Wife Gets Even

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Wife loses bet but wins the rematch and fems up her husband.
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A husband takes advantage of his wife over a bet he wins but the wife gets a chance to turn the tables on him and he pays for it dearly.

My wife and I get together with our neighbors to play cards to play cards about once a month. We generally have a good time but there are no stakes involved. For a poker player like me who is accustomed to gambling for large amounts of money playing just for fun is a little, well...boring. One night about a month ago, I tried to make the game a little interesting by including some drinking. We started the night playing pitch with the loser required to drink a shot of Jack Daniels.

With the whiskey flowing I became a little boisterous and suggested we raise the stakes. I proposed the loser of the next game be required to serve as a maid for a week. The room got quiet as everyone pondered the proposal. Our neighbors, Jim and Judy, said they were a little too drunk to play for such high stakes. My wife, Amy, said I had a good idea.

Jim said to me, "I bet you are picturing Amy in a little French maid's outfit right now."

I quipped, "The thought had crossed my mind."

Judy said, "Um, what does Amy get if she wins?"

Amy jumped in with a quick response. "I get the same thing, right? Joe has to be the maid for the week."

Everyone chuckled Amy's comment.

"I am serious. The deal is whoever loses serves as the maid in any capacity the other wants."

I said, "Sure."

We stuck with pitch as the game of choice and Jim and Judy served as impartial judges just to make sure all the rules were followed. The game was close the whole way but in the end I got lucky by getting dealt a strong hand and I won. Of course the Jack Daniels had taken over all of the common sense I usually have, and I began chiding Amy about how hot she was going to look in her maid outfit.

"I can't wait to have dinner served to me with you in a short skirt and fuck me pumps."

Judy said, "Just be careful there Joe, payback can be a bitch."

It was late so we called it a night but as our guests left to return to their home I continued to tease Amy about how great it was going to be to have her wait on me all week. I told her I would order her maid outfit so I could make sure she had a nice low cut top and short skirt. Amy took all of my ribbing quietly. I expected her to protest but she did not utter one complaint. I told Amy she might have to take the week off from work to be able to serve me properly but in retrospect that was not a good suggestion.

The card game took place on Thursday so we agreed to start the payoff to the bet after the weekend on Monday. I did not say much more about what Amy would be required to do to fulfill the bet but I had a lot planned in my mind. We had a fun weekend and Amy did not seem to be too worried about starting her week of servitude on Monday.

Sunday night I laid out the outfit Amy was to wear for the week. I had purchased a very sexy black maid's outfit. I knew the skirt would barely cover her ass and I bought her a pair of five-inch platform pumps just in case she told me she didn't have any to wear with the outfit. I typed out a list of chores I expected Amy to do for me each day. In addition to everyday cleaning I expected her to make all of my meals and to serve them to me in the place of my choice. I spelled out that Amy was to always be completely made up and to always wear my favorite perfume. Amy read the list but did not show any negative reaction to it. She was actually very compliant and agreed to everything on the list. Of course I expected some sexual relief too but I figured I would get to that later.

I woke up Monday to Amy standing next to me holding a cup of coffee and a fresh towel for my shower. She was wearing the maid outfit and looked quite hot. I thought about requesting some head for my morning wood but I knew there would be more time for that later.

Amy greeted me with, "Good morning, Master." I hope you slept well. Here is your morning coffee and a fresh towel for your shower. Shall I start the water for you?"

Amy was certainly being a good sport about losing the bet and paying up. I said it would be nice to have the shower started.

"Yes, Sir. I will then go prepare your breakfast."

As I got out of bed to go to the bathroom I thought to myself this was going to be a great week. After a nice shower I dressed in the clothes Amy had put out for me and then Amy served me a terrific omelet for breakfast. She asked me if I would like her to do anything extra that was not already on the list I had given her.

"No, but I would like to have a chicken dish for dinner. But don't you have to get ready for work today?"

"Oh, no. I took the week off as you requested so I could serve you."

I knew this must have been very hard for Amy to give up a week of vacation to be my servant. I remembered I had suggested that she might need to take time off to fulfill my desires but I was kidding. I did not expect her to follow though with my bombastic request.

"Anything in particular?"


"Would you like a specific chicken dish made for you tonight?"

"No, surprise me."

After an uneventful day at work I returned home to a clean house that had the smell of roast chicken wafting through it. In retrospect I should have complimented her on all the work she had completed but I didn't even acknowledge it. Instead I had Amy give me a back massage. I should have been more appreciative of all the hard work she put in today but I played the part of the insensitive master instead. She served me a cocktail and I watched some television before dinner. I invited Amy to sit with me for dinner and after a little cajoling she agreed to since the "master" approved it. Amy's chicken was awesome. She wasted no time cleaning up right after we ate. I got a little caught up in the power differential we had through our bet payoff and I told Amy I could use a blowjob. She walked me into the bedroom and did just what I asked. Again, I should have been appreciative but I wasn't. Had I known my actions were going to come back and haunt me I certainly would have been nicer.

The remainder of the week went pretty much the same. Amy took care of everything that needed to be done in the house, cooking, cleaning, sexual favors etc...She did look so hot in her outfit it was hard for me to keep my hands off her. Jim and Judy came by one night and Amy served drinks. Judy was uncomfortable having Amy wait on us in her provocative uniform. She told me I was being insensitive and was taking the bet too far. Jim smartly stayed out of the conversation.

I told Judy, "It's not big deal. It's just payoff on a bet."

Judy countered back and said, "You are lucky. I don't think you could handle for one day what you are putting Amy through. Do you have any idea how hard it is to walk in heels like those all day?"

"She's used to it. It can't be that bad."

"Now you are just being a jerk. The least you could do is offer Judy a rematch."

"I will be happy to but I doubt she would want to lose again."

Judy walked into the kitchen to speak with Amy. They spoke for a few minutes then Judy walked over to me.

"Okay. Amy said she would make the same bet with you again."

I replied, "I don't know. I seem to be taking a lot of shit for making her pay up on this bet."

"I thought you would chicken out. She was even willing to change the game to hold 'em and play a one on one tournament against you."

This was too much for me to resist. I played Texas hold 'em much more than any other card game and I knew Amy was inexperienced at that game...so I took the bet.

"Okay. If she wants to play for the same stakes in a one on one tournament of hold 'em I guess I will have a servant for another week."

Amy only had one more day of servitude to settle the bet so I offered to be a nice guy and play the game tonight. I also said I would let her stop paying off the bet one day early if she wanted to play for the new stakes right away. At the time I made this offer I did not take into account I had a few drinks in me and that tends to make me a little more reckless when I gamble.

Jim could see no way that this could end up good for him so he told Judy that they should go home and let us play the game. Judy said she wanted to watch a little bit of the game but she told Jim it was okay for him to go home. So Jim left and we set up the game. Amy and I sat down to an equal stack of chips in front of us. The winner would be the one who ended up with all the chips in front of him or her. Judy offered to be the dealer for us and we got started.

I knew I could take advantage of Amy's inexperience playing this form of poker and I bet aggressively right from the start. This strategy worked initially and I took a decent amount of Amy chips over the course of the first few hands. We then got involved in a hand in which the pot built up quickly. My aggressive betting was called pre-flop, on the fourth street, and on the river. Amy had flopped a set of sevens so there was no way she was folding and she took the hand and the big pot. That hand gave her a small chip advantage. Judy took note of the momentum swing.

"Oh, oh, Joe. Don't look now but Amy has more chips than you. Are you wondering what you might look like in her skirt?"

I laughed loudly. "I am not worried. And I am guessing Amy will have some type of butler uniform for me if I did lose."

After that comment Amy simply smiled but Judy laughed out loud.

"Ha! Yeah, right."

I knew Judy was trying to get into my head and cause me to make a silly mistake that would cost me all my chips. As it turned out it all came down to a matter of luck...bad luck for me. On the next hand I flopped a ten high straight but I wanted to disguise it and let Amy bet into me. The plan worked perfect until the river card paired the board. I thought this gave Amy two pair that made it perfect for me to call her all in bet. When she flipped over pocket tens I realized she had a full house and I had lost! Amy did not even realize she had won until I sunk my head and Judy broke out in a cheer for Amy.

Judy chuckled, "Oh you are so screwed now. I can't wait to see how you look in heels!"

Amy just smiled a devilish smile. Would she really make me wear the same outfit I had her wear? I did not think she would but I was beginning to wonder. I had really belittled her at times this past week and made a lot of sexist comments. If she wanted revenge she

was going to have a perfect opportunity to do so now. I also knew that Judy would be happy to egg Amy on to embarrass me like I had embarrassed her. Amy and Judy had a celebratory drink then Amy went home but not before she took one last shot at me.

"I sure hope you get a chance to serve Jim and I drinks sometime next week just like Amy did tonight."

Amy said, "What a good idea. Let's plan on that."

Amy and Judy said goodbye to each other and I began to start worrying just what Amy might have in store for me. I am sure she had some ideas but she wasn't willing to tell me any of them just yet. She simply said it had been a long night and suggested we get some sleep. She also said we both had some prep work to do tomorrow to get ready for my week of servitude which started in two days. Before I could fall asleep I had to ask what she was expecting of me when my week of service started.

"Pretty much everything you had me do," Amy replied before rolling over and drifting off to sleep with a sly smile on her face.

Amy was up early the next day. As we were sharing a morning pot of coffee she flitted about the kitchen. She told me she was working on my list. I knew she meant she was preparing a list of expectations as I had created for her. She finished her coffee and said she had some errands to do and a uniform to buy. I didn't inquire any further as to what the uniform might look like. At least she wasn't making me wear her outfit. I don't think it would have fit. We are close in size but Amy is definitely smaller than me.

As she was leaving she said, "When you get in the shower use my shower gel and then make sure you shave off all of that ugly body hair."

"Excuse me?"

"Well I guess you can wait a day until your servitude actually starts but I am asking you nicely to do it now."

"To do what?"

"I want you to shave your entire body smooth."

This should have been my first clue that I would be wearing the same sort of outfit I had Amy wear during her service time. I knew by the tone of Amy's voice she was serious and I also figured I had better comply or things might get worse for me. So after she left I showered and shaved off all my body hair. I am not a very hairy person but there was a noticeable difference in how my clothes felt on my skin with my hair gone. I found it felt quite nice, almost erotic. I went about the rest of the morning doing some writing and trying not to wonder what Amy had planned for me but it was hard to focus on anything with those thoughts creeping into my consciousness.

Amy came home toting some bags and boxes in her arms. I asked if she needed help and she said she had everything under control and that I would see tomorrow most of the items she had bought. After she got her bags put away Amy handed me her list of expectations for the upcoming seven days. At the top of the list above my actual chores she had written that I was expected to be in uniform and full makeup from the time I got up until I went to bed.

I inquired, "Full makeup?"

"Oh, yes. You will have help with that the first day but it is your job thereafter."

"Um, what do you mean?"

"Tomorrow morning you have two appointments. You have a corset fitting and a salon appointment. At the salon you are getting your nails done. Also your hair is going to be cut and styled into an acceptable style for a maid. The makeup artist will do your makeup and give you a lesson so you can do it the rest of the week. Then when you get home I have a sexy little maid outfit for you, just like the one you had me wear."

I did not need to ask if she was serious. The look on her face told me she meant every word. The revengeful little smile coupled with the slight lift of her eyebrows told me Amy was thinking, What do you think of your bet now? I know I was very demeaning at times during Amy's week of service but Any seemed to be ready to make things much worse for me.

Amy said, "So I think you are going to need to take next week off from work. I guess you could go to work with your new look if you want to but I am doubting you will want to subject yourself to the ridicule and questions about your look. You should get some sleep so you are ready to go in the morning. Have coffee made by seven and make sure you shave your face and body again."

I simply nodded my head in agreement and said, "Okay."

I was up at sunrise and made sure I brought in coffee to Amy by seven.

"Good morning. What can I make you for breakfast?"

Amy slowly got up and out of bed.

"I would like one egg over easy and some toast. Your first appointment is at nine so make sure you are ready to leave by 8:45. I will give you the names of the places and addresses before I leave."

"Leave?" You aren't coming with me?"

"Oh, no. I have to go to work today. You will need to go by yourself. There is nothing for me to do during your appointments."

As Amy ate breakfast she explained my first appointment was for a corset fitting. She said I could choose between three options she had already set aside. After picking one to buy I was told that I was to wear the corset under my clothes to my salon appointment. Amy had set out a pair of jeans and a tee shirt for me to wear which I was relieved to see until she mentioned the corset.

"But people will be able to see it under my clothes."

"Oh, yes. I guess you could wear the maid uniform I bought you but that would be too flashy for the salon. I could give you one of my tops but I think you are a little larger than me."

Amy's a few inches shorter than me. I am thin but Amy is a couple of sizes smaller than me. I thought maybe I could wear a sweatshirt hoodie over my shirt to hide the corset but Amy must have been reading my mind.

"Just make sure all you wear to the appointment is what I put out for you."

Amy finished up her breakfast and walked over to me. She ran her hand up my smooth arm and cooed, "Nice."

On her way out the door Amy told me to enjoy my appointments.

"Have fun and make sure you put your uniform on when you get home. I will text you later to see how you are doing. Don't forget to do the chores on the list after you get home."

And out the door she went, leaving me to figure out how I was going to get through these appointments with the least amount of embarrassment. Before I left I took a look at the uniform Amy had bought me. It was an exact replica of what I made her wear. Therefore, I wasn't surprised when I opened the shoebox she had placed by the uniform and found a pair of black five-inch platform pumps in my size. Amy was going all out on my payback. After how I had treated her I should not have been too surprised. I did wonder why she wanted me to be dressed as a woman instead of a butler. I suppose it was all about the humiliation and having to walk in her shoes to truly experience how I made her feel. I tried not to get too worried about what I was about to go through, and I left the house to go to my first appointment.

The woman in the corset shop, Frita, was waiting for me and wasted no time telling me what to do.

"I have another fitting in fifteen minutes so I need you to go to the changing room and take off your shirt. I will bring in the three choices your employer picked out."

Employer? Really? That's what Amy had told Frita?

Frita had me try on all three corsets. Thankfully she did not take the time to lace each one. She decided the black one with white lace would be best and she had me put that one back on. She then began tugging on the laces. I could tell by the boning and overall construction of the corset that it was going to cost me more than a few dollars. As she tugged on the laces my already narrow waist became very thin. She worked her way up the corset tightening more and more. I had a hard time taking in a full breath.

Frita said, "You will get used to taking short breaths. This does give you quite a nice shape."

Frita then stood in front of me and pulled my pecs up and into the bra cups. I looked down at my chest to see two little boobs and cleavage! Even before I put my shirt on and looked in the mirror I knew what I was going to see. The light colored tee shirt allowed the corset to show through quite clearly. Even worse, I now had a feminine silhouette. Frita didn't give me much time to think as she rushed me out. I only had a few minutes to get to my next appointment so I needed to hurry along too. At least I had a light coat I put on to wear on the car ride and into the salon.

Amy's directions to the salon were perfect, unfortunately, and I walked into the salon right at my scheduled appointment time. The receptionist walked me toward the back of the salon. She then told me to give her my coat. I said I preferred to keep it on but she said she had instructions from my employer to take it from me.

Employer again? What was Amy telling these people?

I sat down at a pedicure station and was given a pedicure. I knew I could not protest when the nail tech said my employer had already picked out the bright red polish she started to apply. She then worked on my fingernails and I soon had a full set of long fingernails glued on over my own and painted the same red as my toes. I looked at my hands and feet. The only word I could use to describe them now had to be feminine. If only this was all Amy had planned for me I could have lived with it for a week but the worse part was yet to come. A hair stylist, Paula, came over and after complimenting me on my nails she had me walk over to her chair. I knew my hair was going to be cut but I did not know Amy had already chosen the style.