Who Knew?


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"But you understand, right, that we can never do this again? It was what we needed, to re-establish our connection, or tend to our psychological 'loose ends', or whatever. But I'm your mother, and you're my son, and you're a married man. I won't come between you and your wife, or compete with her for your affections. Understood?"

"Understood, absolutely. And if it helps, I'm crazy about my wife."

"As you should be."


I flew home the next day, and Janet met me at the airport. By the time we got home, it was late at night. Janet took the babysitter home, and I was already in bed when she returned.

"Did you have a good visit?" she asked me.

"It was really amazing," I said. "We got reconnected on some really deep levels."

"That's wonderful! So, how long until life gets back to normal?"

"I don't know. Probably not too long. She really wants to meet you and the kids."

"That would be nice. Especially if she wants to be in our life as 'Grandma', or something like that."

"Uh-huh. That's what she wants."

I rolled toward my wife and pulled her tight to myself. "I have missed you," I said.

"That would be two of us," Janet agreed.

Soon she was straddling my hips with my rigid cock buried inside herself, riding me happily. "Don't ever leave me for six days, again," she groaned. "I need frequent seminal injections to help keep my sanity."

"I know what you mean."

Soon, Janet was squirming through her first orgasm in nearly a week, while I sent another load of my semen into her. When she was finally sated, she fell on top of me, and we lay together, holding each other, for a long time afterward.

"It's good to have you home," Janet cooed.

"Mmmm-hmmm," I agreed. And we both fell into a happy, contented sleep.

For the next few weeks, I was hornier than I'd been since just after we'd gotten married. At least once a day, and often twice, I was dragging Janet off to bed for another round of conjugal communion.

"Not that I'm complaining in the least," she said, "but -- what's gotten into you?"

"More like I've gotten into YOU," I chuckled.

"You know what I mean," she said, with a sly grin.

"I honestly don't know," I said. "But somehow, this whole birth-mother thing is touching me at a very elemental level. Whether it's that I'm finally touching the beginnings of my life on this earth, or making contact with my genetic origins, I really don't know. Or, maybe, my world has been rocked, and I'm turning to you for some familiar, stable security. . ."

"Or (d) -- all of the above?"

"Yeah. . ."

"Well, I'm here for you, babe. Like I said, I'm not complaining."

"I appreciate it," I said, with a sly wink.

In the fullness of time, all the sex that Janet and I were having, issued forth in its predictable natural result, and Janet became pregnant with our third child, a daughter who we named Andi, after her newfound grandmother. Which pleased Andrea to no end, when we told her.


That summer, Andrea flew out to spend a week with our family. We had a wonderful time showing her around the area where we live, but mostly, she just enjoyed meeting her grandchildren. A look of wonder would cross her face when they would sit on her lap, or ask her to read to them, or whatever.

"I knew I had a son 'out there'," she said. "But it never occurred to me that I might have grandchildren. I mean, I'm not even 50 yet. I'm not sure I'm ready to be somebody's grandma."

"Get used to the idea," I laughed. "Because they're not going anywhere."

Andrea seemed to form a particularly tight bond with Janet, for a number of reasons. On one level, I think Andrea knew that, if she wanted to have a good relationship with me, she couldn't be the 'evil mother-in-law' to Janet. But, on a more basic level, the two of them just hit it off, and instantly liked each other, which worked to my great benefit.

One afternoon toward the end of the week, Andrea and Janet and I were sitting together over glasses of wine. Andrea turned to me.

"It's time I told you about your birth-father," she said.

"OK," I said. "I know his name was Tom, and that you loved him, but he freaked out when you got pregnant."

"But you want to meet him, don't you?

"Sure, I suppose I do. But he didn't treat you very well."

Andrea sighed. "We were both young. He wasn't wicked, just scared and stupid. He was my first, and still most memorable, lover. And he's your father. You only got half of your DNA from me; the other half is from Tom. You really should meet him. I want you to."

"OK," I allowed. "So, how do I meet this Tom?"

"Well," she said, "his name is Tom Delaney. We met at UW; as far as I know, he stayed in school, and got his degree. I haven't heard a thing about him since I went to Oregon. I did see him once, after you were born, and I told him that you were a boy, and that I'd given you for adoption."

"Wait a second," Janet said. "Did you say his name was Tom Delaney?"

"Mm-hmm," Andrea nodded.

"And he went to UW?"


"How old is he?" Janet pressed.

"He was two years older than me," Andrea said, "so that would make him around 52 now."

"Holy shit," Janet hissed.

"What?" I asked. "Is something wrong?"

"Don't you get it, Kevin?"

I shook my head. Then, slowly it dawned on me. "My god. . ."

Now Andrea was confused. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"My maiden name is Delaney," Janet explained. "My father's name is Tom. He went to UW, and he's 52 years old. I suppose there could be more than one man named Tom Delaney who fits that profile, but if it's the same Tom Delaney. . ."

"Then Janet and I are half-brother-and-sister," I said, finishing her sentence. "Before we get too crazy," I continued, "we should probably call your dad.

Immediately, Janet picked up the phone and called her father. "Dad?" she began, "I've got kind of an odd question for you."

"Okaaaayyyy," her dad said, wondering what was up.

"Does the name Andrea Mills mean anything to you?"

Deafening silence emanated from the other end of the phone. "Why do you ask?" he finally responded.

"Well," Janet said, "There's an Andrea Mills sitting here at our table. She's Kevin's birth-mother, and she just told us that his birth-father was named Tom Delaney."

"Holy shit," said my father-in-law. "That would mean. . ."

"Well, Dad, if you're that Tom Delaney. . . then I married my brother."

"Holy shit. I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Better bring Mom with you."

"Good thought."

Janet hung up the phone and gave Andrea an odd, quizzical look. "You had sex with my dad?"

Andrea gave a thin smile and shrugged. "Well, he wasn't your dad yet. . ."


From our house to Janet's parents' was about a two-hour drive. While we waited for them, Andrea and Janet and I started to work through the implications of the new information.

Suddenly, certain things were becoming clearer to me. For one thing, the uncanny 'resonance' that I had with both Janet and Andrea, now seemed to be a clear function of our respective genetic connections. No wonder Janet just 'got' me, on that deep, unconscious level.

Andrea raised a different, more troubling question. "Can you even be legally married to each other?" she asked.

Janet grimaced. "Oh shit. . ."

"It's a little late for that, isn't it?" I rejoined. "I mean, we got married legally and in all good faith. How were we supposed to know that we were long-lost half-siblings? How was anyone supposed to know? Now we've been married for six years, and we've got three kids together. Breaking that up at this point would just seem cruel."

"But. . . you could have children with two heads! Or, you know, something weird like that."

"Maybe I should get myself snipped. But the kids we've got seem normal enough, and at any rate, we can't send 'em back, can we?"

Janet just gave a low whistle. "Man, this is so weird. You're my brother!"

"Half-brother," I corrected her. "But yeah. And my father-in-law is also my father."

Andrea turned to Janet. "Did you know about Kevin? Well, not Kevin personally, but did you know that Tom -- your dad -- had fathered another child?"

Janet laughed. "One time, when I was in my teens, Dad got drunk and rambled on, something about having a son before he and Mom had gotten married, but I never thought to take it seriously. And now -- good grief! -- I'm married to him!"


When my in-laws arrived, Tom -- who I'd taken to calling 'Dad' just as an affectionate shorthand, since he was my father-in-law -- walked through the door tentatively, almost cautiously. When he and Andrea saw each other, there was instant recognition.

"Hello, Tom," Andrea said, with a calm smile. "It's good to see you again. Although, I have to admit," she said with a chuckle, "I never imagined the circumstances."

"No shit!" he responded. "Andrea, I am so sorry for how I treated you when you were pregnant. I have no excuse. Can you ever forgive me?"

Andrea smiled. "I've long since forgiven you," she said. "We were young and stupid. And I haven't had a bad life, after all. By now, I even have mostly fond memories of you, and the time we were together. And you seem to have done all right, yourself. You and your wife have been married for a long time, and you've made a lovely daughter -- and a lovely daughter-in-law for me. So, thank you for that."

Tom and I turned to face each other. "I really don't know what to say," he said. "I always knew that, somewhere out there, I had a son. And I always hoped that I'd meet him someday. But now. . . I've known you, and you've been a part of my family, for years, and I never knew it was you. . ."

"It's a little shocking," Janet's mom chimed in. Then, turning to Janet with a pained look, she had one more revelation to add to the already-bizarre mix. "Janet," she began, "you've probably figured this out by now, but I was pregnant when your father and I got married."

Janet's eyes got wide. "I never even thought about that," she said, as she counted the months from her parents' anniversary to her own birthday, finishing just short of six. "Mom!" she exclaimed, with a giggle and a wink.

Andrea looked at Tom. Her face was somewhere between shock and bemusement. "You mean, you did it again? Got another poor girl pregnant out-of-wedlock?"

Tom grimaced, and hung his head. "Well, at least I learned from my first mistake, and married Marie. . ."

Andrea laughed, and her mirth was contagious. "Well, aren't we just the oddest, most decadent group of people! Tom knocks up the two of us, and then his two kids end up marrying each other! Perfectly perverse!"

"I'll drink to that!" Tom said, raising his glass.

In the midst of all the mirth, my mind took a serious turn as I contemplated the whole picture as it was all laid out before me. "Maybe it's best," I mused, "if we all don't dwell too hard on Janet and me having the same birth-father. I'm still part of the Schmidt family that adopted me, and we got married on that premise. It's a really weird twist, and we don't need to pretend it doesn't exist, but it doesn't have to be central to our lives, either. Does it?"

"Well it certainly can't get much stranger," Janet chimed in. "But. . . it is what it is. . ."

"For sure," we all agreed. "It is what it is!"


Later that evening, after Janet's parents had gone back home, and Andrea had turned in for the night, Janet and I were sitting together on the couch, still dizzy from all the bizarre revelations of the day. But none more bizarre than that, out of the thousands of people I'd met in the course of my life, I had met my own half-sister, not knowing who she was, fallen in love with her, and married her. It all made my head hurt.

I turned to Janet. "Well, sis. . ." I chuckled, "What do you say we go to bed? I'm thinking we could use some really good stress relief."

"That's just the best idea I've heard all day," said my wife. Who, I was still struggling to grasp, was also my half-sister.

And the two of us stood up, walked down the hall, and went to bed. . .

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7a11 months ago

This is a beautiful incestous love story for all the wrong reasons. For 20-30 years everyone had an emotionally, psychologically, and physically forefulling life except for Andrea.

JacktacularJacktacularover 3 years ago

Adding the sex with the birth mom was totally unnecessary, you could totally see where he was going with the sister angle and that was good enough so adding the mom/son bit was just distasteful in my opinion and made him (who talked about how much he loved his wife and kids) seem like a douche

ausvirgoausvirgoover 3 years ago
Anatomical Error.

Why do so many Literotica authors think that the hymen is an inch or more inside the vagina?


so Andrea couldn't have felt Tom filling her before he broke through her hymen.

ausvirgoausvirgoover 3 years ago
Nice twist.

Was the sex with his mother just a ploy to throw readers, so they would think that that was the reason for the incest/taboo label. Mind you, with a story title of "Who Knew?" it wasn't likely to succeed.

Fuzzy_Kbear's comment asked "what are the legal, and moral implications? What are the societal ramifications?"


The two of them are legally unrelated, unless and until some fool "spills the beans". Unless his original birth certificate included his birth father's name there's no evidence of them being half-siblings.


1. They've done nothing wrong. They met, fell in love, had sex (or is it had sex then fell in love), got married, had kids, all without knowing they were half-siblings.

2.It would be immoral for them to separate because of being related - apart from breaking up a happy family, it would be heartbreaking for both of them, especially since if it were real life they'd probably have to break off all contact with each other for a long time in order to make a separation work, so it would also break up their family as half-siblings. As the marriage ceremony says "let no man tear asunder".

3. The psychological objections to incest do not apply here, as there was no psychological family relationship when they met, had sex, fell in love, and got married.


1. Unless the relatedness becomes public there are no societal ramifications in this case.

2. If society and/or the law poke their noses in where they shouldn't then the societal ramifications is that people (couples) who would otherwise be happy could instead be very miserable. IMO, if the couple are consenting adults who did not have a familial relationship (psychologically speaking) prior to becoming romantically/sexually interested in each other then society and the law should butt out. Where one or both know they are related before becoming romantically/sexually interested it becomes more complicated and should at least be discouraged because a) a messy break-up will also adversely impact family dynamics, and b) sometimes incest will stunt personal growth by reducing the motivation to socialise outside the safe environment of the family.


1. The incest prohibition in Christianity was not brought in to avoid birth defects, but to stop families hoarding wealth by "keeping it in the family".

2. The risk of birth defects in first generation incest is very low, even in full siblings, and such defects as do occur would have eventually shown up randomly when a descendant mated with an unrelated person who happened to share the same deleterious recessive gene. There's even a case that, at least before modern medical interventions, infrequent first-generation incest actually improves the gene pool by reducing the incidence of deleterious recessive genes.

3. There's no real genetic reason for Kevin to get the snip, although if it wasn't done when they got married it would probably be a good idea to get genetic testing before having any more children, just in case they are both carrying a known harmful recessive gene. If they needed to give a reason to get a more in-depth test they could give a half-truth - that he is adopted and they've just found out that their fathers are closely related. Considering medical confidentiality, they could probably even tell the full truth, although it would probably be best to avoid this if possible.

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearover 3 years ago

Makes you think.

This is such a believable, and even reasonable story, it could be true. If it is, what are the legal, and moral implications? What are the societal ramifications? I love stories that make me think!!!

UsmcnevilleUsmcnevilleabout 8 years ago

Loving this story, pleas continue to make more chapters

AcornArmyAcornArmyalmost 10 years ago
They could always move!

They'd be legal in Sweden. No idea why, but according to Wikipedia, half-siblings can legally marry in that country, with special approval from the government. (I just looked it up.) "Special approval" seems likely, I would think, given their unusual circumstances.

Archimedes59Archimedes59about 10 years ago
Just plain liked it

Excellent story

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
no real surprise

if you wanted to use the SURPRISE ENDDING BIT you should have used a different catagory. when you come to the incest area you know they will be related some how. this would have been good in the EROTIC COUPLES AREA then it would have been a real surprise endding.

OleguyOleguyabout 11 years ago
Often wondered.

It had occurred to me that such a thing might happen in real life which is why I object to privacy laws refusing the facts of surrogate parents, seminal donations etc.

Morlan502Morlan502over 11 years ago

This has the sound of something that could happen in real life! Nicely done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
love and marriage

When two people who know each other start fooling around it will be more than a one-night stand and love will and should be there. Of all the sex stories that I have read over the years, this will have to be one of my best.

In real life this is how it sometimes happens. The young man and young woman know each other but don't realize that they like each other or love each other until someone else tells them that they do. The original sex that they had in the dorm room was great. When the husband went looking for his birth parents and found his mother the story took a turn that I didn't expect. I thought that the story would have no more sex in it; but having sex with his mother was something else.

I now thought that the son would be coming out to Oregon more often for more sex.

but I was wrong again.

Once again, this story had sex in it but it was different. Thanks.

FiresongFiresongabout 12 years ago

That was great!!! What great a twist ,I really enjoyed your story...

AverygoodlayAverygoodlayover 12 years ago

Delightful story almost comical, but still a very loving relationship between a man and a woman, finding out that they are half brother and sister don't change the love they feel.

Now the thing with the mother is a different story altogether, the feeling of wanting to be close to her son turning sexual was unexpected.

Through the beginning of time brother and sister have intermarried, royals supposedly to keep the blood lines pure and others bcause there were no others in their towns.

I loved your story and look forward to reading more.

DangelshdevilDangelshdevilover 12 years ago
Nice but it was too obvious

Its a nice read but i got the brother and sister thing in the begining.. But full marks on literature.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I did not see that coming. Great writing you got a 5 from me. long lost half siblings. Wow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Well-written, and you definitely held my attention! I don't find it improbable or impossible at all. A few years ago there was a case in California (where else?) of full siblings (twins, I think, but not identical!) who had been separated at birth and adopted out. Without knowing their relationship, they fell in love and got married. Out of the woodwork came the truth of their consanguinity, and the Court stepped in and forced them to divorce.

And recently there's been a lot of concern in medical circles about the children conceived courtesy of sperm-donors---usually medical students looking for a few extra shekels. (They were very bright, so potentially good father material. It paid well.) Well, that meant the seed was sown close to home---there was not much geographical distribution. A lot of people who are half-siblings are now h.-s. and college age and living in the same communities, so the chance of their meeting and marrying are exponentially higher. Doctors who do artificial insemination realize now that they should have broadcast the seed over larger fields, so to speak.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
loved it!! wish I could do that

great story write sequels to this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Very nice.

You tied up the loose ends well, while still leaving a hint of story continuation. Thanks

Scotsman69Scotsman69over 12 years ago
A decent piece of writing

and you're the first Lit author I've read in a while who knows that the plural of 'areola' is 'areolae'.

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