Where No One Has Gone Before Pt. 01


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Before my lungs exploded, however, I would wake up, gasping for air. I hadn't had that dream for a while, but the memory of it disturbed me a great deal and I sometimes had a very difficult time going to sleep because of it.

"They're not as bad as they used to be," I said. "But they still bother me from time to time."

"I understand," she said. "Maybe you should speak with Kyra about them."

"Kyra? Kyra Williams? My yeoman?"

"That's Dr. Kyra Williams. And yes, I think you should talk to her about them. I think she can help you overcome them. And your other issues."

"She's a doctor? What is she doing here serving as a yeoman?" I asked.

"Well, she's not actually a yeoman, per se. She has the position, but that's simply for purposes of the ship's manifest. She holds a doctorate in psychology and she's a certified counselor. She's also working on her second doctorate. Perhaps this is a good time to explain a bit more about the Enterprise."

"I'm all ears," I said. Was all of this an elaborate set-up? I needed answers.

"As you have probably figured out by now, Bill, Enterprise is a highly experimental platform, in more ways than one. Naturally, our first mission is one of exploration and scientific discovery. And like every other ship in the Corps, we're equipped to help deal with any threat to national security.

"But when this project started two years ago, Command realized that some things would have to be closely evaluated and perhaps changed, due to the nature of interstellar travel. One of those being the rules regarding fraternization. As I'm sure you're aware, those rules are in place to maintain good order and discipline. And those rules generally work well on missions lasting a few weeks or even a few months.

"But once Enterprise launches, she won't be anywhere near human civilization for at least five years, if everything works as planned. Under the old rules, that would mean five long years with absolutely no intimate contact whatsoever. Do you see where I'm going with this?"

"I think so," I said.

"I'm no expert on the subject, but I understand that human beings are social creatures by nature. We need contact with others to help us remain grounded in reality. There's 250 souls aboard this ship. Can you imagine what they would be like after five years cooped up inside this vessel with no intimate contact whatsoever with anyone?"

"There would be a lot of pent-up frustration, I'm sure," I told her.

"Exactly," she said. "So, Command has given me a great deal of leeway to adjust those rules to meet our particular needs. We've gone to great pains to make sure the crew is as balanced as possible. Every demographic has been carefully considered in the selection of this crew. I can tell you we have the most capable crew in the entire Corps. And I can also tell you there is absolutely no excuse for anyone to feel alone while we're deployed. Unless, of course, they deliberately choose to be alone."

"Why not just assign married crew members?" I asked.

"That was considered, but rejected after what happened to you on the Armstrong. The last thing any of us wanted was a bunch of pissed off spouses at each other's throats in such close quarters with no escape. That would probably do more to damage morale than anything else," she said.

"That makes sense," I said.

"Yes, especially given the divorce rate in the Corps is almost twice that in the civilian world," she said. "We did, however, decide to keep the rules in place for command and staff officers. I'm sure you're aware of the ancient saw that says familiarity breeds contempt?"

"I am," I told her.

"So, we developed the concept of a 'companion' for those officers. Someone who isn't necessarily part of the chain of command, but someone who is as compatible with the officer as humanly possible," she told me. "You remember the profiling you went through when you first went to Advanced Ops School?"

"I remember filling out a bunch of forms and questionnaires and giving a DNA sample. I remember speaking to a Corps psychologist, and I remember going through some sort of hynotherapy. I don't recall anyone calling it profiling. I was told they were building up my psyche folder for later use. I was never told the results of that, though," I said.

"That was the profiling. Dr. Williams -- Kyra -- helped put that all together. She also helped analyze the results. When she saw her name at the top of your compatibility list, she instantly volunteered to be your companion on this assignment."

"Wait, you're saying that her and I are 'compatible?' What, exactly, does that mean? And she put her career on hold to be here with me?" Leesa nodded her head.

"Yes, she put her career on hold for you. Like you, she's been burned by a cheating spouse. As for compatibility, the test identified the two of you as being, for all practical purposes, soul mates. Don't ask me to explain it. All I know is that it works." So, I thought. Perhaps that explained my reaction to her earlier.

"Do you have one of these... companions?" I asked Leesa.

"As a matter of fact, I do," she said. "His name is George Herman. He has a degree in quantum mechanics and astrophysics. Like, Kyra, he volunteered to join me on this mission. In fact, he's in his quarters getting ready for our date."

"Date?" I asked.

"Yes," she said. "After dinner, we're going to the club on Galileo Station for some drinks and some dancing. After that..."

"Well, that explains the dress," I said with a smile. She smiled in return.

"Yes, it does," she said. "I didn't want to keep him waiting, so I decided to wear it for our dinner. I hope you didn't get the wrong idea."

"Well, I have to admit, I was... surprised," I said.

"Smart, and diplomatic, I see," she said with a smile.

"I take it Commander Hurbi has a companion also," I said.

"Yes, a sweet little thing named Myra," she said. "She's an artist who also dabbles in interior design. She painted quite a few of the pictures you may have seen on the ship, and she helped with the layout of the quarters."

"So, what will Dr. Williams be doing when she's not analyzing me?" I asked.

"She has volunteered to help provide counseling services to the crew when she's not working on her doctoral thesis. But her number one task, quite frankly, is keeping you sane, and content. She's not here to analyze you. Don't forget that."

"And how far can this relationship go?" I asked her.

"As far as the two of you want," Leesa said. I considered that as I finished the last couple bites on my plate. Leesa pulled the cart toward her and took off two small plates.

"Ah, I see Jonathan has given us some cheesecake for dessert. He makes the best cheesecake." She put a plate in front of me, then took the other for herself. I took a bite and was impressed. This was the best cheesecake I had ever eaten.

"I understand you have a seventh-degree black belt in Grav Tac," she said as we ate. Grav Tac was a form of martial arts designed specifically for use in mid to low-gravity. I had just qualified for my latest belt before graduating from Advanced Operations School.

"Yes, I do," I said.

"Wonderful. Maybe you can hold some classes for the crew. I've always been interested in learning something about it." Technically, I was qualified to teach the form from the time I received my fifth-degree belt, but I was a bit nervous as I had never taught anyone before.

"Of course," I said nervously.

"I take it you've never taught anyone before?" she asked.

"No, I haven't," I said.

"Well, then I guess this will be a perfect opportunity for you to grow as a leader," she said with a smile.

"I suppose so," I told her.

When we finished, she called for Jonathan to collect the tray and the dishes. A few minutes later, the door chime sounded off and she answered it, letting Jonathan in the cabin.

"I hope dinner was satisfactory," he said as he put everything on the tray.

"It was perfect as always, Jonathan, thank you," Leesa said.

"Good," he said. "We have prime rib on the menu for tomorrow night. I hope you like prime rib, Commander."

"Prime rib?" I asked, surprised. "I love prime rib! And that cheesecake was wonderful."

"I'm glad to hear that, sir," he said. "Nothing but the best for my officers. Well, good night, Captain, Commander," he said as he wheeled the tray out of the room. I turned to Leesa.

"Thank you for dinner, Leesa, I enjoyed it," I said.

"As did I, Bill. I also enjoyed our discussion. Now, I'd better go see to George. I'll see you on the bridge at 0700 sharp," she said.

"Yes, ma'am," I said, collecting my cover. She walked me to the hatch and closed it after I left. I had a lot going through my mind as I walked the few feet to my quarters. When I entered my cabin, I saw Kyra turning down the covers on my bed. I also noticed she had changed into something considerably shorter and more transparent than the "uniform" she had on earlier. I also noticed the only thing she wore under it was a tiny pair of panties that left nothing to the imagination. She turned to look at me as I entered.

"How was dinner, sir?" she asked quietly.

"It was excellent, Kyra, thanks for asking," I said as I began to remove my uniform jacket. I hung it up in the wardrobe and removed my shoes and trousers, placing them in the wardrobe as well.

"I'm glad, sir," she said as she handed me a robe. I put it on and looked at her. God, she was so beautiful, so graceful. I could see everything she had to offer and I was tempted to just take her in my arms and make love to her on the spot.

"You don't need to call me 'sir,' Kyra," I told her. "My friends call me Bill. I'd like it if you called me Bill as well."

"Thank you, Bill," she said. "I'd like that as well. I took the liberty of making some hot chocolate. I find it helps me relax. Would you care to share a cup with me?"

"Hot chocolate sounds wonderful," I said. "Yes, please." She smiled and ran to her cabin, coming back a few moments later with two large cups of steaming hot chocolate.

"Careful now, it's really hot," she said, handing me one of the cups.

"Thank you," I said. "Why don't we sit on the couch and enjoy this together?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea," she said. We sat down on the couch and took a sip of the hot liquid. It tasted delicious, and was the perfect end to a perfect dinner. I put the cup down on the small coffee table, placing a coaster under it.

"This is delicious, Kyra," I said.

"Thank you, Bill," she said quietly. "It's my own recipe. I used to make it all the time, but I haven't for a while."

"As far as I'm concerned, you can make it any time you want," I told her, causing her to smile wider. "So, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself, Kyra."

"There's not much to tell," she said. "I finished high school a year early, so I went to college and got a degree in psychology. I went on to get my doctorate and got certified as a counselor. I met my husband in college and we got married after I finished my first four years."

"What happened?" I asked.

"I loved him with all my heart, but I guess it just wasn't enough. I came home one day after school and found him in our bed with another woman. The rest is history."

"Was he abusive to you?" I asked.

"Not physically," she said. "But he was quite verbally abusive."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Kyra. You certainly don't deserve that."

"Thank you. I did everything I could to keep him happy. I don't know why he did what he did."

"Some people are just assholes, I guess," I said, causing her to smile. "Captain Hawkins said you put your career aside to be with me on this trip. I'm curious to know why. You seem to have set aside a very promising career. Certainly one that pays more than I make."

"When I saw my name at the top of your compatibility chart, I just had to meet you and get to know you. I had dated some after my divorce, but I couldn't find anyone who really did it for me. You know what I mean?"

"Yes, I do," I told her. "I went through that myself in Florida after my divorce."

"So when they gave me the option of joining you on this mission, I jumped at the chance," she said. "Something inside me told me this was my last shot at true happiness and I didn't want to miss out on it. I would've given everything up for that, Bill. Does that make sense to you?"

"Yes, it does," I said.

"I have a confession to make. I hope you don't think bad of me. When I first saw you at the door, I felt like a giddy schoolgirl meeting her prom date for the first time," she said. "I'm surprised you couldn't hear my heart beat. It was all I could do to keep from wrapping myself around you. I've never felt that way about anyone, not even my ex."

"I have a confession to make as well," I told her. "When I first saw you, I was literally speechless. I hadn't felt like that since the first day I met my ex."

"Really?" she asked with a smile.

"Really," I said in response. "In fact, I'm extremely attracted to you right now."

"You are?" she asked.


"I'm extremely attracted to you as well," she said.

"So, what do you propose we do about this?" I asked. She smiled as she lifted her flimsy lingerie over her head. Oh God, I thought as I took in her erect nipples and her smooth skin. My little brain reacted the same way, getting instantly hard.

"This," she said as she wrapped her tiny arms around me and gave me a scorching hot tongue kiss. I responded, kissing her back just as hard. She moaned in my mouth and I picked her up and carried her to the bed. I laid her down and slid her tiny panties off, revealing the smoothest, most perfectly-formed pussy I had ever seen in my life.

She responded by pulling my robe and the rest of my clothing off. Somehow, she managed to get me on my back and began covering my body with kisses. We ended up in a 69 position on my bed, my cock in her mouth as I buried my tongue inside her. I couldn't get enough of her.

She stopped and turned around, straddling me on the bed. Looking down at me with lust-glazed eyes, she grabbed my rock-hard cock and positioned it at her entrance.

"Make love to me," she whispered. "Make me your woman. Please, Bill. I need you inside me right now." What could I say? I wanted her as bad as she seemed to want me. I kissed her deeply.

"Do it," I said. The next thing I knew, I was balls deep inside the softest, wettest, tightest pussy I had ever experienced in my life. We bucked on the bed, her on top, riding me like a cowgirl trying to tame a wild horse. I never wanted this to end.

We held each other tight as we thrashed about on the bed. The room was filled with our joint moans and I felt the urge to ejaculate. Apparently, she sensed that as well.

"Cum inside me, Bill," she begged. "Please, cum inside my pussy. I need it so bad. Don't worry, I'm on the pill. Just fill me up with your seed, baby. Give it to me. Fuck me, lover." That was all the encouragement I needed. Soon, I was spurting jets of fluid inside her and that seemed to trigger her orgasm.

"Ahhhh... Yes," she cried as her orgasm ripped through her body. I felt her vagina grip my cock, causing me to spurt even more inside her. We kissed as our orgasms tapered off. I held her tight to me and we looked deep into each other's eyes.

"That was the absolute best," she said after she had calmed down a bit. "I've never felt anything so... intense."

"Me neither," I said. And it was the truth. Sex with my former wife had always been good, but I could never recall having such an intense experience with her. Kyra, however, made me feel... complete.

"Is it okay if I sleep here with you tonight?" she asked.

"Of course," I said. "In fact, you can sleep here with me every night if you wish."

"I can? Really?" she asked in a way that almost reminded me of a little girl asking for a cookie.

"Yes, if you want," I told her. She held me tight and kissed my face. We laid down in the bed and I held her close to me. I had questions -- plenty of them. But I didn't want to spoil the moment. Besides, I thought, there was always tomorrow. "Don't forget, I have to get up at 0500 tomorrow. Breakfast is at 0530 and I report to work at 0700."

"Okay," she said quietly as she put her head on my shoulder. We both fell asleep a few moments later. I woke up the next "day" when my alarm went off at 0530. I rolled out of bed and looked at the blonde goddess in bed with me. I kissed her on the cheek, and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Is it 5:30 already," she asked.

"Yup," I said. "If you want to join me for breakfast you'll need to get up."

"If you don't mind, I think I'll stay here and get some more sleep. You wore me out last night," she said.

"Sure," I said, giving her another kiss. "I'll just go get ready."

"Okay," she said in a sleepy voice. As I watched, she took my pillow and held it close to her like a teddy bear. A few moments later, she was snoring softly. I smiled and went to the head to do my business.

As I prepared for the day, I realized that I was falling for a woman I had met less than 24 hours ago. In just a few short hours, she had made me happier than I had been in nearly two years. I hoped I wasn't taking things too far too fast.

After I put my flight suit on, I went to the bed and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled and mumbled something in her sleep. I covered her up, turned the lighting down for her and darkened the porthole. From there, I went to the galley for breakfast, where I ran into Cmdr. Hurbi.

"Good morning, Commander," he said as I got in line.

"Good morning, sir," I said.

"Good dinner last night?" he asked.

"Very good, thank you," I told him.

"Sleep well last night?"

"Very well, sir, thank you," I said.

"Please, join me," he said after we got our breakfast, which consisted of an omelet, bacon, toast, milk and coffee.

"Thank you," I said, following him to an empty table.

"My pleasure," he said. We both dug into our breakfast, thoroughly enjoying the well-prepared Denver omelet and bacon. "I'm sure you're used to working a 12-hour shift."

"Yes, I am," I told him.

"Well, just so you know, we do things a bit different here," he said. "The Captain doesn't want the crew fighting their own fatigue, especially on the bridge. Too many things can get screwed up that way. So, we do three eight-hour shifts, with a one-hour lunch. That'll give you plenty of time to rest in between shifts. That doesn't mean you're completely off-duty, by the way. Being third in command, you're technically on call 24/7."

"I understand, sir," I told him.

"So, you're on station from 0700 to 1600 hours, with a one-hour break for lunch," he said. "Second shift comes on at 1500 hours, so you'll have plenty of time for turnover."

"That makes sense," I told him.

"You've got a lot to catch up on before we launch, so I want you to take as much time as you need to go through the operations manuals. After this morning's briefing, I'll give you a tour of the ship and introduce you to some of the others," he said.

"Sounds like a plan to me," I said.

"Good," he said with a smile. "By the way, what do you think of Dr. Williams?"

"Kyra? She's quite an impressive woman. We got to know each other a bit last night." He gave me a knowing smile as he nodded his head.

"I figured as much," he said. "Myra heard the two of you. Sorry, she didn't mean to intrude. It's just that sound sometimes carries through these air vents."

"Sorry about that," I said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Don't be," he said. "But I should warn you. Myra can sometimes be a screamer. So if you hear any strange sounds, don't worry, everything is alright."

"Thanks for the warning," I said with a smile. He smiled back as he finished his coffee. We finished our breakfast and headed up to the bridge, on Deck One. I gasped as I walked into the ship's control center. I had never seen anything so advanced in my life and for a moment I felt a bit intimidated.