Who Was That in My Bed? Ch. 01

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Please let that be a dream?
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 12/26/2010
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It had been one hell of a party. The last thing Ben really remembered about it was Jack and Carl passed out on the couch and Jennifer using her cell phone to get the photo.

They looked funny as hell, Jack's head had flopped over onto Carl's lap, his mouth hanging wide open.

Of course they had to get a picture of that, it would be great ammunition for giggles at future parties.

Jennifer was a fixture around Ben and his wife Sheila's house, even on Sheila's sometimes far too long trips out of town. Just like Jack and Carl, and Carrie, Carl's tiny little wife.

Carrie had also long since given up on trying to party, she was only 5' tall and maybe 100 pounds if she was wet so it didn't take a lot to do her in. Like nearly always, she ended up flopped out on the bed in one of their 2 spare rooms.

Both Sheila and Jennifer were fairly tall, Sheila was about an inch taller at 5'9". They were so close in size that they often swapped clothes, and Ben had to be a little bit careful sneaking up and patting his wife's fanny or he might find himself giving Jennifer a little rub.

With both of them wearing their hair long and bottle blond, it was tough to tell them apart at a glance from behind.

There was more than a few wisecracks about that. Jack was forever saying things like he might be taking Sheila home by accident some night if he had too much to drink.

At one party both of them were wearing white T-shirts cut off just below their bras, and blue jeans. The conversation turned to everyone comparing them, right down to both of them having flat tummies, and similar looking belly buttons. The guys were trying to stick their fingers in their belly buttons and the two women kept giggling and squirming out of the way.

All three couples were as close as it was possible to be yet not living together. There was a familiarity that developed, like Carrie showing up in her robe at 7 AM to borrow a couple of eggs. Things like that were always perfectly all right because without fail Carrie would pop by a day or so later with a fresh dozen. It was just that morning Ben was sitting at the kitchen table and when Carrie opened the fridge and leaned over it was quite obvious she was naked underneath it.

"Carrie, your boobs are hanging out!" Sheila laughed.

"OOPS!" She said, clutching the material back together. Then she flashed a huge smile at Ben who turned bright red and off she went, not particularly concerned.

At the next party of course Sheila told everyone all about Carrie coming over and flashing poor Ben, everyone thought that was funny including her husband Carl.

Another night the women had all bought new bikini's for a beach party they had planned and all three of them ended up modeling them for the guys. It was well into getting fairly drunk that night, and even though the outfits did stay reasonably in place it was one hell of a good time. Especially Jennifer, she was not quite ready to wear the skimpy bottoms and she had quite a bit of bush showing out both sides.

The guys did offer to help her with the obviously needed trimming but they got turned down. Sheila went and got the business card of the spa she used for her own waxing jobs, there was another round of volunteers to help them both save money, along with more laughing.

The parties were a regular event, Friday nights were party night without fail. Often they all ended up at Ben and Sheila's place, since they had the biggest yard, a swimming pool, and the booze cabinet was always stocked.

The only bad part were the out of town trips that Sheila had to take as part of her job as an outside salesman for the software firm she worked for.

Those nights Ben found having all of their friends around helped a lot, their big house seemed cold and lonely without Sheila there.

Of course that meant no end to the cracks about doing without, and once when Sheila was off on a particularly long trip Carl told Carrie that she ought to give poor Ben a "little hand." That brought roars from everyone, of course all of that was just teasing.

Another thing that Ben noticed was that Carrie wore outfits that showed quite a bit more skin on the nights that Sheila was gone. He didn't mind that, Carrie was like a little doll, so tiny that even when she looked naughty it was almost like it was innocent.

Then Jennifer would sometimes climb into his lap and give him a hug just to make him "feel better" as she put it. Then she would hop up with a wisecrack about him being happy to see her and everyone would laugh. Of course Ben did not have any reaction to that but Jennifer would pretend he did, it was always good for a chuckle at his expense.

Sheila was due back the next day, Ben could hardly wait, this trip had been 5 long nights and he hated sleeping alone. Five long days without sex was right at the limit that Ben could stand without giving up and taking things in hand. The sex life between Ben and Sheila was fairly active.

That night the party came off right on schedule, just like it did nearly every single weekend.


Ben knew the evening had run it's normal course, Carrie sleeping it off in their spare room was no big deal, she did that about half the time even though the walk to Carl and her house was maybe 200 feet. Normally Carl would be in there with her but this time two of the so called bottles of Vodka had been Everclear. That was another neat thing about the group, without fail they always brought restock for the booze cabinet.

The results of that mixed with some Orange juice had showed up much more quickly than normal. Only Jennifer had managed to stay upright since she drank just one glass and switched to beer, and Ben had stopped at three of them. One full bottle of that stuff would easily put five people down for the count, Ben realized. He knew darn good and well that he was well on his way to being all done, poor Jack and Carl already were.

"Well, I am heading to bed, you can take the bed in the den if you want, Jen. I don't think those two are going anywhere until tomorrow."

"OK, Bennie." She smiled at him.

"I sure wish Sheila was home, I miss her. I wish she didn't have to make those stupid trips, but the way things are right now...."

"Yes, money has been tight for us, too, but we are keeping our heads above water." She looked over at Jack and Carl and shook her head.

"I wish..." Jennifer started to say, then she fell silent. They looked at each other for a moment, then Ben turned and went into his bedroom.

It was way early but the booze was having it's effect, Ben stripped down to his briefs and was sound asleep in minutes.


At first he thought he was having a dream, then he came awake. Someone had slipped into bed with him. For a moment he was startled, then when the hand came over and slid down his chest he realized through his haze that it was Sheila, she was home early.

Ben felt himself respond instantly to the touch, her hand slid over his groin lovingly, then wrapped around him. She began long slow sensuous strokes, giving him a gentle squeeze each time her hand reached the tip. He felt her hand then draw his foreskin back, her fingertips brushed over the sensitive head.

He just lay there, enjoying it. Such a wonderful woman he had married, many times she would be in the mood and she would reach out for him. He reached over and touched her side, then she slid under the covers. He felt her warm mouth engulf him, it only took a few seconds of that to bring him to his full 7" size.

It was pitch black in the room, that just added to the sensations. Feeling an urgency, Ben shifted his position, Sheila lay back without resistance. Ben reached down and pressed her knee over, slid his body on top. He cupped her pubic mound, feeling the soft fullness of her. Her lips felt rubbery and slick, she was fully swollen up with desire. She felt far more full than normal, the sensation of touching her was wonderful. He allowed his index finger to drift upwards over her swollen clitoris, her body shuddered in readiness.

Using his fingers to spread her open, he pushed his solid erection against her opening. She let out a tiny moan as he entered her easily, then her hips came up to meet his. Her nipples were harder than he remembered, Sheila was certainly turned on. As Ben pounded into her, she met his thrusts and he felt her insides squeeze down on him as he ejaculated.

It was actually fairly quick, it was nearly always that way the first time after Sheila got home. Then later they would settle down to a much longer and more intense session.

Ben felt the bed shift as Sheila got up and made her way to the bathroom to clean up. He heard her bump the door, then again as she felt around for the door handle.

"Thank God you are home!" He mumbled, getting no answer. That was the last thing he remembered saying as sleep slipped over him again.

Then he had woken up briefly as Sheila slid back into bed, pressed against him.


The Sunlight hurt Ben's eyes when he woke up, it took several seconds to clear his head. His mouth felt like cotton balls, his lips were sticking to his teeth. He reached over for Sheila but she wasn't there.

Struggling with his headache, Ben sat up. Then he made the way to the bathroom, drank some water. He found his clothes and dressed.

In the living room, Jack was still sound asleep, Carl was nowhere to be seen. He noticed that Jack was now in the easy chair, he wondered for a moment how that had happened.

Ben walked down the hall and opened the door slightly, Carrie and Carl were curled up on top of the bed. Carl was fully dressed but Carrie was nude, curled up tightly to him, her arm draped over his chest. All he could see was the curve of her side and bare hip over Carl's big body but it was enough for him the know Carrie was naked. He quickly shut the door with a laugh, it was obvious they had had some fun last night.

In the kitchen, he found no one. Then he checked the other bedroom, the bed was still made and everything looked untouched. Jennifer must have gone home to her own house, it was just a short walk anyway. Ben made some Coffee, sat down and sipped it.

He was wondering where in the hell Sheila had gone? Maybe over to Jennifer and Jack's house?

Reaching for the phone, he called. It rang nearly 10 times, finally Jennifer's sleepy voice answered.


"Hi, Jen. Hey, is Sheila over there?" He asked.

"No, I haven't seen her. Is Jack up yet?" She asked.

"No, but I will go wake him up. Carl and Carrie are still out, too. Jack probably will want some Coffee." Jack always instantly headed for the coffee pot when he woke up after a bout of drinking.

"Probably. Hey, maybe we should just get regular Vodka from now on, I have never seen everybody just conk out like that before." She giggled.

"Yea, it might be best to not let Carl handle any more of the booze refills, that stuff was wicked!" Ben snorted.

"Are you OK?" Jennifer asked him.

"Sure, why?" Ben asked.

"No reason, just asking." Jennifer hung up.

Ben finally got Jack up, poured him a cup. Carl and Carrie came out a few minutes later, both of them looking fairly rugged. Carrie had tugged a white T-shirt over herself, it was easily large enough for her tiny frame. Ben realized it was one of his from the car company logo on the front of it.

As Ben poured the Coffee, he noticed that Jack's shirt was buttoned up wrong. Then he saw that Jack's pants were unzipped.

"You are trolling this morning, I see!" Ben laughed, pointing. Jack looked down and flushed, quickly zipped them up. Then he glanced at Carrie, she blushed and looked away.

Everyone was overly quiet, that seemed strange. Even Carl was being quiet, that was really odd, normally he had a solid string of wisecracks going.

"Anybody see Sheila this morning?" Ben asked. They all shook their heads.

"I thought her plane got here at around noon?" Carl asked.

"I could have sworn she got home real late last night, maybe I was just having a dream?"

If that had been a dream, it was sure one hell of a vivid one, he thought.

A few minutes later, Ben got up and started cleaning up. There wasn't much to do, a few bags of now stale snacks, one empty bottle of Everclear and one partly empty, some glasses. Carrie pitched in and helped, in short order the living room looked normal again.

"I don't think I will ever have a drink again in my life!" Carrie said at one point. But then she had said that several times before after other parties. She went into the kitchen to wash the glasses, Ben went in to help her.

"That was you last night, wasn't it?" She whispered as soon as they were out of earshot.

"What?" Ben asked.

"You came into the bedroom, right?" She gave Ben an odd look.

"I just peeked in this morning to make sure you guys were all right, sorry." He hadn't meant to be trying to catch her in the nude like that, but he also hadn't seen anything anyway.

"No. Last night?" She looked at him puzzled.

"No. I didn't." He told her, mildly confused.

"It's all right, I won't tell Sheila." She said. Then she giggled.

"Carrie, I didn't go in there last night." Ben told her.

"Oh, God. I thought it was you? It must have been Jack, then." She looked down at the sink, began to busily wash the glasses.

That is when it finally hit Ben. Apparently Jack had gone into the bedroom with Carrie?

"You mean he..? Jack was in there? What did he do?"

"I think you know damn good and well what he did, I thought it was you." Carrie's face was bright red.

"But I didn't...I wouldn't...I mean...?" Ben had no idea of what to say now.

"Well, I have wanted you to for a long time, but now..? Please don't tell Carl, we were just drunk is all. I would have let you..but Jack? Oh, God. If Jen finds out..." Her eyes went slightly damp, she dabbed at them with the back of her hand.

"I won't say anything." Ben told her, in a bit of surprise. Carrie said she would have let him..?

Carrie seemed relieved at that, she turned and went to the spare bedroom.

Well, just fuck! Ben thought. This was not good at all.


Carl and Carrie left to go home first, that left Ben and Jack sitting there.

"I guess I better wander on home myself." Jack said, finishing his Coffee.

"So what happened last night?" Ben asked him.

"Beats me, I don't remember anything much. Man did that stuff kick my ass! I think I will head on home and crash." Then he left also.

Ben was thinking. If Jack had gone into the spare room and did something with Carrie, and Jennifer was there?

Very likely Jen would be pissed off.

If Sheila was not home yet, then who..?

It had to be a dream, it had to be. No way would Jennifer just climb naked into his bed like that. Teasing and flirting was one thing, but....? He tried to remember, but it was all a haze. Sheila had come back to the bed, there was more. He tried to recall that part, it would not come.

But Sheila was not home yet?


Ben went into his bedroom, pulled the covers back, He stood there staring, the evidence was clear.

"Hi, honey." Ben heard Sheila's voice behind him. He very nearly jumped out of his skin, he hadn't heard her come in.

"What are you doing?" She asked, setting down her suitcase, crossing the room and looking down at the bed.

"I...uhhh..." Ben managed.

"OH! You poor dear! I see I am leaving you alone way too long!" She smiled up at him, an amused expression on her face, began slipping her business jacket off.

Ben felt a moment of confusion.

"We just can't having you going off all by yourself in the middle of the night, honey. Here, let me fix you up." She grinned, fumbling with his belt with one hand while she tripped the buttons on her blouse with the other.

In seconds she was naked and on top of him, shoving on his pants to get them down his hips.

Ben stroked her breasts, the nipples soft and flattened. He reached down and cupped her, feeling the stubble of over a week's worth of growth.

His mind flashed to the needle sharp nipples and soft velvet touch of the night before. Then he felt himself respond to the woman that he loved, his mind went blank, lost in the sensations of her.

Later, Ben lay there thinking. He was trying to convince himself that the night before had just been a dream.


"Wow, you guys were drinking THIS stuff?" Sheila asked, holding up the remains of the bottle later. She had some eggs poaching and the smell of Bacon in the microwave filled the air.

"Jack and Carl drank most of it, you know how Carrie does." Ben told her.

"Yea, one drink of this would do that girl in." She laughed.

"She had at least three of them."

"God, I bet she was a mess."

"Yes, she crashed in the spare bedroom pretty early. Jack and Carl weren't too far behind."

Sheila served the food, sat down and told him all about her trip. She had closed two of the sales and was still working on a third one. Ben listened but his mind was on the night before.

Jennifer. It had to be Jennifer. That changed everything, now there were secrets. He nearly jumped when there was a knock on the door, it opened and Jennifer came in. She sat down and in no time at all she and Sheila were in a normal conversation.

Normal. Just like dozens of times before, perfectly normal. Maybe it was just a dream?

Ben got up and headed for the living room, he glanced back for a moment and saw Jen looking at him. Sheila was digging in her purse for some photos or something.

Jennifer smiled at him. Then she winked.

Oh, God.

He decided that perhaps it might be best to just pretend it was all a dream?

Or perhaps sit Sheila down and have a long talk, confess?

Either way, Ben knew there were some dark clouds on the horizon.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I gave it 5 for effort.

Jogging 12 miles each way to school each day - really

They never discussed birth control in 20 years?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
oh god i get pissed off with

these boring stories about limp dicked husbands wanting their wived to flash then get pissed off when she goes too far then the fuck slut whore skank ends up flashing everywhere then fucking other guys......they are just a complete load of boring shite.....

Jim44444Jim44444over 11 years ago
Great first chapter

I do not understand why people get so worked up over a fictional story. It is just entertainment. I don't really care which direction MGM takes this in the next chapter(s), he always delivers a good story.

TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 12 years ago
No shit Sherlock lol

Good start and a very good object lesson rofl -

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 13 years ago
The dream is his best excuse

That better be his story and he better stick to it, just a wet dream no matter what.

Since he really doesn't know who fucked him it would probably drive him crazy until he finds out who it was.

Thanks for the read.

bruce22bruce22over 13 years ago
How did I miss this?

It is MGM and could be loving wife both being among my favorites except when it turns into group sex.. I hope that this will not happen. I admit that I agree with the commentator that this would have been an excellent flash story as is...

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Hope it doesn't go the cliche route and have it all set up by Sheila and some stupid enterence into swinging with all the neighbors. Those stories are a dime a dozen.

Right now it is a story of drunken mistakes. He honestly thought his wife was home early. Not his fault that Jennifer took advantage because her husband was screwing the other chick. At least that's what I gathered from reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good start

Provided Sheila isn't playing games and it's all a set-up, given the difference in the female's bodies, it's obvious that it had to be Jennifer in his bed. If Jake did Carrie, and who else would if it wasn't Ben, than Jen and Jake are set to force swinging on the other couples. With Carrie admitting that she would have welcomed Ben, it just remains to be seen how far Sheila is involved in this scheme. Magmaman's writing is good as usual. Wonder if there's some twist in this story or if it's all as straight forward as it seems. Please bring the rest soon.

oldwayneoldwayneover 13 years ago
So far, so good.

I'll keep reading.

demantoiddemantoidover 13 years ago
Loved part one...could have even ended here as a stand alone

" hey Lucy you got some spraining to do"..."oh Ricky". Can' t wait for the next episode. Mt ideal scenario..the two boys on the couch really are actually GAY, and Sheila and Jennifer are torid lesbians. And of course Carrie is an underage nymph. Sitcom zwieback! Obviously this first chapter is a great set up for a master of psychological and physical sexual tension. So does it stay slightly light hearted, or do the characters all spiral to despair?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
where do we go from here?

Now that 3 couples have been cheated upon because of some drunken parties what will happen next. End the gettogether's now and stop the drinking. But will it be enough to stop 2 or 3 divorces. 1 star for a poor story line

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 13 years ago
There's subterfuge afoot

Only the mysterious woman knows for sure who fucked Ben. Maybe she will repeat her indiscretion.

Thanks for the chapter

RHinSCRHinSCover 13 years ago

There are a few directions this could go. From what we see so far, both women knew they were not with their husbands. Are Jack and Jen evil predatory swingers? As ViO pointed out, they have single handedly, or is that double handedly, thrown a wrench into the works of two other couples marriages. Carl wasn't saying much at breakfast, that can't be good. Carrie was a knowing participant in what she did. She was willing to cheat with her husband passed out in the other room. Pretty risky. Jen knew exactly what she was doing. It is unknown about Jack at this point. I can see Ben's defense, I do not check to see if it is my wife getting into bed with me every time. After the 180, he was probably a little groggy. People do strange things when they are drinking. Even stranger things can happen. People have different reactions to alcohol, but one thing is usually a constant, when they pass out they don't move for several hours. Maybe some of them were playing possum. One thing is for sure, Everclear don't play. It induces comas. But, it's a story. Good so far.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 13 years ago
OK so far . . .

Although the "I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing" gambit has been used numerous times in these stories, this one has a bit of a twist where we have double trouble, as they say. I'm not aware of other stories where two illicit sexual encounters occurred at the same time, in the same venue, due to excessive alcohol.

So we have a problem with Jack having screwed Carrie, and Jennifer having fucked Ben, and so in a way it's OK for one couple but a mess for the other two. Consider -- Jennifer essentially did the same thing that her spouse Jack did. Each had sex with a partner outside their marriage, at essentially the same time. So they are even, and any accusations can be met with a comparable retort.

But what about Carl and Sheila? Neither of them got to "swing" outside their marriages, in fact, neither of them got off at all that night (unless Sheila is fooling around on her business trips). And when Sheila came home and found the wet spot in the sheets (I think most couples use towels but not in the stories on Literotica -- yuk, who wants to sleep in the cold, wet spot?), she assumed that Ben had a wet dream? I guess he sleeps in the buff -- what happens if he has too much gas, does he leave a brown spot?

So Carl won't be particularly excited to find out that Carrie and Jack fucked during Carl's drunken sleep, not unless he has the secret, kinky fantasy of being cuckolded . . . which I doubt. And Sheila will be devastated to find that Ben screwed Jennifer, even though he was drunk, thought he was doing Sheila because he thought she came home early, and whatever other excuse the author dreams up. It's hard to believe Sheila did not smell Jennifer's residual scent in the bed. Is Sheila a smoker with a bad sense of smell?

Hopefully, the author will resolve these issues in the next chapter, or however many additional chapters will follow. But this definitely sets up some conflicts and dilemmas. Thanks for writing.

ohioohioover 13 years ago
a little confusing, but promising...

It's clear that something will be hitting the fan. A little hard to tell who's who and what's happened, but I assume that'll get straightened out...

Looking forward to what comes next!

Thanks, ohio

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