When Worlds Collide Ch. 04


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"You taste so good, Rafe," she breathed against his lips. "I so can't wait to do that again."

He chuckled deeply. "Feel free to indulge yourself anytime you want," he laughed flipping her over onto her back and sliding between her thighs. "Hope you have no objections to me indulging myself a little?" His brown eyes twinkled as he stared down at her.

Lacey sucked in a deep breath and pressed up against him. "No objections whatsoever," she said huskily and then gasped as he sucked a nipple into his mouth and began to lave the hard tip with hard, rough strokes sending shivers of pleasure through her body. She liked his earthiness. She had a feeling he could be as gentle as the next man but she wanted his uncontrolled passion and she moaned loudly to show her appreciation of what his talented lips and tongue were doing.

Rafe felt his cock stir again as he sucked and nipped at Lacey's beautiful breasts. She was so damned sexy and her moans were such a turn on he knew he would be hard and ready to sink into her body in no time. He couldn't ever imagine not wanting her beautiful body. She was everything he desired in a woman both body and soul. She was his and he was going to love her the way she'd never been loved before.

Her scent called to him and he slid down her body licking and kissing her soft skin as he moved down to her most intimate place. He pressed her legs wide as he looked his fill of her beautiful body. She was so wet, so hot, her little silvery blonde curls damp with perspiration as the blood ran to her silky folds and made them swell with anticipation. "You're so beautiful, Lacey," he whispered reverently as he watched her body prepare itself for him. "God, you're so wet, baby," he groaned as he gave in to the temptation to taste her.

He spread her lower lips apart with his fingers and licked slowly up her wet slit growling his pleasure as her musky taste exploded onto his tongue and his cock hardened further. Her juices were totally delectable, the sweetest nectar he had ever tasted and he attacked her with relish, rasping his tongue boldly over her silky folds before teasing the hard nub at the top of her pussy. She cried out and bucked up wildly as he began to beat the little bundle of nerves with his tongue in quick, hard strokes. She writhed beneath him, her hands digging into his hair to pull him harder to her.

Rafe growled and drove his tongue into her hot opening licking inside her to find more of her sweet nectar. She cried out and rewarded his efforts with another torrent of hot juices flowing into his eager mouth. He sucked them down and went back for more, curling his tongue deep inside her as he found her sweet spot and sent her writhing wantonly against him.

He needed to taste her cum; needed to drive her so wild with desire she shattered against his mouth. He licked back up to her clit with rough, lusty strokes, thrusting two thick fingers urgently inside her. He moved his fingers hard and fast as he suckled on her clit, scraping the hard nub with his teeth as he pushed her relentlessly towards her orgasm.

"Oh God, Rafe," she moaned raggedly. "Oh God, that feels so good!" She pressed herself hard onto his fingers as she felt the tension coil in her stomach. His fingers moved harder and faster as he bit gently on her clit and then suckled hard. She shattered into a million pieces, as intense pleasure erupted through her, pulling a guttural cry from within her. The wave of pleasure pulsed throughout her body as she bucked wildly and chanted his name as the sweet bliss overcame her.

He licked and sucked and used his fingers on her until she slowly began to calm as her orgasm subsided. She could barely breathe by the time he raised his head with a very satisfied smug smile on his face. He licked his lips slowly as he moved over her and looked down at her passion filled face. "You taste so good too, baby," he said huskily. "I bet you feel even better though."

He slipped an arm under her and pulled her up until she was straddling his body and he was kneeling between her thighs. He rubbed his aching cock up and down her wet slit groaning at the scalding heat of her body. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he raised her slightly and positioned himself at her opening. "Look at me, Lacey," he whispered hoarsely, waiting for her amazing green eyes to open.

He stared deeply into her eyes and held himself rigid against her. "Tell me who you belong to," he demanded pressing himself gently against her aching body. "Tell me you're mine, Lacey." His brown eyes glittered fiercely as he waited for her answer.

Lacey moaned at the sheer need in his eyes. It wasn't just the needs of his body she was looking at; it was also his need to possess her completely. She felt a brief moment of uncertainty and then she surrendered to him completely. "I'm yours, Rafe," she whispered huskily. "I will always be yours."

His nostrils flared as his eyes glittered in triumph a fraction of a second before he thrust up hard and impaled her on his throbbing cock. "As I will always be yours, Lacey," he ground out hoarsely holding her tightly against him as she moaned and dragged his mouth to hers to seal their union with a hot, wet kiss.

She kissed him hungrily feeling his amazing body sheathed so tightly inside hers. He was stretching and filling her so deliciously and she knew the wonderful feelings she was experiencing were about to get so much better when he finally starting moving inside her. "Rafe, please," she pleaded. "Don't make me wait any longer."

He growled and bore her back against the bed and began to thrust into her with long, hard, deep strokes. She cried out her pleasure and bucked her hips up to meet his thrusting body, shivering in delight as he stroked into her possessively, claiming every inch of her body and soul. The fire which had so recently cooled in her body was quickly being stoked higher again as his thrusts became deeper and more forceful. She had the sudden urge to giggle. Rafe was definitely letting her know in no uncertain terms that she belonged to him. Not that she was complaining. All she could do was hold on as the waves of pleasure slowly built higher and higher deep inside her.

Rafe claimed her with every single ounce of his being. She was so hot and wet and tight as she wrapped herself completely around his throbbing cock and fought to keep him inside her body every time he pulled out of her. She was fire and passion; so lusty and wanton ,and she was his and only his.

He growled and pulled out of her, turning her onto her knees and pressing her up against the headboard. He slid into her from behind and thrust hard as he pressed his hands over hers, securing her against the hard wood and using the headboard as leverage to ride her beautiful body. Her sexy moans urged him on, the sound of their sweat slickened skin slapping against each other driving him wild with need.

His wolf was howling and trying to push forward, trying to claim Lacey too but he suppressed the beast ruthlessly and continued to thrust into his woman with hot, lusty, growls erupting from his chest. She was perfection, his Lacey. She was all he would ever need to feel truly complete. She was pressing backward, pushing herself onto his cock with complete abandon and he was loving every second of taking her and having her take him.

He moved back, pulling her onto her hands and knees and began to thrust into her hard and fast. His hands gripped her hips hard and pulled her back onto his cock as his need to fill her with his seed took over all other rational thought. The hot smell of sex and their lusty cries filled the room as they began to move together almost frantically.

"Fuck, Lace, cum for me," he growled pounding hard into her body. "I can't last much longer; you're just too fucking hot. Cum, baby." He reached forward to find her clit and rub it hard as he thrust into her. She screamed hoarsely and bucked frantically as her inner muscles gripped his cock so hard he roared his pleasure and began to pulse deep inside her as he spilled his seed. He felt his knot start to form and worked hard to keep it at bay. He wanted desperately to be pinned to her but the timing was all wrong. That delight would have to wait.

He growled loudly and shot more ropes of thick cum inside her beautiful body as she shook and moaned her own pleasure over and over again. His heart hammered in his chest as he fought to catch his breath as the tremors in his body slowly subsided. He slid from her body and collapse onto his side, pulling her down with him and wrapping his arms around her chest.

Lacey took long, shuddering breaths as she used a shaky hand to push her hair out of her eyes as Rafe pulled her close, spooning into her back, his own breathing harsh and ragged. She was no novice in the bedroom but she had never experienced anything as intense as Rafe's lovemaking before. He had quite literally taking possession of not only her body but her very being .

So this was what it felt like to be mated to a werewolf? It was frightening but also completely exhilarating. She giggled softly as she rubbed against his body. "You give a complete new meaning to you take my breath away," she giggled. "I think I actually stopped breathing at one point there."

His laughter rumbled in his chest and he licked slowly up her collarbone and onto her neck, sucking gently before nipping at her earlobe. "I know the feeling," he sighed softly. "That was beyond perfection, Lacey. That was the most amazing experience of my life."

She twisted in his arms so she could look at him. "Was it so intense because we're mated?" she asked quietly. "Is it a wolf thing?"

He smiled gently at her. "No that was all Rafe," he said with a smirk on his handsome face. "And we're not truly mated yet, not in the full sense of the word when it comes to Weres."

Her green eyes widened as she stared into his face intently. "What does that involve?" she asked timidly and he smiled at her again and smoothed her hair back out of her face.

"Later, Lacey," he breathed softly. "There is so much going on right now. We don't have time to sit and discuss it fully and work out what we want to do about a full mating and we definitely don't have time for you to go through the change if it's something you want to do. This is something that can't be rushed into without being completely sure about it."

She opened her mouth to protest, a small frown marring her beautiful face, but he placed a finger on her lips to halt her. "I promise we'll come back to this conversation once all this is over, baby," he said quietly. "The timing just isn't right at the moment."

Her frown deepened for a moment and then she slowly relaxed and nodded her head. Her face split into a wide smile as she rubbed against his hard body. "Are you always this bossy, Rafe?" she sighed softly.

He appeared to think about it for a moment and then gave her a rueful smile. "Yeah, I guess I am. My position as beta does make me used to people obeying my orders."

"Just don't think I'm going to let you order me around all the time," Lacey laughed rolling her eyes.

His brown eyes glinted with amusement. "Is that you challenging me, woman?" he growled in mock anger and she shrieked with laughter when he pressed her back against the bed and began to kiss her until she was breathless.


Richard Graves looked up when his office door opened without any warning. His handsome face turned into a dark scowl as he watched a tall dark haired vampire stride in, Sandro following him with a glare on his face.

"I hear you had a bit of a nasty mess going down last night, Rich," the vampire said with a big smile as he settled his long body into the chair before him. "Don't know why you still use humans. You know how fragile they are."

Graves nodded for Sandro to stay as he turned to the other man. He wasn't fooled by Demetri Bozic's easy grin and light tone. The vampire was wired tighter than a cog and ready to blow at any moment. He was perturbed at seeing him here. It could mean only one thing; Demetri was going to stand at Cullen's side. The situation had just become more challenging.

"I heard you were pretty fond of humans yourself these days, Demetri," he replied coolly. "Got yourself a little woman from what I hear."

Demetri's grin widened but the smile came nowhere near his glacial green eyes. "Yes, she's a little beauty too," he smiled. "It's amazing how little things can change a person's outlook on life. Do you know I've found myself having to a write a little list? Can you believe that, Rich, me, writing lists?"

Graves stiffened in his seat, carefully keeping his expression neutral as he watched the other vampire closely. "And what is your little list in aid of, Demetri?" he asked calmly, knowing it had something to do with why he was here.

Demetri folded his arms, his smile never faltering. "Well this little list has on it the names of the people I will be most unhappy about if anything were to happen to them. It's a short list, only three names, Mara, Caleb and Annie." He ticked off his fingers slowly as each name passed his lips, his eyes locked with Graves as the two vampires stared at each other for a long moment before Graves nodded.

"Noted and understood," he bit out in an irritated tone.

Demetri stood up and leaned on the desk, his green eyes glacial. His carefully composed mask of nonchalance dropped completely and his face set in chilling expression. "I really hope it is, Rich," he said dangerously quietly. "You of all people know what I get like when someone fucks with me. I'm sure there will be no little accidents. No slip ups or breakdowns in communication."

Graves glared back at him through narrowed eyes. "You get this one favour because we go back a long way, Demetri. Don't let it go to your head though. You know I'm just as big a bastard as you are. Don't think to come onto my turf and throw your weight around."

Demetri laughed softly. "Now would I do a thing like that, Rich?" he asked lightly, his expression once more turning to one of practised nonchalance. "If I were going to do that I would tell you to keep the fuck away from the Hanlon pack. Which we both know you'd have to refuse me and then you and I would be having a little personal issue to deal with. So I'm not going to ask you to stay away from the pack, but I am going to be there when the shit hits the fan. As long as you stay away from my family then we're cool. Your lackeys are fair game though, just so we completely understand each other here."

Graves expression darkened and he stood up and leaned on the other side of the desk, locking his blue eyes with Demetri's green ones. "You and Cullen should keep your noses out of things which are none of your concern," he said sharply.

Demetri laughed again. "It is our concern now, Rich. Lacey is the mate of Annie's brother, which technically makes her Annie's sister-in-law. Whilst I have no love for the dogs, I do have an aversion to seeing little Annie cry. So if you're hoping for an easy win over the Hanlon pack I suggest you rethink your strategy. The pack doesn't stand alone."

Graves pursed his lips. He had expected Cullen to stand with the pack and speculated whether Demetri would too. The other vampire wasn't telling him anything he didn't really know, apart from confirming the fact one of the dogs was planning to mate with his woman. Demetri siding with the pack was a major issue. He knew him too well. It would make planning the attack a more laborious process as he tried to outwit the other man.

"Are you finished, Demetri?" he asked archly.

"For now," the dark haired vampire smiled, straightening up from the desk. "Remember my list, Rich." Demetri sauntered casually out the office with a wave of his hand.

"Are you going to agree to his terms, sir?" Sandro asked with a slight sneer on his face as he stared after the retreating vampire.

Graves looked at the youngling and fought down a deep sigh. Younglings were so tiring to have to deal with. "Get the word out to everyone," he said quietly. "Demetri's woman and Caleb and his woman are to be left alone. Make sure it is crystal clear to everyone."

Sandro stared at him for a long moment, his face clearly showing his surprise and Graves did sigh then. "Do you remember the tale of Janick and his family, Sandro?" he asked drolly. He waited for the other man to nod. "That was Demetri and he didn't even have feelings for the woman at the heart of that little debacle."

The other man's face changed and a look of respect came over it. It was hard not to respect a vampire who had systematically wiped out an entire nest of vampires down to the very last family member to avenge a wrong done to him. What was even more impressive than taking out twenty seven vampires, was the fact Demetri Bozic had done it with only two friends at his side and the word was he had done most of the kills himself.

Even Graves wasn't foolish enough to cross Demetri. Unlike Cullen, who had always had a spark of humanity inside him, the dark haired vampire had no moral scruples when he was riled. No, he would grant safe passage to Demetri's family until such times the vampire was dead, then he would rip the ones he loved to pieces and feast on their blood as they screamed their last.


Demetri walked away from the brief meeting with Graves with a feeling of satisfaction. He knew Mara and Annie were now definitely safe, or safe until he was dead. As he didn't plan on dying anytime soon then that made them completely safe in his eyes.

Caleb was another matter. He had staved off a direct attack against his friend but once the fight started and Caleb started taking out Graves' lackeys he would be a target for elimination. There was no avoiding that, but at least it meant Graves would have to rethink his attack on two sides.

The first was he now had no leverage over Caleb and couldn't launch a pre-emptive strike on him. The second was he now had to work out how to stop Demetri anticipating his plan of attack and countering it. When all was said and done it had been a very good night's work. He had bought them at least an extra two days before Graves would make his move.

To be continued...

Hope you all enjoyed chapter 4. Think I may have satisfied some cravings for another mating here judging from all the comments received so far. Many thanks to everyone who has voted and commented!

Many thanks to WHB for editing for me. As always it is greatly appreciated.

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mcquentmcquent11 months ago

This is my second time reading this, it is extremely well written.

Hopefully you have plans to do more in the future !

Katmoon19854416Katmoon19854416almost 3 years ago

I love your story. I think it is wonderful. Thank you for writing it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
And the plot thickens

I find myself skipping over most of the sex and focusing on the plot

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Love your stories. Visiting this strange world is great. And your writing is so outstanding.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Love it!

Love it so far. Love the writing, love the story, love the characters. I'd gladly pay to read this. 5 stars. My phones not allowing me to rate right now, but I'll be back. You sir, or ma'am rock!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
To the minor beneath me

Dear Anonymous,

Don't disgrace yourself. It's clear you're a minor and that you will have problems if they found out your IP adress (lit admins). Before you go scolding people, and finding the most tiniest mistakes, question yourself: What did I do in my life to be the judge of someone who has 66+ THOUSAND views on a story... You know whats a hundred people? Put a hundred people on a clear area. Then multiply them by 660. And you get how much people didnt bother correcting like an idiot, while you did.

Grow up, come back, and then look how stupid you looked.

Best regards,

Croatia hacking team

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

He knew Mara and Annie were now definitely safe, or safe until he was dead. As he didn't plan on dying anytime soon then that made them completely safe in his eyes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Go Demitri!!!

You know you're bad ass when you can have a three minute conversation and have an army of vamps stay away from the people u care about.

Stormraven88Stormraven88over 12 years ago

Wow what a sexy scene between rafe and lacy. Mmm me liked it lol. So much has happened in this story so far. U got me more than hooked can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I am here now, after finishing the other installments and waiting for the recent one to be updated. Aaron is so cute and funny. I love him here. I thought I would find this a bit boring since I already know what would happen after reading TC. But I was wrong. Nice plot as always.

polgaranightpolgaranightalmost 13 years ago
Avid reader

I am an avid reader of mythical, and magical creatures, and am wondering why you are not publishing your works for the world to read. I am just flabergasted with your stories, and I haven't even read all of your stories yet.

Please keep up the good work and let no one tell u any different.

secretitosecretitoalmost 13 years ago

I'm still trying to catch my breath. Rafe and Lacey (yummy). Aaron and Jen *sigh*. Adore Demetri he quickly became my fave BAD-ASS!!!! And I agree with everyone else thumbs toes and any other appendages up. Off to read some more.

The Hermit ;-D

PS: I love how so much has happened and it's only chapter 4 can't wait to get through some more.

ushergalushergalabout 13 years ago

his past since it was mentioned in this story please give a more substantial account please and if possible could you list the order they could be read in I've been bouncing from one story to the other but feel like I have missed some is the council story part of this series as well

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

Although I have to say that mating Aaron and Jen was totally predictable, I really enjoyed it. I haven't read any of your other stories, but I'm definitely going to now. To be honest I was searching for a story I read a year or so ago, but I'm having no luck :(. It's with weres as well, but cats, and witches. Anyway, love it, can't wait till I have the time to read more. And can't wait to read your other stories!!!!!


sexykitty4playsexykitty4playabout 13 years ago

That was the hottest declaration of finding their mate ever!! Aaron took the award right there, his dominance was the best aphrodesiac I've ever heard!! You are truly talented Ms. Jaz!! Ive been reading your stories over and over. You need to start writing books.

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