Where Do We Go from Here

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Moving ahead while avoiding the mistakes of the past.
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Moving ahead while avoiding the mistakes of the past.

This story is a continuation of the stories Second Chance -- Parts 1 & 2 and The Rest of the Story all by Wutmytvben. However, if you don't want to go through all of those stories, this story will stand alone if you keep this information in mind:

Al and Amy are husband and wife whose marriage was pretty sexless until the eighteenth year as Amy saw her daughter, Dory, mature and become an attractive young woman. When Amy discovered she could still be attractive and enjoyed it with her husband Al, they fantasized about having sex with others, eventually acting out their fantasies. It caused real trouble when Amy, on her own, went to visit a former lover in Florida. After a couple of months Amy realized that she had made a big mistake and tried coming home. By then Al and Dory had gone on with their lives, Al having begun a relationship with Eve, a neighbor. That is where this story begins. If you haven't read the first three parts to this story I suggest that you do. They are much more interesting than this summary paragraph. No one in the story is under 18 years of age. All sex is consensual.

Amy here. When I came home after I had left Al and Dory so that I could go to Florida to spend time with T.R., I was so eager to get home that I had only thought that when I got home, Al and Dory would be glad to see me and that life would finally return to normal -- the way it had been before I left.

So I was a little puzzled when no one answered the phone when I called, no one returned the messages I left on the answering machine and no one replied to my text messages when I tried to contact them telling them I was coming home. I had hoped someone would be there to pick me up from the airport. Instead I had to take a taxi.

Then, when I entered the house through the back door into the kitchen, there was Dory, beginning to make supper. Instead of a cheerful, "Mom!! You're back! So glad to see you," accompanied by a big hug and stuff like that, Dory greeted me by asking, "What are you doing here?"

When I told her I was home and offered to make supper, she ran off to her room telling me to make sure I made enough for Eve, but on the other hand that she, Dory, would probably not be eating with us -- that she had just lost her appetite.

I walked through the house to the front door, unlocked it and went out to the front walk where I had left my luggage after it was unloaded from the taxi. As I brought it into the house, it struck me that Al and Dory had not spent their time pining away over my absence. They had moved on with their lives. My coming home was an intrusion.

At first I was angry, but hauling that luggage gave me time to think and to physically work some of that anger out of my system. They had every right to go on with their lives. It would have been unhealthy, from a mental health standpoint, if they would not have gone on with their lives. I had left them with the impression I would just be gone for the weekend. Then I called to tell them I was going to be staying longer. They really had no idea when or even if I was coming back. I had not treated them well.

That is what I was thinking as I stood in the kitchen fixing supper when Al came home. His attitude confirmed my thinking. He didn't tell me he was glad to see me. He did not welcome me home. He was expecting Dory to fix supper and to sit down and eat it with Dory and Eve, I guess. I wasn't part of those plans at all, and my being there was an intrusion into his life as he had restructured it.

At the supper table I tried expressing my disappointment at not being received with a warm welcome and open arms, but dissolved into tears and Al changed the subject. Later that night I went for a walk with Al and he told me what I had figured out for myself while carrying in the luggage: I was really, at this point, and intruder. Furthermore I had really hurt both Al and Dory by the way I left them.

I was beginning to understand what I had done to Al and Dory and I apologized. But I realized that I had two choices. I could acknowledge that what I had done had hurt Al and Dory and that they had begun to go on with their lives without me. I could, therefore, make a gracious retreat and bow out of their lives completely, trying to make a new life for myself. That was one choice. I did not like that choice. I wanted to be family again.

The alternative choice was to not only speak my words of apology, but also to try to show by everything I did that I appreciated Al and Dory more than ever and that I wanted to be accepted once again to be a mother to Dory and wife to Al. I would have to earn their acceptance.

I believe that actions speak louder than words. So when Al said that he had not begun divorce proceedings against me, I was pleased with that. When he said I could sleep in the master bedroom, I was delighted. When he said that he would not be sleeping with me I took it as being a fair consequence of my own behavior in leaving Al. When he said he was sleeping with Eve -- well, her being there at the supper table kind of prepared me for that. That was another consequence of my own behavior.

I held on to the hope that because he had not filed for divorce the door was not closed on us ever getting back together again. I tried to show that I was accepting of the consequences of my behavior by not only accepting those consequences without complaint but also by showing some good will on my part by offering to cook supper for all of us including Eve every night of the week except for Friday when I would have to work late.

I also tried to show Al that I accepted the consequences of my behavior by having myself tested for STD's and by not dressing seductively in front of him after he had expressed that he would not be having a sexual relationship with me. I reverted back to the way I dressed during those years when I was refusing to have sex with him, but still loved him in every other way because I knew he was my husband who loved me and cared for our daughter. I tried to show him in every way I could think of, that I still loved him and that I loved him more than ever. At the same time, I did not try to flirt with him. I tried hard not to express affection for him in sexual ways. I never, ever, tried to interfere with the relationship he had developed with Eve.

By Christmas already things had begun to warm up. The four of us spent a nice Christmas day with the exchange of presents and a festive dinner at Eve's house. Sometime during that day there was even a four-way hug between us with Eve on Al's right side, Dory on his left between Al and myself.

The holidays left me feeling good enough that I decided to go ahead with the other cosmetic surgery I wanted to have done ever since I had my tits done and had experienced how successful that surgery had been. I had butt implants. Both Dory and Eve told me that I didn't need them, but I wanted them. I wanted an ass that called attention to itself. So I got the surgery done with the biggest implants the surgeon was willing to put in. I would have to buy new jeans. My yoga pants, booty shorts and stretch skirts would just have to stretch a little more.

After the first of the year I took a medical leave of absence and had the surgery done by a surgeon with a good reputation. I followed doctor's orders religiously and recovered according to schedule. I returned to work in February. When I returned to work and people asked me how I was feeling I told them I was doing well. When I had returned to work after my time in Florida, I did not wear my yoga pants and stretch pencil skirts to work. I went back to wearing the loose fitting slacks that most of the women wore. Now those clothes hid my surgery from some people, I'm sure. But others who had been seeing me every day probably could guess that I had gotten my ass done. If they asked me what my surgery was for I just told them, "Female stuff."

On average, Eve worked one or two nights a week. Sometimes on those nights Al and I would have some alone time to talk. It was during February or March that Al was over at our house that we were watching some show on the History channel about Mormons in early years where men had multiple wives. When it was done, I expressed some surprise that in one family that was portrayed, the husband had two wives and seemed to love them both equally. As a result there seemed to be no jealousy or conflict between the wives. In fact, they were very supportive of one another.

It was then that Al observed that it maybe was like having more than one child. If parents have two or three children, they do not have to take love away from the first child in order to be able to love the second child. People seem to be wired to be able to love more than one person. Then he put his arm over my shoulder, pulled me to himself and kissed me on the top of my head.

I didn't know what he meant by those actions and I was afraid to ask. But from then on I began to think that if I was willing to accept Eve as an equal, and she was willing to accept me, maybe Al was signaling that he could love us both -- completely. I could live with that.

That meant that I had to cultivate the friendship I had with Eve. I do not say that in a conniving way. My friendship with Eve began with my initiative after she had moved into the neighborhood. I had approached her, introduced myself and Dory and offered my husband's helping hands in time of an emergency.

It seems as though Eve did not have any friends in the area. She had her job with girls who worked under her. But they were not her equals. I think that living in the mid-west now, she was reticent to talk to people about her past in Las Vegas. She may have felt that once other women found out that she had been a call girl they would look down on her. Men, on the other hand, would either look down on her or else think that she was a woman of loose morals that they could take advantage of.

She also mentioned that when she moved in and had to get her utilities turned on, open bank accounts, get new license plates for her car, etc., that as soon as she would inform the people she was dealing with that she was employed by a strip club, their whole attitude towards her changed -- and not for the better.

I was a pretty non-judgmental person. I zeroed in more on the fact that she had been a dancer. Dancing fascinated me. Once I learned that Eve had been a dancer I thought that maybe there might be a possibility that she could teach me how to dance. I also respected her because she knew how to dress attractively and almost always looked exquisite in a very sexy way. I didn't envy the call girl life as I understood it, but I didn't condemn it either. It was one of those areas of sex work that I would like to see legalized across the country.

I found Eve to be a person easy to talk to and we shared a number of common interests -- fashion, cooking, sewing and politics to name a few. Eve, Dory and I found ourselves going shopping on Saturday afternoons. Quite often, on Sundays, we would find ourselves at Eve's, huddled around her sewing machine. Often she would buy herself a blouse or a pair of jeans or shorts, and then modify them to make them fit better. We would do that for Dory, and I even bought a few things for myself that I thought would look good if the opportunity would ever arise where I felt I could dress up again without making Al feel uncomfortable.

In the evenings she would help me clean up after supper and we would begin talking about something and continue our conversation long after the dishes were all done. Sometimes we'd make a breakfast pastry for everyone to eat the next morning. The more we did together the more we came to enjoy each other's company.

It was while we were making some sticky buns for the next morning's breakfast that Eve confessed to me that she loved Al and loved having sex with Al. But she was just coming off of four days straight. She knew that Al loved having sex with her and she did not want to say no to him, but her body was telling her that she should give it a rest for a day. She was looking forward to going into work the next night just to give her pussy a night off.

And then she said it. "I wouldn't mind it at all if you and Al got back together at least a little bit so that we could share him."

I did not have to hesitate. There were a few times before I had made my big mistake when Al was too much for me. I would tell him and we would take a day or two off, but I knew that was solely for my benefit. Al would be happy making love to me every night and several times a day on the weekends. In reply to Eve's statement I simply said, "I could live with that." We didn't take that conversation any further at the time, but a seed had been planted.

I think Eve is an: "Actions speak louder than words," type of person, too. It was a week or two after Easter on a Saturday night that a country/western singer was coming into town to put on a concert at the coliseum. Al had asked Eve if she would like to go. Eve was happy to go with Al. He took her out on dates like that quite often because he loved to be seen with her. Being with her when she was looking hot filled him with an increasing desire for her that he knew he could not satisfy until he finally got her back home and in bed. He loved that building and prolonged sense of arousal. She could sense his arousal and desire for her which just increased her desire for him. That's how a normal date with Al worked. That's the way it had been with Al and myself before I went away to Florida.

But this time, on this date to the country/western concert, she wanted to lay some groundwork for the future. The concert was a couple of weeks away. She asked Al, "Do you think Amy would like to come along? She likes country/western music and hasn't gone out to a concert or dancing or anything since she came home. I think it would do her a world of good."

Al's initial response was to say, "Let me think about it."

The next day at supper he took the opportunity to say that he had heard of a concert coming up and had already asked Eve but wondered whether Dory and I would like to go, too. He had not purchased the tickets yet, but was going to in the next day or two.

Dory begged off only because her current boyfriend had already asked her and she was going with him. I was also ready to beg off, and evidently Eve could see it coming because she gave me a gentle kick in my shin as if to tell me, "Keep your mouth shut." At the same time she said, "Can you imagine the looks that Al will get when he comes into the coliseum with not one but two very hot looking ladies on his arms? He will be the envy of every man there."

"Al, do you really want me to go?" I asked.

"You haven't been out in so long," he said, "I think you'll enjoy it. Yes, I want you to go along. It's past time."

"Will it bother you if I dress up -- you know -- sexy -- like Eve is talking about -- the way I used to dress?" I asked.

He gave it some thought, then replied, "It will bother me more if you don't dress up to look your hottest. I will admit, you and now Eve, have spoiled me."

After supper the three of us girls stayed in the kitchen to clean up -- at least that is what we told Al. Eve was blunt with me: "I know that right now you and Al are not having sex, and you probably won't after this concert, but it will have to feel good just to show off that body again. Maybe Al will begin to realize that he's denying himself as well as you something you both could really enjoy. I know it will be difficult for you, but I really believe that if I were in your shoes I would rather go out with Al and me and have to use my toys afterwards, than to not go out at all."

As I was thinking it over. Dory said, "I think Eve is right. I also think dad needs to be nudged a little bit before he'll move. But he needs to move"

I finally agreed and then had another thought. "Do you think we should dress alike?"

"Ooooo, that would be hot," said Eve. "We've got enough time to go shopping for matching outfits. Let's do it. How 'bout you, Dory?"

Dory opted out because this boyfriend was relatively new and she thought it might scare him off to be involved with a group of three females. He might easily feel like odd man out. But Eve and I went shopping the next weekend and each got a pair of white thigh high boots with four inch spike heels from an adult book and novelty store. We bought tiny red lace g-string panties with matching red lace bras from a lingerie store. Then we went to a western wear store and bought white and red western blouses -- the kind often seen at square dances. There we also bought wide western belts and white cowboy hats. Finally we went to a sporting goods supply store and bought white low-rise booty shorts.

The next day we spent some time at Eve's house modifying the blouses so that they tied up under our tits and left our midriffs bare. So on the day of the concert Al arrived with a blonde on one arm and a brunette on the other, both wearing thigh high white high heeled boots, white booty shorts, a black western belt hanging across their hips, bare midriff, a white and red western blouse open enough to show generous amounts of boob encased in red lace, white cowboys hats, silver earrings, and black studded chokers. Both girls wore a black soft leather peplum style jacket until they got to their seats in the coliseum.

Al himself wore black tight jeans, a black western belt, black cowboy boots, a black and red western style shirt and a black cowboy hat. The three of us together drew a lot of attention to ourselves. It was the first time in a long time that I felt attractive. It was the first time that I appeared in public with my enhanced ass in anything revealing. It really felt good. I could not help but notice how many guys were obviously lusting after my body. It did wonderful things for my self-confidence. I think I had resigned myself to living the rest of my life in a constant state of apology and unworthiness. This evening out began my liberation.

From then on, when Al and Eve went dancing, they went by themselves. I was not invited along. I understood why. Al did not want to dance with one of us and leave the other one to fend for herself as she sat alone at a table. But when Al wanted to go out to an exhibition, a show, a festival, a concert or some other gathering of people, we went as a group of three, Al, Eve and myself. And I felt free to dress to the nines.

Nevertheless at those times I did not dress as sexily as I could have dressed. I did not want Al to feel that I was being too aggressive. And there were a couple of times when I walked from my house to Eve's to join them for an afternoon when Eve walked me back to the house and had me change into something more revealing than what I had chosen. That was a confirmation that I was not pushing too hard to get Al to accept me once again as a sexual partner.

During these winter and early spring months Eve and I became closer emotionally and sexually. Eve was hungry for love, She had had a lot of sex during her life, but not much of it conveyed love to her. The marvelous thing about Al was that he loved her and tried to convey his love to her also by the way he had sex with her. His purpose in having sex with her was first and foremost to give her pleasure in the security of his love. Sometimes this even felt too good to be true for Eve who had experienced so much sex without love.

And so there was plenty of room for me to love Eve as we pleasured each other sexually. I believe that my making love to her helped her to understand that love could be conveyed through mutual sexual pleasure whether that was with a man or with a woman. At the same time, because I was not having sex with Al, making love with Eve provided me with the loving sexual attachment I needed to keep from sinking into depression.