Why Just Her?

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Everyone should pay, not only her.
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I would like to give a cautionary tale for those thinking about not listening to their gut telling them their prospective partner is lying, cheating to them. This is my story.

The beginning.

It had been just over four years ago, when due to the work I had carried out as a member of a firm dealing in computer code, I was invited to attend a mid-level technology college outside New York. My innate abilities with coding were sharpened and as the college was well known, many tech companies had spies so I soon had a number of suitors for my skills.

However, many of the friends I had made had come from small family trucking businesses and I saw a way to help them as well as stay away from the corporate dollar which seems to me to be a life of slavery. Well paid perhaps but 70-80 hours a week left no time for a life.

I had taken the basic software which allowed the trucking companies to offer slots, track their vehicles and loads, uplifting or depositing and enhanced it so many other aspects of the trucking world were included. If they were in one city and a request for a consignment came in I could match vendor and trucker saving both a lot of effort. It even scheduled maintenance.

My student friends were happy to work when they were free as I paid them well. I knew that as the end of my course came closer I would need to make a decision on what to do with the business.

The truck companies were happy for me to continue and told me so in no uncertain terms. I took a great load off them and they had improved their profit margins due to less wasteful single load journeys. I agreed, now I just needed a location to work from.

It was the decision I took alongside that one which I now truly regretted.

About a year before the end of my course, I had met a beautiful girl, Charly, who was studying at a neighbouring college. She was about 5'8", blond hair to mid back, green eyes which flashed mischief and a mouth which sold dreams. Her breasts were almost alabaster white and could take a day to kiss around. Her nipples grew as she became excited to at least half an inch. She loved having them kissed and suckled and could come and come again just by that alone.

Her flat stomach led you into a valley of sin. Her light blond pubes almost seemed to be on fire as her rosy lips peeked out. Those lips seemed to be able to talk to you, awaken your desires even if you had cum just moments before. She loved to be eaten and her nectar was as addictive as heroin. Her little rosebud enjoyed being played with. Her long legs held you so tightly there was no escape. She didn't like vaginal sex when on her period but was happy to blow me or have me fuck her arse.

I soon learned that I needed plenty of towels on my bed if I didn't want to have to change my sheets almost every night.

Charly always made it clear that she was going home after her course. She asked me to come with her. The small town where she lived needed jobs. Her cue was that I was always saying I could be anywhere and still be able to do my work which was true but only to a certain point.

I allowed her to take me to her hometown. The first meetings did not go well.

Before they travelled, I had listed everything I would need to be able to run a computing-based business. Broadband by fibreoptic cables of at least one gigabyte, power, back-up power, phonelines, offices with room to expand. Her dad and uncle said they had that.

The first shock was that on our arrival, Charly told him me that I would have to stay in the motel alone, she was staying with her parents and they would not be amused if their daughter was seen to be playing around. My inner voice said, "bullshit!"

The second was as I waited for her dad and some uncle who owned the building, I saw her in the distance being very close, very handsy to some boys. So close, my inner voice was telling me "Walk away now." To my shame I didn't listen.

Her dad and uncle must have thought this was a done deal but when I told them, probably more brusquely than I normally would, due to what I had just witnessed, that the building and other requirements sucked and were not fit for purpose. From leaking roof, poor amount of power sockets, a back-up generator from the 1830's and no fibre broadband when the fibre cables were only 75 yards away.

To make matters worse, the uncle wanted to charge Manhattan prices when the going rate in that area was about 2% of that.

My antecedents were roundly criticised. Worse they kept calling me an English bastard while I'm actually Scottish.

I walked away heading to where I had last seen Charly to tell her I was leaving. I didn't need the motel after all.

Charly seemed quite unhappy to see me as if I had broken something up. The three boys she was with looked like their toy had been taken away. Again my inner voice was saying "go."

I must have had "mug" tattooed on my forehead when I didn't listen.

I told her I was leaving as this would not work.

Charly seemed genuinely upset. I thought she wanted the business to set up in her town. It was only later I understood she wanted to be airtight and I had stopped that by coming over then.

I started walking back to my car. Charly appeared to try and stop me heading off. I told her, the building, nothing was suitable, it was just her uncle trying to rip me off. I had other locations I was going to look at. She could come with me or stay with her friends. Maybe my tone suggested to her I suspected what she was up to but she said she would come with me. She seemed very disappointed to leave as did her three friends.

After that we argued for a few weeks and all "friends with benefits" stopped. I should have listened to my inner voice then, "She's guilty as charged!"

She did come with me to see other sites. Even she could see how wrong her hometown building was for the business. I didn't know it at the time but I'm sure she kept her dad and her uncle appraised of what I was doing and the standards of the other buildings.

Meantime, I spoke with my friend and lawyer Bill. He said, "Listen to your gut. There's lots of stories about how close these southern towns are. Don't let her lead you on by your cock. If you go any further, like marriage - you need a cast iron pre-nup. I'll draw one up and have her sign along with a lot of business stuff like healthcare, if needed."

Charly and I held a meeting and I told her we were through. I didn't like what I had seen and I didn't like her dad nor her uncle trying to fleece me.

She was mad. How could I think she would do anything like that? She was just pleased to see her friends. Nothing had happened nor was going to happen.

My inner voice was shouting, "She's lying. Walk away."

I told her, I couldn't live like that, wondering if she would be screwing someone behind my back. I was walking away from someone I thought I loved; someone I had wanted to live my life with but cheating was not in my nature nor hopefully in the one who I wanted to be with.

To cut the story, my lust won out and before long I had set up in her town and we were married, just eighteen months before the shit hit the fan.

True to his word Bill had her sign a lot of paperwork including a pre-nup which gave her nothing if she committed adultery.

About nine months before, I began noticing changes. Sex became three or four times weekly but never on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday. Charly always liked to know my movements, so she could there for me she said.

The best thing which happened in hindsight was the town's claim to fame, their favourite son. Senator Will Davies. He and I did not get along as I wouldn't donate to his political causes. He was so right wing, he made Trump look like a communist. Charly's family idolised him. We argued over his latest bill which he said gave workers more rights. Yes, like none!

I was called an English communist bastard for pointing out an employer could get rid of staff if they declared they looked at me badly or did something he didn't like. No rights!

The second bone with her family was when I wouldn't pay for the town's Independence Day celebrations. I had the first year but as far as I saw, what it cost me wasn't spent on the celebrations though her dad had a new car!

I told them I had to invest the money in the business as I was losing customers as a rival firm was offering them additions I had been forced to curtail due to them persuading me they weren't needed the year before. If I didn't the one hundred folk I employed would lose their jobs. That was a quarter of the town's adults.

That did not go down well.

One Tuesday morning, I was working but had hit a brick wall on new code to make the package better, more flexible and resilient. I knew if I walked my brain often cleared and I could work out the problem in terms of what I had to do to get to where I it wanted to be.

I walked out through the office and realised that I was being watched. I saw Charly's friend call someone while looking at him.

Within a few minutes Charly called to ask what I was doing. Her voice showed some concern, not about me but her. I told her, I was walking to clear my brain, probably going to the park and lake. She seemed happier when she ended the call.

My inner self had woken up and wouldn't be denied. There were rumours that the last two rooms at the motel were rentable for an hour or two. They were used for romantic interludes with those not necessarily your partner.

I made my way there keeping well out of sight of any potential onlookers. I was about 75 yards away and hidden by the next building when I saw Charly and two of her buddies, Don and Ed. From the way they were intwined I would say they were going to be using one of those rooms and I was right.

Now, I could have just gone in and beat the two of them to a pulp. Immediate gratification. Or I could do what I did.

I would use my skills not only take the whore out of my life but fuck those and any others involved as well.

First, I used an old phone, which I had kept as it can't be hacked or interfered with to call one of my old friends, John whose business accounts for around 25% of my customer base.

I was not long back in the office when John called me. Those immediately outside could hear me pleading with him not to take his business away.

After he called I walked through the office to my secretary. I needed a hotel room in John's town for at least two nights. Text me which one with directions. I needed to get home to pack.

Surprisingly, Charly wasn't there when I got home. I left her a note wondering where she was as she said she would be at home all day. I explained I was off trying to avoid losing my main customer. Fuck her family for demanding I didn't work on additional support for my customers just give money to the town's celebrations which ended up being a new car for her dad!

Charly and her dad didn't like that. They made it clear when I got back. I just gave it to them both barrels. I was no longer the easy going husband they thought they could control.

Charly withdrew her sexual favours but as far as I was concerned I wouldn't touch her with yours let alone mine, so was happy with that.

In the two days away, John and I set in place a plan to toast them all. I got video surveillance stuff, a new phone but mostly found a site for my business to relocate to. 1200 miles from that cheating bitch. Over the next six weeks, I spent a lot of time away supposedly trying to keep business while actually training my new staff.

Some companies regrettably cancelled their business and moved to this new firm.

On the domestic front, when I returned, I sneaked into the two rooms at the motel. It was well known Abe drank and after nine, you just helped yourselves to the keys. I wired them up and checked out the quality of the video. It would work fine. I downloaded the video to a file which I hid on Abe's computer. When the shit hit the fan any investigation would lead to him and show a potential blackmail plot.

The video also downloaded through a secure VPN to a computer which was linked via about ten countries. Good luck trying to crack that.

I also put several into my home. My inner self had finally got through to me, I realised that on Wednesday's and Friday's Charly changed the bed sheets for some reason.

Friday, I would be bowling. There were five of us in the foursomes team but I was the only one never subbed for one week.

I was not a happy man, especially at my own stupidity.

On my return to the office, I saw a renewal for the building from her uncle. The bastard had upped the rent by five times. He wanted it signed there and then. I told him not happening until I secured my customers. He wasn't happy.

It was only six weeks until the end of the present agreement, so the uncle thought he could afford to wait. I could wait as well as I put my other plans into action.

I worked on my new software and told the staff that due to its complexities; I was having a specialist firm install it. Two weeks before they were due, I had a call. They couldn't come but I could send the computers to them. It would take five days to turn around.

I was furious but had no option but to agree. The Friday before the end of the building contract, all the computers were to be loaded and taken for upgrading. The staff were told not to come to work until the Tuesday.

The video surveillance went well. Abe was a dirty bastard. He never replaced the sheets for a week yet there were at least four fucking incidents per room per day.

Tuesday afternoons, 12 -- 3, Charly, Don, Ed and Duffus occasionally helped by her dad. The pastor joined in several times adding his little dick to make two in her cunt.

Wednesday -- my home -- Charly, Tom, Dick, Harry, Dad and Uncle.

Friday night -- my home -- Charly and one of the bowling team, Don, Ed, Duffus, Tom with Bill, Ron and Mark helping them out.

The pastor had women three mornings a week. A number of men I had fallen out with had affairs with other married women. I collected all the data and as their wives were nice, some had even tried to give me a big hint about what was going on. I forwarded the information they would need to divorce their arseholes.

The pastor's ministrations were forwarded to the evangelical mission he belonged to as well as some of the state press.

I printed off copies of Charly with all her partners whether one, two or three or four. She did like to be airtight.

As I left the office on the Friday, I left letters on everyone's desk telling them they were fired as they were laughing at me behind my back as they knew my soon to be ex-wife was fucking everyone in sight. Thank you Mr Senator. No redundancy pay!

There were three letters I delivered personally as these women had been very helpful and were stuck in bad marriages like mine. I told them if they left their husbands to come and see me at my new business premises. I paid them as I would have before the new employment bill. I gave them copies of their husbands fucking around.

When Charly left for church on Sunday, I followed. When everyone was in I pitched all the photos of her and her lovers and the pastor with his whores around the church, up and down the street. As I did, I heard the pastor talking about adultery. I walked in and shouted at him, "You should have thought about that when you were shoving your little dick up Mrs Brown, Mrs Smith and Mrs Davies pussies. They didn't even feel you."

Charly stood up, furious at me, "Listen whore, Tom, Dick and Harry have had you all ways. Your dad and uncle have fucked you. That's illegal, even in this state. The only thing you'll get is the divorce papers. Have a nice day!"

As I left the server arrived and served her. Her screams were music to my ears as I left her and that town behind me.

The uncle might have thought he had me but I had shredded all the new agreement for renting the building so any he produced would not have my DNA or fingerprints on it. As he had bought the restaurant across the road, which was popular with my workforce, he wouldn't have any customers. Bummer!

As the local judge was a member of the family, my divorce petition was raised in the next county. Charly tried to get support but the pre-nup was solid. Our home was a rental, an offshore dodge, so she had to pay the rent or leave.

The local Police were investigating her father and uncle for incest.

I was free.

After the parting.

I had driven over a hundred miles and stopped to watch the ocean. The waves crashing against the beach were washing away the anger I felt as the sea renewed itself before crashing again. I understood that. I had left behind what had once seemed the most important thing, the most important person in my life. Now, I was moving on, to a new life, a new freedom.

Those I had left behind, could burn in the fires of their damnation. Especially my soon to be ex-wife and her many lovers. I hoped they had a special place for Pastors.

There is no god for religion is only to have power over the gullible and that pastor sure did make use of that.

As the washing of the waves on shore quietened my anger, I smiled and began my journey to my new home, free from the fucking bitch.


Of course, the family tracked me down to my new life. When they tried to ambush me, my new friends and colleagues tore them apart and they left with non-functioning personal equipment. For some reason, I was well liked.

I didn't date for some time but eventually I found Lisa who was perfect for me. I've never felt my inner self giving me any cause to worry about her. She understood my need to take it slowly, learn to trust again. We married and I'm happier than I have ever been in my life.

Life is good, business is good and family is great, even if a bit noisy with the kids running around.

So, if your inner self says "run" do it, save yourself the misery and heartache. Don't let your cock and a flaming hot cunt rule your life.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

I paused due to one great problem... I don't know where this took place but I think that without the motel owner's agreement, he couldn't place cameras in a room.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Didn't like the demonizing of anyone who wasn't liberal the left is the party that lies at drop of hat not all there are a lot of good people in the democratic party but its bad to be either far left or far right the left do not believe in god want gov to take his place and want to spend like drunk sailors on shore leave and the far right want to cut everything no matter the harm and think if you haven't lost both arms and legs nothingis wrong

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Very hard to read. English grammar problems, misused words, missing words, just kind of screwed up in general. And not a very good story, just silly how everything goes right for the guy at the end and he has all the resources in the world and so on. Not to mention being just another rip off of the same old storyline. Find something else better worth your time maybe....

RuttweilerRuttweiler10 months ago
An outline would have helped you

This came across like a stream of unconsciousness. I felt like I was being bounced around by a mental pachinko machine.

Too hard to follow and little reason to try.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Too hard to follow even though a simple tale. I gently gave it 3 stars.

Bill S.

Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundassonover 1 year ago

Some find it incredible that a recent graduate in IT can have a company with over 100 employees in no time. The history of IT shows that this is credible. Some didn't even complete an IT degree before reaching that status.

Best known examples are Bill Gates of MicroSoft and Steve Jobs of Apple. There's plenty of other examples.

moultonknobmoultonknobover 1 year ago

Could have saved all that bullshit by dumping the bitch at the start,if he had a quarter of a brain he would have. Load of bollocks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

not a good story,even your writing was less than standard. May have been a good story if time and care was taken when laying it out and then put on paper.

Rayjag1980Rayjag1980almost 2 years ago

Story was to cut and dry, choppy. I realize it was a "short" story, but spend a little time and put some descriptive filler in. Characters were flat, very little in character development. MC was to be believed as a person who out of college in a relatively short period had a company that employed 100 people, yet he was dumb as a tack. How many red flags did he ignore? Overall, the story had way too many flaws, seemed thrown together and was average at best (for literotica).

I like most of what I've read by NylonDreams, this one was not to my likeing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


1. To gullible...just not something tge reader could wink at.

2.A very smart guy who KNEW the trouble he was walking into a did it anyway. Really? Again to far a stretch.

One last point. Right Wing/Trump?

Your LEFT,wing party has nearly destroyed the country in just two years. Today, 5/522, I paid $158 for 30 gal diesel. Two years ago the same cost me $89. My food cost, everyones really has gone 26%. Meat 43% 2 apples $1.98.

So, please keep your political ideology somewhere other than your wrinting.

Thst said, not a bad yarn but, as one commentor said below, needs some clean up.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 2 years ago

Really liked the plot but the writing style needs a lot of work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Soooo many guys, made the mistake of getting married, because their dick said yes. In retrospect, when they finally get taken to the cleaners in a divorce, they now realize all the signs were there, that she was a Narcissistic, nasty bitch that never had his back. Prostitution needs to be legalized. It would be cheaper, in the long run!

5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Oh dear, what a disappointment - poor story, and MC was too gullible for words 'inner self', you mean common sense, unbelievable

etchiboyetchiboyover 2 years ago

This story, as is, is unimaginative and full of logic holes. Also, it is really more a modestly detailed outline vs a short story.


Title and story didn’t seem to mesh. The tie in between the two?

Seemed much more a very rough outline / plot, with a few details filled in here and there. It’s not even a good 750 word type of flash story, as it’s not written tightly enough not to have a bunch of “hunh???”, “that makes no sense!” or “WTF???” moments.

Plot is far too well used by others, so would need the excluded details to differentiate the story from the other 700 very similar LW stories here just on Literotica, let alone SOL or other older sites like .assm, AOL, or BB sites.

He goes from several detailed “I have a bad feeling about this” moments to “will you marry me” in a sentence or three. If you’re going to detail several warning / hesitation moments, you should probably put in at least mildly detailed reasons for ignoring those moments besides “my lust won out”. That would be acceptable in a true 750 word Flash story, where you’ve really have to compress things, but this seems to be trying to be a little more than that.

English vs Scot ignorance mentioned. So outside UK. Has Senator. At least 1200mi across. Most large English speaking countries have senators, so could be Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand or U.S. But reference made to “how close these Southern towns were”, so probably the U.S.

Small town, well connected corrupt family; why would you trust the “local police” to do a proper investigation? You might not even be able to trust State level police agency.

Why would an old phone be more difficult to hack into than a new phone with proper encryption apps? New digital signaling, unless you are a alphabet agency, is much more difficult to hack than an old digital phone. Or do you mean a “clean” phone? One never touched by Charly’s friends, relatives or acquaintances? Then say that, not “old phone”, i.e. a new phone, or burner phone.

If you’re saying an old analog cell phone, most cell systems won’t even have analog service anymore, so is of no use. And one of the reasons people went digital was that analog cell service was so easy to hack. Unless you’re saying the people who would be attempting to hack his phone weren’t sophisticated, so didn’t know how to hack analog signal as all they had were newer digital hacking apps (try and find old equipment and software to access old analog phones, so an “expert” was needed to access that. Kinda like finding a young car mechanic who’s a whiz with computerized cars, then handing them a 2-barrel carburetor and ask them to rebuild it. Maybe never even touched one before).

This story, as is, is unimaginative and full of logic holes, and is really more a modestly detailed outline vs a short story. Not up to standard by this author. Sorry, but it garners only 2-stars

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 2 years ago

wtf I told her, I couldn't live like that, wondering if she would be screwing someone behind my back. I was walking away from someone I thought I loved; someone I had wanted to live my life with but cheating was not in my nature nor hopefully in the one who I wanted to be with.

To cut the story, my lust won out and before long I had set up in her town and we were married, just eighteen months before the shit hit the fan. what was that? stopped reading after that

Diecast1Diecast1over 2 years ago

I like the story, but it seemed a little off! AAAA+++

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