Wife Sold at Auction Pt. 09


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He looked at me and closed his eyes. I knew he was concentrating on my fingers stroking his cock. "Baby, after having said that, I can tell you if you were mine, I am not sure I would have been able to share you as easily as Mike did. I believe you two have a relationship that is so strong he is very confident of your love for him. I will be anxiously waiting for his phone call. As you leave, if you will do me one small favor – we can have this one harmless little secret – if you believe he will accept your proposal, reach over and honk the car horn once. If you see doubt in his reaction that this will work out, honk twice. That will give me an idea of what to expect when he calls and I will not get my hopes up, or be depressed without valid reason."

I smiled and said, "Yes Master I believe I can do that. I am pretty sure you will be hearing only one honk of the horn."

"I certainly hope that is the case. When he arrives you are free to use any room you like, but the parlor to the left of the main entry is cozy and has a door you can close for your privacy. Feel free to use it as long as you wish. If Mike has anything he wants to tell me or ask me before you leave, I will be here in the master bedroom the entire time. Feel free to come on up. I am willing to discuss anything. If not, once you leave to answer the door, I will be anxiously awaiting Mike's call and will be waiting to hear one blast of the horn."

"I wish you could use my cunt one last time, but I do believe I have broken your precious cock." We both looked at his soft cock and laughed. "May I suggest something while we wait?"

"Of course, but you need not ask."

"We have 45 minutes before Mike will arrive. He will wait and arrive not one minute before midnight. I would like us to go to your bed and have you hold me in your arms as we enjoy each other's touch for the time we have remaining. Would you like that?"

"I knew there was a reason I have fallen so hard for you."


After dropping Erica off at her apartment I headed to the Interstate to go retrieve my precious wife. Erica had wanted to come with me, but since my car is only a two seater, I would not be able to bring both her and Kristie back with me. Not knowing what all had happened, I was afraid to take a chance of leaving Erica with her Uncle, so we decided together it would be best for her to stay at her apartment. I promised her I would call and let her know when I had Kristie and we were on our way home.

As I drove to Simon Cole's house all I could think about was what Kristie had said about needing to talk to me when I got there. Her voice was strange. She sounded like something was wrong or something was troubling her. To say I was worried, would be a gross understatement. My mind was so pre-occupied, I almost missed the Interstate turn-off Kristie had told me to take.

I told myself I had to snap out of this funk and get my mind back into this, otherwise I would crash and may never see my Kristie again. I was determined to keep my mind on the road and make sure Kristie was okay. I could hardly wait until I had her back home, or could it be she did not want to come home with me? Could that be what she wanted to talk about? Could it be I had lost her and would be returning home alone? If it was I was not sure how I could go on with my life. That would be the most devastating thing to ever happen in my life. No, that can't be it. Kristie would never leave me, she loves me as much as I love her, of that I am certain.

It was now 11:55 and I saw the gate up ahead. It was just as Kristie had described. It was a massive gate with a large letter C affixed to it. Finally, I was almost there. I was extremely anxious to hold Kristie in my arms once again. As I pulled up to the gate it automatically swung open allowing me entry.

I drove the long drive and was impressed with the size of this estate, even though it was dark, I could tell this was a massive estate and shouted money. I saw the house, if you could call it that, at the end of the drive. This place is a mansion, I thought to myself. It was a large limestone structure.

I parked in front of the door and stepped from my car. Looking around at the surroundings I was humbled. If she had decided to stay with Cole there was no way I could I compete with a man with this much wealth to offer a woman? My heart was sinking. I looked at my watch and it was precisely midnight. Good or bad, it was time to discover how this fantasy was going to end and see what fate had in store for me.

I knocked on the door and waited. A couple minutes passed and I heard the latch on the door disengage. As it began to swing open my heart was racing. Then I saw someone begin to come into view and realized it was my Kristie standing there alone. She was wearing the collar I had placed around her neck Friday evening, and her red stilettos, but nothing else. I could not help but notice red marks on both of her wrists and ankles. The marks made ridges in her skin and appeared they may have been made my ropes. I thought I could see bruises on her breasts that looked like they might have been caused by fingers gripping her delicate breasts. Even with these marks, she was magnificently beautiful or maybe it was the marks that were causing my cock to start to harden. My heart melted as she looked at me and smiled. That was the smile I loved so much.

"Mike, I am so happy to see you."

"Likewise, darling. You are beautiful."

"Come in, Mr. Cole has given us the use of his parlor for as long as we need it. We need to talk."

I thought to myself, she is very calm. I am not sure what kind of a reception I was expecting, but I don't think it was this. My suspicions were on high alert. As I followed her, my eyes were trying to memorize her every detail. As I saw her beautiful ass I saw bruises on it where she must have been spanked pretty hard. I even found these making my cock hard. I could not take in enough of her beauty. If anything she was even more beautiful now than she had been when I left her with Simon Cole this past Friday evening. It was obvious she had been through a lot in the past 53 or so hours.

Entering the room she motioned to a chair for me to sit in. Upon sitting I was surprised when she went to her knees on the floor at my feet. I noticed she had deliberately spread her knees wide. I could not take my eyes off of her as she looked up at me with those beautiful green eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yes dear, Mr. Cole has been very good to me."

"It is so good to see you. My life has been empty without you."

"That is sweet. I am very happy to see you as well."

I could not wait for her to tell me what was up. I had to know. "I am not sure I understand what is going on. I thought I would just pick you up and take you home, but on the phone you said we need to talk and then you bring me here and kneel submissively at my feet with your knees spread so wide. I find this very erotic, but I have to know what is going on. Please get it out and explain everything, otherwise I am going to go crazy."

"Baby, I am sorry if I have scared you, but I need to talk to you about this weekend and what has happened."

I thought to myself, oh shit, my worst fears have come true. I am not sure I can sit here and listen to her tell me she is leaving me, but I must hear her out.

"Please tell me I have not lost you to this man, PLEASE!" I was begging.

"Honey, relax, take a deep breath, and let me explain. I have so much to tell you, but first we need to discuss something Mr. Cole and I discussed in part prior to your arrival."

"Go on, please."

"Saturday morning as we were leaving the hotel he asked me to think about a question he posed and to not give him an answer at that moment, but to wait until he asked me sometime before the fantasy time limit expired. Baby, I have so much to tell you about this weekend and about some things I learned about myself, but that can wait; first we have to take care of this."

She paused and was looking into my eyes. I began stroking her silky long hair as she spoke. I did not remember her hair being so soft and silky.

"A short time before I called you, he asked me for my answer. His question was rather simple, but at the same time it was also quite complicated. To put it simply, he wanted to know if there was a way we could continue to see each other after the fantasy concluded. I have spent considerable time thinking about it long and hard."

The only thing keeping my emotions in check was the fact she was still there with me and I was holding onto the possibility we might be leaving together, but why was she naked and had not dressed for the ride home?

"Mike, we have always been open and honest in everything. I must confess this has been an experience of a lifetime. I have never felt more feminine or like a real woman in my entire life. Freely giving full control of my body to a man has been over-the-top exciting. What you and I share is much different than this has been. It is difficult to explain, but please trust me when I tell you my love for you has not diminished one bit. You are still my husband and the love of my life."

I was happy to hear these words, but what is she holding back from telling me.

"Darling, you have given me such a precious gift that very few, if any, other women will ever experience. I have been treasured and treated as a possession, been used as nothing more than a sex toy for the amusement of others, used as decoration for a banquet table, had my body loaned to others for their use without regard to whether or not I wanted it, and the list goes on. My submission has been pushed far beyond what I thought was possible, and I have enjoyed all of it, with the exception of one incident I will tell you about later."

"Honey, where is this leading? I am so afraid of what I fear you are leading up to."

"Relax dear, it will all be okay. What I am getting to is Mr. Cole's heart is breaking tonight just like I suspect yours is right now. While you are the love of my life, I cannot deny a very strong attraction has developed between Mr. Cole and myself. With my every hope and desire, I would like for us to come up with an arrangement that will allow me to be your loving wife, and also maintain a submissive relationship with Mr. Cole. There is more and it has to do with Erica and her mother."

"Erica and I have already talked and I learned of this weird coincidence. Do you know Cole is Erica's Uncle?"

"Yes, I found that out by putting little pieces of what I have learned together. Not only that her mother is the nicest lady. She and I developed a bond during this time, and if you approve, I believe she and I can be very good and possibly intimate friends."

Well, at least she is saying she wants my approval for a relationship with Erica's mother. This is hopeful.

"What did you have in mind regarding maintaining a relationship with Cole?"

"I have not worked that all out, but I was thinking maybe I could be his sex slave for a weekend every few months or maybe a week once a year, or some combination like that. I just want to be able to relive this fantasy from time to time. As I said, it has been the most liberating experience and has let me experience my submissive desires more than I ever thought possible. I would also like for us to talk about our relationship and would like for you to take a more authoritative role with me. Maybe we could start out by it not being full time, but on the weekends and whenever the opportunity arises. I believe once you try being more assertive and dominate with me you will enjoy it and I certainly know I will."

This was sounding better all the time. As I looked into the eyes of this beautiful creature at my feet she was expressing her desire to have me take more control over her. I must admit it is something I have had fantasies about, but never shared with her. This could possibly take our marriage to an entirely new level of love and respect.

I took her chin between my forefinger and thumb, lifting her face to me. "I know you seem to have enjoyed yourself and your fantasy, but do you recall something I told you in the hotel room prior to the auction."

I could tell she was thinking and was drawing a blank. "Do you recall me telling you that following this weekend you had further obligations to fulfill? You are to be a sex slave for 24 hours each for George and Stan. Do you remember me telling you I promised both of them, as thanks for their help in setting this up, they would be able to use you? I know I didn't ask you first, but it wasn't possible and still be able to keep it a surprise."

I could see her face light up and smile. As her smile kept growing she said, "Yes, I do remember. You did not need to ask my permission for something like that. I am yours and will do as you tell me. I promise I will be a good slave for them. I will be an even better sex slave for them now than I would have been prior to Friday."

"I know you will."

"Does Erica know her Uncle has a strong desire to fuck the cunt of his pretty niece?"

Mike said, "I am not sure she knows his desire for her, but I can tell you she loves her Uncle Simon and she does want him to fuck her."

"That is good. I have a feeling this will all work out and we are all going to get much better acquainted." I rose from the chair as Kristie remained on the floor with her knees spread. I reached down and took her hand and told her to stand up. She rose to her feet ever so gracefully. Even wearing the high heel shoes did not cause her difficulty.

I looked at this woman I loved so much in all her naked submissive femininity and said, "I want to know all that has happened. Every tiny insignificant detail, and I want to share with you the events of my weekend."

I turned her face to me and with my other hand reached down to tightly grip her cunt in my hand and said, "Baby, I love you more than life itself." Maintaining my tight grip on her cunt, I kissed her like my life depended on this kiss.

She asked me, "Do you want to talk to Mr. Cole before we leave?"

"I do want to thank him for his participation in your fantasy and I want to thank him personally for taking such good care of you. I will explain we discussed the matter of him still having use of his sex slave from time to time, and ask for any suggestions he may have to work an arrangement we all will find beneficial and workable. I promise you that I will make it work so he and I can share our common love for one wonderful woman, but right now I wish nothing more than to take you home. I will call and discuss everything with him tomorrow. Would you like to get dressed before we leave?"

"It is past midnight therefore ownership of this slave has been returned to her original Master. It will be up to him to decide how he wishes to have his slave dressed as he takes her to HIS home."

"First of all, I am not sure but what there will most likely be two Masters who will be sharing ownership of this beautiful property. Furthermore, since your other Master was kind enough to provide you to me dressed in a very appropriate manner for the slave's travel, we will begin the journey to your other Master's home dressed beautifully just as you are. It would be impossible for anyone to dress you more beautifully than you are at this moment. I do have one question."


"I noticed when you were leading me into that room that between your buttocks you are wearing an anal plug. Is there some significance to you wearing that?"

"Yes there is and if you will allow me to keep it in tonight, I will ask you to remove it and explain it all at breakfast."

Mike led me out the door and closed it behind us. My pussy was already running from the arousal I was feeling. He opened my door and I slipped into the seat as naked as I had been when Mike delivered me into this crazy journey naked and bound to a pole Friday evening. As he went around the back of the car, I reached across and pressed the horn button on the steering wheel for one very long blast.

Mike got in and looked at me asking, "Why did you do that?"

"Oh, I was just letting Mr. Cole know we had left. I am so excited to discuss everything that has happened."

I looked at this woman who had never before been more beautiful than she was now, and realized I really am still the luckiest man on the face of the earth. I squeezed her naked thigh gave her a kiss and started the car, all the while thinking to myself how much I am in love with this woman, my beautiful sexy wife.


As Mike pulled away from the house I looked up and saw the naked figure of a man standing at the window in the master bedroom. He was holding the curtain back watching and waving as we left.

The warm evening air felt wonderful against my naked body. This is going to be so much fun. What an adventure it will be! I smiled to myself as I remembered that I still have another 48 hours of sexual slavery serving George and Stan. It was the least I could do considering it was them who invited my other Master to the slave auction where he bought me and started this wonderful journey.

I would give just about anything if I could listen in on the phone conversation tomorrow and learn what plans my two Masters have for me. I wonder if Erica could record that call. Maybe...

My thoughts were interrupted by Mike asking, "What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, nothing really. I was just thinking how much I am in love with you." I paused trying to find the proper way to address my husband, then it came to me, the only title appropriate. "Yes, it is very hard to put into words how much I do love you, Master."


Readers: If you enjoyed the series and would like the story to continue, send me feedback telling me what elements of the story you would like to see explored.

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jimvettejimvetteabout 1 month ago

Okay, the husband is a fool. Now, make lemons for them. Have the Cole fortune work for them by setting Mike up with a serious pay bump and nice new job. Turn the Cole's basement into a cushy sex dungeon where all the fun starts and stops. Have Krissy bring a new woman into the fold for Mr Cole to replace her right away, since Cole can't live without a sex slave anymore, may Mary the house servant. Exile the stupid brother as he loses control of himself at a party. He would need to undergo counciling, bringing in another hot sexually emancipated woman (psychologist) to join in the fun, before idiot brother is enslaved and kept naked in chains...

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Cole was upset at thought of losing his play toy. Like an idiot the mans wife fell for the loser and demanded her husband meet her at Cole's house. She is one selfish bitch. She was given a gift by her husband and she demands more. The stupid woman would end up in a nightmare if her husband allowed her to stay because Eric is a twisted POS.

Her husband should have said no and took her selfish ass home made her his slave and took away her being his wife since she doesn't appreciate it. She would end up regretting her demand.

Cole would pay as well. I would ruin his reputation in the BDSM community for overstepping with my wife sending her home marked without my permission. Also for trying to steal my wife. He would have a hard time getting anyone to be his slave again. If he pursued her again my security would teach him his next lesson and see how he likes being dominated by men. But this writer wrote the husband as a fool and wimpy weeklong probably like him.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The husband at the beginning says he is not worried about losing his wife because of their love. But at the end she says she has fallen for Cole. They have the husband come to Coles house to talk. This says it all. If the husband doesn't agree with allowing her to continue to see Cole she wouldn't be going home with him. This husband was a fool to allow it or even consider it. His wife being bruised and battered should have set him off. Having a slave for a weekend does not entitle them to mark her body since she loaned out. Cole should have brought her to his home and in the same condition as she arrived. The fact the wife was wanting more time with Cole should have been enough evidenced that things need to end. This fool of a husband in real life would lose her eventually. Obviously the author likes the bad guys to win. Turning the husband into a pathetic loser at the end. The author is probably weak like this.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Terrible storytelling, I say this because the wife was bruised all over. This is not acceptable. She should have been returned in the same condition as she arrived and they should have brought her home. The husband sitting in the mans home for his wife's talk is a huge red flag. He should cut ties with him and take over the domination of his wife. This guy would eventually try to steal his wife. You do not do any of the things this author wrote at the end if you allow your mate to temporarily be used as a slave by another. This whole story is some morons fantasy with no understanding of how bdsm slavery works or is conducted.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I love the situation the story presents. I wife sold into slavery for a weekend. Great. My issue with the story and ones like it, other than the grammatical errors, is I fully expect the wife to keep to the deal and return home to hubby. That was the agreement. This story felt like that was not going to happen. In fact I was preparing myself for a “swap” at the end where Kristie stays with Cole and Erica stays with Mike, permanently. The whole “we need to talk” part at the end smacked of “I’m going to leave you if…….you don’t do A, B or C”. It was unnecessary if Kristie had already decided she was going home with Mike. Her talking to him at the end in Cole’s house wasn’t needed. That conversation could have happened once they got home. If she was committed to staying with her husband. So I am left with wondering when she is going to leave Mike now. Which sucks.

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