Wife Gone


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One half hour later the garage door opened and the black BMW rolled out with two people in the front seats. I couldn't recognize Anita hundred percent and due to the tinted glass in the car my pictures didn't show them any better. I sent them anyway.

Then the maids left, I sent a text to Carolina, who replied, "How's the matter with my monkey in the tree?"

My short reply was, "No bananas in a maple."

The time went slowly to one thirty when the BMW was back and drove directly into the garage so I didn't get any better look at the people in it.

Then they got the mail and to my great surprise it was Anita in white shorts and a white top that walked out to the mailbox. I got nice pictures and sent them to Carolina, who immediately replied, "Please stay calm and don't do anything stupid. I beg you, please stay where you are, we'll come as soon as we can. Now, after talking with the maids, the DA gave us the warrant to go in even if owner of the house says no to that. But as I said, please stay where you are."

Obviously she cared about me and was afraid that I would rush in to the house to get even with the damn dentist and probably hurt him enough to cause serious problems for myself.

I decided to obey her well meant advice though the temptation of giving the damn dentist a well earned lesson probably would have ended in an ambulance trip to the hospital.

About fifty minutes later I could see two patrol cars coming to the house. One car blocked the driveway near the garage. Carolina went to the front door and a policeman in uniform watched the door besides the garage door.

My birdwatcher friend together with a man in uniform went to the lakeside of the house where the dentist obviously had a motorboat.

Carolina rang the doorbell at the main door after she had received an okay in her radio from her colleagues.

She rang the doorbell several times and waited a few minutes but nothing happened. Then she took up her cell phone and made a call but nothing happened at the door. So the policeman in uniform got into his car, used the loudspeaker on high volume and said, "Police, we know you are in the house. We'll give you five minutes to open the front door or we will smash it in."

Nothing happened during the first four minutes until the door opened and an obviously very angry dentist came out waving his arms. I couldn't hear what he said, but I'm sure it wasn't

anything polite, saying, "Please come in my dear friends!"

Then Carolina left toward the lakeside and came back together with my birdwatcher friend with Anita between them. They sat her in the backseat of Carolina's car with Carolina beside her and the birdman in the front seat. It was obvious that Anita had tried to sneak away via the back door to the boat when the dentist opened the front door and caused the hullabaloo on that side of the house.

Ten minutes later Anita opened the car door, got out of the car and went into the house again. Carolina rang me and said that the case was closed. Although Anita's stupid action had caused a lot of problems for her daughter, parents, me and for the police, it is not a crime for an adult to abandon her family and move in together with a lover. It is an incredible silly way to do it the way she did it. But she had convinced the police that she was neither abducted nor blackmailed into doing that.

I climbed down from the tree and my bird watching police friend gave me a hand with the equipment and a lift home in his police car. On road back to the town I called Amanda to tell her that I had found her mom and that she was okay. Even Anita's parents got the information that their daughter was found but regarded it as bad news when I told them what she had done. And that a divorce was the only possible solution.

Before I got out from the car my birdwatcher friend said to me, "Carolina has worked very hard on your case. I and several others are glad she was right about you. Although I really understand your strong temptation to beat the crap out that lover boy creep, please don't go back and do that. Because it is obvious that Carolina likes you rather much and any violence from you in this matter would be fatal for that friendship."

I replied, "I will never disappoint Carolina."

To my great surprise Anita came home right after me. She came alone in the big black BMW and after exchanging only a few words, she read the divorce papers and said that she had no objections about a divorce on my terms. My greatest surprise was that Anita gave me the main custody of Amanda and did that without any arguing at all. That prompted me to ask if she had any serious health or drug problems, which she denied. Instead, she told me a lot of mumbo-jumbo about her reasons for doing what she did.

To be honest, I pretended to act cool and not care much about what Anita said. The main reason for her runaway was that her lover, who was married to a whoring wife, intended to file for divorce. And for that reason he wanted avoid all connections to the probably furious wife so he had accepted a six month long well paying dentist job in Namibia, Africa. It was for our national foreign aid organization, SIDA, while his probably very dirty divorce went through the legal mills.

Anita would go with him to Africa and be hired as his assisting nurse there; she would even be well paid. Why she had abandoned her family was according to her explanation simply because she needed to get intensive training during long hours for her new job-given by her new male friend. She feared that if I had known her plans or found her hiding place; her friend would have been severely beaten and probably unable to take the job in Africa. It had even been a kind of test to see if she could be away from Amanda. Now she dared to come home to see me because the police had promised her that she was safe with me.

I had a simple statement, "I can't understand the mind of that asshole-dentist who is divorcing a shameless whore wife and then are moving in together with another obviously even more shameless whore wife."

"What the hell do you mean by that?" she shouted.

"The dentist's whoring wife neither abandoned a kid nor is hiding with her lover. Don't you understand what could have happened to Amanda and me if the police and tabloid papers had accused me of being responsible for your absence? I could have been jailed for weeks until they found out the shameless truth." I shouted back.

When we had calmed down she confessed that she and the dentist had only known each other for two months and had sex only during the month before she abandoned me. But their love was strong enough to take the quantum leap to Africa after so short a time. She was surprised that the police had found her and asked me if I knew how they did it. I said I knew nothing.

Before Anita went to see Amanda and her parents, she promised to keep her cell phone switched on for Amanda and me so we could get in touch with her. She even promised do her best to co-operate in our divorce.

Alone again, I sat down on a living room sofa and began thinking, what could I have done differently and what to do for the time being. It didn't matter how cool I had pretended to be while talking with Anita, the simple truth was that I was a total mess after she had left me in that big BMW.

Just as if a gift from the Gods, Carolina came by to see me.

She understood the situation, comforted me for a while and now that Anita was found I regarded it could be a high time to ask her about some personal matters since she already knew everything about me. She had no objections and said she was one year younger than my 35, was separated from her ex for 18 months and divorced for a year. She had been working in our town since her divorce. No boyfriend for the time being.

Then she asked if I had talked with Anita yet. I did my best to calm down before telling Carolina that Anita been at home for a short visit and signed our divorce form which gave me custody of Amanda because she was going to Africa with her lover.

Carolina looked me straight in my eyes and said, "Please don't make me disappointed by going back to the love nest for some mad revenge on the lover because it is not worth it. Can you be honest to me and promise skipping all such stupid intentions?"

"I promise, but only because I really appreciate what you have done for me and it would be great if we can remain friends after this mess is history."

She replied, "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you and Amanda as a friend and you can call me anytime."

During the night after my discussion with Anita, it took me many sleepless hours before getting to sleep and when I did at last, it was into a terrible nightmare. The dream was me driving an insane speed to a shabby square known as "the black market" in an infamous town to buy a pistol. But I found only a very limited choice there, only a small 7.65 mm pistol and the seller had only four rounds available for it. Not much of a vendetta though it had to be okay when taking the dentist by surprise. But that creep was waiting for me with a double barreled shotgun and began firing as soon as I stopped my car. The strange thing was that his shotgun was some kind of movie studio equipment because he was able to shoot an unlimited number of shots without reloading. When he began to walk against me during the intensive shooting, I fired my four rounds, two missed, one hit an arm and one a leg without seeing him care a shit about his wounds. So I escaped to the woods with him running and shooting at me until I fell down a steep ravine. At that moment I woke up lying on the floor.

Even after that nightmare my male ego still kept telling me that I ought to be man enough to whip the crap out of that asshole dentist and break some bones in his body because he had seduced and fucked my wife.

But after more serious thinking my main reason for skipping that plan was because I had promised Carolina not to do so. The second reason was that it would terminate his African job and I much preferred to have both him and my whoring ex-wife out of my sight in Africa.

The third reason was that I cared so little about my ex and her lover that a cruel revenge wasn't worth the expected high price tag for doing it. Better to let them rot in Africa.

Carolina was back the next day and praised me for keeping my promise of not making any violence against the dentist in this matter. I replied, "I don't care a shit any longer if that soiled dove and her gigolo dentist fly to Africa. For the time being all my efforts will be for taking good care of my daughter."

"Sounds great, don't hesitate to ask me if you need help in some matter. It's not always easy to be single parent with a young daughter."

"Thank you. That will be very much appreciated by Amanda and me, very much indeed."

Somebody at the police gave me a fair bit of support by leaking out the story to a tabloid newspaper about a Parliament member's husband cheating with a married woman and his intentions of taking her to Africa. That story was illustrated with a picture of Anita and the dentist topless behind their house and published on the same side as some paparazzi pictures of the dentist's wife necking topless with her party's boss. I understood that the topless picture of Anita was taken by my friend, the birdwatcher's camera at the back of the house and I decided to reward him with a bottle of some very good malt whisky.

Of course, it was impossible to wash away nine years of rather good marriage without feeling sorrow and emptiness, especially during the lonely nights. Pretending to be feeling okay wasn't an easy game but thanks to Carolina, my friends and relatives it went better and better day by day.

I hadn't spoken with Anita since we signed the divorce papers. We had only sent a few text messages to each other and it was her parents who kept me informed about what she did, though I never asked about Anita. She even sent some postcards to Amanda.

Carolina was a big help for me and we began to talk several times a week and even do things together with our girls now and then. To our great pleasure the girls went well together.

As both our daughters needed some new clothes, the four of us decided to go shopping at the biggest mall in our county. It was quite a reasonable distance from our town. We expected it to take the whole Saturday. It began very well when I picked up Carolina and Nelly at their home.

Carolina used to wear jeans but now she had a short skirt that showed her very nice legs. After driving a short distance she noted that I looked more at her legs than at the road and shouted, "Don't stare at me, and keep your eyes on the road!"

That caused a lot of giggling from the back seat, followed by a comment, "Be happy, he loves you." followed by more giggling.

To my great relief Carolina was smiling a bright smile, which gave me a hope for a great day. She asked, "Do you?"

I smiled back and said, "Oh yes, very, very much."

A new comment from the back seat, "Do you need two bride-maids?" That was followed by a lot of giggling.

During the day it became obvious that the four of us acted like a happy family and nobody objected when I suggested that we have "some fun" at our home when we got back. For some unknown reason Tex-Mex food, especially Tacos are very popular choices among Scandinavian kids. We bought what we needed and Nelly and Amanda did the main part of fixing the food.

We really had a good time during the evening with a lot of laughing and giggling while playing several games. Amanda and I persuaded our guests to stay overnight and when the kids were in bed, Carolina and I had a small talk in the living room with a bottle of my best Rioja wine with cheese and crackers.

She asked me how much I missed Anita and my honest reply was, "Much less than expected after what she did to me and today was a great day for me without having as much as a single thought about her."

"It was a great day for Nelly and me too."

"What about your ex? Do you miss him?" I asked.

"Sometimes, but less and less and today there was not one single thought about him." She said, and surprised me by hugging and kissing me.

After some further talk we agreed about calling it a night and as Carolina's choice was sharing the master bedroom with me instead of sleeping in the spare bedroom, we went there. She used one of my T-shirts as a nightgown and asked, "Did you give me the very shortest one?"

"No need to hide such nice legs." I said with a smile.

She noted my smile and said, "Sorry my friend, but please don't look forward to any pleasures under the sheets because I happen to be in my most fertile time and don't take pills."

I gave her a kiss and a hug while saying, "I can't see any problem with your fertile period, and rather it's a great advantage. A baby would make the four of us a real family with everybody related to each other via the baby"

Carolina laughed and replied, "Nice try my dear, really nice try, indeed."

"Think about it and I'm sure you'll even find it to be a great idea."

Then we began some necking. But before it went too far in her opinion Carolina said with a bright smile, "Too tired for that now, we'll get time for that later. Good night, my darling."

"Good night darling." I replied and really looked forward to those promised pleasures.

About two o'clock in the morning she shook me awake and asked, "Are you sleeping?"

"Sleeping? Don't you remember waking me up a few seconds ago? Why did you do that?" I asked with surprise.

"Because I've been thinking about what you said about family and now I agree with you in that baby matter so it's high time for us to begin making our baby. You have got an important duty and start working!" She said and began stroking my still soft cock.

"I love you Carolina." I said and entered the wet pussy between her spread legs as soon as she got me hard. It was a good sex. A very good fucking, indeed. Though she was wet, since she was much tighter than I expected it was hard for me to wait until she reached her top so I could let my entire load go inside her.

Of course there were some thoughts about "What have I done?" and how could one, not too serious suggestion of a baby lead to this situation? But from now on I had to take the responsibility for what we had done and said therefore, "I love you Carolina and may I ask if you want to be a married woman when we get our baby?"

"Are you serious and really mean that?"

"Yes Carolina, I'm serious. Do you want to marry me?" I asked again.

"Of course I will marry you because I love you so much."

We slept well after some more small talk and even had time for a quickie in the morning before the breakfast with the whole soon-to-be new family. Carolina and I had a lot to talk about but most matters went much better than expected. A new start in a new house had to be our first main goal. Our daughters were very happy when they heard the news about our wedding plans during breakfast. They screamed, "We are going to be bride-maids!!!!"

Anita and I agreed to put our house up for sale. The bidding surprised both of us so we sold it for a good price and as agreed, I paid Anita's share to her bank account. Carolina didn't want anything from the house so an auction company took care of most the furniture and other things in the house. Even those went for a better price than expected.

My only connection with Anita went on via e-mails and was limited to closing our economic matters. Neither of us mentioned personal matters of any kind except her few questions about Amanda. If she had any interest in what happened in our town, the local newspaper was available on-line and I'm sure most of her old friends and her relatives were active on Facebook.

Anita used to send pictures and short messages to Amanda's iPad. Those pictures mostly showed exotic animals and flowers. I don't know if or what Amanda replied to those messages.

For some strange reason there were several rumors in our town about Anita and the dentist in Africa. One said Anita was pregnant from a rich black boyfriend and her dentist, who had dumped her, was now living together with a young black woman. But I didn't care much about any of the rumors about her because how could the storytellers know anything, for sure, as none of them had ever been in Africa.

Carolina and I had a very pleasant and intensive sex life for getting her pregnant and when it happened, all four of us looked forward to having a new member to our family. The dream house was found and bought and all of us spent much time in planning about how to fix the house to fit our needs. We even ended up planning Carolina's and my wedding. It was originally intended to be only a small event for our closest relatives and friends but it grew bigger and bigger every day.

The main reason for that was Carolina's mother whom I met for the first time when she came to see us, a real whirlwind for a woman, and corporate lawyer in a southern town 320 kilometers away. She was very easygoing with great talents at convincing the girls, me and Carolina that a bigger wedding would be a main road to happiness. Especially when she offered to pay for the whole show without demanding any favors in return. Of course Carolina and I began to get a serious fear about the big show the wedding would end up being because we had to wait until my divorce was final. And that gave her mother plenty of time for new ideas.

Our life in the new family with two girls went better than expected. The girls acted like real sisters who shared some interests but had their own different interests. As both Carolina and I had been abandoned in our previous marriages, we rather soon found out that those dumpings were the greatest gifts our ex's could have given us. Because we had now been able to find the right and best spouses for real true love. Of course, Carolina and I had different opinions on several matters, but after some giving and getting we always found an acceptable solution. Now I knew, for sure, what a loving wife I would get as soon as we were married.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Seem to have the makings of a good story, but it had very poor flow and just seem to be fractured and stiff. No real reason for most of the characters statements, no real insight into the characters. Too simplistic, not very good.

AnotherChapterAnotherChapter4 months ago

Simplistic and juvenile. The start hinted that it might be interesting, but all too soon it fell into the predictable quick new romance and, ta da! All is resolved and happily ever after… “Oh! I have an idea, let’s get pregnant and have a child and of course our existing virtually twin daughters (Wasn’t that fortunate) get along famously!” Cue up the violins. Sorry, it just doesn’t work that way, and he’s not likely to fall in lo with he first woman he sees after being dither by his wife.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Different ending, His wife goes to Africa with her dentist/lover. while over there, she gets knocked up by ? and 9 months later gives birth to a black baby girl. With the lover, dentist she discovers it wasn't his wife that was cheating, it was him. And while in Africa, He dumped Anita She finally comes home to discover her husband had been arrested for her murder and incarcerated in prison until the day of his execution arrives.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

5 Stars as I wish My Ex had done that . Instead she left Me for her " Soulmate " who knocked her up twice then left her . Then she wanted Me to take her back and raise her kids . I said I could not do that as they were her and her soulmate's kids .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I don't but this guy sounds and acts like a submissive push over. First his wife leaves him, then his soon to be new wife is telling him w hub at to do, like don't do or think revenge. Then is lets him Impregnate her to get him marry her, I believe she might be a controlling or Dom type person as a cop maybe even in to FLR ? Boy the Worst part of the whole story was wife stealing Dentist got away free with Retribution On him, Which makes a wimp..

WillupbossWillupbossover 1 year ago

I’ve read and enjoyed all of your stories. Thank you for taking the effort to write in a “second” language. I appreciate how difficult that must be. This is my favorite story of all. Wish we knew what ultimately happened to his wife in Africa but if he is happy then why should we care?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I think your use of written English is fine but the story itself is boring. It looks like this was one of the last stories you posted here, (February 2013). I’m glad you stopped writing.

Remember, this is Literotica; so, where’s the eroticism? There are better stories on the Hallmark Channel.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Liked this tale a lot. LP

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I think your stories, certainly your written English, is improving. This one, I really would have liked to know what the other camera showed. The one that was not viewing the BMW. MC suddenly knows his wife has a lover ... how?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

so it was just a run of the mill story about a woman? yeah I can buy that. lol

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