Why Do I Write Incestuous Erotica?


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"Uncle Henry! Hey! Stop! What the Hell are you doing? Don't!"

Then, as soon as he inappropriately touched me, I knew what he was doing. As if I was standing there for his personal, sexual delight, he felt my breasts while fingering my big nipples through my bra. I'll never forget the feel of his big hands cupping my breasts, feeling my breasts, fingering my nipples through my bra before feeling the top exposed portion of my breasts. Then reaching his hand behind my back and down, he felt and squeezed my ass before reaching down and around to cup and finger my pussy through my panty. My uncle was touching me. My uncle was feeling me. Standing there in my bra and panty, I felt so violated.

I was sick to my stomach. Panicked, being that I had flashed him and teased him so very many times before as my sexy game that I played with every man, I blamed myself for his sexual assault. Yet, being the exhibitionist that I am, it was one thing for him to see me in my bra and panty, but quite another thing for him to touch me and feel me through my bra and panty, which he did continually, non-stop. We were family. He was my beloved uncle and I was his favorite niece.

"Uncle Henry! What the fuck? What are you doing? Stop!" My screams were muffled by the material of my dress over my mouth.

Then, I remembered those Japanese videos where the molester cuts a hole in the woman's uplifted dress by her mouth and forces her to blow him. Is that what my uncle wants, a blowjob? Is that what my uncle expects me to do, to blow him? Is he wanting and expecting me to suck his cock? After being forced to blow my cousin, and coerced to suck my college professor, enough is enough, I'd bite my uncle's cock off before I sucked it.

It was then that I realized how totally defenseless and helpless I was. In just a push down of my panty and a pull up of my bra, he'd have me naked. Squirming and struggling, I only hoped he wouldn't try to remove my underwear but, as soon as I thought that, horrifyingly enough, he did. While he held my dress over my head with one, big hand, I felt his thick fingers reach beneath the underside of my bra and lift. Even though I squirmed, even though I struggled, and even though I jumped around as if a fish out of water being taken aboard a fishing boat, in one fluid motion, as if he was pulling his Boston Red Sox baseball cap off of his head, he pulled my bra up and over my breasts.

As if releasing my melons to take their place in a fruit bin, I felt my breasts flop down and rest on my lower chest. I was so mortified. As soon as my breasts were out of my bra and so exposed, I felt his big, horny hands feel me, fondle me, and caress my tits while his fingers pulled, turned, and twisted my big nipples. Too scared to be sexually excited and too embarrassed to admit that I was but, being that my nipples are one of my erogenous zones, with him knowing all the right buttons to push and with him touching and feeling my nipples in the way that he was touching and feeling my nipples, he had me sexually aroused nonetheless.

Then, when he pulled down my panties to my knees and tried to finger my pussy, I feared he'd rape me. Maybe he just wanted to see me naked as if that wasn't bad enough. Maybe he just wanted to feel my naked body, even worse. No matter how much struggling and screaming I did, unable to break free and with nothing that I could do to preserve my modesty and save my dignity, figuring it would be over soon, I relaxed and allowed him to trace my pussy slit with his finger. I don't know if I was more embarrassed with Uncle Henry seeing me naked, with him feeling and touching me, or with me being sexually aroused because my nipples were erect and my pussy was wet. Always so horny anyway, my uncle Henry was making me sexually want him in a way that I never thought I'd incestuously want him.

Alternating between feeling my breasts, fingering my nipples, squeezing my naked ass, and cupping and fingering my pussy, no matter how much I struggled and screamed, not caring if I ripped my dress to shreds in trying to get away from him, I couldn't break his hold of me. Then, as if there was a speaker put to my ear, I heard the sound of his zipper. He leaned me forward as if to fuck me like a dog and, when I felt his erect cock against my skin, I thought for sure that he'd rape me. In the way that it had with my cousin, my life flashed across my mind with my uncle.

Thinking of my prom date putting my hand on his cock through his pants, while feeling my breasts through my dress, I remembered him unzipping himself and pulling out his cock as if it was yesterday instead of a dozen years ago. I remembered him forcing my hand on his exposed prick to wrap my fingers around him. With his hand positioned on top of mine, I remembered him forcing me to touch him, hold him, and stroke him. I remembered him forcing my head down for me to take him in my mouth and to suck him.

As if my Uncle Henry was my crystal ball inspiring me to look back in my past to recall all of my unpleasant sexual experiences, I remembered my cousin putting something in my drink. Even though I was conscious of what he was doing and aware of everything around me, I didn't even have the strength to struggle. Kissing and kissing me, I remembered him touching me everywhere through my clothes. I remembered him undressing me and feeling my naked body. I remembered him sucking my nipples and licking my pussy before forcing me to blow him. After I blew him and after he ejaculated in my mouth, delirious with incestuous desire for me, I remembered my cousin fucking and fucking me. He was such a sick bastard.

As if my life was suspended in time, I remembered my college professor talking and complimenting me while lightly touching my hair, my shoulder, and my thigh before exposing his cock to me. Eye level with his cock, I remembered him looking down at me while he stroked my hair and moved his hips closer to my mouth. As if in a daze, as if this private lesson was part of my class assignment, I remembered voluntarily putting my hand around his cock to stroke him before closing my eyes to take him in my mouth to suck him. Now back to the present, here I was with my beloved Uncle Henry in the same dire, sexual situation.

As if I was able to watch him feel me and touch me, apparently, I was so upset that I was having an out of body experience. As if the woman he was fondling and fingering was someone else, I watched him have his wicked way with her naked body. Awakening me from my resigned submission that my uncle was about to rape me and there was nothing that I could do about it, as if there as a speaker hooked up to my ears, it wasn't until I heard that exaggerated, loud sound of his pant zipper being lowered that I reacted into action. Then, as if I was a burn victim in a hospital and the mere touch of his cock to my naked ass caused me terrible pain, I suddenly had superhuman strength.

Humiliated and feeling so foolish that I trusted my uncle enough to put myself in danger again by being alone with yet another sexual predator of a man, never was I so embarrassed and felt so deceived. My mother's brother and my Godfather, he was my favorite uncle. Finally, when I felt his naked cock poking me in the ass, not wanting to be taken anally, not wanting to be taken by my uncle at all, in a rush of adrenaline, it took all the strength that I had to struggle myself away from him. With my dress still bunched around my chest and my underwear askew, I ran from his house and jumped in my car. If he had emerged from the house to chase me, I would have run him down with my car. Fortunately for him, he stayed in his house, no doubt, to masturbate over all that he saw and felt of me. I couldn't wait to go home to the safety of my apartment, lock my door, and take a long, hot shower.

* * * * *

Only, once in the shower and showering is when I discovered my fourth predator. Something fell from the ceiling and hit me in the head. I jumped figuring that it was a big bug, a spider. I hate spider or worse a roach. Rubbing my hair, when I looked down at the drain, it was a small bit of masking tape. Masking tape? How in the Hell did that get way up there? Then when I looked up at the high ceiling in my bathroom, I noticed something I had never noticed before. There was a dim glow of a red light. Obviously the tape had been concealing the light.

"What the fuck? What the Hell is that?" Only, I knew what it was. "Are you kidding me?"

I turned off the water and dried myself before donning my robe and putting a stepstool in the shower to have a closer look. It was a tiny camera. I couldn't believe it. No doubt, my landlord, a fat, short, hairy men from some God forsaken country, had been watching me for how long, I had no idea, maybe ever since I rented this apartment last year after I divorced my husband. I grabbed the camera with both hands and jumped from the ladder while pulling the camera down from the ceiling. With my hair still wet and wearing nothing but a robe and slippers, I banged on his door.

"Open up! Let me in," I yelled.

When he didn't open his door, I decided to use a different tactic to gain entry. Knowing that he was standing there looking, I stood back from his door to allow him to see me through his peephole. I opened my bathrobe wide and mouthed the words, "I'm so horny. I want you. I have to have you. Fuck me!"

Being that he was naked from the waist down when he opened his door and with his little erection still in hand, he must have been masturbating over my naked body while watching me showering. When he opened his door with a big, sexually excited smile on his face, I bum rushed past him and ran inside his apartment. With his recorded video set to pause, there I was on his 50" HD TV totally naked. I removed the video from his player, pulled the DVD from the wall and through it against his television screen. The TV fell from the stand with a horrible crash. With him yelling at me in some foreign language, I took the entire stack of videos he had beside his TV and put them in the box he had on the floor with the other videos marked with numbers, apartment numbers, no doubt.

"Hey! What are you doing? You can't take those!. They're private property. They don't belong to you. They belong to me. Get out! Get out! Get out of here. I'll sue you! I'll evict you! I'll kill you."

"These are my free rent cards," I said shaking the box of videos at him. When he made a lung and a grab for the box, I kicked him in the balls. "If I so much as see you sniffing around me again, I'll take these to the police," I said slamming his door as I left with his videos.

One by one, over the course of a week, I forced myself to watch them. He had every apartment in the complex under his perverted surveillance, the dirty, little bastard. I lived there another two years rent free, before moving to Pennsylvania from Boston to live with and care for my elderly mother. Then, on moving day, when I was leaving with my car loaded with my stuff, standing there naked with his cock plainly in sight, he gave me the finger from his big bay window. Free rent for everyone, I smiled and waved because I had already given him the finger when I mailed his videos to each and every resident of the apartment complex. I could only imagine the women's husbands, boyfriends, and sons banging on his door.

* * * * *

My fifth sexual predator and assuredly not my last sexual predator was my father-in-law. When first married, we lived with my husband's father to save money to buy a house. His father was long since divorced and he seemed like a nice enough man. Yet, whenever my husband was working, he worked nights back then, my father-in-law gradually made his sexual attraction to me known. Granted and admittedly, no doubt, I stoked his sexual fire by accidentally on purpose flashing him my panty up my short skirt and my pussy up my open legged nightgown. My game to always play, something that I was able to control and control men, I wasn't so innocent flashing him my bra and abundant cleavage when wearing low cut blouses and my big tits when wearing low cut nightgowns. Certainly, I accept my share of blame for encouraging my father-in-law's bad behavior but he was out of control.

Yet it takes two and he was as much at fault trying to see me naked as I was at fault for accidentally on purpose flashing him bits and pieces of my body. Now his game to play, pretending he didn't know I was changing, even though my bedroom door was closed or pretending that he had to pee and couldn't hold it, being that we only had the one bathroom, he was always walking in on me when I was changing and/or showering. A man on a sexual mission, being that he was always so fascinated with my big tits, he was always trying to catch me in my underwear, topless, and/or naked. Being that I've always been an exhibitionist and have always enjoyed the sexual attention of a man wanting to see my body, and at a time when I was participating in the swinging lifestyle with my ex-husband, admittedly it was fun playing my cock teasing game of flashing my father-in-law up skirts and down blouses. As my way for me to keep my reputation intact, so long as it appeared accidental, with a flash of my panty here or a flash of my pussy there and a flash of my bra and breast here, there, and everywhere, I never minded showing my body to my father-in-law or to any man.

Then, escalating the game of voyeurism and exhibitionism, an unwelcomed, shocking surprise, an understatement, my father-in-law started returning the favor of exhibitionism and voyeurism by exposing himself to me. It's one thing for a woman to sexily flash a man her panty and bra, even her pussy and breasts, but quite another thing for a man to disturbingly and purposely flash a woman his erect cock. Whenever his son wasn't home, acting as if he didn't know he had a big boner, he walked around me in his underwear with a difficult not to notice erection. Like son like father, my father-in-law had a big cock too and I had a difficult time not looking, staring, and leering in the way that he's always looked, stared, and leered at me.

When he wasn't walking around me in his underwear, he was wearing a loose bathrobe with nothing underneath and damn if his bathrobe tie didn't always, suddenly come undone and completely open at the most opportune time for him to flash me his naked, erect cock. Actually, all that it took for me to see everything he had was for him to bend or stoop on the pretense of picking something up from the floor. Now that I think of it, with me thinking that he was just a clumsy, old fool, while I was sitting there watching television, he was always dropping things and picking them up in front of me, no doubt to flash me his cock and balls.

He'd wear his pajama bottoms without underwear with his erect cock suddenly flopping out and/or swaying back and forth practically in front of my face. Obviously wondering if I'd take the hint and grab at the bait, he was keen to see my reaction to seeing his prick. Most times, I pretended not to notice and that made him mad enough to parade back and forth in front of me until I did notice enough to tell him that he was exposed. By then, already a professed swinger, I had seen a lot of pricks and he didn't have anything that I hadn't already seen before.

No doubt hoping that I'd do the same and expose myself to him, which I did eventually, being that I'm not embarrassed to admit that I'm an exhibitionist, it wasn't until I called his bluff and exposed my naked body to him that he finally left me alone. When he walked in on me for the fiftieth time when I was showering on the pretense that he had to pee, I turned off the water and opened the shower curtain. Staring him down, I just stood there watching him leer at me. Forget about my morals, without preserving my modesty by reaching for a towel to cover my nakedness, I brazenly and unabashedly showed him what he had been lusting to see, my naked big breasts, areolas, and nipples and naked, blonde trimmed pussy. Knowing he had been dying to see my tits, he stared at my big tits as if he was a man dying of hunger.

As if I won and as if he silently agreed that our little game was over, he meekly left the bathroom and never barged in on me again. I guess he didn't want to take our daughter-in-law/father-in-law an incestuous, sexual step further. I wonder what I would have done had he called my bluff and tried to have sex with me. Nonetheless, even though I was the victim, thinking that these sexual assaults were all my fault in the way that I dressed, provocatively talked, flagrantly flashed, and/or sexually teased, not only did I feel too guilty to report my abusers, I was too embarrassed and too ashamed to share this with anyone until now. Not wanting anyone to ruin my sexy game by broadcasting my erotic intentions, I didn't want anyone to put the blame of being sexually assaulted, used, and abused on me for flashing them. Being that much of it happened so long ago, in the same way that I use my real name to write erotica, now I just don't care who knows what I write and why I write erotica, especially incestuous stories.

* * * * *

So why do I write erotica? That's easy silly. I was bitten by a vampire, of course. My vampires were my sexual predators. My take on the subject of vampires is those who have been sexually abused by a sexual predator is the same as being bitten by a vampire. There's no difference between the two to me. Now we all know that there are no such thing as vampires but we all know that there are sexual predators abound. I write erotica because I was bitten by a vampire. My sexual predators were my vampires. Instead of drawing blood, they drew something from deep within me that changed me and transformed me into what I am and who I am today. Fortunately for me, I had years of therapy yet, even after all of that therapy, private and group counseling sessions, here I am writing erotica on a porn board. Go figure.

Many of those who have been sexually abused, whether incestuously abused by a relative or sexually abused by a stranger, become sexual abusers themselves. Many who have been sexually abused turn to alcohol and/or drugs to help them soothe their pain. Some commit suicide. Meant to be that I'd be sitting here writing erotic, incestuous stories, if that's all that I'm driven to do, then I'm one of the lucky survivors of incest. Yet, still, I guess, I've always wondered how different my life would have been had I not been forced to blow my prom date, had not been alone with my cousin, coerced to suck my professor's cock, violently and sexually assaulted by my perverted uncle, and used by my father-in-law. Who knows, maybe I would have been a nun.

Begging yet another question by my unsolicited confession, just curious, I wonder how many of you readers have had similar experiences. Leave a comment and/or send me an e-mail. Maybe you too were sexually abused. Maybe the reason why you enjoy reading my stories is because you were bitten by a vampire too.


john-the-authorjohn-the-authorover 6 years ago
Hugs, Dear One

Yes. There are an awful lot of creepy men out there. I'm sorry.

ronlimronlimalmost 9 years ago
I am your recent admirer...

Susan I do understand now why some women express themselves the way they do after having experienced such treatment as you described. It could have lifelong implications, not to mention the deep emotional scars the trauma had inflicted.

If what you related were true personal experiences I have nothing but emphatical abhorrence for those perpetrators. Most of all, your Uncles should be exposed in as shameful a manner as politically appropriate in today's society. 

Meaning hang them up by their balls! 

It is one thing to be caressed and fondled even by an uncle, if done lovingly and with care, but quite another to be physically violated and raped. 

There is pleasure in the former when the act is consensual and with the love that accompanies it, but trauma in the latter as pain and humiliation had been inflicted by someone who's expected to love and protect you.

As your favourite uncle he should have been all the more kind and gentle to a beautiful and desirable niece.

All the more so, if he was aware of your past unfortunate experiences, he should in fact try to help to alleviate the hurt rather than aggravate the situation.

pfields44pfields44about 11 years ago

I have very recently discovered your writing, which i really enjoy.. Thank you for having the courage to be open about the abuse and hardship that you have suffered. With this understanding in mind it definitely provides greater depth and understanding of your writings.

engineer_in_paengineer_in_paabout 11 years ago
words totally elude me

To say this is very well written is meaningless because this essay is not about the form in which the words are arrayed: it's about the words and the story behind those words. "Horrific" doesn't begin to describe your cousin and uncle. The other cast of characters are not much better. "Horrific" doesn't begin to describe these crimes against you. After reading this essay and knowing a little about your situation now, I don't know how you manage keeping any sense of humor or semblance of sanity. But you do, your stories abound with both. And for that, I and other readers here are very grateful to you.

wordsinthedustwordsinthedustover 11 years ago
This deserves a green "E"

I've always been impressed with the artist's ability to do a self-portrait and make it look like they sat for it. In this case, there is no pallet of color used save Roget's and Webster's, and you've done a remarkable job of revealing yourself. At the risk of making light of your revelation (trust me - not my intent), in truth, you stand before us naked, less tempting us to view your lovely nude form than to expose to us your shadowed scars... scars that most of us can never really appreciate lest we've traveled the same path.

To write such a piece, much less to do so under your own name is gutsy to say the least... I salute you!

StoriestStoriestover 11 years ago

This story sheds light on a lot of aspects of kinks and sexuality. Many may already know about the links between abuse and sexuality, but every individual and personal tale says more than any general discussion can. Well written and thoughtful work here. Thank you.

ArwonArwonover 11 years ago
Why do i write erotica, especially incest stories

When i read the introduction to your story in the opening line i was somewhat confused, however after i read about the sad and painful times you were sexually abused it was understood how you were bitten by vampires, your sexual predators. Your exhibitionist activities in all probability i suspect fed and fueled the sexual desires of these lecherous vampires which however does not excuse their sexual interference with you. Your toughened mental strength enabled you to recover from each respective case of abuse in a fashion over time and continue your flashing subsequent predators and abusers. Few women i suspect would make a similar recovery to you from being so horridly and sexually abused, let alone turn to writing about their experiences erotically especially of the incestuous kind. I do not think you are a disturbed and twisted writer because your general sexual background which includes swinging has given you an enlightened and acute awareness into erotica and the taboo. The incestual sexual abuse you suffered as the victim i believe may have propelled you into writing incestuous mother and son stories, where you as the mother cast yourself as not the victim nor the predator, but more so the teasing controller in a kind of a reversal role to your actual experiences.

You have conceded that until you made a connection to what happened to you in your sordid past you didn't understand why you enjoyed writing erotica, but also why you enjoyed writing mother and son incestuous stories. That enjoyment is possibly derived from you living out your passion from you numerous writings about it without any risk of suffering physical or mental harm. The reasoning you gave for the non disclosure until now of the series of sexual abuse incidents you encountered is understandable. Defense lawyers would have applied the blow torch to your testimony had you made any formal complaint to the police having regard to your self confessed dressing, provocatively talking, flagrantly flashing and/or sexually teasing activities. Not wanting anyone to ruin your sexy game by broadcasting your erotic intentions is indicative of the protection, preservation and stimulation you sought and also seemingly derived from them.

It is probably pre judgmental to draw a correlation between your enforced incestuous experiences and having sex with a son if you had a son. I doubt your conduct in such circumstances would mirror that of your sexual predators. The ramifications you alluded to may not eventuate from consensual loving and tender sex with a son. Further, on the contrary, it is possible your son may be very pleased and glad to have engaged in the experience with you. Where the sex is not consensual and forced the repercussions you cited would be a most probable sequelae. It follows that your wretched cousin Bob deserved to feel the full weight of the law for the despicable crime he inflicted on you. Cousin Bob needless to say got off lightly. Your dear brothers i dare say would have extinguished his lights had you confided in them. Your natural flair, creativity, and imagination enables you to formulate believable, erotic, fascinating and breathtaking stories. And i think you you derive as you deserve to do, a very good sense of satisfaction from writing incestuous mother and son stories in such a spectacular fashion.

It is a credit to your recuperative capacity and intestinal fortitude to be able to put behind you these five sexual abuse episodes and apply your intellect and extraordinary writing talent to write about them, write erotica, and write about incest so insightfully and enthrallingly. I am so pleased you do because i am deriving a great deal of interest and enjoyment from the fictional stories and enlightenment from the actual experiences you so painfully endured.

Thank you for sharing this amazing part of your life.

st2988st2988over 11 years ago

I understand somewhat I am a guy. When I was a junior in high school I was raped by a girl. She forced me to drink alcohol. Long story short she took my virginity. I can't changed anything now I just know better. I like reading your stories. Very well written.

gperry2843gperry2843over 11 years ago
ClitNinja said it best.

With my limited ability to articulate my thoughts I am not going to try to expound on his masterful ability to express the sentiments of a great many of Susan's admirers. Thank you for expressing this for so many of us.

ClitNinjaClitNinjaover 11 years ago
WOW, your clear, vivid honesty is to be admired – it is an INSPIRATION to any abused person…

When I start to read a new author, I like to read their bio and then browse the titles and even muse over a few of their stories first. Susan’s bio, her pic and her story titles captured my attention… Her entry entitled: Who is the Writer, Susan Jill Parker immediately had my attention – I wanted to know more. In fact, it was so captivating, I read it slowly over several days.

To put things in a short perspective: for me I read these for my arousal entertainment pleasure. I have been married for 40+ years and my sex life would receive an “F” grade, lower if such a thing were possible. My wife is a great friend – but is clueless when it comes to sex… In fairness to her, I am responsible for some of our poor “sex scores”, but then this comment section is not about me, but about the luscious Susan Jill and her sensuous writing skills.

The next entry in her story submission list was this one on why she writes about incest… bit by a vampire had my curiosity.

I personally have fantasized about my mom and having sex, so I wanted to know more from a woman’s perspective. I wanted to read from an educated person, who was a great writer. Also, I had never read why anyone chose to write incest stories.

I started reading, excited to learn from a lady, a sophisticated, beautiful lady her “incest why”… And ultimately, like most of us men, our goal is to release our love juices, stroking our man toy with our “hand pussy”. I am in no hurry – the old school, best described by the song: I want a slow hand… not in a heated rush… So I began to read.

The first page was just what I prescribed for my “sexual virus” – erotic, sensual stories that were so real, I was drawn into each scene, numb and unaware to what was going on around me… Again, mission accomplished.

Then things turned ugly – and I went from “flaccidly warm to aroused hot erection” to still hot, but not aroused.

When I read about Susan’s experience on her prom date, her cousin, her uncle, her college professor, the landlord and her father-in-law… it was so real. I felt like I was there watching this tragic abuse of a lady by weak and selfish MEN. I was so very angry and pissed off – I wanted to catch the B _ _ t _rds and torture them by hanging them by their junk for the rest of their lives.

But then I digressed a little… but that digression shows what a powerful writer Susan is. She shared these events in such a way that I was there as I read… oblivious to all my surroundings, people, sounds… And my sexual desire for release was gone… again because of Susan’s ability to communicate and re-create mental pictures of six male hogs abusing a precious kitten.

Here is the capstone to it all – Susan had the courage to share this with us, to bring us to where we experienced her pain and now knew her on a level that only a few of her personal friends might know her. In her stories, I admire her creative writing skills – but here there are sides of being allowed to see, feel and live her pain and then allowed to understand the character depth of our authoress.

She shares honestly that she may have brought some of this on by her behavior – but… but… she never intended for it to go this far. Perhaps she honestly believed that this was going to be like the stories we have all read about the woman and her first sex experience – maybe swapping partners, or anal, or lesbian or public sex or… In those experiences, the decent people always say we will only go as far as you want – if you say stop, enough… we will stop. But not here – the abusers ignored the desire of her heart – S T O P… stop now!

More could be said – but I do not think it is necessary – I was emotionally, intellectually and physically changed and affected by this story.

Susan, thanks for sharing openly, without hesitation. Now as we read, our perspective will be reading as an informed reader… one who knows the authoress and appreciate her sexy sensuality, in spite of these horrifying and horrendous events. What happened was sickening causing us to have justified anger directed at the perpetrators of these abusive situations.

Thanks Susan – you are admired and loved for your character strength and fortitude to overcome… and to share with your fans and your “to be fans” an honest look at your pain.

A couple of closing thoughts – LordSlamdawgg makes some valid points… the smart gazelle does not fake injury and see how close it can get to the lion’s den. Don’t tease the vampires nor get close – than you will not get bit.

I agree, but I think Susan’s point is missed – 1st, she could have left out the “her tantalizing tease part” – but she did not. And her point is valid – spot on… Even though Susan acknowledges her teasing ways – it did not give them the right to do what they did to her.

Continue on Ms Susan. Hold your head high. Write with reality and create mental pics that we can walk through your sensual life as though we were there…

Chuck in central TX…

Iread2relaxIread2relaxover 11 years ago
You are not alone

Plenty of women have been bitten. But we survived. Thank you for sharing your story.

2105nrret2105nrretover 11 years ago
My Bad. I'm dazed and confused.

I seem to have read one of your writings but then my comment went to a different one, not the one which I had read and not the one which I had intended to critique. Please disregard my irrelevant remarks.

Perhaps I will be able to locate and comment to the appropriate essay.

2105nrret2105nrretover 11 years ago
Thought provoking essay.

This is the first of your writings which I have read and so I plan to read more, in order to understand better where it came from. The tone is very, very angry and that is your right, but that angry tone will probably dilute the impact of your message: some readers will tune you out because it is too hot for them to process. No doubt there is satisfaction derived from writing in a wrathful state, as it diffuses the ire. But at the same time, such an essay will become less persuasive I believe.

I really am sympathetic to your point, mind you. In fact, I sometimes weaken my own writing by toning it down---because I am wary of the opinion of me that I will give other people as they read my experience (non-fiction, non-erotica). In that regard, you are braver than I am, but the result is that your message may be lessened.

I am not opposed to anger: I've often been an angry person. But did you write this in order to blow off steam or to sway opinions?

Best wishes.

dustybootsdustybootsover 11 years ago

I was in awe reading your story (making sure I wasn't in it) lol. Now I am all hot and.....

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