White Tailed Eagles Pt. 03


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"You've got a belt?" she asked excitedly.

I paused to think.

"We could probably buy one that you like the feel of, somewhere?"

For the first time since we'd met she allowed me to seduce her. We made soft and tender love before she snuggled into my arms. The lube and the small butt plug stayed exactly where they had been placed, within easy reach.

=== === ===

Breakfast was more in the way of Brunch by the time we finally emerged from our bed. Those boats moored fore and aft of us had long since departed. It was a nice, warm late morning and we brunched on the roof with Robyn in my Wife Beater, with panties beneath. She seemed somewhat distracted.

"Penny for them?"

"Umm, oh, I was trying to remember. I don't think anybody has ever made love to me until last night... and again this morning, twice." she chuckled.

"I can't believe that."

"Really? How much effort did you have to expend to get into my knickers?"

"You weren't wearing any," I chuckled.

"Precisely! I stripped for you, naked within minutes of meeting you. Fortunately you were man enough to take a punt at my cunt. I wanted you and I made damn sure you knew it. Can you think of any guy that would bother to try and seduce me if I made it that obvious? They either fuck me or run like hell."

"You problem being, exactly?"

"I don't do commitment, boyfriends. Seldom do repeat dates. I open my legs, open my mouth and move on."

"Christopher? You sleep with him. Does he just fuck you like the other guys or does he make love?"

"Christopher's just a friend... with benefits. He fucks me, gently."

"Doesn't make love to you energetically?"

"It didn't feel like that. Nothing like last night and this morning."

"As much as I hate to mention it, you do do commitment. You are under contract to me... for 92 days as I remember." I chuckled.

"Yeah! I am, aren't I? Signed that with pussy juice and spunk. No getting out of that, it's watertight," she laughed happily, "so no more love making Mr. Porn Star Director Sir?" she added sorrowfully.

"Nothing in the book that says we can't be lovers."

"Now don't tell me you've got a book on the matter, please?"

"No, I haven't but we could write one, you and me. I can just see it now... 'The Hows, Whys and Wherefores of Sex'. We write nothing on every page and there's nothing in the book to say we can't do anything we please. It'll be a best seller overnight!"

"Brian, you're mad! Tea or coffee? I'm clear up down below while the kettle boils."

I studied the map and the books while I awaited the arrival of my serving wench with our coffees.


"You think we could stop a couple of hours up the road just to see if making love in the afternoon is as good as they say it is?"

"Only if your name's not Cecilia. I'm not risking getting up to wash my face and when I come back to bed someone's taken my place."

"No, silly. I've got loads of Beatles tunes on my 'phone. Just call me Karen, I'm a Carpenter."

"We've got two locks ahead of us. Then three a bit further on. We'll stop at the bottom of them, OK?"

"Aye Aye Skipper! Better get a bit respectable then, boy shorts do?" she giggled wickedly.

Boy shorts did very well if one didn't look too closely. Not a lot of guys didn't look too closely.

What with my Wife Beater as well she had no trouble getting help with the first two locks. What with all the exercise she had, managing the opening and closing of the lock gates etc., she decided to strip off once she was aboard. For the next hour or so I had to put up with her sitting in a chair at the bottom of the cock-pit steps, facing me. She sat with legs up on the steps, her sexy shining pussy winking at me and a sultry look on her face.

"See anything you fancy for dinner, Skipper?"

Somehow I managed to keep the prow of the boat away from the banks and the oncoming traffic while she racked up the points or minus points, depending on your point of view. She brought up tea and biscuits while totally naked and chatted to two guys fishing on the bank. She did stay on the cock-pit steps but it was perfectly clear she had nothing on even if they couldn't see the bits they really wanted.

"How'm I doin' Pops?" she giggled as she skipped back down the companion way.

"Can you sleep on your tummy?"

"I can if you're underneath me," she chortled.

We moored for the night a few hundred yards short of the flight. It was too hot to close the portholes.

She didn't need to be told to lay on her stomach nor to put a cushion under her hips. She was ready and waiting when I stepped out of the shower. Even the lube and the butt plug was close to hand. I laughed. Not quite legs wide and a big sign saying 'Fuck Me' so a reasonable start. I swatted her arse, hard!

"Ouch! What's that for?" she giggled.

She then shuddered, her eyes glazed over...

"Don't... bother... to... answer that... just yet! Ohhhh S-H-1-T. That cannot happen every time, can it?"

I didn't bother to answer. I watched delightedly as her body shook and her knees trembled. It was a most beautiful sight to behold. Well worth the tingling in the palm of my hand. That was a hard swat. She slowly calmed.

"OK, you can tell me now... so's I know what to do next time," she smirked.

"Pre-emptive positioning."

"Come again?"

"No, that's your role, frequently. ''spose I wanted to undress you myself? What if I'd wanted to cuddle you and kiss you eh? I had no chance."

"A bit like saying 'here it is, cum and get it'? How many black marks has that earned me?" she grinned.

"None, I've added a few white ones to negate the pile you earned this afternoon. Budge over, I'll need room to work."

"That's just mean," she pouted.

"Think of it as a learning curve."

Getting down onto the bed beside her I inspected her glorious bottom. There was quite a good imprint of my hand beneath the tan.

"Did it hurt?"

"Ummmmm," she replied dreamily.

By way of making amends I stroked my fingers lightly over her entire bottom before paying particular attention to the crack dividing her beautiful orbs.

"Ahrrr, Ooooh. Naughty Daddy!"

Naughty Daddy took absolutely no notice and continued to gently circle her puckered rosebud. I continued until she started to wriggle her bottom enticingly.

"Daddyyyyyy, you're driving me nuts!"

"Thought we established that some days ago?"

"Established what?"

"That you were nuts."

"No, that was mad, sex mad. Anyway why are you talking not doing?"

"Because I'm trying, valiantly, to get you to relax."

"So it's my fault now?"

I picked up the bottle of lube and removed the cap.

"Well I'm pretty much laid back. It's you that's laid front."

"But that's the best way..... Oooo, that's a bit chilly."

"Well if you stopped talking for a while and relaxed I might be able to think of some way of warming it up!"

"Sorry Daddy, my lips are sealed honest Injun."

"Button it!"

"I'll have to remove the zip to button it, Daddy," she giggled wickedly.


"Oohhhh, arrrrrh," she panted, "Ummmmm, oh yesssssss," she sighed.

She shuddered delightfully.

"One to me, Daddy!" she chortled happily, "Oooooh. That feels deliciously naughty. Is that your finger in my bum?"

"No it's the Eiffel Tower, well up to the first knuckle anyway." I teased.

"The Eiffel Tower's got knuckles?" she laughed and her sphincter relaxed.

I eased my finger in a little deeper.

"So I relax when I'm being silly? That could be fun."

"Be so good as to pass me the butt plug, Petal."

"Petal? That's a new one. Where is it?"

"In my hand."

"Silly Da.... Ohhh," she gasped, "second knuckle?"

"As you say, second knuckle."

"The inference being that I am too focused on the sex angle and not focussed enough on the fun aspect?"

"That could well be the case, now would you please take the butt plug from my fingers and hold it up for me?"

She did, with a little giggle.

"Now shall I give it back to you?"

I didn't bother to reply just placed the lube top against the head of the butt plug and squeezed gently.

"Now use a finger and spread that up and down the length."

I applied more which she spread about. After two more light applications the little plug was well lubed.

"This is called team work. A process by which both parties are engaged in the pleasure of preparing one another for pleasure. Now you may pass me the butt plug, base end first, if you please." I asked as I placed the lube bottle to rest in the small of her back and closed the lid.

With my, now free, hand I took the plug by the base and pushed it into the palm of my other hand while still keeping my first finger firmly in place to the second knuckle in her bum hole. I held it securely with two fingers of the same hand. I've had a lot of practice.

I started to work my finger around in circles, opening up the entrance to her arse before taking up the lube once more. Dribbling small amounts of lube around the junction of her opening dark rose and my finger, I moved my finger just a little deeper before backing off again. With a continuous application of lube I carefully widened her entrance and lubed the entrance channel. She was soon mewing and chuckling contentedly. A little more lube then, with the sleight of hand that would have impressed any decent magician, my finger slipped out and the slim, well lubricated butt plug slipped in, and in and in and in until the base was against the puckered flesh of her dark rose. I held it firmly in place with the palm of my hand until her body stopped shaking. I continued to hold it in place until her body stopped trying to reject it.

"WOW! That feels err..."


"Yeah, different. Nice different though. What do we do now?"

"Ha! Typical yoof. A brand new experience and she already wants to move on. What was it Freddy Mercury wrote? 'I want it all, I want it all, I want it all and I want it now!'? That you, young lady? Tried it! What's next?

You're at University reading Mathematics and hopefully something interesting. On day one you turn up all bright 'n' eager and the guy at Registration offers you a pill instead. One that will instantly give you the answers to all the questions. What do you say?"


"Would you like to reconsider that answer? After all you will only know the answers. You'll not know the questions nor have any notion of the process that led to the answer. You will know that E=mc squared but then every one knows that, it's the most commonly known equation on the planet. Very few know that it's the Theory of Mass Energy Equivalence and even less have any idea what it means. Fewer still understand it's importance. On a more esoteric level, the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything is 42 but why? How?"

Robyn was silent for a few moments. Like all good students her face contorted with the exertion of manipulating the vulberations (that's divarications in proper English), which were colossal.

"So, what you're saying in a nice and roundabout way is that I shouldn't focus on the end result, open wide and say 'hello sailor, see anything you want to stick your dick in?' but enjoy the experience at every step and see where it leads?"

"There! I knew you weren't just a pretty face... oh, and a fabulous body. There's a brain in there somewhere an' all." I teased delightedly.

"Why thank you, kind Sir. For the record Albert was a physicist, his genius was that he realised that matter could be turned into energy and energy could be turned into matter. E, is the energy produced when 'm' (mass) is multiplied by 'c' (the speed of light in a vacuum) squared. If we measure the mass in kilograms and the speed of light in metres per second then our answer is in joules. Of course you'd need to be a very highly skilled physicist to do anything useful with that information." she laughed delightedly, "I'm so glad I didn't take the offer of a pill."

"Smarty pants! Now for an encore would you like to significantly increase the calorific value of a kettle of cold water and make us a nice mug of coffee each?"

"Should I remove the butt plug?"

"Nope, that can stay in situ for the time being. Get used to it but don't try to ignore it. That isn't the point at all."


"Did you know that the blinds aren't down in the galley, Darling?"

"Yes, Sweetheart, is that a problem?"

"Not for the man standing on the towpath it isn't," she giggled.

"All you need to do, my Sweet, is to give him a nice friendly wave then lower the blind and adjust the slats so that you can't see him but he could probably see you. The Ostrich solution."

"Before I do, would you like a blow-job, Darling?"

"That's just being really naughty! Yes please."

Robyn did no more than smile sweetly out of the window and sink to her knees, facing me. She slipped a couple of fingers into her mouth and sucked on them seductively. Turning her head to look at him again she smiled happily. I stood before her, my cock as hard as it had ever been. I glanced quickly out of the window. I could see up to just above the guy's waist.

Reaching for my cock she pulled me to within range. With a further look out of the window and a massive smile on her face she opened her mouth and slid my cock down her throat in one easy move.

Within a minute the man's hand appeared and started to stroke the rapidly growing swelling in his jeans. I told my tame cock-sucker who did no more than release my cock from her mouth, turning to look up at the man she mimed unzipping jeans.

There was only a very slight pause before his zip was undone. She mimed getting his cock out. A moment later a quite respectable organ was flapping excitedly in the breeze. She didn't need to mime his stroking himself off. She smiled, waved and returned her attention to my cock.

"Who's gonna cum first?" she giggled.

"You?" I suggested handing her a dildo.

"Bad Daddy!"

Having firmly told me off she held the dildo up for him to see then moved it down to her cunt. The expression on her face was one of asking a question... 'shall I put it in here?' Just to be sure she lifted it up again, waggled it about rudely then moved it back to her cunt. The wanking hand stopped momentarily and gave a swift thumbs up before taking a firm grasp of the hard cock once more.

It was clear he wasn't actually going to be able to see Robyn sliding the dildo in and out of her cunt from the position we were in. I shuffled around a bit so that she was three quarters to him. Her head went back, her eyes closed and her mouth opened as she moved the slim, dildo towards her dripping cunt. She stroked it carefully between her pussy lips.

She looked up at the man and gave a thumbs up by way of question. His reply wobbled between good and not so good. Robyn readjusted her position and asked again receiving a big thumbs up for reply. Robyn grinned dirtily and pushed the dildo deep. She'd forgotten that she still had the butt plug up her arse and the dildo took no heed of the reduced passageway. She drove it home and it did it's job! Her eyes glazed over and the orgasm hit with the speed and power of an express train.

"Ohhh FUCK!" she screamed so loud that the guy outside the window must have heard, "you... you... knew!" she laughed delightedly, "you fucking knew I was already full!"

"You'll be full of my cock before we take that plug out. Now get your lips back around my cock, dirty Daughter."

I let her rest her mouth for a few moments but she kept her hand stroking my length.

"I've never been airtight before," she chuckled as she fed my cock back into her throat.

The guy came second. As he shot his load towards the boat I instantly made a note to see if it needed washing off first thing in the morning. That would be about 10:30.

"Two out of three!" Robyn exclaimed happily, "your turn now, Daddy Darling."

"I suspect your friend would much prefer seeing you getting seriously fucked, especially if he knows you've got a plug up your arse, don't you?"

She twisted to look up at the guy who was just reorganising his clothing. She shook her head and held up her hand 'Wait!' he stopped instantly. She stood, reorganised the cushions on the bench seat opposite the window and knelt with her pert arse a quarter turn to the window. Her perfect bum and the end of the butt plug was clearly visible.

Stepping forward I reached for the base of the plug and eased it outwards. Robyn groaned deliciously. I held it on the edge, just inside her sphincter for a few moments then pushed it steadily home. Her head came up instantly, her mouth opened as she gasped for air then she groaned contentedly. I arse fucked her with the butt-plug a few times before pushing it back home where it belonged. Switching my attention to the dildo I fucked her cunt with that, bringing her to orgasm more than a few times.

Her cunt was dripping. I slipped the dildo out and quickly placed it on the draining board. Robyn reached between her legs and took a guiding hold on my cock. She looked quizzically at the guy outside the window... 'could he see OK?' A simple thumbs up was returned. She steered my cock-head to the entrance of her quivering cunt.

"This is gonna hurt!" she warned herself quietly.

Rocking gently forward I pushed the cock-head into her love tunnel and heard a loud sigh of happiness for my care. It was a labour of utter love tinged with a large amount of lust. I pushed forward and eased back. She pushed back. I held her hips firmly and pushed her away a little. She came back for more and I allowed it. I felt the butt plug in her arse flexing as my cock pushed deeper into her wet cunt. There was room in her arse to allow it to move, the movement gave her additional pleasures while allowing my cock an easier passage. Soon she was taking as much cock with the plug in place as she had without it and her orgasms were becoming more and more vocal.

The guy was watching closely, his cock was again hard and his hand going nineteen to the dozen up and down his length. Robyn was enjoying one long continuous orgasm. I was getting closer and closer as the end of the plug created just the right amount of pressure on my cock-head.

The guys hand was a blur. Robyn was begging for my spunk to fill her cunt and I was hanging on by the skin of my teeth trying to last until the guy shot his second load. The Alpha Male gene within me was working at full capacity!

His gyrating hips told me his orgasm would be a powerful one. My cue to let loose, thank god! I shot the first big load from deep inside her cunt. She gasped with surprise. The second from just inside her cunt entrance, it hosed down the walls. I whipped the butt plug out swiftly and before her sphincter could close pushed my pulsing cock-head inside. Three large loads of my hot, fresh spunk jetted forcibly into her arse, lubricating her perfectly.

"Ohhh FUCK! Yes! More, more, shove your dirty cock into my filthy arse! Fuck my arse, you dirty bastard!"

Pushing deeper I hosed her arse with what was left in my balls. She was well lubricated and as my cock began to soften I fucked her gently until my cock couldn't push in anymore. There was spunk on the galley window and no sign of the guy that put it there. Robyn was resting her head on her arms and sucking in air like a drowning man rescued at the last minute. I stabilised myself with a firm grip on the beautiful hips before me and widened my stance. I too gasped for air.

"Look!" exclaimed Robyn a few minutes later, pointing at the galley window.

The head of our deck mop was sploshing water all over the galley window. It disappeared only to return with more water and rinse it off. I heard the mop being put back on the roof. Two hands appeared in the window and formed two happy 'thumbs up' signs. The guy walked away and I reached over to lower the blind. We didn't move until we had recovered sufficiently to walk unaided.