White Freshman, Black Coeds Ch. 26


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This had been really good for me, and I was glad Nia had asked if we could stop. But after a time we moseyed back to the front door.

"Well you two be careful. I don't think there's any snow in the forecast through the weekend, but you never know this time of year. You two take care of each other, and always remember: whatever obstacles life puts in our way, the best we can do is try to handle them with grace." Miss Ada was like that, always very positive, very inspiring. We hugged goodbyes and were out the door with well-wishes following us.

"Mark, I'm so glad I got to meet them, because it let me get to know you better. Our kids are gonna have the best Dad ever!"

I hadn't pulled away from the curb yet, so I leaned and scooched across the space between us to kiss her. "Thank you, Nia. I guess I never really knew they thought so highly of me. Just too busy growing up, I guess. Anyway, our first one is going to be a girl." And then I drove off, heading south toward the interstate.

"How do you know?"

"I just know," was all I would say, but remember that I saw a little girl who was half Nia and half me in Nia's eyes during that intense, almost-spiritual orgasm the other day.

"Oh, do you know what kind of high school Gabby went to?"

Nia pondered that for a moment, her face getting that cute look of concentration, "I think it was a Catholic school. Why?"

"No reason, really. Is she going home over Thanksgiving?" Nia said she'd taken her to the airport early that morning, and hopefully she wouldn't run into any weather. Speaking of which, how had *I* not thought to check the weather forecast before making this trip with Nia?? And what if we got stranded: there was no survival gear in the minivan. Or a shovel, or snow chains, or flares or any other kind of thing you might need. It wasn't just me anymore, who nobody would miss: I had to think about Nia now, and keeping her safe. That was a sobering moment for me, and changed how I thought about risks for the rest of my life.

Kalamazoo was just a bit over an hour and a half from Ann Arbor. Not a whole lot of time to worry, but it still felt like an eternity. I'd planned to stop for lunch, but since we'd just eaten those sandwiches and chips it wasn't necessary.

"You're still worried, I can tell, baby. Want me to do something to ease your stress?"

"No, thank you! I want to meet your parents as pure-of-heart as I can, not with your saliva still drying on my penis."

"Oh." She fidgeted. "Well, do you want to do something to relieve my stress?" She looked at me bashfully yet hungrily.

"Umm....no!? And have the smell of you on my fingers and lips? That would be worse than the other thing!"

She'd moaned when I said lips. "I have some Wet Wipes...."

"Oh sure, that's like the guys who smoke and think a Tic Tac is gonna cover it up. No, your mom would smell the Wet Wipes smell on my face when she pulls me in for a hug. So no!"

"Oh really?" Nia asked, smiling and chuckling. "And what makes you think my mom is just automatically going to hug you like that?"

"Well, for one, I'm adorable."

Nia guffawed. "That you are! And two?"

"Two, you've told her all about me, and she's already accepted me as her likely future son-in-law."

"Oh is that right?"

"Yes, that's right. Gabby told me. Anyway, I would've guessed it."

"That's the last secret I'm gonna tell her! So what's number 3, smart guy?"

"Number 3 is: your mom is a mother, and mothers, especially black mothers I think, like to hug people. Especially handsome young men like me."

"Ohhhh, handsome are you now? 'Adorable,' I'll give you. Cute, even. And you do have boyish good looks. But I don't know if I'd go as far as handsome!"

"Well the white girl on the next floor up called me handsome, among other things..." A callback to the girl Nia had met on the dorm floor above mine the first night she'd slept over and gone up there for a shower the next morning. I later used the idea of her to make Nia jealous about who had picked out my outfit for the last frat party.

"Oh she did, did she? Well, does that white girl have abs like these?" Nia had taken off her seatbelt and leaned the seat back, then pushed her shirt up just under her breasts. She was running her hands over that tight, smooth stomach that indeed had abs.

"No, she's softer than that, you're right."

"And does she have extra-firm breasts like these?" Her shirt was up over her breasts now, her bra pushed down below them. She'd licked her fingers and made the nipples hard with them. Those spongey-hard pink & brown nubs just begged me to reach over and pinch them, but somehow I resisted.

"Ahem, no, her breasts are kinda saggy-like." I'd been about to pass a big truck, but decided to sock in behind him in the right lane. I was all for my girl doing this in the car, but I guess I didn't want strangers to actually see her.

She'd shimmied out of her blue jeans (leaving the pink panties) and stretched her right bare foot out onto the dash, leaving the left one on the floor beside the seat. "Did she have a shaved little cookie like this one you love so much, brown on the outside and pink in the middle?"

"Mmm!! No, it wasn't as cute as yours. Or shaved. Some of the hairs got stuck in my teeth, which was annoying."

"I bet it was, loverboy." Then she slid the panties off and showed me that "little cookie," spreading it open for me while rubbing the clit with her other hand. "Don't you want to put your lips on this, baby? Drive your tongue deep inside? Maybe a finger or two?" She was rubbing herself hard now. "Maybe put just the head of your dick in it?" Her moan there drowned out my own, and my hard dick twitched, causing me to rub it through my pants.

"I've gotten to you, haven't I, baby? Why don't you pull over under that overpass and give me what I need?"

"Get thee behind me, temptress! I told you I'm not doing that. Maybe tonight, my love."

Rubbing herself with real purpose now while plucking her nipples, Nia said, "You've got willpower, I have to give you that. Talk to me dirty, then?"

I could see it wouldn't take long for her, so what the heck. "This truck is going slower than I want to go, so how 'bout I pull out and pass him real slow-like so he can see you all stretched out like that, fingering yourself?"

"Mmmmm..." The hand on her groin sped up, but she didn't say yes. Regardless, I turned on my left blinker and started to change lanes.

"Mark, no!!!" She sat up fast, let me tell you, pulling her shirt down and trying to reach her jeans on the floor.

"Just testing you, sweetheart. But you were thinking it, weren't you?"

"I was..." And then she laid back and really went to work.

I stretched my right hand over to her. "Suck on my finger like you wish you were sucking on my dick right now, and make yourself come. We only have 15 more miles to the exit." So she did, and the feeling in my middle finger went right to the head of my dick. I had to adjust him from one side to the other because I didn't want to create a wet spot. (Past experience, fantasizing about a girl in my high school Western Lit class.)

"That's it, little girl, suck that big manly dick good." I was talking like I figured a truck driver would: white, 40s, a little country, a little rough around the edges kinda guy. "It sure was nice o' your boyfriend to share you like this. Best 30 bucks I ever spent, that's for sure!" Nia was quickly ramping up to her orgasm, and I could tell it was going to be a doozy.

"Woo, yeah! Lotsa tongue, that's just how I like it. And of course you're gonna swallow, aint'cha, pretty lady? There's a girl, I wouldn't want to make a mess on you. Suck that dick deep..."

And then Nia locked up, everything on her just stopped moving. Then she arched back, her bare butt coming completely off the chair. And then the moan began, with her mouth still locked on my finger (or was it the trucker's dick?). Then the moan became a wail that sounded like this: arrgaaaawaaahhdaaaamnohhhfuuuuckohgodaaaAAAAHHH! The last bit was a yell nearly at the top of her lungs. My finger had long since been spit out, but she was frigging herself mercilessly, hunched forward over her pussy, I supposed watching to see if she was hitting the right spot.

Wow! I really did want to pull over then and have my way with her, because I knew she'd be really horny and really fun right now. But no, I still had this thing where when (I just knew it would be when, and not if) her dad asked me if I was "having sex" with his daughter, I'd be able to truthfully say no. And yeah, I still could've 'partaken' of Nia right then, but I sure wasn't going to have the smell of her on me when I first met her dad.

"Baby...!" She was slumped down in her chair, her shirt stretched down over her breasts and crotch, spent. Flushed and sweaty and panting, the way I so much loved to see her; even if I hadn't had much to do with it this time.

"Better, love? Now get dressed so I can pass this truck and we can finally get there." She scrambled to shimmy back into her panties and jeans, then fix up her bra and shirt. When I passed the trucker she was fixing her hair in the visor mirror. Innocent enough, right?


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Nia navigated us to 1217 N. Church Street, a smallish 2-story blue house with shiplap siding and an enclosed front porch. The neighborhood looked like some I knew from Ann Arbor, not fancy, just where regular people lived. The lot to the left of the house was empty (Nia said it had burned down when she was little), so she told me to park over there so as not to block the single-wide driveway on the other side. It was about 2:30.

We left our bags in the car for now and Nia led me to the front door. The narrow front steps could only really admit one person at a time, so I stayed on the sidewalk while Nia went up 4 of the 5 steps, rang the bell, then backed down 1 step to allow room for the screen door to open out.

"Nia! My baby!" Mrs. Carter leaned out to hug her as Nia took 2 steps up. "Your hair, it's—"

"Do you like it, Mama?" Her face was creased with worry.

"Yes...yes! It's just so....poofy!"

"That's exactly how Mark describes it!" Then turning to me, "Mama, this is Mark." Mrs. Carter sort of looked me up and down and seemed pleased.

"Oh, he's so handsome, Nia! You said he was, of course..."

"Hello, Mrs. Carter. A pleasure to meet you." I stepped up a couple steps and leaned around Nia enough to take her hand like you're supposed to a woman's.

"And so polite! Hello, Mark. Nia has told me so much about you. Come in, come in, both of you!" Well that went well. But her dad wasn't home yet, either. Nia's mom was built a lot like Nia, but thicker; age, or genetics, I couldn't tell. A bit larger chest, and a larger bottom, but let me stop there, because you shouldn't think of your girlfriend's mom like that, should you? I knew she'd had Nia the year after graduating college, so I supposed that made her about 41 or 42? Still quite an attractive woman; the apple hadn't fallen far from that tree.

And she seemed sophisticated; I supposed from going to college and being in the same sorority Nia was in. She taught English at a local high school; I found out later it was Honors Creative Writing and Honors Literature for Juniors and Seniors, though she also taught introductory English for Freshmen. The stairs led into the right front corner of the house, into a walled-in porch that seemed to be her office.

"Nia tells me you love to read, Mark. If you should see anything here you'd like to borrow, just let me know." There were about 12 linear feet of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves across what must've once been the front of the house, and a big old wooden desk against the front wall of the porch, looking out through the windows onto the street. Nia kicked her shoes off near the front door, so I did the same. Then she took my coat and hung it up with hers.

"Tea, anyone? Or I've got Cokes." Mrs. Carter led us through the smallish living room and into the kitchen that smelled of frying chicken. "Nia, would you fix drinks for you and your beau, dear?" I liked being called Nia's 'beau.' Rita had used that word. While Mrs. Carter turned the chicken in the skillet, Nia brought sweet teas back for both of us, telling me I had to try her mom's sweet tea.

It was delicious. "Ahhh, this reminds me of Miss Coretta's tea, doesn't it, babe? It's very good, Mrs. Carter!"

"As good as Miss Coretta's, though?" she ribbed good-naturedly. "And please, call me Lydia." And that led to her asking who Miss Coretta was, and me telling her about my life since I was orphaned at 8, stayed with an aunt till 10, then some foster homes, and finally the Boys Home. She knew most of that already from Nia, of course, so I kept it brief like that.

"And how did you guys meet?" I haven't said it before, but Nia hadn't been home at all since arriving on campus in late August, so 3 months. She'd told me it was her mom's idea, that she'd wanted Nia to think of this as the start of her new life, and not to be coming home all the time, but to make new friends and have fun. And study, of course.

I didn't know how much Nia talked to her mom, or had actually told her about us, but I looked at Nia with a why don't you take this one look. "Mark had made friends with two Senior girls who used to be Zeta Phis, and they thought he was a super-sweet guy, so they suggested he come to one of our mixers, and....the rest is history, I guess!" Nia took my hand and held it in her lap, smiling brightly at me. Just a little white lie, so I was prepared to go along with it.

"Ah, I remember those mixers...." Miss Lydia said wistfully. (I know she'd told me to call her Lydia, but my manners wouldn't let me, so even in my mind she was Miss Lydia. "And the parties... And the frat parties..." I thought I saw a special kind of wistfulness on her face there, but she quickly caught herself. "Oh Nia, do they still do Second Sunday Cinema??"

"Yes, mama. I even made Mark sit through Wedding Crashers!"

"And there was no place I'd rather have been," I said, smiling at Nia.

"Good answer, young man! Nia, you've got a smart one there." She got up to take the chicken out of the frying pan, draining it on a paper towel covered plate. My mouth was watering because fried chicken was (and still is) one of my favorite foods.

"Indeed I do, mama. Mark aced the Math part of the SAT, and was only 2 points away from acing the Verbal!"

Her mom stopped what she was doing, still holding a chicken thigh in her tongs, "Well, I guess you are smart, Mark! Did Nia tell you she aced the Verbal?"

"Yes ma'am, she did. And I'm so proud of her. She's smarter than me in many ways; I just happen to be good at Math. But her dancing and her acting: she never ceases to amaze me." I didn't mean the acting part like that, but when I looked at Nia, the gleam in her eye told me she had. And then I got embarrassed and tried to change the subject. "Will you and Mr. Carter be able to come to her dance recital next month?"

"We're planning to, yes." She'd finished draining the chicken, then opened the oven door and my mouth really watered: there was a whole cookie sheet full of fried chicken keeping warm in the oven! She added that batch to it, then came over to re-join us at the table.

"So what are you studying, Mark?" I thought I caught Miss Lydia smile at Nia with an I like him twinkle in her eyes.

I told her Engineering of some kind, but more and more I was leaning toward Mechanical, maybe even Aeronautical. And then I took a bit of a gamble I hoped it wasn't too soon for. "I want to have a good-paying job so I can support Nia in her dancing or acting career. It might take a little while for her to be discovered or whatever, but she's going to be famous someday, I know it."

Nia looked at me happily, her eyes a bit watery, and kissed me on the cheek. Neither of us said anything, but when we turned back toward her mom I think she saw it then: how in love with and serious we were about each other.

"Nia's very special indeed. I've known that since the day she was born." Her mom reached across the table to take Nia's hands and they shared a look. A quick sniffle, and then, "Mark, I've arranged for you to sleep at my sister Linda's house; she has a spare bedroom. And Nia, you can bunk with Kayla. Speaking of which..."

Miss Lydia called up the stairs that Nia was home, and her sister and brother came tumbling down. They had a joyous reunion with Nia at the bottom of the stairs (which was around the wall in the living room) while I stayed seated at the table, talking to Miss Lydia about school and things.

After a while Nia brought them into the kitchen to, "...meet my boyfriend, Mark. Mark, this is Kayla, and this little brat is Joshua." I said hello and they looked at me shyly; I don't know if it was because I was white, or because I was a stranger, or because I was Nia's boyfriend. Likely a mix of all three. But we talked a bit and I tried to crack jokes and they eventually opened up to me.

"Mom, can we have some chicken now??" That was Joshua, asking the question I'd been dying to ask.

"No, I told you: that's for dinner when people come over." Who the people were, or why they were coming over I didn't know. "Nia and Kayla, would you make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for everyone, please? And there's fruit in the bottom drawer."

So the girls got up to do that while Miss Lydia went to coat and fry another batch of chicken, leaving me and Joshua at the table. He was in 7th grade, so probably 12. He had an XBOX, and Halo was his favorite game. He'd gotten Halo 2 last Christmas (which I hadn't played yet), so after we ate we could go up to his room and play it if I wanted

Nia's sister was 15, and looked very much like Nia in face and body. Her hair was natural, short and curly, close to her scalp. I liked that look well enough, and could see Nia wearing it; but honestly, I hoped she'd never go back to the cornrows. I saw Kayla touching Nia's hair, and they were talking quietly, so it was probably about that. Joshua's hair was shaved close to his head, so if Nia had still had the 'rows, they'd all 3 have had short hairstyles. Boyish hairstyles, like their father preferred, I guessed. Oh boy, how was that going to go when he got home and saw Nia's hair?

As we were eating, Kayla got up and came back with a photo album, pointedly bringing it around to my left, whereas before she'd been next to Nia, who was on my right. "Don't you dare, Kayla! Give me that..." And then a small tug-of-war ensued across me, until mom told the girls to stop before they tore it up. Kayla got to keep the album, sitting down to my left after bumping Joshua out of his seat.

The album was opened, and after some early shots of mother and father, there was my Nia as a newborn baby, her little face still misshapen from the passage. And then some photos of her playing on the floor, then crawling, then standing, and finally walking. In a lot of them her diaper was showing (or it was all she had on for a bottom), and that's what now embarrassed her the most, but she soon got into it.

"This is me holding Kayla when she came home from the hospital. My first day of kindergarten... Us with Joshua when he was born..." Pictures of her brother and sister were now mixed throughout, but she only narrated the ones of her. "Sixth grade... Freshman cheerleader... Sophomore dance recital..." Then a turn of the page where she closed the book suspiciously quickly. "That's really all."