Wicked's Metamorphosis


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I didn't have to speak with Jack after all. I had my answer. Kitten made good on her promise to Jack. I nodded to Mrs. Fletcher and walked back to the car, getting back on the road to home. Now, I was comfortable and at peace with Kitten's encounter with Jack and I mentally replayed Kitten's advice several times on the way home. I hadn't had the courage to ask Mrs. Fletcher about her daughter. WicKed had also given Jack advice on how to get his sister in the barn loft for a 'roll in the hay.' Perhaps, I'd get up the courage to ask about that on the return trip to pick up Kitten next week.

The drive home seemed doubly long without Kitten's company. The longer I drove, the darker it became. Not just because of evening approaching, but the weather was rapidly changing as ominous dark clouds raced across the sky and the headwinds were buffeting the car. Rain was surely not too far ahead, I surmised. I turned off the main loop around the city, onto the highway juncture leading over to our side of the city outskirts. By the time I got to Happiness Lane, buckets of rain were slamming against the car, driven by the high winds.

I passed a lone bike rider pedaling furiously down the road, seeking shelter from the rain no doubt. I chuckled to myself.

"Serves you right for getting out in this weather," I admonished the rider as I moved over to go around him -- or rather her, as I glanced over to see a female form as I quickly passed by. I felt a bit shameful now, after seeing it was a girl and not some guy out riding in the rain. Guess I am thinking it could have been Katrina and it softens my take on the situation.

By the time I turned into my driveway, some three hundred yards down the road, the heavens had opened up and even with the wipers on full speed it was difficult to see the garage doors opening as I drove safety inside.

I counted myself thankful that I'd stopped to buy some groceries before the rains started. With one bag already inside, I was getting the second when a bike rider dashed into the garage alongside my car. Startled, I looked up to find Jackie, our closest neighbor's daughter, soaked and well winded. She was just graduated as salutatorian with Kitten's class from high school. She and Kitten spend a great deal of time together -- lots of girl stuff shared, I guess.

"Saw your light still on in the garage, Mr. Schumacher! Hope you don't mind me getting out of the rain for a few minutes?" She gasped out her words.

"Jackie, you look like a drowned rat!" I chuckled observing the water dripping down those soft Asian American features. Her long, black hair comes down over her shoulders to the middle of her back. It must be holding a gallon of water at this point as it is plastered to her thin tee shirt. Jackie is a wonderful blend of Asian and American features with a perpetual suntanned skin color and dark coco eyes. Her father, an Army service veteran. met her mother as a refugee from a war-torn Asian country.

"What in the world are you doing out riding at night, by yourself, and in this rain?" I asked, "Your parents are going to get all over you like stink on ..."

"Shit! Yeah, they would, if they were home, Mr. Schumacher. But they left Wednesday for their twenty-fifth anniversary river cruise on the Mississippi, going down to New Orleans for a week." She answered.

"So ... you're the home-alone-kid?" I laughed at the thought of that old movie and the mayhem it inspired. Jackie could surely be a role player in that situation given her past escapades.

"Yea! That's me. Home-alone-kid ... for a whole week." She replied, somewhat less enthusiastically than before. I suddenly realized from past stay overs with Kitten that she was a bit more skittish about being alone if her parents were away. She would often cajole Kitten into letting her come over and spend the night to keep her company on those occasions. No wonder she wheeled into the garage instead of riding on home, tonight in the storm of storms. She was looking for Kitten's companionship to overcome the fears of being alone for the week. Poor child, I thought to myself.

"Let's get out of the garage," I said, while closing the car door and hitting the remote to close the overhead garage door. Jackie moved ahead of me to open the entry door to the kitchen and dashed inside.

"Kat! I'm here!" Jackie called out as she came inside. I walked behind shutting the entry door.

"Jackie, Katrina isn't here. I dropped her off to spend some time with my cousin out in the country. She won't be back until next weekend," I responded to answer her calling out for Kitten. I could see disappointment on her face and sensed her anxiety rising as she shifted her weight from side to side.

"Oh! Oh. I'm, so ... okay, that's okay, Mr. Schumacher," she had trouble formulating her response and was stumbling over her reply. I started to sense despair growing in her voice at finding out Katrina, her oasis in crisis, was out of pocket for the entire week.

"Could I just stay here for a bit -- just until the storm slacks up, 'til I can get back home again and out of the rain, Mr. Schumacher? I can just stay in the garage and watch from there, okay?"

"Jackie, you don't have to wait out in the garage."

Setting down the last bag of groceries, I asked, "Are you hungry, I was going to make something quick and easy, - my specialty - steak and some deep fried, ready-made French fries? Care to join me?"

"God, yes, Mr. Schumacher! Caveman food!" she practically yelled, "I've been eating ramen noodles and sandwiches since Mom and Dad left. I keep forgetting to prepare something before I get so hungry and just gobble up a sandwich instead. You can only eat so many PB&J sandwiches before you start gagging on them, you know."

She giggled as she pointed at her mouth making that gagging signal girls do with one another. The smile that followed indicated that some of her apprehension was melting at the sound of steak and fries for dinner.

Her clothing had left a trail of water across the floor from the door to the spot where she stood. There, a pool was forming beneath her as her clothing rained down upon the floor and around her bare feet. She had kicked off her sneakers at the doorway. Beads of water still clung to the long strands of her straight-as-an-arrow hair. Gravity pulled them together forming larger droplets that slid down her forehead and into those wonderful Asiatic dark eyes. She wiped them away with her hand, and crossed her arms under her small pear-shaped breasts, pressing the nearly transparent, wet garment against her body.

The rain and the cool air-conditioning steeled her nipples to poke against her tee. It was then that I saw her shivering. It dawned on me that her wet clothing and the cool air were chilling her body down. "Sorry, about the temperature setting, Jackie. Why don't you get out of those wet clothes ..."

Jackie's face flushed pink.

"Huh?" Came her surprised response, even before I could finish my sentence. I grinned and enjoyed watching the pink flush creeping all the way up to her ears during that pregnant pause, and then I finished speaking.

"Yeah! Run upstairs and find something from Kitten's closet that you can wear. Get out of those wet things. Take a hot shower in Kitten's bathroom if you want to. I'll start the steaks and fries and get the table set while you change and get warmed up. Okay?"

I answered with a smile, thinking about the hot pink thoughts that must have flashed through her mind a moment ago. Jackie is one of those girls who is never going to be comfortable around any type of innuendo or sexual conversations. It's just not in her nature.

"Sure, she won't mind?" She stammered while avoiding eye contact with me. I could sense her discomfiture; first at finding out Kitten was not home, secondly at being alone with me, and now being faced with changing garments in my home without Kitten here as well. However, another cold tremor shook her as she stood in the same spot and helped make up her mind rather quickly at that point.

"No, you know, her. She would offer anyone the shirt off her back even if it was the only one she had. Besides, you can't stay in your wet clothes; you'll catch a cold the way you're shivering right now. Go!" I responded as I walked over and changed the temperature setting to a more comfortable level for her. The last shiver that racked her body overcame that last bit of trepidation and the Asian American shyness Jackie and her mom always seemed to display toward others.

I couldn't tell if Jackie was in the shower in Kitten's room, but I soon heard the sound of a hair dryer, and then silence. In a few minutes more, I heard the sound of bare feet, dancing down the stairs, signaling her return. By that time, I had dinner on the table. Glancing up, I saw the drowned rat-girl had been transformed into a petite and demur-dazzling young lady gliding across the floor toward the kitchen table.

"The hot shower felt good and helped warm me up, Mr. Schumacher. Thanks for letting me use Kat's things." Jackie gushed, as a bright smile spread across her face.

Fortunately, she was able to find something that fit in the back of Kitten's closet and had slipped into an older satin long-sleeved blouse. It fit as well on Jackie as it did on Kitten when she was about fourteen. With just a hint of cleavage, her unrestrained breasts pressed against the fabric to outline her nipples as she moved toward me. The darker brown shades of her areolae were visible through the lightweight material. A pair of jean-shorts corralled her butt; not fitting as well as it would have if the jeans were caressing Kitten's behind, were she in them, but still pleasing to the eyes. I wondered if Jackie had checked herself out in a mirror before she came downstairs. I doubted it. One look in a mirror and she would have gasped and quickly put the blouse back in the closet while blushing a deep shade of red. But her appurtenances were wonderful pieces of eye candy in this outfit. 'Just so fucking WicKed' as Kitten would be commenting on her appearance if she were present.

The wind beat furiously, battering the rain against the window panes. We watched mesmerized by the crashing sounds it made hitting against the patio window-wall, like walls of hurricane waters on the coast. Fortunately, this looked like it was a fast-moving storm and would quickly move out of our area. So, I thought. Jackie watched the relentless rain slam against the windows as she ate. I spent my time glancing out and then back to watch her breasts moving up and down as she raised each bite of steak or fry to her luscious lips.

'Get a grip on yourself, Ray!' I mumbled, nearly blurting it out loud but just managed to turn it into a sigh hoping Jackie couldn't hear me. 'You already have enough trouble on your hands with Kitten foraging around in your pants. Stay the fuck away from temptation.'

"Sorry, Mr. Schumacher, I didn't hear you. The wind, covered up what you said."

"Just kind of thinking out loud, Jackie. about Kitten. Hope this storm isn't headed down south to the farm. You know she doesn't like the sound of thunder." I spoke a bit louder, glad that she didn't hear what I had actually said. I redoubled my focus on my steak trying to block out the images lurking around in my mind. But those soft orbs beneath that silk blouse were holding me in a headlock that wouldn't let me turn away.

I watched with amusement, as the steak quickly disappeared from her plate. Must have been really good not to be munching on PB&J again, tonight. My amusement gave way to surprise, watching her as she carefully quartered a French fry and the last bite of steak. She placed them around the rim of her plate at 12, at 3, at 6, and at 9 PM -- honoring Kitten's ritual offering to the gods. A ritual Katrina performed since she was eight-years-old. When Jackie was finished, she looked up into my eyes and grinned. I returned her grin and nodded, letting her know that I understood that her act was a tribute to honor Kitten's absence.

With the wind still lashing the patio windows, Jackie helped me clear the table and as the last dish went into the dishwasher, I turned around to dry my hands. Abruptly stopping, I nearly toppled over Jackie as I came up short. Her head bumped against my chest. She had walked up behind me, waiting for me to turn around. Without a word, she reached out, wrapping her arms around my waist and hugged me. With the briefest of pauses, I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as though they always belonged there. I wondered what brought this on.

"I saw you," she whispered into my chest, "you and Kat outside on the lawn, Wednesday."

She squeezed me tighter and I could feel her heart beating against me as her breathing deepened. The feel of her turgid nibbles pressed against me. We clung to one another without another word spoken. My cock took that time to call out to my attention the fact that he was pressed firmly against her midsection; asking for permission to come out and look around. I know Jackie could feel its rigidity against her, but she made no move to separate herself from me.

I also knew that Kitten's nude sunbathing was always a potential for trouble, but I threw that trouble away when she cajoled me into joining her -- then jumping her bones -- as she put it -- under the open sky. We had spent that afternoon bathed in perspiration as we continuously edged one another to greater sexual heights. My lips traced the contours of her sex until she couldn't bear the exquisite thrusting of my tongue reaching as deeply as it could into her pussy. Unable to hold back, Kitten has drawn me upward until my cock slid into her swollen slit.

With commingled groans, we fucked one another until we collapsed onto the blankets spread beneath the old oak tree. Neither of us could move as we drifted off to sleep. It was nearly an hour before I found her coaxing my dick back to life and then she rode it until it was lifeless once more. When she was unable to revive the poor prick again, she settled for sitting on my face and riding my tongue as a 'poor man's substitute' as she put it, until my faced was covered in her nectar and she was finally placated -- exhausted to the point of collapse.

Shy, secretive Jackie, hidden away in the tree line, apparently had watched. Now, her body began to shiver again, not from being cold, just her nerves trembling. But her voice fails her and she is unable to ask for what she wants or needs, right now. I know she is waiting for me. I know she probably wishes she were Kitten right now so that she could command her body to fulfill her fantasies with Kitten's lust. Is it a cultural Asian American thing or is she just too modest to let herself go and enjoy the pleasure that is awaiting her? No matter, I plan to fulfill what is playing out behind those closed eyes as she silently clings to me. While the storm roars outside, Karma comes to play inside.

Patiently, slowly my hands wandered down her spine, finding the small of her back. Gently, I scrolled my fingers around the hollow of its basin, feeling her press into me as my fingers slip between the top of the jeans and the crevice of her butt for a few soft massaging strokes down the seam formed by her cheeks. I feel her gluts contracting as my finger tip slips further down her curvature. Her hands tighten around my waist as the tip of my finger probes the small tight opening clenched between them.

"I'm going to remove these, Jackie," I whispered into her hair as I lightly cupped her petite, firm ass in my hands. I knew by the way she held me tightly and the quickening of her breathing, that there was really no need to ask for permission.

I could feel her head nod against my chest in reply as her arms squeezed me in affirmation. I lifted the blouse over her head, and then kneeled to unbutton the jean-shorts. A soft kiss there, between the coarse curly hairs, sent a shiver of excitement through her body. Her hands reclaimed their place around my waist as I stood. For a few moments we held one another. Jackie had not spoken nor did she need to do so. All that was needed was her mute acquiescence. Scooping her up in my arms. I carried her upstairs.

I took her on Katrina's bed, beneath the sounds of rain pounding overhead. Only Jackie's quickening breath indicated her rising fervor. She lay still as her hands gripped the sheets. My lips journeyed up the valley between her thighs where my tongue entered the gates of heaven. Gently, my fingers worked to loosen her virgin orifice.

My cock patiently stretched her further. Now, impaled inside of her, I had watched as she bit down on her lip when I breached her hymen. Bravely, she's bearing her pain. I watch as her facial expression begins to relax. Her legs draw upward like spreading wings, adjusting to give me more access. Gently, slowly I began to thrust as the sharpness of her pain eases. I thought of the Asian euphemism, 'Clouds and Rain,' and cajoled only an occasional soft, barely audible moan from within her. More loudly with each new thrust, they turn into gasps of pleasure and then, finally into sounds of lust as her hips begin to undulate matching my rhythm. She becomes just like Kitten, lost in the pleasure of finding her womanhood.

As I watched her lust grow and her eyes roll upward in their sockets, every muscle in my body strained to deluge her sex with my version of Asian Clouds and Rain. In that moment, the electrical grid went black.

Jackie found her voice in the darkness. "Fuck!" The word clawed its way from deep within her throat to reverberate like thunder rolling across the room. Finally, her release came. When her spasms stopped, Jackie's rigid body unwound next to mine.

Turning, until her breasts were pressed into my ribs, her ragged breath whispered to me, "Mr. Schumacher, we have four days before Kitten comes home. Can we do this every night, until then?"

"Every morning, all day, and all night, Jackie -- until Kitten returns. Then maybe together afterward," I added as an afterthought while I lay on my side next to her perspiration-soaked body -- still seething with heat. A heat that told me she was not done for the night - not yet.

"Jackie," I whispered as I cuddled next to her, "We just fucked! I think you can stop calling me Mr. Schumacher, now." In the blackness of the storm, I heard a giggle then a whisper floated back to me.

"Should I call you Ray, then? Or Daddy? Which do you like best?" the giggle asked.

"Daddy, calling me Daddy is just fine with me, Jackie," I whispered in return.

In the post-coitus lull, my thoughts turned to how Kitten and Marie were managing to get along. Are they at odds with one another, or are they lying in bed entwined with one another right now? I had begged Marie to help untangle the knot Kitten had used to tie her and me together.

And now, with Jackie's hot flesh in bed next to me, I wasn't so certain that I wanted to break that bond with Kitten. Maybe three to a bed was not really a bad idea, or four to a bed with Marie, perhaps? So ... WicKed, I thought as I willed my cock into another erection. I felt for Jackie, rolling her on top of me ... letting the darkness mask her desires as she came alive and took me at her own pace.

Phase II of Kitten's Intervention

Just before five o'clock, I got up from my desk as I heard the girls ride up to the barn. I had finished checking in with the night staff at the hospital and was on my way to the kitchen to make a light dinner for Katrina and I. Normally, it would take a half-hour to brush the horses down and put away the gear in the tack room. However, it was nearly 6:45 PM when I heard the back-porch's screen door open and saw Katrina saunter in.

She looked a little stiff, no doubt due to her first-time experience in the saddle, I supposed. Then, I caught sight of her tousled hair. It was laced with wheat chaff. 'Stiff from riding,' I thought, 'but stiffer from being ridden was more likely,' I concluded. It hadn't taken long for Katrina to talk the twins into exploring the barn loft lair with her.
