White Freshman, Black Coeds Ch. 26


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We ate our chicken while talking about this and that. Schools and jobs and futures and whatnot. And then the conversation turned to white boys, and then black girls. And then white boys with black girls. And Erika licked her lips a lot by that point. Beautiful lips. Beautiful I-want-to-kiss-them-so-badly-right-now lips. And she did things with her arms that jiggled her breasts and pushed them together and/or up. And...was she flirting with me right now?

"Hey squirt, why don't you finish that up in your room? Crash is coming on and I want Mark to see it." Devon grumbled a little, but did as suggested. I don't think he suspected anything, but boy *I* did!

"You haven't seen it, have you? I think you should watch it, because it spotlights race relations and...well, you know." So she pulled it up on HBO. "Want some popcorn? I do, I'll go fix it. And bring you another Coke." Of course I had to look at her butt as she passed in front of me. Apple Bottoms jeans were popular then, and they were made for her booty.

"Nia! I think Erika is trying to seduce me!" Whispered into my phone so she wouldn't overhear.

"Well you are adorable. No wait: handsome, wasn't it?" She was giggling softly, and I could tell she didn't want to be overheard either. Both those words were callbacks to our conversation in the car that morning.

"This is serious! What should I do?"

"What are you, scared of an older woman?" More soft giggling.

"Nia! I'm serious!! I don't want to do anything with her without you, but I don't want to make her mad either."

"Well there's your answer. Put her off till tomorrow with the promise that we'll all do something together... Would you like that, baby? Would you like to see me between her legs while she has those thick, red lips on you?"

I groaned Oh God at the visual. "Would you? I mean, share her with me like that? Have you ever...?"

"No, I've never been with her like that, but I've fantasized about it. It wasn't until Gabby that I dared to explore that side of my sexuality, but I had those thoughts long before."

"I love you, Nia! But she's coming so I have to go, bye!"

As I was hanging up the phone I heard her say, "She's coming already??! You work—" As quick as me with a pun, my Nia, and I considered myself pretty good.

"Here we go...a Bud Light for you, one for me, and a bowl of Orville Redenbacher's best." As she settled in she said, "Oh, did you notice they were blanks?" She'd come in at the end of the scene where the Iranian guy and his daughter were in a gun shop buying a gun.

"Hey, is that Ludacris? I didn't know he acted too." That was me, trying to keep the conversation going because Erika had sat uncomfortably close to me. Not touching, but only just.

"Yeah. I think he was in one of those Fast & Furious movies too." She stretched her long, silky legs out, now clad only in shorts! The little minx had changed while she was upstairs. "You know any of his songs?"

"Maybe it was his first hit, What's Your Fantasy?" Bad choice, Mark old boy. Should've gone with Area Codes.

"You like that one? Do you ♪ want to lick lick me from my head to my toes♪?" She held her seductive gaze on me while I spluttered, before finally breaking into a broad grin. "I was just kidding!" She got another handful of popcorn and then took a drink and said, "Or was I...?" That was accompanied by a mischievous smile.

"Listen, Erika, you're—"

"Sorry, sorry, sorry! I was just playing. I'll be good. As good as I can be, anyway...."

"Erika, Nia is my girl. But believe me, if she wasn't I'd most definitely be open to your suggestions. You're super-hot, I really mean that. But you know, I— well, I don't mess around on Nia, so..."

Erika looked back at me with a look that morphed from dejection to anger at my rejection of her, to jealousy, slowly to understanding, then acceptance, and finally maybe even admiration that I'd been able to resist her.

"I think Nia's lucky to have you. She really loves you, you know. We talk."

"Was this a....test? Did she...?"

"No, she had nothing to do with it. I just think you're cute, and if you're good enough for Nia, then... And I'm between boyfriends and haven't..." And then she completely surprised me by taking her shirt off, leaving her breasts half-visible through the mostly sheer bra. The bra that didn't have to do much supporting because her breasts were high and firm; definitely a C-cup, but different from Gabby's.

"Um, Erika..." And I kind of pointed upstairs.

"It's okay, I closed the door at the top and turned off the light, so if anyone starts to come down I'll have time to put it back on. Take yours off for me? Just looking would be alright with Nia, don't you think?" Had it been anyone but her cousin, her closest cousin, I like to think I would've said no, but...

Well that, plus my dick had started its Hey buddy stuff. As in: Hey buddy, just take it off and let's see where this goes, huh? So I took it off and she oooo'd appreciatively. Then she reached out and squeezed my pec!

"Now wait a minute, that wasn't part of the deal!" I'd shot up from the couch.

"I'm sorry, I've just never touched a white man before, and your muscles are so sculpted..." Then she stood and I instinctively backed away because her voice and look had gotten all sultry. "Don't worry, I'm not going to touch you again. I just thought you might like to see more of me." Then she turned away from me, and bending at the waist, sloooowly pushed her shorts down to her ankles, holding her feet tight together.

From down there she looked around her legs and asked with a coy grin, "Do you like?"

Did I like?? Hell yeah I liked! I liked it so much it was all I could do to not reach out and grab that ass with both hands, squeeze and mash and jiggle it. Or get down on my knees and worship it with lips and tongue like I'd done the dominatrix Capri's that hateful night that now seemed so long ago. [Ch. 13]

But I resisted and Erika stood up. Turning back to me, "You really do love Nia that much, don't you? Most men would've...well, they would've. But you're not like most men, are you, Mark?" She looked at me as if I were a new thing in her experience.

"No, I guess not," I said, trying to stand in a way that wouldn't let her see my betraying hard-on. "Nia is more important to me than just sex. Even sex with Nia. I love her mind more than her body, to be honest, and I don't want to lose that."

Erika had sat, and she looked at me with a new respect. "I see that." And the fire of lust went out of her eyes. "You know Tae Kwon Do, right? Can you show me some moves?" I slowly nodded and started thinking about what to do, when she added, "Would you take your pants off so I can see all your muscles? Plus it would make us even." She had a point, so I did.

I was wearing boxer-briefs that day, which of course were fairly tight, and showed the bulge of my fully-aroused manhood. Erika gasped and started to say something, but bit her tongue. I'd been working on the 4th form or 'pattern' of TKD, Sa Jang, so I showed her that one. It had some front kicks, side kicks, plus lots of blocks and punches. It felt funny doing it in my underwear instead of a karate gi, because I didn't get the crisp pops that the starched gi gave on the punches and kicks, but Erika was impressed nonetheless.

"Wow, that was cool! And all your movements were so crisp. Does that teach you how to fight, or...?"

I sat back on the couch, but about a foot from her, and told her no, not really. But you are supposed to imagine an adversary as you do each thing, and that it helped you hone the techniques and develop muscle memory.

"Well I'm going to remember your muscles...," she said seductively as she squeezed my bicep. I pulled away, but before I could say anything she asked, "Would you like to see my breasts?" My eyes gave me away by darting straight to them.

"Silly question, right? I can see you do. So how about a trade: if you'll show me your penis I'll show you my breasts. And that's all, then I'll go upstairs and leave you alone." Her look was one of innocent curiosity, not lust, so it seemed like it might be alright, but I couldn't be sure.

"Listen, Erika, you're a beautiful girl, and I'd like that very much." I openly leered at her cleavage, "Very, very much. But I'm monogamous to Nia—" and her face fell. Oh, we're back on that again, it said. "—but she and I have an arrangement, 'The Promise' we call it, where we can, I guess...play with other people—" her face brightened, "—but we have to be together." Some of the hopefulness drained from her face, but not all.

"Interesting. Have you guys....acted on that yet?" She seemed genuinely curious, like how would that work out?

"Well....yes." Erika's eyes lit up. And she whipped out her cellphone and started typing. Oh God, I think I know where this is going. And sure enough, after her phone buzzed she showed me these texts:

>>Can I play show and tell with your boyfriend?

>Yes, but NO touching!

"Well I guess it's okay then—" Erika squealed in delight "—but you sit way over there and I'll sit way over here." She obliged, and when we were situated I added, "And you first." She started to protest, but I dropped my hand down to rub myself through my boxer briefs, which as I'd hoped, let her know I'd probably go through with my end of the deal.

Then moistening her lips and putting on her sultriest bedroom eyes she reached a hand across her chest to each shoulder, thus crossing her arms over her bosom, pinched each bra strap, and slowly lowered them over her shoulders and down. [Try that to see how it worked.] When the straps were below her elbows and her arms were folded straight across her chest she let go of the straps and wriggled her forearms under her breasts.

C-cups, remember, firm yet fleshy. As she jiggled them with her arms, her eyes alternated between mine and the outline of my dick, while mine flicked between hers and those delicious breasts. Those delicious breasts Nia will probably let you touch in the next day or two, Mark! (Because Erika's phone had buzzed for another text, which she hadn't shown me, but the knowing look on her face let me guess at what it was.)

Erika next clasped one arm across her boobs and reached around with the other hand to deftly undo the clasp in back. When that hand came back around, she managed to cup a breast in each hand before letting the bra fall away. Holy crap, she was sitting there now with nothing hiding those delectable mounds but her hands. I stopped rubbing myself strongly through my underwear because it was becoming too stimulating; instead, I used one finger to just rub the sensitive place under the head. In the process, I felt the wet spot there.

"Is that because of me?" She batted her eyelashes seductively.

"Indeed it is, m'lady. I'm a male of the species, so of course my body's going to react to a beautiful young woman." She aww'ed and leaned forward as if to crawl to me. But I pulled up my knees as a shield and added, "But my mind and heart belong to Nia, so I won't be touching you if she's not here."

Erika settled back down and looked at me in an odd way, like I was something she'd never seen before: a man who could look but not touch. "Nia trusts you this much, doesn't she?"

"She does, and I've never given her reason not to. I also tell her everything, so of course I'll be telling her about this. Probably while we're making out... Now may I see them, please?"

Erika smiled wickedly and threw her hands wide in a ta-da gesture. And my, how they swayed and quivered! Hey buddy, maybe we could just touch one of them real quick-like? That was my dick trying to get me in trouble. But I held firm (pun intended).

"You like? Now you have to show me yours!" Erika was playing with her nipples and bouncing her breasts for me, going above and beyond, so I had to reciprocate. Kind of hard to scooch out of boxer briefs while sitting, though, so I decided to stand facing away from her while doing the deed.

"That's a cute butt! I bet Nia likes it. Now, show me what else she likes..." So I turned and let her see, my arms at my sides. "Holy shit, Mark! Dayam, son! Does Nia take that thing?"

I told her no, we weren't there yet, then sat back down on my end of the couch. "We're each saving ourselves for...later." I'd wanted to say for marriage, but I'd been developing an earlier plan for Nia, one that'll play out in the course of time.

"Two horny 18-year-olds and you guys haven't done it yet?? I'm impressed!" We looked at each other for a few moments, me stroking my dick and her fondling her breasts. "But it shouldn't really surprise me, Nia was always like that: a 'good' girl, not wild and stuff."

"How about you, I take it you've done it?" She nodded yes. "How old were you your first time?"

"Sixteen." She looked thoughtful, even melancholy. "A Senior boy in high school. We'd dated a few weeks and I thought he was 'the one,' so I let him have that. We broke up some weeks later..."

"I'm sorry. Some guys are like that. My roommate Jake is."

"But you're different." She stated it as a simple fact, and looked at me tenderly, curiously.

"I like to think I am, yes. Don't get me wrong, Nia and I thoroughly enjoy each other's bodies, but I'm not driven by lust, or even the sex. Her mind is what intrigues me most about her..." And I'd started to think about adding something like, "I'd be with her even without the sex," but my dick spoke up and headed that off; and he was right, of course.

"I'm really happy for her, Mark. And now I feel bad for talking you into this...situation." She looked shy and embarrassed and was fumbling to put her bra back on.

"No need to feel bad, Erika. It's not like you twisted my arm, and I enjoyed it. It was a good test for me." We were both standing and putting our clothes back on.

"Well you passed!" She said good-naturedly. "If you'd asked me this morning if there was a guy your age in all of Michigan, single, married, or in a relationship who would turn me down, I'd have said no. But you're special, Mark. Now I know what Nia sees in you."

We were both dressed again and I pulled Erika in for a hug. A long, just-standing-there hug. Touching each other, but not rubbing. More than a friendly hug, but less than something else. To the side of her head (because she was nearly as tall as me) I said, "Don't think it was easy for me, Erika, because you're a truly beautiful woman." She sniffled and hugged me tighter.

"What did Nia's last text say?" I was still holding her close so we couldn't see faces.

"That I might get to be with you guys like that this weekend..."

"I thought so. I'd like that very much." Then I pulled away from her, took each of her hands in mine, kissed each one in turn, looked meaningfully into her eyes, then kissed her forehead. "Good night. And thank you for this."

She said good night and scampered up the stairs, while I found the bed and snuggled myself in. What a day this had been! Re-visiting Ann Arbor, the Boys' Home, seeing Miss Ada and Miss Coretta again, Nia's self-pleasuring on the highway, meeting her mom and aunt, then her dad, and now this with Erika, and the promise of more. Those were all the thoughts I went to sleep with. And may've even dreamed about the last one.

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MarkLivingstonMarkLivingston29 days agoAuthor

@Falstaff: Thanks as always for your insightful feedback. I think you'll like the next installment.

Falstaff60Falstaff60about 1 month ago

Great chapter. Appreciate the moral fortitude of Mark in that position. The bad part would be one of the adults catching Mark, Nia and Erika "playing". But I liked how you approached Nia's fathers' reaction. It was very believable and not over the top, though it could go that way if they are caught playing with the cousin. Looking intently for the next chapters to see how you play this out.

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