White Blanks

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Husband realizes problem.
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Bridget and I had met in college and graduated together, a year apart. Somehow we met at the college but had been in the same neighborhoods and general area as each other most of our lives. We got married while still in school and had a modest small wedding together with close family and friends. Bridget had constantly talked about marriage while we were dating and it was joyous to see her finally be the bride she had dreamed to be.

We settled into a decent starter home in the area we grew up after college with help from her parents. I spent a year there myself Bridget working on the house and working sixty hour weeks while Bridget finished her senior year and graduated. Life was pretty normal for about year or four years. At this point I had settled into my job and started to make a career for myself. Bridget went through a few jobs none of them stuck. Then, all of a sudden she got really down after some of her girlfriends started having kids.

We put off talk of any kids of our own for a little but it was inevitable that Bridget become a mom and become the housewife she never would have thought she really wanted to be. At some point, Bridget's shot in the arm birth control expired and was gone soon after that. Without really making the actual decision directly, we had both succumb to peer pressure and began "trying for a baby". And try we did. Bridget had always been able to keep up with me sexually. The only knock sexually would be her lack of creativity and disinterest in non-traditional sex. Which was fine when we met and got married, we just humped like rabbits anyway. There was no need for much else other than proper missionary in our bed.

Again, this was no issue for me until I started watching more porn when Bridget wasn't around. On one such occasion, I stumbled upon an interest category that would change our marriage forever. After watching a well-produced video and very little acting, I clicked on a side category titled "Cuckold Videos". I begun playing a video of a 'husband' walking into his home to see his "wife" seemingly after a full days work. The wife, rather than watching the tv or outside, was spread open on the couch as a large man used the couch pillows to pump hard into her like a jackhammer. My face got hot watching and I begun to change the page when I realized my penis had become fully erect. I closed out of the tabs anyway and went to finish some work to take my mind off it. Yet, when Bridget and I turned in for the night, my mind was still playing that video and I was awake in bed with one of the biggest erections of my life. 5 late night videos in that category and I couldn't believe my eruption. I cleaned up and rejoined Bridget in bed, vowing to never do that again.

That lazy resolution lasted about a week until Bridget flew to see her grandparents for the weekend. After dropping her off, I couldn't get back to my home computer fast enough. I dove in and have been addicted ever since. It didn't take long to find my favorite type, interracial cuckolding. I loved the idea of all these husbands and boyfriends allowing their young hot white girl to please a black man and his dick.

The weeks rolled on and turned into months and those seemed to stack too. Yet, Bridget was no more pregnant than I was and we had taken plenty of shots into that net. We followed the logical next step, comprehensive fertility exams for us both. My wife was nervous for hers and scheduled hers as early as possible to find out sooner. I took a random date in the book way off in the calendar. Bridget's appointment came and went and the results followed tidily. Completely clean bill of sexual health. Uh oh. The anxiety set in for mine.

She refused to believe the problem was me and worked extra hard those weeks to have sex as much as possible. And yet, negative on every in-home test. The date of my appointment came and I submitted my urine and semen samples and prepared to leave, expecting latency between results and the appointment. Today, however, they were blazing fast for some reason and the doctor called me to his desk. He went over my results line by line and explained the repercussions and possible options. I left his office with plenty of literature in the form of hastily made brochures.

I got home and broke the news to Bridget. I had some sort of issue in my testicles and my sperm count was extremely low. The doctor even scoffed at one point in his explanation and said that he had never run such low total sperm numbers in his time working at the Northwest Men's Health Clinic. Bridget cried for a while and we just cuddled and layed silently. Eventually we drifted off to sleep.

After reacting to the news, we didn't have much sex the next couple months. We got along great, as usual, but when it came time to play around in bed, we both just watched a show or movie instead. That all changed when the Gould's moved out of the yellow house with the big willow.

I first noticed the new addition to the neighborhood by noticing a missing piece, my wife. Her car was still in the driveway and her phone on the kitchen counter, yet Bridget was nowhere to be found. I waited, thinking she went on an impromptu run until I heard loud laughing coming from one of the neighbors. The laughing got louder and I could hear a woman's laugh stand out amongst the mix. My wife's laugh. I walked out the front door and down the sidewalk to see the biggest moving truck I had ever seen and some adults standing at the door talking while a handful of dark skinned kids ran around the lawn.

Looking closer, I see an older black woman around eighty years of age, a big black man in his fifties or sixties, and my wife talking freely and laughing together. My wife sees me and introduces me to a man named Mike and his elderly mother that suffers from dementia and Mike looks after. We talked for another minute or so and my wife said we should get going so we headed back to the house and said goodbye to our new neighbors. As soon as we got back inside, I excused myself to the upstairs toilet to try to do something about the woody I had in my shorts. It was like all the interracial cuckold type porn I had watched had culminated in this new development. A large, independent black man had basically moved in next door and was already making eyes at my wife. And my wife seemed "friendly" back.

It was too much for me to handle and I shot my load in about thirty seconds onto the bathroom mirror. I wiped up and looked back out the front facing windows and could see Mike and his mother unloading. I couldn't believe how horny his sudden arrival made me.

Over the next few weeks, I gradually got to know my new neighbors. Bridget, on the other hand, wasted no time getting to know them while I was at work and was constantly bringing cookies and other goods over there for "the kids". She would ask me every so often if she was doing too much for a housewarming. Realizing how much she was doing but wanting the friendship to grow further, I encouraged her each time.

Before long, Bridget was cooking dinners for all of us, with myself being forced to eat after everyone due to my commute from work. Instead of telling them to push dinner back, I had a different suggestion; wine with dinner. I asked Bridget to pickup a bunch of bottles of red and white wine so that I could have a glass or two when I get home. I told her I read in some men's health magazine that it made you live longer or something. The suggestion had the intended effect. I started getting home and 3 or 4 days of the workweek Mike and Bridget would be talking and finishing a bottle as I pulled in the driveway.

The neighbor's children, by this time would be upstairs in their beds and Mike's mother would be at his house "watching them". One night I pulled in slow and saw Mike and my wife standing at the kitchen kissing. This put my stomach in knots. I backed out and went for a drive for a while and came home after picking up some drive thru. Bridget was in bed on her side in a negligée I hadn't seen in years. She practically jumped me as I got into bed.

Tasting the merlot on her breath, I kissed Bridget and snaked my fingers into her sweet tender zone feeling around. She was drenched. Slick and overly moist, like she had just been on Splash Mountain a dozen times. I couldn't resist. I moved down the bed and put my face as far into her womanly crevice as I could fit. I lapped at the juices that she had worked up. This seemed to drive her wild and she started to squirm as I turned the screws and flicked my tongue on her labia.

I continued and she came so I pulled my suit off and mounted her quickly. After giving her everything I had for a few minutes, I whispered in her ear, "what's gotten into you baby?".

Surely remembering the kiss earlier, Bridget blushed and said she just missed me. I was unconvinced. I pushed her further.

"Did Mike heat this oven up, sweetheart? Is there something I missed? Did you see Mike changing or something?"

My wife played coy and denied all counts, saying Mike was "just a neighbor friend with cute kids".

"Yeah baby? You think Mike's kids are good looking?"

"Objectively speaking, yeah, they are. I hope my kids look half as adorable."

This was the first mention of children between us in a long time. I couldn't resist asking more in curiosity.

"Do you still want to have three or four of our own like we semi- planned to?"

Bridget looked troubled by the question and sad as she thought into it. "You mean adopt or something?"

I brought the focus back to sex and pulled out to finger her hard as she loves.

"Yeah, maybe we should look into that more this week."

Bridget came and we fell asleep happy and content that night.

The next day I was a man with a plan. I got up early to catch Mike on his morning walk and talk to him about a previous conversation we had.

"Hey Mike, lovely day isn't it?"

"It sure is. Reminds me of the air back in North Carolina. Sure do miss it."

Mike had moved up here as a last resort of sorts. His mother needed to be by some sort of specialty hospital or nursing home or something. Mike transferred out to the only location the company had near such a facility. Mike was a decent guy. Not my favorite, but usually friendly and wise on random matters. That's part of the reason why he could be the ideal bull should we go down that road.

I walked along with him, having trouble keeping his pace.

"So, Mike. Remember back a couple months or so ago you mentioned that your sister worked at a sperm bank facility and such?"

Mike looked at me inquisitively and waited for me to continue.

"Didn't you say that you had donated hundreds of times and even helped some of your sister's clients with her under the table?"

Mike's demeanor changed and he started to get a funny look on his face as if he could not believe the question.

"Yes-yes. Of course, back near Charlottesville. That was a long time ago and I was just helping my sister make some money on the side and provide another option for couples. Lucky we didn't get caught. She would have lost her license."

"Can you tell me what exactly you did off the books and after hours for those clinic patients that they would pay so handsomely for?"

"I suppose there's no reason to keep it a secret now. Ancient news. Unfortunately for some couples, the man fires blanks if you know what I'm saying." I nodded. "The clinic saw plenty of these couples come through and seek options. My sister was supposed to provide information on adoption and recommend some procedures for the male that could possibly help. She also, of course, would offer artificial insemination. Meaning the couple would pick out a preferred donor by ethnicity, height, education, etc. Then the couple would fill out tons of paperwork and have to set up all these visits to get ready before they saw a doctor and he put a turkey baster or cum up the woman's pussy. A real expensive option and not at all natural. Soooo, some people just adopted. Some people tried the procedures. Others paid thousands for the artificial basting. And that left a small group every month or so that wanted door number four."

"What was behind door number four?"

"You're looking at it. My sister would arrange for the couple to have a home visit by an extremely fertile male donor such as myself. She would go in, have them sign some papers for show and bring me in."

I could not believe the reality of the situation. Mike was the pinch hitter for guys like myself.

"Why do you ask about any of this, anyway? It's old news for almost everyone concerned."

I drew a blank for several moments before letting out a piece of the truth. "Bridget and I have been trying to have kids of our own for some time now."

Mike looked me over. As he did, he seemed to grow cockier and settled on some opinion of me.

"I think I understand now, Griff. I can see you have your phone with you. Take my number down. Bridget already has this number, but you're gonna need it as well."

I pulled out my phone and tapped in each digit as if I was in a trance. Mike outpaced me as I saved the contact and came back to reality. I texted my number back, not knowing why. There would be no more questions or answers that night.

Questions would resume a couple nights later, seemingly out of the blue. I was getting ready for bed and I just so happened to have my phone on my pajama bottoms when I felt a buzz. Pulling up my messages I saw "Mike Neighbor" as my most recent message notification so I hit "open". Bridget had just fallen asleep a few feet away in the bedroom.

"Are you still wanting to do this? Been thinking about your sexy wife all night."

"Not sure."

"Not good enough. Send 2 sexy pictures of her in the next 15 minutes or I block number."

I put my phone away and resumed nightly tasks. Ten minutes had passed and I could hold out no longer. I pulled open my camera roll and picked out two great poses Bridget had made for me in the last year. One of which she was laying bed in her bra and taking selfies . The other was one she let me take when she had bent over our bedroom chair, in her underwear. Quickly I hit send.

"Gorgeous. Would love to see that up close. If still serious, wake up your wife and go downstairs and unlock your front door. I will come check in twenty minutes. If it's locked, no worries, I will block your number and go about my busy life. If it is unlocked, well then, perhaps you will see what you've been asking about."

Knowing all my doors were locked and the alarm was set, I sat, motionless. Nearly ten minutes went by until the erection in my pants forced action. I walked the curved staircase to the front door and arrived at the security system control panel. I typed in the code, my wife's birthday, and hit "unlock". The system chimed and I turned the door lock. I tiptoed back upstairs just as quickly. There were only minutes until the neighbor would be expecting to be allowed in. Internally, I debated resetting the alarm and door.

Eight minutes later, I heard the door turn and creak open. I walked to the top of the stairs and waited as I heard each stair creak.

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DrkmanDrkmanover 1 year ago

Hope there is another chapter to this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Did not read the story. 1st line, "Bridget and I had met in college and graduated together, a year apart". Completely asinine. Together apart? Then I noticed the authors name and reasoned that a story written by a mental defective couldn't be very good. Let's face facts. Cucks have something very wrong in their mental make up. To desire humiliation, disrespect and abuse is an obvious declaration of craziness. Seek help buddy.

RubiconXRubiconXalmost 2 years ago

This is just stupid. And completely unfinished. Lazy author.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 3 years ago

What sort if stupd ending is that? No followup?

nikkicd_tvnikkicd_tvabout 3 years ago

More, please! I love the build-up!

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

Truly horrid and typically bad cuck story and a racist one with the whole baby by another man crap thrown in. This my friend is a mental illness, whether you accept that or not, this isnt a kink, this is a sickness.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Dumb cuck

There are many ways other than being this stupid. It's about time for men to stand up to these arrogant a________es!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not perfect, but very hot

Potentially hot. Please get to it....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I loved it. While I agree editing could be improved, the premise is good. I would love to read what happens next!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
That’s it?! Surely you meant this to be Chapter 1!

Please, don’t stop there! It’s just getting good!

Cuckyboy3Cuckyboy3almost 4 years ago
Lovely story

I hope they all get what they desire. Erotic!

BuckeyebobBuckeyebobalmost 4 years ago
Horrible read

Sentences that made no sense. Extra words that didn’t belong. Editor,editor, editor!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
It Has Potential!

Yes, it could use some editing and yes, it could belong in IR. However, my wife and I did enjoy it. The most enjoyable part was that the new black neighbor was a decent guy doing the right thing by his mother and his kids. Thus, it was understandable that Bridget, a white housewife neighbor, might get close with him.

Husband Griff was both sterile and getting off on black-on-white cuckold porn. So, it was understandable that he would unlock the door for the black neighbor. We hope this is not a husband-enabled rape scene.

It would be so, so much sexier if she were seduced into breeding black, instead of being raped.

My wife started giving it up for blacks in high school and now, 10 years later she is still at it. At 28 years of age, she is ready to be bred; and WE will make sure it is black bred!

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