Who Was It Going To Be?

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You know what curiosity did to the cat.
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I was in the supply room down behind the copier trying to clear a paper jam when Bill and Henry came into the room for something. Since I really don't like Henry I didn't stand up and say, "Hi guys" so they didn't know I was there. They had been talking when they walked into the room so I didn't know who they were talking about, but the gist of the conversation was clear enough -they were planning on fucking some one's wife. Curiosity grabbed me and I kept very quiet so they wouldn't know I was there. Hopefully I could find out more.

"So you don't think she'll be a problem?" asked Bill.

"Nah. If we can just keep her husband occupied it should be a piece of cake."

"I ain't interested in a piece of cake Henry, it's a piece of ass I'm after."

Both men laughed and then, apparently having gotten what they came for, they left. I cleared the copier, filled the paper tray and ran off the copies I had come in to make while I wondered who the poor boob was that they were going to hang horns on.

Curiosity being what it is I spent a lot of time during the next few days checking out the women in the office trying to figure out who Bill and Henry were after. Of course they might have already scored since I'd heard them in the supply room, but still, which woman was it? If it hadn't already happened then they wee probably plotting to make it happen at the company Christmas party which was only two weeks away.

There were twenty-three women in our company, but all of them wouldn't qualify. Henry had said that they needed to keep her husband occupied so I knew that she was married and that fact eliminated nine from the list. Mary, Alice and Maude were married, but they were also gray-haired grannies so I crossed them off. Marty was a sex lady, but she was also married to the boss and he was an extremely jealous guy and I didn't think either Henry or Bill had the guts to gamble with their jobs over some pussy so I crossed Marty off the list.

That left ten names and two of them I crossed off just because. Tonya was five feet tall and weighed two hundred pounds and Mavis was a forty-year-old shrew. Of the eight left two were nothing really special; Billie was a little on the thin side with a pleasant enough face, but hardly a woman you would go out of your way to capture and Tina, while a pretty good looking lady, had an attitude problem and everyone figured that she was a lesbian and was covering it with a fake marriage.

I could of course be totally off base with my calculations, but to my way of thinking Bill and Henry's target had to be one of the remaining six names on the list.

When you had a wet dream it was usually Nancy you were thinking of. Five two, a hundred and ten pounds on a 36-23-35 frame and with long red hair that hung almost to her ass. I'd never heard that she played around, but her husband was a salesman and he traveled a lot. Did she feel sexually deprived? Was she ready to play? Henry said the target would be a piece of cake if the husband could be kept occupied. A sexually deprived sexpot could very well be easy prey.

Silvia was a different story altogether. Good looking, vivacious, and she loved to flirt with the guys. I'd never had any reason to believe that she played around on her husband and I'd never heard any rumors that she did. Still, she was a possibility.

The most unlikely of the six was Mona. Good looking, sexy even, but she was a born again Christian. She didn't smoke, drink or swear and at break time and lunchtime you could find her in the break room reading her bible. I left Mona on the list because I had seen some "born agains" come crashing down before, and when it happened it could be spectacular. I remember one time in college when a bible thumping goody-two shoes ended up dancing in the nude on a pool table and then taking on eleven guys in a memorable gangbang. Nope, Mona stayed on the list.

Next on the list was Cheryl. A wholesome looking girl next door type, but I had a problem seeing her as the target. Everyone in the office knew that she was devoted to her husband and three kids. I couldn't see any way that Bill and Henry could get to her even if they were able to distract her husband. Maybe if they used a date rape drug, but I doubted that her husband could be distracted for as long as that would take.

Barb was on the list only because she was married and was a good-looking woman. I didn't think that she was the target though, for two reasons; Barb's husband never attended company functions with her so there was no need to distract him. Secondly, Barb was a round-heeled slut. If you wanted a piece of her all you had to do was ask her to stop and have a drink after work and you were home free. Motel room if you felt like it, or an available back seat; it didn't matter to Barb. But I guess that it was always possible that Barb's hubby might show up and need to be distracted.

The last name on my list is the one I would have gone after if I ever decided to cheat on my wife, but she was also the one that I didn't think Bill or Henry could get to. Leslie was tall, good looking in an elegant, regal sort of way and as Director of Human Resources didn't socialize on Henry's and Bill's level. During Christmas parties and company picnics she would socialize with everybody, but she tended to sit with the higher ups like the president and vice-presidents of the company. Even distracting her husband wouldn't help as far as I could see because they had no common ground with her - no way to spend enough time with her to work on her and to separate her from the herd.

I began watching Bill and Henry to see if they tended to spend more time around one of the women in particular, but it seemed that with the exception of Leslie, who had her office on the third floor, they spent roughly equal time with the women on my list. I became absorbed with figuring out who it would be before it happened. I knew, just knew, that either Bill or Henry would do something to give me an indication, but a week before the Christmas party I still did not have a clue. It was driving me nuts.

The last five days prior to the party I took to leaving work early and sitting where I could watch the parking lot. I took turns following Bill and Henry after work. Monday night I followed Bill and he went straight home. Tuesday Henry left work and drove to the Sandlot Bar and Grill and ten minutes later he was joined by Barb. For the first time in my life I was a voyeur as I sat in my car and watched Barb's legs kicking in the air as Henry banged her on his back seat. For the rest of the week the one I followed went right home.

Then it was Saturday, the night of the Christmas party, and I still had no idea of who their target was. There was always the possibility that they had already accomplished their plan and I made up my mind that the party was going to be the end of it for me. If I was unable to determine who they were after by the end of the party I was going to walk away from it. I made sure that my wife Hetty and I arrived early so that I could get a good table - one where I could see the comings and goings in the room - and also so I could see everyone arrive and see what they did.

I got a stroke of luck when Nancy, Silvia, Cheryl and their husbands sat at the same table thereby making it easy to keep tabs on them. The other three were scattered throughout the room. It was a typical party for me; I sat, drank and socialized. I don't dance very well, but Hetty loves to dance so I sit and watch as she spends a good deal of time on the dance floor. This time however, I had a lot to watch and I kept my eyes on my list of women and waited for Bill and Henry to make their move.

And nothing happened.

The hours went by and neither Bill nor Henry made anything that even vaguely looked like a move on anybody. All my sleuthing, list making, figuring and watching had come to naught. To make the night a real downer for me I got sick. I don't know what it was, something from the buffet, or an oncoming touch of the flu. I got up to go outside and see if a breath of fresh air would help. Once outside my stomach got real queasy and suddenly I had to puke. So as not to make a spectacle of myself I ducked behind the bushes that lined the patio, went to my knees and tossed my cookies.

I was still down there when I heard people come out on the patio.

"So, how was she?" It was Bill.

"Not the best piece of ass I've ever had, but she was enthusiastic. She has real promise. I'm meeting her at noon on Tuesday and I think we will go to a motel and practice."

"Where did you nail her?"

"I caught her coming out of the ladies john and pulled her into the janitor's closet. I took her standing up and leaning against the wall. She kept saying, "We can't, we shouldn't, this isn't right, I'm a married woman" and the entire time she had her hand on my cock and was guiding me into her. How about you?"

"I was dancing with her and suggested we go outside and get some fresh air. We walked around talking and just happened to end up at my car. Two minutes later I had her on the backseat and was going for the gold. It was about a half-hour after you had her and the lying bitch kept saying, "I've never done anything like this before." I came and then she sucked me hard and I fucked her again. The whole time she kept moaning, "This is wrong, I shouldn't be doing this, please don't let my husband find out." The last time I saw Little Miss I've Never Done This Before she was on her knees sucking Jerry's cock. I'm seeing her again on Thursday. Think there is any chance we can get her to pull a train?"

"No problem. Give us a week and she will let any one we want line up on her.

"Speaking of her husband, I told you it would be a piece of cake if we kept him distracted."

"Two things. How did you know she would put out tonight and why did you think that he would buy into your plan?"

"At the company picnic I had her panties off of her and two fingers in her pussy and was ten seconds away from having my dick in her and then she heard that her hubby was looking for her so she pulled away. That's how I knew she would be easy if we could keep him busy. The answer to your second question was that I relied on his nature. Haven't you ever noticed how nosey he is? How he always wants to know what's going on or all about what just happened and who did what to whom? All I had to do was plant the seed and let his natural nosiness take over."

"Well it certainly did. He watched every woman in the place tonight except for his wife. How would you have planted the seed if he hadn't been behind the copy machine that day?"

"I would have found a way."

I threw up again.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Boring and predictable, this author needs to find something new to write about

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

How come you dont rename yourself Just Plain Cuck?

Robby_DRobby_Dover 3 years ago

As usual, Bob likes to leave his men well cucked. Another 1 🌟 effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
an ending

Monday night after the party : Hendry got mugged coming out of bar. He has now 2 broken ribs, 1 arm and broken fingers, and his equipment seems out of order for a long while.

Wednesday : Bill got mugged as het was about to enter his car in the parking lot of the dive where he usually has a couple of drinks before going home. Unlucky for him, the security camera was out of order that day. Broken leg, broken arm and fingers and crushed balls.

Friday, Jerry who is a fitness freak and always runs up and down the stairs instead of taking the lifts, slipped and fell down. Bad fall : gash in the head which must have left left him KO for a while and somehow he must have harmed his genitals as well. A bit strange given the circomstances, but stranger things have happened.

Three months later Hetty was served divorce papers citing irreconcilable differences.

Live moves on.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Not one

Not one of Bob's better efforts. No ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
It is not throw up

It is throw down... and get out... because someone is about to suffer.

jtwheelsjtwheelsalmost 5 years ago
Throw up no know time next catch and punishment

Dumb shit

Sick at right time and place?

Oh well

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Why throw up?

He knows what's going on. He knows when it's going to happen again. If he's in a state that adultery matters, hire a PI, get the goods, due the men and file for a divorce. Sue the Company for sexual harassment. And make sure all the men involved have their wives or girlfriends notified of their cheating. Done and done. It would have been nice if you had written an actual ending. Bad Bob, bad!

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

A short trip to nowhere.

V3nomWolfV3nomWolfover 5 years ago

Finish your damn stories

MightyHornyMightyHornyover 6 years ago
So predictable...

Mind your own business, and you won't lose what you actually care about.

Thing is, though... lord, was that story predictable. And, once again, JPB gave us the boring part (dumbass finding out he's a cuckold) without giving us any payoff (dumbass stopping being a dumbass and start taking care of business.)

Don't much sympathy for the doofus - seriously, I hate nosey people - but it still would have been way better to read about him getting his pound of flesh instead of him stupidly setting himself up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
only difference...

...between matt moreau and jpb is matt has some writing ability

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Just plain BORING!!!

)0% of your stories are quite boring, end when it would get interesting or have brain dead characters in it. When you describe women in your stories I end up thinking whether you are a cuckold you wants to get fucked in the ass by your woman and her lover or you are a 50 year old virgin living in the basement of your mother. Did you have ever made contact with a woman?

rightbankrightbankalmost 7 years ago
If submitted for grade it would earn an incomplete

He knows who, he knows when, and where. The question is what will he do?

EMiamiRiverRatEMiamiRiverRatalmost 7 years ago
Another good reason to MYODB

Mind your own damn business.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
You did start the civil suit and the divorce

before you threw up. didn't you?

christmas_apechristmas_apeover 8 years ago
very scary

i was on the edge of my seat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Why throwup? His wife is cheating.

And he knows it. Knowledge is power. Time to open up a big old can of Whoop Ass on everyone. Hide all the assets so the slut gets nothing in the coming divorce. Expose all the men to their significant others so they get screwed, glued and tattooed. And the single guys? A baseball bat works just fine. Tenderize some knees and some balls. As some wise man once said "Nobody rides for free".

OverthefallsOverthefallsabout 10 years ago
Well the good news is that he knows

And now that he knows his wife is a cheating slut, he can plan. Given the fact that he's portrayed as being a person who knows everything about where the skeletons are buried, it shouldn't be hard for him to get revenge on all involved. Just make sure he knows who ALL the players are, then open up the giant can of Whoop Ass on every one of them and let the chips fall where they may. The slut gets divorced and the rest of the men get clobbered. Although I imagine it ending that way, it would have been nice if you had written it that way. Thanks Bob.

MarvinSMarvinSover 13 years ago

Of course we all probably knew it was going to be his wife, right? Will there be more to this story?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Divorce her now!

real simple get rid of the slut now!

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago
One never knows

You continue to surprise me with these great stories you've turned out lately.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

A nother chapter please on how he get even with his wife and all of them. come on you can do it

peggytwittypeggytwittyover 18 years ago
Great story

You seem to always suprise.

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