Whisper 01: Trina and Lynn


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"Can you explain, in general how and why. Oh, screw that, that's not important. What is are you going home now or coming to work?" she asked.

"Both. I have to brief the boss in a little over five hours," he said as he glanced at his wrist, and his basic watch as he spoke.

"Somalia?" she blurted, and then before the word could even register with him, she held her hand up as a 'stop sign,' "Forget that. Please. I want to abide by the rules," she said with a pleading look.

"You saw the wire report," he said smiling. "Frankly, the worldwide press has all sorts of little hints about things if one knows how to look, and obviously you know how to look, and then play connect-the-dots.

"Of course, if you are able to read in the original language and not some third-year French student's weak translation you can get a feel for the situation, or its possible outcomes as you read between the lines in the other language," he said, dropping a hint as to how he did his job. "You already have learned how to do the research."

"Katrina," he said, using her Christian name for the first time. "Promise you won't get mad if I have to stop a train of thought? Please?" he said again almost pleading.

"Call me Trina, I hate Kat - she was that bitch friend of Archie's and Charles' and a horny flirt who was all hat and no cattle," she said the obvious venom, not just dislike, showing in her voice.

"I promise I won't get mad, or bitch. But a girl has to reserve the right to pout," she smiled coyly then flashing a quick, exaggerated pouty face before smiling at him, knowingly, intentionally flirting with him the crossing her eyes making him chuckle.

They ate some more. He asked about the Ducks as it had been almost eight years since he last saw them. Asked about her family, which he met on several occasions - her dark headed, quiet, wound-too-tight next oldest sister, her blonde, flirtatious sister five years her junior and two brothers eight and nine years younger.

"I was sorry to hear about your mom. What happened afterwards? You just fell off the face of the earth," Trina asked gently as she finished her breakfast/dinner.

"I went into the Corps, stayed in Nam until the bitter end. Then wound-up finding shelter under Ford's wings after Nixon sent him to settle a fight between the Corps and the Navy, with me as either the hero or the sacrificial lamb - and frankly it was touch and go there - so it's a good gig.

"I pissed off - and please don't go digging, I'll probably eventually tell you - some very important brass hats who want me ridden out of the service on a spit - but only after I have been properly tarred and feathered.

"So, I work for the president which really pisses a lot of them off even more, and to be honest that plays to my desires to stick it to the pricks - but only when they are wrong, and wrong even once is far too often for me when they are wasting resources," he said knowing he was confirming her thoughts on the matter.

"Both presidents liked to keep the brass hats rattled. Both were junior officers in the Navy and were less than impressed with a lot of the brass," he said, revealing insights into two of the most powerful men in history - to a reporter no less.

"You're heading home, right?" she asked.

"I was serious. I have to go brief the boss about 7:30, which is a little more than four hours from now.

"I was going to head home, shave and shower and drink some more tea - never learned to like the taste of coffee," he answered as he lifted the glass Mildred had brought, taking and sip then switching trains of thought. "What time do you go to work tonight? Would you like to meet for an early dinner?" he asked.

Trina cocked her head to the left and thought to herself, 'Do I go for broke? Or play it slow? Ah hell, just ask the man.'

"You live three blocks from here," she said smirking and adding, "Yes I checked you out. And the more walls a reporter runs into the more we make like mountain goats.

"Your choice, either we get together for supper later after we've both slept. Or - I don't know about you, but I am now blushing virgin, and my dry spell has been too long - we go over to your place and get the edge off while we shower together, and you shave.

"Then I'll go home, rest, do lady things. Go get my practice in while you go to work. Then, if the sex is good, we'll get together for an early dinner and some intense indoor games," she said laughing to herself as the shock, emotions, and yes, thank God, lust playing tag as the emotions raced across his face.

"Trina, it's been too damn long for me - and oh by the way us getting together is a national security issue - but I'd really like our first time to be long and passionate. I don't think I want a quick release relationship with you," he admitted.

"Tell you what, let's compromise. Go to your place. We get the edge off each other, quick. You get your shower and shave, and probably get off a second time as I shower with you. Then you make your report and get some sleep until mid-afternoon. I'll run home and get some sleep. We'll have supper, a first date, and compare calendars and look for a day or two of nothing but debauchery," she said wishing she had a third drink - screw that a full glass of straight rum.

She couldn't believe what she just said, and it excited her. She had never, ever let a man past second base on the first date. This one she was talking about a lot of sex - now!

"There's only one problem with that," he said as his eyes first squinted and then sparkled with mirth before hinting at mischief.

"What?" she said trying to decide if he was teasing her or about to make her mad.

"I have a three for one rule," he said his eyes turning into poker eyes.

"What's a three for one rule?" she demanded, an edge to her voice at the confusing change of directions.

"It's my personal policy about physical relationships - that the woman has to cum at least three times for each time I cum," he said softly but seriously, his eyes belly laughing at her as he watched her face turn crimson red.

Licking her lips, Trina recovered her wits as the excitement and the lust took firm hold.

"Tell you what. Let's make that an overall weekly tally. You're on a tight schedule right now, and I need something quick and, frankly, hard," she said tossing three tens on the table to pay for their food only to have Lynn say, "that's the tip. I already paid for the food," he smiled.

"Damn you, you're devious," Trina growled.

"Yes, he is Tex," Mildred said walking up to the table. "Will the two of you stop for just a second and listen to an old broad?" she asked getting surprised looks from the pair who did not realize they had taken each other's hands as they had stood to leave.

"Good. You're both good kids. Smart as whips and strong willed. Make sure you talk everything out. Never go to bed mad. And always sleep in the same bed. And oh, professionally you are oil and water. Missy don't put his heart, and his dick, between you and his job. And you mister, no job is worth a good woman. If you both remember that, you two might make this work. And if not, you'll have some good sex.

"Now get out here, I have tables to clean!" she growled laughing at the couple as they left, speechless breaking out into giggles as they stepped onto the sidewalk.

They went to Lynn's apartment.

As soon as they were in the door Trina grabbed him from behind turned him around and collected on that first kiss she wanted as a 15-year-old when they were both in Mexico City for the Olympics - her on the fencing team where she stunned the fencing world earning a Bronze in Ladies Epee.

After several minutes of getting lost in each other she dropped to her knees and unzipped his pants growling, "I fully intend for you to run up a huge debt to me mister. Blow job first. Then shower. If nothing else, I'll let you eat me 'til I get the edge off," she said, turning aggressor while letting him know one of her preferred methods of sex - oral, for both.

"Hello big boy," she addressed Lynn's penis as she pulled down his khakis and boxers. "Is that all for 'lil ole me?" she said coyly as she dropped his trousers and then pulled down his briefs finding almost 9-inches of man-meat eagerly awaiting her.

"I'm going to have to learn how to handle this," she snickered, "but then I tend to be a greedy bitch," she growled as she circled the purplish head with her tongue causing Lynn to inhale sharply wondering to herself just how would she handle it?

She couldn't handle him all, at least orally - but he didn't expect her to. No one else had. But what she did inhale she did magnificently.

Trina relished the feel, the excitement and the danger as his head bumped against the back of her throat threatening to either induce vomitous gagging or suffocation. Or both!

And yet she kept bumping up against that barrier trying to figure out how her body would let her do what her mind wanted, to slam it down her throat and then squeeze the bejabbers out of him with her throat until he came!

Several minutes later, Trina finally opened her eyes. They had been either squinted close in concentration or open but glazed over in another universe.

She looked up at him, her eyes twinkling, albeit filled with tears from the painful gagging, as her tongue teased his slit as she coxed the last, single drop of cum from his penis which still remained more than three-quarters rigid.

Lynn looked down at her. Growling, he easily lifted her to her feet, and above, arm curling her feet off the floor to pull her into a deep French kiss before she could clean the last vestiges of himself from her mouth. She had never had a lover do that! Taste himself!! Willingly!!

Instead, he used his tongue to chase every last drop of himself out from between her cheeks and gums, teeth and tongue and then sucked it down - something that surprised and excited her. She had never had a lover willing to do that! And it made her sex literally weep in need.

All the time he was kissing her, his hands were roaming. The barrage of tactile sensations covered the fact he was swiftly undressing her until she realized he was kissing his way down her body to remove her panties and loafers leaving just her thin cotton socks attached to her skin, which was flushed with a rush of blood.

He then hoisted her up on the kitchen counter, letting her fencer's ass catch the edge and her shoulders rest against the cabinet as his kisses went further south - his tongue invading her semi-sparse light brown pubic hairs over her mons.

He literally sucked her mons into his mouth ignoring the hours of body odor, actually being enthralled by it and bathed her sex - relishing her musky, days' worth of girl scent although she wiggled realizing how strong her odor would be after being clothed for 12 hours, until the sensations made her relax.

"I like my pussy musky as much as freshly bathed," he murmured as he raspberried her mons making her giggle in excitement. "So quitcha wiggling woman!"

He then circled the outline of her vulva, which was already engorged. Lightly tracing it with the tip of his tongue, from outside the clitoral hood, down the left flank, across her peritoneum and up the right. Then his tongue dove in and began teasing her clit.

With his lips gently pressed against her he murmured over and over again, "Come out, come out wherever you are," until he could suck her enlarged clit into his mouth as she suddenly orgasmed explosively. It began in her lower stomach with a quivering, then her hips began to twitch until her toes curled spasmodically and she rolled over the top groaning.

"That's one," she called only to have her eyes shoot open when he replied, "Nope. That's just the warmup. This is one," he said as he grasped her clit between his teeth and began to roll it, pull it, tug it gently all while fast flicking the tip with his tongue as she exploded in the most intense orgasm of her life her lungs locking up as she tried to scream at the suddenness of the intense sensations.

Only then, he slid two fingers into her and began making the 'come hither' move with his fingers as quickly her legs were quivering in rapid-fire nervous spasms!

"Ohhhhhh shiiiittttt!" she finally exclaimed a minute or two later when she resumed breathing. He had stopped all his movement, but never let go of her clit allowing her to ride the sensations out to the other side of the mountain, as he thought of it.

As Trina began to growl, he released her clit and proceeded to widen his tongue and lick the length of her now gaping cunt, slowly flexing like it was painting her vulva with broad brush strokes. Down and up. Down and up. Down to flick around her anus and make her gasp and flinch, then up to flick her clit.

She had, so far, avoided anal sex. He was as good with his mouth, and aggressive with her cunt. That had worked for all of her other lovers - until now.

Over and over and over, then he buried his nose into her clit and his tongue up her vagina trying to find that little rough spot buried behind her urethra as she slammed her thighs around his head locking her ankles as the orgasm took her not caring about his ability to breath.

And again, he stopped all movement, 'holding position' as he thought of it in military terms letting her cascade down the back side.

Her thighs relaxed; her ankles uncoupled after almost cramping from being clasped around his head. Her legs fell open.

Lynn gently lifted her off the counter, setting her on her unsteady feet and proceeded to let her get a full olfactory sensation. He paused his nose in front of her mouth and whispered. "Breath deep."

She did take in the odors of herself. Her secretions. Her cum. Her sexual arousal.

And it aroused her even further!

Then he proceeded to gently kiss until her lust moved forward and she reciprocated trying to clear his mouth of all of the drops of her secretions as the pheromones continued to climb.

With her hands firmly grasping his head, she pulled back forcing her eyes to focus and glared, "Fuck me!" she commanded and then squealed as he flipped her around in a half a second, placing his left hand in the middle of her back and pushing her over the counter, his right hand forcing her legs wide as he slammed nine-inches of thick male member up her open vagina sinking it to the hilt all the time praying that she had been excited enough that her cervix had pulled back unto her womb and he would not hurt her.

"Ummpphh!" she exclaimed as he bumped, hard, painfully, into her cervix.

"Hurt?" he blurted suddenly concerned holding still. He had learned he could cause unwanted pain, and he most definitely didn't want to cause her pain. At least not like that

"Noooo, not really. Just fucking big. Out and in gently please - to start," she asked as he followed her request as she wiggled her ass and flexed her vaginal muscles trying to see if the fit would work.

She reached back with her left hand stopping him while she ducked her head under the bottom of the upper cabinets while clearing some room for her naked breasts, and head laying down on the counter and then growled, "Fuck me! HARD!"

Pinned against the counter, all Trina could do was spread her legs and be taken, roughly, for the hardest fuck of her life resulting in a screaming third orgasm.

Literally wrung out, she lay across the counter half aware when she heard him whisper, "Bonus time," as she felt his depleted penis drop out of her gaping, cum soaked cunt.

She banged her head on the bottom of the cabinet when Lynn inhaled as his lips applied suction to her gaping vagina. Then as a few stars were floating behind her eyes she groaned and then dropped into a series of primal moans as he used his tongue and suction and clean her vagina out making a string of orgasms erupt deep with inside her body.

He would not be able to get it all out. She would leak for a while. After all he was nine inches deep while firing off rope after rope of semen, in all at least a half dozen eruptions. It had been too long for him.

But Trina had never, ever even dreamed of a lover cleaning her sex out after flooding her sex. Much less the constant series of middle range orgasms it caused.

And he never used his hands other than to firmly pin her hips to the cabinet. She would find faint bruises on her hips which left a warmth in the pit of her stomach from 'being possessed'.

Once he had cleaned her, and let her slide back down the mountain, Lynn scooped her up in his arms and headed down the short hallway towards the bathroom with her giggling as she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck in fear the swiftness of his move would fling her away.

Once in the bathroom, he shifted her. "Wrap your legs around me," he commanded.

When she did, he could release a hand and turn on the shower and set the temperature, then still supporting her 130-pounds of firm, lady muscles of a world-class athlete he stepped them both in putting their heads under the water as she laughed and giggled, toy fully bouncing around his waist trying 'to wake the dragon' as she thought of his penis.

"Stand up," he asked, then reaching for the soap and a washcloth he bathed her. When he got to her sex, he toyed with the outside. "Come out, come out wherever you are," she heard softly through the sound of the water crashing against her head.

She realized he was exciting her clit, trying to make it come out from hiding!

After washing all the soap off her sex, he sent one, then two and finally three fingers up her sex and found her rough spot. Locking her in place with his other arm, and resting his thumb over her clit he ordered, "Cum for me. Ride it and keep riding it. Don't stop!" he commanded as he sent her on a series of almost a dozen ever escalating and orgasms until she almost fainted.

Then once again, he just held in place and let her joyfully ride her way down.

"My turn," she said authoritatively. "I get to bathe you," which she did.

After bathing him and getting half an erection out of him by sucking on him, she stood up and reached for his razor and shaved him - something she had never done for a man before as much as she wanted to.

"Can you go again?" she asked seeing the lust beginning to form in his eyes.

"Yes," he half growled.

"Good," she said quickly turning around and presenting her ass to him as he slowly plowed into her.

Lynn settled in a long, moderate pace using the washcloth to expand his caresses of her back.

As Trina climbed the mountain again, he reached over to the soap dish and soaped up a thumb thinking, 'Virgin territory?' as he toyed with her ass as he felt her flinch and go stiff when he teased her rosebud.

"Hunh?" she said. "I don't do that," she said concern and even trepidation coloring her voice.

"Do you mind me playing with it?" he asked, stopping his teasing over her pucker spot.

Biting her lower lip Trina replied, "No. But don't hurt me," she asked realizing that what she was feeling was a mixture of fear, concern about facing taboo and curiosity.

Her college roommate and teammate, a devote Catholic who was a sexually active, virgin swore anal sex was the best.

"Plus, you don't get pregnant!" she told Trina on numerous occasions trying to convince her to try it.

"Never, ever, ever will I hurt you," he softly replied realizing this was the one that his heart had known had gotten away. "But someday soon I will own your ass," he growled as she quivered at the sound and thought.

Lynn went back to stroking in an out of her, and as she began to forcefully push back, he continued his stroking of her anus. Finally, on one of her trusts back, just as he was moving his thumb forward, it slipped inside her anus.

"Oh!" she exclaimed in surprise, but not really pain, more discomfort, as her sphincter tightened. But her body didn't scream pain. She tentatively, continued fucking herself on his dick, for that was what she had been doing, creating all the motion letting him catch his breath while she put in some exertion.
