All Comments on 'When Lust Becomes Love'

by peacekeeper25

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
very hot!

this story got me so wet and worked up i had to finger myself and wish that someone was doing that to me.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Will someone please explain

why in so many US-written Lit stories; it's OK for characters to get pissed before they drive off to fuck?

One, it's illegal and a risk to lives and properties;

and two, it reduces the man's sexual capacity.

So why is this acceptable to many US litsters?

It encourages drunk driving.

papagrizpapagrizabout 13 years ago

and very well written. It flowed very well and if I were to find fault it would be that it ended just a little differently than I anticipated. Really enjoyed this story and perhaps there is room for more on these two participants??

I do intend to read more of your works. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Cheap trick!

So you took A Night of Lust and added page 4, changing Sara for Megan.

At least with this version we get another morning of fucking.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Read it before

Thank you, Cheap Trick. I knew I read this before. A story about a feminist professor hooking up with a writer in a bar seemed very familiar to me. When I scrolled down to comments, I see why.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
great story wrong category

Beautifully written, this marvelous love story has wonderful characters and plot. The entire atmosphere of the story is one of passionate romance, and accordingly, this story really would be better classified in the Romance category. However, this in no way means that this is not a Five Stars story, which is certainly is. A sequel is certainly warranted.

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