertility goddess filled one wall. A kindly older woman provided her a concealing toga and pointed to a table arrayed with food and wine. She talked kindly to Gloria. She provided a handkerchief to blow her nose and dry her eyes, and soon had her calmed down. Gloria realized that she was hungry. Stress always increased her appetite. After she had eaten and drunk and felt much better despite everything, the sweet older woman led her to the lavatory and then to an adjoining room. A pretty girl in braids played the lyre and sang sweetly. Women, all about Gloria's age were arrayed about the room on couches. Quite a few were nursing infants. Gloria noticed and abundance of baby bumps and those that did not seem to be with child appeared to be waiting for something to happen. Gloria obliviously settled herself on a couch. She'd had too much wine. That and the stress of the day soon had her in a deep slumber.


Anthony was given rags to wear a heavy weight was fasten around one ankle and he was set to wok in the fields harvesting beans and peas. He was placed with three other rag clad individuals. An overseer with a flail made sure he did not tarry in his picking duties. Tony could not believe the irony. His parents had fled Italy because they were little more than serfs. The capricious universe had brought him full circle.


After receiving a toga and a pair of sandals, Peggy found herself in the kitchen. They gave her a job stirring a large pot over a very hot flame. Before very much time had passed, her new toga was soaking with perspiration. The wicked chef's assistant slapped her smartly on the ass with a wooden spoon if she slacked off.


Fred was given a bath by two muscular bath attendants who the proceeded to shave off all his pubic hair and gave him a haircut. They inspected his body and finished things off by coating him head to toe in oil. Clothed in little more than a jockstrap his vision matching that of an addled bat, he was led into a darkened room. A chalice of wine was placed in his hand. Fred took a deep long draught. The muscular man who had led Fred to this room had a conversation with another man who appeared as little more than a fuzzy impression at the limits of his vision. The Latin he understood but not the context. "The master wants him broken in...gently this time."

Understanding came instantly when Fred felt very large and very male hands on his anatomy!


Antionette was brought into a side entrance of the domus. She was bathed, her vulva was shaved, and her hair carefully coifed. Clothed in surprisingly comfortable underwear and a lovely Toga she was led to a room where a very pretty girl about her own age sat. It was clear that she held a position of importance in this house. Antionette was smart enough to curtsy and keep her head bowed.

"Come here said the woman. Let me look at you."

Antionette met her gaze.

"My, you are a pretty one. You won't try to steal my boyfriends, will you?"

"No, Ma'am!"

The woman kissed her.

"You better not or I'll turn you over to my father for a good long flogging."


"Call me Sylvia. What are you called?"


"Pretty. As my servant I expect you to dress me undress me taste my food and be my companion. Can you tell stories? Can you sing?"

"Yes, Ma'... Silvia to both."

"Splendid. Then we shall get along very well."

The master's daughter picked up something from a nearby dresser.

"I believe these are yours."

She handed Antionette the pearls which had been taken from her hours previously.

Antionette's face lit up with delight and appreciation.

"Be good to me. Obedient, submissive, in good humor and I will take care of you Antionette. Provided you also allow me to wear those pearls from time to time."

"Certainly, Sylvia."

The women embraced and kissed each other.


Donald Harper was led to an outbuilding quite some distance from the domus. He relieved himself at an outhouse before being issued an ill-fitting and obviously used toga. In the building was a table set with very simple fare and wine that was on the verge of going bad. Donald noted that the other residents of the building were older folks like himself. He was told to wait for instructions. With nothing to read, left to his own devices, he was quite bored. He settled on a bench. An older, not unattractive woman with streaks of grey in her long braids sat down next to him and struck up a conversation.

"Hello, handsome. Are you new here?"

Donald tried to explain his day and how he ended up on the bench next to her, but even his considerable Latin vocabulary was not up to the task of explaining time travel, physical displacement, business suits, spring dresses, and a foreign future nation from beyond the Pillars of Hercules, so he kept things brief and simple.

"Welcome to the Domus of Cassius Paramus. I've been with the master for a long time. Served his father I did."

They shook hands.

"You are a rather handsome gent. You have all your teeth and lovely soft hands. You need someone to show you around."

"I'd like that," returned Donald.

"Do you like these as well?" she asked as she opened her toga, exposing two older but still enticing breasts.


As an elite athlete, Martin was used to this treatment. Gymnasiums remained unaltered by the millennia. They had him lift weights, skip a rope, and toss around a medicine ball. They took his measurements and fawned over him. They asked him personal questions and how he liked his women. It might as well have been locker room talk from home. They gave him a pair of leather trunks that fit like a second skin and led him to a handsome outbuilding. Through the surrounding trees he read Fertility, Motherhood, on the façade. He was led in a back entrance.

He was stunned beyond belief to find Gloria Whitmarsh stark naked, lashed to a low piece of furniture that presented her blonde sex for easy access from behind, as though she were a mare prepared for a stallion. Gloria was weeping and pulling at her bindings until she saw Martin.

"Martin! Have you come to rescue me?" she cried in English.

"I don't think that is what they have in mind, Gloria."

"What then?"

His handlers produced a very evil looking serrated blade.

"Fuck her or we take your balls," one said flatly.

"Martin? What did he say?" Professor Harper had not taught them Latin curse words. Martin had discovered them himself in ribald tome of everyday Roman phrases that had come down through the centuries and which most libraries didn't carry.

Martin peeled off the Trunks.

"I'm sorry Gloria."

"Martin!" she cried.

Gloria's physique could make a eunuch hard and Martin was no eunuch.

"Martin?" said Gloria as she felt him move into position behind her and run his fingers along her body.

"Martin!" she cried as he entered her.

"Oh, Martin, Martin!" she gasped as he found his rhythm.


Michelle Harper was unused to such papering. A long bath in scented lilac water. A manicure, pedicure, her hair styled, doused with floral perfume, her favorite scent. She even enjoyed the fact that they removed every trace of her blonde pubic hair. Michelle had never quite been comfortable with her woman fur since the days when it first sprouted. After all of that, she was measured for, and a delightful toga was cut to her exact dimensions. The underwear was far more comfortable than it looked.

All this primping and preparation was for the benefit of Cassius Paramus, the master of the Domus and if Michelle was remembering correctly, her "owner." She was led to a fine dining room. He rose when she entered. She curtsied and approached him. He took her hand and stared, taking all her in. This petite blonde was perfect in every way.

"Greetings, beautiful slave."


He settled her in a chair opposite him and filled a goblet of wine.

It occurred to Michelle that Cassius, while older than her, was at least a decade younger than her husband. He was also an extremely handsome man. He had broad shoulders and firm muscles; his face was mostly unlined. His hair was dark and wavy with a few streaks of grey to give him character and an air of serene maturity. Michelle discerned immediately that he was infatuated with her.

The food was wonderful. Servants circled the table refilling glasses and removing silverware. Conversation came surprisingly easily. She was smart enough to make sure that he spoke mostly about himself while she looked for an opportunity to help Donald and the others.

It came when Cassius asked Michelle about herself. When the topic of Donald came up. She talked him up in a big way, praising his skills as a teacher and as a Latin instructor. His response was simple and without a scintilla of guile.

"Fair one, share my bed without complaint, hesitation, or equivocation, give me everything I ask for between the sheets and I will see that he is placed in a job appropriate for his talents."

The color came to Michelle's cheeks as she nodded her assent.

There was one final toast.

"Time for you, fair one, to fulfill your vow."

Out of his toga, he was a marvelous physical specimen. Until today, Michelle ha naively believed that penises came in only one size, small. Seeing the male students naked, especially Martin Steelton had disabused her of that notion. Cassius was even more well-endowed. He asked Michelle to suckle it, something Donald had never requested. He was startled and then delighted that she had never performed that task before, but she was an apt student and listened to his instruction. Michelle could not remember having more fun and then when he entered her and she shuddered and squealed with delight from her very first orgasm, Michelle day went from the most horrid ever to the most exquisite ever. She drifted off to slumber her grin a mile wide.

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AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

Rape was common for Romans in that time, most Roman men back then were rapists.

justine_1692justine_16923 months ago

An interesting take on the plot of "Lest Darkness Fall" by L. Sprague de Camp. However, it's a little rushed and in places seems more like an outline of a longer work than a finished story. Three stars.

justine_1692justine_16923 months ago

An interesting take on the plot of "Lest Darkness Fall" by L. Sprague de Camp. However, it's a little rushed and in places seems more like an outline of a longer work than a finished story. Three stars.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

wow! a great story. Unrelenting submission! In no time all naked and serving.

SeafinSeafin3 months ago

I’m very intrigued about being in this time period and with the characters being dealt with appropriately I could read this weather it has sex or not, but as you said when in Rome 😈

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Can we get a part2?

toastywarm01toastywarm013 months ago

A fun read. The descriptions of each member of the group were lovely and each ended up in the appropriate place.

ChasPChasP3 months ago

It's interesting. I'm surprised the text wasn't checked with a grammar checker app before being submitted to Literotica. In my opinion, you don't need a VE because the storyline is coherent. Looking forward to Part 2.

ChasPChasP3 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Five stars, very well written and a nice read, a few grammatical errors but nothing that detracted from the story.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Part 2 please

Amiable69Amiable693 months ago

An excellent chapter. Michelle will be pregnant in no time! Amy x

mako64mmako64m3 months ago

Interesting start, love to read more in the slow(er) pace. Details in their fears, desires and shame would be great.

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