When Keith Met Stephanie

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Computer geek scores with online friend.
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Codes- MF, First, Exhib, Oral, Interracial, Romance.

Intro- This story is fictional and meant for mature open minds in a safe environment. It features graphic sex between consenting adults. It is connected to some of my other works including "Bad Connections" and "Ruleskirter", but no other works are required reading. Feedback is appreciated.


October 1997. Austin, TX.

"Hey, Keith!" Doug Ramsay addressed his computer expert friend, stepping into their college dorm room. "You'll never believe what just happened!"

Keith Wing-Matthews, a lean lanky Asian-American male of eighteen years, flicked his short black ponytail over his shoulder- he squeezed it nervously between typing bursts sometimes- and adjusted his rose-tinted glasses as he looked up from his computer coding project. "Try me."

"I was downtown in the club district. Sitting in Paradox Nightclub trying to relax. This huge Ogre- excuse me, a big wrestler guy- grabs this cute redhead coming out of the restroom, gropes her breasts right there in the club like some kind of caveman, and then drags her into the back alley through one of the fire exits."

"What? I keep hearing about sexual assaults that happen down there, but..."

"I know. I never thought I'd witness one either. Boris was working his bouncer job at Paradox tonight. I told him what I saw, then rushed out there to help the girl. She was already knocking the crap out of the guy like she was Blaze Fielding or something!"

Keith nodded at the mention of their mutual favorite Sega video game heroine. Blaze was a female martial arts expert who fought inner city criminals in an action series called Streets of Rage.

"But the bad guy wasn't going down. I got out there just as he got the upper hand and jumped in to help. It got a little..." Doug took a breath. "It was nuts, pal!"

Keith listened as his roommate- Doug was a college freshman like him- kept talking. He intellectually took note of Doug's stocky dancer's body and dark blonde hair. Keith wasn't into Doug as more than a friend, but was still able to appreciate handsome guys. His brown eyes briefly locked on the blue eyes behind Doug's horn-rimmed glasses. "So Boris, two other guys from the club, and two cops had to help you and the chick dogpile on this joker?"

"Yeah. The girl- her name's Lisa- and I went to Roppolo's Pizza afterwards. Then she dropped me off back here. I hope to see her again soon."

"You get her number?"

"Of course."

"Score, pal!" Keith slapped hands with Doug. "Think she'll be more than a one night friend?"

"Hope so. We'll see."

"Glad one of your late night downtown wanderings worked out." Keith chuckled. He then turned back to his project. "Still not gonna try it myself. I'm not into girls who visit bars."

"Whatever." Doug flopped on his dorm bed. "I really like this girl. If we keep seeing each other... she could be to me what Stephanie is to you someday."

"You like her as much as I like Steph?" Keith smiled, thinking about his girlfriend. "Cool, pal." He tapped a few keys on his laptop computer.

"Hey man, you haven't told me how you met Stephanie. How bout it?"

"It's past 3 am, Doug."

"Well, I'm still a bit wound up. And you don't seem tired. You mind?"

"Uh, well, you haven't met Steph either. But okay, sure." Keith supposed Doug wasn't yet too old for a bedtime story. "Just let me type while I tell you, okay?"


Beaumont, TX. Four Months Prior.

Before he came to college, Keith was a high school senior computer nerd who assisted the computer lab teacher at Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School in Beaumont, Texas. Doug was one of many students who wandered in and out of the lab working on various scholastic or personal projects. Keith helped the teacher, Ms. Radford, keep the machines running for them all. Keith and Doug weren't yet close friends in those days- neither realized they would one day end up attending the same college, let alone roommates.

Keith was the most skilled computer savant among the students. Not bragging, true. He was adept at both hardware and software engineering. His father was an immigrant from Taipei and his mother was American- she managed the Beaumont Apple Technologies office where his father was a senior programmer. His parents had both worked at Apple since the late 70s and fallen in love on the job, then got married. He was their only son and oldest of their three children. Picked personally by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak to establish the Beaumont office, Lan Wing and Jenny Matthews moved to Southeast Texas in the 1980s. They made connections with the local oil companies and other important businesses. Keith was enrolled at Kelly, a prestigious local charter school. He graduated with Doug and the rest of their class in May 1997. The school offered him a job to stay on and keep helping Ms. Radford as a teaching assistant- Keith had gotten his computer skills from his family of course- but he'd declined after being accepted by the University of Texas at Austin's Computer Science Program.

On his second night alone post graduation, he sat at his computer organizing his files for the move to Austin. His net friend Shortstop1138 messaged him.

"Hey Kim!"

Keith's net name was Kim2001, a mashup of his favorite Kipling novel and sci-fi movie. He messaged Shortstop back at once. "What's up?"

"Just read your email about high school graduation. Congrats! I graduated myself last week!"

"Cool," Keith typed back.

He reminded himself Shortstop was an alleged high school student in The Woodlands, a Houston suburb. "Alleged" was an important word to remember when it came to internet chat room friends. You never could trust everything some of them said. That definitely included Shortstop, who claimed to be a softball player who split her time between that hobby, becoming computer savvy, and other typical high school female pursuits. She also claimed to be a hot blonde chick of the same age as Keith. He doubted all this, of course. They'd only interacted in sci-fi and programming chat rooms online even though they'd known each other all through his late teens. He was hesitant to believe any claim from an online acquaintance. You never could know someone well from their internet persona alone.

But he still liked exchanging emails and instant messages with Shortstop, he also reminded himself. He had for years. She was as adept with computers as he was- he knew this from their discussions of software coding and hardware setups. They liked a lot of the same media too. He trusted her as a friend at least.

"Where you going to college?" he asked her. "I got into UT-Austin's Computer Science Program. I'm starting in the summer program next month, need to get out of my folks' house."

"Good luck. I applied there and got into the same program, then found out it was a little much on my budget. I'm knocking out some basic classes at a local community college at home to trim expenses before I officially start at UT. Not sure when that will happen yet. Maybe next year."

"Okay." Keith chuckled as he typed. Shortstop was frequently disorganized, he mused, also prone to spirited overconfidence and flight of ideas. "Maybe you should try for a sports scholarship."

"Oh yeah, UT has a softball program, right? I didn't think of that! I'll find out, yeah!"

Keith shook his head at her ditzy playacting. Shortstop claimed to be good at softball and software, and he'd verified the latter, but she wasn't the best thespian. "Hope it works out for you."

"Thx. Hey, you lose it yet?"

Keith's typing grew hesitant. "Scuse me?"

"You lose it? Your virginity."

"First time you've brought up sex with me, Short."

"Hey, we're both past age eighteen. I'll be nineteen in August! We can talk about sex, right? I lost mine to my boyfriend Simon back in December. We broke up, though. He's going to Vanderbilt next year, no way I could afford that so we split. I'm dating his sister Lily now- she's center fielder on my softball team."

"So you're lesbian?" Keith typed, feeling a bit doubtful again.

"Bi! I wouldn't mind dating another guy if I get to know a good one. Lost my girl cherry to my other older girlfriend. She's also bi. Lily's that way too. So are my Mom and Aunt Darcy- it runs in our family."

"Okay." What outlandish claims would she expect him to believe next? "Congrats, I guess."

"So you haven't lost yours yet, have you?"

"You got me," Keith typed back with an emoji sigh. "Between studying and computer management for my high school, I don't get much time to date."

"Oh poor fool. Hey, how bout I be your cherry bomb?" She linked a Runaways song that made Keith get the meaning behind her words. "You'll be driving through Houston to Austin in a couple days, right?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm leaving for college later this weekend. But I... I don't know you."

"Let's change that. Let's meet IRL. Stop over in Houston. I'll give you a fun night. Dinner out, then we can bang in a local hotel. How bout it?"

It was the first time Keith had been sexually propositioned online, but he had researched the possibility enough to be adept at the proper response. "No offense, but you need to prove you're in fact female and interested first."

"Come on, Kim! You've chatted with me online for years!"

"And we've never discussed sex before. I also can't remember the last time I got a photo of you."

A frustration emoji answered him. "I'll email you some soon."

An hour later his inbox received several pictures of a blonde young woman of the proper age. She was pretty as heck. Tanned skin, green eyes, athletic build. Aquiline nose on a pretty wide-mouthed face. Her wolf cut of dirty blonde hair streaked with brighter highlights- it was an obvious dye job, but he could forgive that- framed her face.

She was wearing a high school softball uniform in the first shot. Started to loosen her clothing in the second shot and remove it in subsequent pictures. Shortstop leaned against a wall displaying her body. She had great toned legs, small firm breasts with tan nipples, and a shaved cunt. Her backside was nice too. Keith appreciated the way she cocked her ball cap at the end before removing it last in the slideshow.

"See em yet?" Shortstop messaged him to resume their chat a few minutes after sending the pictures.

"Yes," he typed after suppressing his hard-on. "Very nice."

"Thx! Hey, I showed you mine! How bout you show me yours now?"

Keith apologized for not being that good-looking or adept with photography, then shrugged and flipped on his webcam. Within a few minutes he had found and reserved a live video chat feed. "Live feed uplink at this IP address," he then typed. "Join it, show me your face. I'll agree to your offer if I still like what I see."

"Got it."

Keith's live webcam was triggered a few minutes later and displayed the same young woman who'd appeared in the photos. It seemed Shortstop was indeed real as she claimed. She was back in her softball blouse and cap, seated before her computer. Keith felt a connection at once with her knowing smirk.



"Nice," Doug yawned. "Thanks, Keith. I'll talk to you more in the morning."

"Sleep well, pal," Keith bid him goodnight, then turned back to his typing. You probably didn't hear half of what I told you, Doug, Keith mused. He then laughed. Memories of his first hook-up with Stephanie Coleman were still blazing through his brain.



Keith and Stephanie chatted over the webcam that long ago summer night. He showed her his lean body, explaining that he was decently fit despite his hours behind computers because he didn't eat much while typing. He also liked to do calisthenics while waiting for codes to compile or programs to install. Stephanie approved.

"You don't play sports, right?" she asked.

"Only video and tabletop games," he replied. "D&D, Warcraft, Diablo, that kind of thing. I'm a Rogue usually."

"Heh," she laughed. "I like Rogues when I play those games too. My sister used to run a D&D game."

Stephanie didn't take her clothes off again for him- not that night at least- but they still got to know each other better through further chatting about their hobbies outside the net.

"See you in Houston in a few days," she said at the end. "I'll bring Lily with me, she can pay for herself."

"Great!" Keith replied. "I'm looking forward to meeting you both."

His words were true. Anticipation built inside him all through the next few days.



In a mid-range quality Houston steakhouse, Keith and Stephanie exchanged a handshake for the first time.

A svelte young black Persian woman- Stephanie's best friend of the same age Lily Astar- had waved at him when he entered the restaurant. She and Stephanie- he recognized the latter instantly- both grinned and shook his hand when he sat down next to them. Both were wearing their softball uniforms. "A successful online hookup!" Lily quipped playfully after they shook hands. "Never thought I'd see the day!"

Stephanie shook her head stoically from where she sat beside Lily. "Ignore this sarcastic doomcrier," she urged Keith. "She won't be with us long."

"Uh, okay," Keith said with a shrug. "No big deal." He reminded himself to call Shortstop by her real name- Stephanie Coleman. She'd given him that name in their earlier chat session. He chatted with the girls a bit, then called the waiter over.

They stayed in the restaurant for an hour or so, getting to know one another and building confidence. Keith learned that Stephanie was just as enthused for their meet-up as he was- she'd admired his geek savvy at various matters all the time they'd known each other. But of course she'd had to wait for an appropriate occasion to meet him in person, get her friend Lily to help orchestrate it- she'd taken the photos of Stephanie's online strip tease- and then bring that same friend along as initial moderator just in case Keith wasn't one hundred percent who she thought he was.

"So you were nervous about me too," he smiled. "Hmm."

"Well, duh!" Stephanie slapped her own face with an impish expression. "Never trust anyone you meet online!"

Eventually, the trio left the restaurant sated and drove to a nearby Marriott hotel.

"You two have fun!" Lily told Keith and Stephanie, then pecked her girlfriend's cheek before leaving them alone in their room.

Keith didn't question Lily's not wanting to stay with them. He hadn't talked to her much during the dinner either. He was too interested in Stephanie, in finally being with her outside a computer chat room.

"Now before we get started," she told him once they were alone, "let's set a few boundaries. You're drug and disease free, so am I. This is just a one-nighter unless it goes right. If it does, we can do it again whenever we can arrange it. But you don't own me no matter how it goes. I can still hook up with my girlfriends or other guys if I want them. Okay?"

"Uh, sure," Keith shrugged. "I'm just glad you're really who you've always told me you are."

"You too," Stephanie mocked, slugging him playfully in the chest. "I might bring Lily or my other older girlfriend into this at some point later. We'll see."

"Okay." He flopped onto the hotel bed and let her straddle him. "Hey, should I grab the condoms I brought?"

"Your call. I'm on the pill anyway." Stephanie stripped off her blouse, showing him the full sight of her naked torso live and in person. Keith raised eyebrows at her lack of underwear. Seeming to read his mind, she smirked. "I'm firm enough from working out. Like?"

"Yeah," Keith laughed in reply, hoping his hands weren't shaking too visibly. He then waved her back and doffed his own shirt. He unbuckled his pants next.

"Leave those on," she said, pointing at his glasses.

He shrugged and complied.

Stephanie unfastened and removed her trousers, helped him take off his, then moved over him again. First she ran her fingers over his face and chest for a long moment as if confirming and savoring various details. Then she grabbed his hands and helped him find good spots to rub on her body. The undersides and nipples of her breasts. Her firm thighs and waist. The hard kernel at the top of her cunt and the area of flesh just behind it. Keith concentrated on rubbing these areas while she kissed him hard on the mouth. Their lips opened and her tongue dueled with his. Stephanie's dirty blonde hair shook as they exchanged passion.

She broke from him after a few minutes of kissing. "Let me lick you, Kim."

"Keith," he corrected her, "unless you like Kim better, I guess."

She then directed him to lie back and started kissing her way down his torso. Her soft hair rubbed against his skin along with her fingers and lips. Her body felt so good against his. Keith had contemplated what sex was like- what young man had not?- but didn't think it was anywhere near this... intense. He tried to look at it like an coding project or a network fix, but that didn't work exactly. It was more like his system was being upgraded with some fancy new application program, one he knew he would enjoy. Yeah, that analogy worked.

Stephanie traced her fingers over his torso and thighs, then grabbed his cock and started stroking its shaft.

"You know," she said, "you're cuter than I expected. I like Asian guys. Glad I get to deflower you, Keith." She emphasized her use of his name by kissing the head of his cock, then enfolding it within her lips.

New sensations overwhelmed Keith. Suction, moist warmth, and... peace of a kind he'd never before experienced. Another person's body was merged with his. They were connected, committed to the same course. Stephanie wanted his pleasure. He wanted that too.

Her hands rubbed his balls and thighs while her mouth sucked him deep. Keith briefly wondered how many other guys she'd blown, then decided to never be concerned about that. Enough to get good at it, that was clear. He was fine being another notch on her bedpost. Stephanie gave off the vibe of being a sexual adventuress- he liked that in a girlfriend. She knew how to be gentle too. Her nails weren't scratching his skin, nor were her teeth. Her tongue was moving along his length now as she stopped sucking briefly. Then she was sucking again, fingers running up and down his stomach to further excite them both.

Keith felt himself starting to tingle quickly. He opened his mouth to warn Stephanie, but she squeezed his thigh and stopped him. He looked down at her. Their eyes locked. Keith saw permission to spurt in Stephanie's eyes if he wanted- she wanted to feel his essence within her. So he relaxed and let loose into Stephanie's throat. She gripped his shaft hard with her lips and fingers as he went off. Keith knew she was swallowing his come. He'd read somewhere that some women didn't appreciate that fluid's taste- this one seemed to have no issue with it, though. She kissed his length as it calmed, coaxing down his nerves and getting a few splatters.

Stephanie then moved up and spooned her body against his. "I know how this goes," she whispered. "Read about it online. You'll need a few minutes to recover, then you can fuck me. And I do want that, lover." She tickled his balls. "You up to making me feel good while we wait?"

"Uh, yeah..." Keith answered, overwhelmed with emotion.

She grinned and kissed his lips with firm pressure. Then she directed his hands over her body again, letting them find the special nerves of which he'd lost track when she made him come the first time. Keith concentrated on caressing her breasts for several minutes, then her legs, before putting his fingers in her cunt again. "Right there," Stephanie urged him when he found the spot behind her clit. "Yeah!"

She kept encouraging him as he stroked her, with words and nerves. Keith got the idea that she liked to build up tension to an extreme level, then release that spring. She moved against him with greater and tighter frenzy as she kept rubbing. Sex was an act she enjoyed, and she wanted to keep doing it. She told him that with every convulsion of her body, every whisper and moan from her mouth. Keith realized that he was making Stephanie feel good. He appreciated being able to make her feel that way. He kept rubbing her cunt and breasts, seeking more of the feeling from her.