All Comments on 'Why I Give Head'

by StressingAsian

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AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

This could and should be a good read. However, the paragraphs are so long that I gave up very early on.

Please try again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Good job!

Talent and humor, nice change from the usual.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
For once MS Word is right

The correct terms are "fellatrix" (for the woman who gives head) and "fellator" (for a man who gives head). And the act itself is "fellation." All are in the dictionary (I just checked).

If you didn't call attention to it, I wouldn't have commented but it became distracting. Otherwise a nice effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

I love your writing style!

Rawmaster50Rawmaster50over 17 years ago
Well Done

I enjoyed this insightful little story and wanted to say thank you. You presented a lot of information about your ethnic background that I had not considered as a Caucasian male in this country. Again thank you, please continue to share both your insights and your stories.

duddle146duddle146over 17 years ago
A gentle truth unfolds.

Your essay was most lovely and so informative. Hope to read many more of your erotic activities should you care to share.

WerewolfatNightWerewolfatNightover 17 years ago
Powerful and deeply personal

Not the usual run-of-the-mill stroke material one finds here (not that there's anything at all wrong with stroke material). Still, it's refreshing, intriguing and somehow very erotic to get that deep into someone's head this way (no pun intended).

My woman likes giving head because of the increasingly strong feelings of control she has over me as I get nearer to orgasm. I'll have to find out if it goes deeper than that for her.

AmyfriendAmyfriendover 17 years ago
An excellent piece...

In some past was thought that by a woman taking a mans semen, meant that you had taken a part of his strength and increased your own power. You ever notice how a man goes all mellow (weaker) after he's ejaculated....God do I ever feel strong now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
emotional exhibitionism is HOT!

thanx! that rocked. having you let all of us complete strangers slide into your head was just as erotic as if you'd let us slide into your body, anonymously, one after another.

that was incredible. i knew they used to call having a really good conversation with someone "intercourse" back in the day. now i see why.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Now I understand

Thank you so much for writing this piece. I traveled extensively in Asia while working in the oil industry. I developed long term relationships with some Asian women. One was a chinese translator who traveled with me to mainland China for almost a year. Then we became lovers and I took another translator. I think you have made me understand her better. Although she is now married and lives a world apart, we communicate via the internet. I can't wait to send her a link to your story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
dominating oral sex

I Enjoyed your essay and would like to add my two cents. Giving head isn't always a submissive act. It all depends on what positions the participants are in. Women above the man she is dominate...I prefer women kneeling and me still with my jeans on kind of a zipless blow job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
No one cares!!!!


Tyrael07Tyrael07over 17 years ago
Great work!

Very well written, and a very nice, honest exploration of yourself that was a joy to read.

JuLeeJuLeeover 17 years ago
Super story

An aspiring writer has done a great job. JuLee

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

It was more like an intimate diary to be read upon death. Yet she is alive and just getting started. It seems both halves of her life have paid dividends, without the abstinence during her early education, she might not have mastered the extraordinary ability to describe her inner erotica. Thanks and write more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Beautiful Essay

Strikingly intelligent and admirably honest. You've found that the Dionysian ecstasies of sex don't have to match one's political stance, but can spring from far deeper drives. This doesn't contradict one's politics; it merely marks one as someone who is capable of making her own trail through life rather than being fettered by dogma (or Microsoft!).

SxRxSxRxabout 17 years ago
Not Bad

A very intricate and intimate memoir type look at your own sexual development and exploration. More intriguing than sizzling, it gave a peek into the window of the life of a second generation eastern girl who struggles with so many issues in her developing into a young woman. Many, many dynamics were broached and so allows for the reader to reflect on this essay and you. Please write more about your exploits and thanks for letting us catch a glimpse of your private world.

plussevenplussevenabout 17 years ago
Very much enjoyed your work

It's rare that I read an essay, but I saw the link on your profile in chat and found your work to be very well done and very interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

First off, I really did enjoy this essay, it was well written and explored a depth of personal conflict that I found fascinating. I thought you might like to know however, that there is a proper word for what you want to describe yourself as. Fellatio is a noun form, the verb form is Fellate, while one who performs fellatio is a fellator, or if female the fellator can be a fellatrice or fellatrix.

asiantreatasiantreatalmost 17 years ago

I found this to be a wounderful story that mirrored my own sexual growth. It also had a nicely erotic tinge to it.

lorencinolorencinoalmost 17 years ago
Thank you

An interesting essay wherein I felt privileged to be allowed a glimpse into your personal life. The last paragraph where you discuss the value of sex in your life was particularly thought-provoking.

Marty82Marty82over 16 years ago

I liked your essay. Thank you for sharing some of your word with us.


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

How brave of you to open up like this! Definitely a good read, and I don't usually stray into essays, but I'm so glad I did. Thanks, and hope to see you around. - OminousZ

eightballbumeightballbumabout 15 years ago
Loved it

Very well written and your honesty shines through.

Hillary_WoodHillary_Woodover 13 years ago
This was so enjoyable to read

I'm so delighted to have read this tonight, having tried to trudge through so many redneck ganbang scenarios.

This is what LIT should be about. I found this really quite erotic, informative and amusing.


AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Your recollection of your sexual development and enjoyment is wonderfully refreshing. What fun it was to discover sex!

Scheherazade73Scheherazade73over 11 years ago
This was excellent

I'm always impressed/excited when a woman (especially a young one) gets to really reflecting on her own sexuality - yet another thing "good girls" are not supposed to do. It's a gift if we claim it as such, and you clearly have. I loved reading this. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

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