Why Even Bother?

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Essay on the UN Climate Change.
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Another year has past, another Spring is coming to the Northern Hemisphere and fall to the Southern, another Earth Day, and another climate report from the UN released. So the world takes a large sigh of ignorance at yet another report, the deniers make up excuses out of thin air, and most other folks bury their heads in the ground. Still more will point to China and exclaim about how it's now all their faults for wanting to live like those in the West. Politicians will make pledges that later they will push off and speeches that result in nothing. In the end, really, it's all a front and little to nothing will be done about it. So why does anyone bother to talk about the incoming problems? Because out there someone will listen and maybe, at the least, they can be aware of the problems coming down the line. If you really don't care, or want to believe it's all some conspiracy to keep you from doing whatever you please, then stop reading this essay.

For those that don't know, the United Nations climate change panel recently leaked a report written by 772 climate scientists from 70 countries. In it they laid out the current changes being experienced in the climate and the consequences that these changes will have in the next eighty or so years. These changes include the unprecedented rise in global temperature compared to Earth's history, the rise in sea levels, increased droughts, and the acidification of the ocean. Mostly, the report dealt with the idea of surviving these changes as with the time lag involved, it's too late to stop any of them.

The big, noticeable hit to everyone will be the effects upon our food supplies. In the last couple of years we've seen two major areas affected by droughts and another by a surprise, early winter storm. This has laid waste to the beef herds in the United States and is reflected in the price of beef at the store. These same droughts have torn up the nations supplies of hay and corn, two major feed sources for meat and dairy animals. It's not alarmist, it's fact, I talked to my hay supplier this month who informed me he's had calls from several states away looking to send a semi his way in hopes of getting enough hay to last until the grasses hopefully grow. That's unusual as it's not very cost effective to transport hay that long of a distance. You will see that affect the price of meat later on.

The report states that the changes in climate have already cut production of vital cereal grains by 10% and that the cuts will become more serious in time as even GMOs will not be able to keep up with the change in climate along with insects that are becoming resistant to the current GMO alterations. A major drought and water restrictions in South California is putting a hurt on the nation's food supplies as a large amount of our dairy and vegetables are grown in that once fertile land.

NOAA reports that sea levels have risen 1-2.5mm a year since 1900 but since 1992 have been going up 3mm a year or 0.12 inches a year. Current predictions place sea levels to rise 10 to 32 inches or 26 to 82cm over the next few decades. Considering that the majority of the worlds populations already lives on the coastline, it will displace a large number of people and destroy a large amount of the buildings and property on the coast. Already people have lost significant chunks of land, one family in Louisiana reports having lost upwards of 20 acres of land due to sea levels rising.

The oceans act as a carbon dioxide sink, absorbing large amounts of the gas through the movement of the water. The CO2 then reacts with H20 to form H2CO3 or carbonic acid. It's this reaction that has caused the pH levels of the ocean to become 25% more acidic since the start of the Industrial Revolution. This acid eats away at calcium deposits, normally found in the coral reefs and in the shells of various shellfish like oysters and clams. Even if you don't eat those in particular, they are a base food for many other species of fish.

Currently there are many people scrambling to try to cover up and dilute this report as much as possible. Governments are trying to stuff the report full of "what ifs" posing that the report should answer what would happen if they actually enforced mandatory greenhouse gas laws. Unfortunately, the reality is that these laws are often skirted or otherwise mitigated by other laws. This means that the reality is we probably won't see enough of a reduction put in place via legislature to make enough of a difference to stop these events. They will ignore anyone who says otherwise, even someone as prominent as Jim Yong Kim, the head of the World Bank, who states that on the current path there will be conflicts within the next decade over food and water sources.

Everything listed above is already happening, there is actual proof of it happening and the events have been measured and recorded. There is no denying that. Instead, it means that it is time to take a good, hard look at what is coming down the pike and to be ready to deal with the consequences.

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fanfarefanfarealmost 9 years ago
Why Not Doubt?

It does not matter that the evidence accumulates, as scientific methodology improves, refining the data and correcting the errors. Showing a definite trend towards catastrophic climate change..

When the food in your refrigerator freezes while the temperature inside your freezer heats up, melting everything? All the fault of liberal science geeks I'm sure.

Give people a free choice, the majority will always choose superstition over science. Science is hard and often incorrect unlike religion. Which by self-definition is never wrong and always correct. As long as your religion's armies are victorious.

Give people a free choice, personal greed and laziness over sacrificing for future benefit. This is the same stupidity that would have nullified the formation of the United States, the Erie Canal, the Transcontinental Railroads, The Homestead Act, Hoover Dam, the Manhattan Project, the Space Program. As not immediately personally enriching themselves.

Give people a free choice, pretty, pretty shiny toys to play with as they insist on achieving nothing more in life than being passive spectators of mindless entertainment They will reject accepting personal responsibility for themselves and a Civil Society.

Just as the dinosaurs meekly accepted extinction, so will mindless people today. The use of the term "Homo Sapient' is based on 19th century bigoted religious doctrines of predeterminism and predestination. The more accurate scientific designation for Humanity should be Homo Anthropophagus.

OldmarriedtarOldmarriedtaralmost 10 years ago
I agree

It makes know difference now as to the cause of global warming. We have already seen a reduction in the available food supply and there are definite signs that things will get a lot worse. Could steps be taken to reduce the impact? Yes but it will cost lots and lots of money and in the way we live our lives. That's what I though you would say. So "Why Even Bother."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago


Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 10 years ago
fearmongering BS

Try this:


The real question as always is "Who benefits ?" (cui bono ?)

A question that no doubt was old in the Roman Republic.

First you pass laws then you create a power structure to enforce the laws.

Laws give those in charge power over those who are not.

Having observed politicians and bureaucrats at work I have a well earned skepticism where they are concerned. (maybe cynicism ?)

ttom76ttom76about 10 years ago

We've had climategate, the phony hockey stick, no warming for 15 years , false claims about the Himalayan glaciers, the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic are near record levels, predictions on hurricanes that never materialized, legitimate scientists smeared, data 'lost', a proven conspiracy (emails), you name it.

When I was in college as a Biology major I noticed a lot of studies for genetics were funded by some Cancer research. I asked my prof, he said that you worded your research wherever the money was.

Follow the money! There are tens of thousands who would lose their job if this craze goes away. Read the fine print! Where is this data coming from? How can it be so accurate? (it can't)

In 1999 researchers had a brilliant idea to prove that the West was behind GW. Prevailing winds are westerly. By measuring the level of CO2 in winds entering a country then again exiting the country, you'd be able to tell how much that country was contributing to GW.

To the horror of GW advocates, the US was a CO2 CONSUMER! There are more forests and plants here sucking CO2 out of the atmosphere than we contribute. Western Europe was minor. Asia and Africa, tremendous.

At first they claimed the study was faulty, then that the US could not sustain it. Finally, they got smart. They buried it.

These are the same idiots who claimed we were causing a new ice age. Wake up.

patientleepatientleeabout 10 years ago
Is this the same report that

the anti global warming lobby kept from being published in a science journal? A science teacher was telling me about that just this morning. (Of course, I don't remember what it was called or anything.)

I know that we don't even have crocuses poking through the ground yet. Crazy.

Good essay.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
it's the same people

"Global Warming" is about as real as the nympho mom's with 38DDD breasts who throw themselves at their just turned 18 year old sons with the body builder physiques & 10" erections.

delusional fantasies are fine in your personal life, but they have no business being used as the basis for public policy making.


mBrowmBrowabout 10 years ago
Fools ignore the experts

The vast majority of scientists, the experts paid by society to study climate and its drivers, have done the math, informed by their theories of physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, meteorology, and surely several other relevant disciplines. A few others are global warming dissidents, of which many are financially supported by energy interests and other institutions trying to preserve an economic status quo that benefits them. The dissidents are facilitating the ignorant rants of fact cherry pickers attempting to poke holes in the warming theories, but the learned majority is still sounding the warning.

People who genuinely care for the future generations are trying to lead our population to make changes to reduce the warming. As that effort seems to be failing, I fear that the result will be thirst, famine, panic, war, increased storms and seriously reduced populations of many species, including humans. Science can only do so much to help us, but it cannot cure stupidity and it cannot provide the needed magic when an excessive human population burns through its non-renewable resources and ignores the warnings of increasingly ill effects.

dapidapiabout 10 years ago
How to sell climate change

All you stupid intellectuals have it wrong. Every year you trtot out the figures and wave them in front of the unwashed masses of beer swilling, NASCAR watching idiots who make up 90% of the world's population, the pitiful 1% who want to do the right thing have no chance fighting the 9% who want to keep making money as they've been doing the last 150 years and the rest don't care.

What the 99% opposed do care about is a threat to their lifestyle. Start running commercials with rich guys dressed like evil Arab oil sheiks and filthy, bearded Jihadis plotting how to suck more money from the unwashed American masses.In those commercials stress that using alternative energy sources, cutting down on fossil fuel use, recycling and using hybrid fuel cell technology will hurt the Arabs, their Jihadi partners, cut taxes, bring jobs back home and help the environment all while hurting the bin Ladens of the world.... Just watch how quickly all the politicians will jump on the bandwagon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
No "global warming" for 17 years

The same person who told us we could keep or doctor, or insurance plan, or hospital is the same person who is telling us there is "global warming", when there is none. The CO2 content of the atmosphere is only .0397%. The water content of the atmosphere is 10 to 100 times greater at .4% to 4% and is therefore a much more dominant "greenhouse gas". This CO2 garbage is a scam to get STUPID Americans to demand higher taxes to suppress the use of carbon based fuels. The money would be transferred to the UN and other fascist / leftist organizations. This would also leave more oil & coal for the communist Chinese to use in their industries. Even if the US cut back dramatically on CO2 emissions, the communist Chinese put online every 7-10 days a coal-burning power plant big enough to power San Diego. Has ALGore given up his private jet to save the world? Don't be silly. The Earth had 10 times the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere 500 million years ago than it does now-and the planet was then the coldest it has ever been. The north polar ice is growing significantly now. There has been NO global warming for 17 years, which is why they call it "climate change". There is always climate change, but it is caused by the Sun, not those nit-wit, gullible humans who believe everything the lying politicians tell them.

BigDog167BigDog167about 10 years ago
Because there are always a few

that will believe the newspeak and surrender their rights to fight this great enemy no matter how badly the lies are falling apart. Must protect Oceania.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Please tell

the 3000+ scientist who signed a petition challenging the Human causation to any actual warming or the new report by the Non-Governmental Panel on Climate Change that the science is unanimous, including the numerous Department or Endowed Chairs at major universities, including MIT. They must not have read the right studies, such as the fraudulent "Hockey Stick" report.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
The reality is there are too many ostriches

The scientific community is unanimous but people don't WANT to believe it. So politicians will not take the necessary painful steps because they are short-termist and don't want to lose votes.

seeweeseeweeabout 10 years ago

Ok, we have 700+ scientists who say it is real and the world is going to hell in a hand basket. Do we have any equally qualified scientists who suspect that the climate change thing is not correct? And if so, are they being funded to prove it or are they being labeled as cranks and just ignored?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Please don't submit this here

No one comes to this site to read this CRAP.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Beyond the debate over which statistics are genuine, it is clear that ALL of the AGW models have failed to predict anything accurately. More Importantly, the monies spent to reduce carbon emissions have had no effect on the total worldwide emissions, especially given the significant increases in emissions from India and China (which opens dozens of coal-fired power plants each year), except to line the pockets of people like Al Gore and the science grant recipients. Finally, the money spent to reduce 1/100 if a percent of the carbon emissions would be much better spent to assist poorer nations to adapt to long-term climate changes, assuming there are some.

Alberta  AlAlberta Alabout 10 years ago

I am sure that you are accurately reciting the information from these reports.


A number of formerly highly respected Global warmingers have lied rather than admit that over a short period the earth cooled slightly.

Now I can't tell the honest people from the David Suzukis.

So I do my part but nothing more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
pure BS

The whole climate change/global warming is pure BS designed to put huge amounts of money into some pockets. Even some estimates done on levels of CO2 and temperatures as to climate when some long ago plants/animals lived have both at far higher levels than those being pushed as panic numbers so as to further their agenda and increase revenues. Sadly the higher levels were before man was around.

Then there's how these climate change crowd use data, if it doesn't fit their desired model throw it out not do as good science practice and explain why its outside given expectations or such.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Do you really believe this?

Except for reality, facts or observations you have something here.

Cereal grain production is up not down. The total temp rise has been 1.4 degrees F since 1880. Pretty much half of the increase was before man put out much CO2 at all. I am against pollution but carbon is not pollution. It is plant food and what you expell when you breathe. There has been no increase in warming for 17 years at all so how are you seeing anything changing now? There were much worse droughts in the past. And it was warmer in the past. Oceans release carbon when temps go up so it would be even warmer if carbon was a control knob of climate. More than 75% of carbon is from natural sources not mankind. There has been a decrease in all weather extremes not an increase.

Your "religion" of man made climate change is dying. Climate has always changed on its own and mankind has very little to do with it.

Now you will probably delete this comment because thats how you warmist nazis roll. I dare you not to.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
It Is Amazing To Me

how cogent, carefully reasoned and intelligent anonymous' four word reply to this essay is. I am sure that Anon has investigated the data, thought long and hard about it, and considered the ramifications of his own conclusions. So, based on Anon's assurance of "bullshit," I will continue to support wasting energy, digging for coal and building more homes along the encroaching shore line. How can I argue with a person of such inspiring intellect as Anon who, I am sure, is the product of generations of careless inbreeding.

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