Wife Wants a Hall Pass Ch. 13


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Linda was still sleeping. I went into the bathroom and worked through my morning rituals. I moved into our bedroom dressing area to dress and found Linda awake. She said, "Tell me you love me."

I said, "I love you."

She got out of bed and gave me a peck on the cheek on her way to the bathroom.

I thought, "A man should not be exposed to a vision like that this early in the morning."

I finished dressing and stuck my head into the bathroom. I could see the shadow of her naked body through the translucent glass of the shower door. Even that blurred image was tantalizing. I said, "Coffee is ready downstairs."

She answered, "I'll be down in a few minutes."

I stopped at my office and picked up the file. I took it and our coffee things to the patio. I drank my second cup and waited for her.

She came through the door behind me. She bent down and softly kissed my lips and whispered in my ear, "You don't have to say anything. I just read my card." She sat in the chair next to me and I poured for her. She made the mixture right and took a sip. She said, "That is so good."

She noticed the folder and asked, "What are you reading?"

I answered, "This is a report from Lex Barnes." I handed it to her. Karl Ziegler's name was on the first line of the cover page.

With a question in her voice, she said, "You had Lex check him out."

I said, "Yes I thought it was the prudent thing to do. I want you to read the report and then we need to talk about it."

She said, "Okay, is there something bad in it?"

I said, "I don't really know but Karl wasn't completely honest with us. I want us to decide together whether we want to see them again."

She took her coffee and the report and went into the house. I waited for her to return. The report was at most a fifteen-minute read. She was gone for an hour. I waited.

She returned to the patio and asked me to tell her I loved her. I said the three magic words. She didn't seem to be upset. She said, "I need another few minutes and I'm hungry. Make us a breakfast sandwich and we can discuss this, while we eat."

I said, "That sounds like a plan." I was back in twenty minutes with breakfast for two.

We began to eat and a few minutes later, she said, "He didn't really lie to us."

I said, "No he didn't but he didn't tell us the whole truth either. Connie was a part of it too. I spent a whole day with her and we spent most of that time giving each other our autobiographies. She purposely left out some of the meat of her story. She left out things that would have an effect on the future relationship between the four of us if there is going to be one."

Linda said, "The file said she was arrested for prostitution just before she and Karl were married. Is that what you are upset about?"

I answered, "No. I wasn't really even surprised by that. She is a very beautiful woman and I'll bet she was a pretty girl when she was in college. She told me that she grew up in poverty and she went through a period in her adolescence when she was very promiscuous. Hooking would almost be a natural way for her to pay her bills. I'm not upset about that at all."

She asked, "Are you concerned about the BDSM connection?"

I replied, "Yes. He should have told us about that."

She said, "The report doesn't say they are into it. It says a couple that they knew was."

I said, "That couple was Steve and Jennifer Watson. By inference, I know that they are the couple that Karl and Connie had a two-year sexual relationship with. When Lex ran across this connection, he delved into their situation.

Steve was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force. He and his wife were members of a closed BDSM club. The club is limited to ten couples. It is really a swinger's club but BDSM is a significant part of what they do. Karl and Connie could not join because only service members could be included.

They did that for security reasons. If the club was discovered, the participants could be charged under the "Conduct Unbecoming," regulations in the military code of conduct. They might be dismissed from the service. It would mean financial ruin for them.

Karl and Connie had been to several of their meetings as vouched for guest. I'm pretty sure they are deeply involved with the BDSM lifestyle. "I paused then said, "Oh, one other thing. Lex talked to a remodeling contractor who worked on their country place. He said he built a secret party room in the attic that was totally soundproofed. He said it was decorated like a dungeon.

Linda replied, "Most of that is supposition, it's not in the report."

I said, "I have the advantage here. I was privy to Lex's verbal report, which included opinions. He only puts documented fact in his written reports."

Linda asked, "Does Lex know of our connection with them.

I answered, "No. He thinks I am in a situation where I may want to do business with Karl."

She asked then, "Do you believe that Karl and Connie will try to get us involved in BDSM?"

I answered, "Yes, very much so. I think he might have maneuvered you into a situation where he was justified in spanking you. He may have been testing his ability to dominate you and from your account, you became very submissive to him. Connie, on the other hand, was adamant about letting me know she was a submissive. Karl also mentioned it and suggested I should take advantage of it. Karl mentioned it to you too, I believe. Connie definitely wanted me to be involved in something kinky with her."

Linda said, "Oh no, Luke. You are trying to read something into this that just isn't there. The spanking was something that just happened. It was my fault. I got way out of line with him."

I replied, "Don't you think you were provoked and the act of him jacking off on you was demeaning? I think he knew exactly what he was doing."

Linda quieted down and sat motionless for a minute. She asked, "What do you think?"

I answered, "I think, we have to decide whether we want to see them again and we have to consider the question in light of this new information."

She said, "I need some time to think about it?"

I said, "Take all the time you want. I won't have any contact with them until we agree on the way to go forward. I didn't give them anyway to get in touch with us but Karl is wealthy. If he wants to, I am sure he has the wherewithal to find out who we are and where we are. I think we probably need to contact them one more time, even if it is just to say we want no more interaction."

Linda said, "Enough of this for now. What do you want to do the rest of the day?"

I said, "Make a suggestion."

She responded, "Let's invite Juan and Maria up for a fish-fry. We can cook some of the stripers in the freezer. We haven't done that in a long time."

I said, "Okay. I'll call Juan. I'll tell them to bring the Kids. They can swim in the pool." We agreed and I made the call from the kitchen phone.

Juan was excited about the invitation. He said, "Only the three younger kids are at home but I will bring them. They always have fun when we do this."

I told Linda, "Juan and family will be here at four. Juan said that Maria wanted to help you cook."

Linda said, "She never wants me to do any of the work around here. She bitches if I wash dishes on the weekends. She says, and I quote, "Save them for me to do on Monday. It's my job."

I said, "I do have one small chore to do in my office. It will only take me a half hour or so. I think I'll get that out of the way right now." I kissed Linda and excused myself.

I sat down at my desk and looked up Ron Fletcher in my Rolodex. I got him on the phone and apologized for bothering him at home with a business matter. I ordered the golden card for Linda. We wrote the specs verbally and I wound up ordering two of them. One was to be the same size as the real card and made of 24 karat gold and of a thickness to make it weigh one troy ounce. The other was to be 10 karats to make it more durable. It was to be small enough and light enough that Linda could wear it on a chain around her neck.

I left it up to Ron to select the design and size of the chain. The engravings on each of them were to be the exact words that I had written on the paper card I had given Linda. I told Ron I wanted to personally engrave my signatures in my own hand.

He told me that I could do that on the larger piece but it wouldn't work on the smaller one. He said he could copy my signature and make it a perfect replica. He said she would probably need a magnifier to read the small necklace anyway.

When we were finished, Ron asked, "How much time do I have?"

I answered, "All you need to do your best work."

He laughed and said, "I was afraid you might want me to make them today. That would be just like you." Then he said, "I will have both pieces ready Friday. You will have to meet me at my shop to do the signature. Will that work?"

I said, "That will be fine."

He continued, "Call before you come to make sure they are ready." He paused and asked, "Do you want an upfront price?"

I laughed and said, "I know you will be fair. I'll just bring my checkbook."

He laughed again and said, "You think you just saved some money, don't you?"

I chuckled and answered him, "Yeah. I did, didn't I?"

He said, "Probably." We laughed together.

We said our goodbyes and my chore for the day was over.

The fish-fry came and went. Everyone had fun. The kids played in the pool. Juan and I sat by the pool and talked ranch business. Maria made the kitchen and patio immaculate before she would go home. Linda helped as much as she was allowed.

After they left, Linda and I sat together in the starlight and had a drink together. When she thought the time was right, she said, "Let's go to bed and talk about Karl and Connie." We went to bed.

We got naked and I pulled her close in her favored spoon position. I gave her a long time. She was procrastinating. Finally, I got tired of waiting and asked her, "Well, what do you think?"

She thought for a full minute then asked, "Do you want to be with Connie again." She added, "This is a truth time."

I answered, "Truthfully, yes."

She said, "I thought so. I felt the monster twitch when I asked about her. I can't believe I let you poke around inside another woman with that thing." She giggled and went on in a more serious tone, "I want to be with Karl again too. I want you to call them and make a date for us to meet them in Dallas, three weeks from now. That will satisfy our once a month rule and give us that much time to think about it. We can cancel if we decide we need to."

I asked, "Are you sure?"

She said, "Yes, that is what I want to do. If you say no, I will live with that without argument."

I said, "I will get in touch with Karl tomorrow."

She rolled over to face me and squeezed the monster in her hand. She said, "It is very difficult for me to think that hard. I would appreciate it if you would fuck me silly, as per Kay's instructions."

I answered her, "I've got a better idea." I made love to her slowly but thoroughly. We made it last a very long time. It was a better Idea.

I worked the next day. In the middle of the morning, I told Alice that I needed to make a long distance call to Oklahoma and I needed for her to hold my calls or any visitors until I was finished. I didn't know how long it would take. I called Karl's office and what sounded like a sweet young lady informed me that she would see if Mr. Ziegler was in. Karl came on the line instantly. I laughed to myself.

Karl said. "Hey Luke, I had about decided you weren't going to call. What's on your mind?"

I answered, "Well, Linda and I have decided that we would like to have another visit if you and Connie are still interested."

He said, "Oh, kind sir, we definitely are. Would two days this weekend be good for you?"

I answered, "Regrettably no. Linda and I have an agreement that we only play outside our marriage once a month. The thought is, if we do it more often it will cease to be special. The weekend three weeks from now is what we had in mind. We would like to meet in Dallas again if that is convenient for you."

Karl said, "I have a better offer. I own a shack just north of the town of Broken Bow. I have access to a large houseboat on Broken Bow Lake. You said you lived about a hundred miles north of Dallas so it wouldn't be much more of a drive for you than going to Dallas. I guarantee we will have a lot more fun than hanging around a motel."

I answered, "That sounds like fun. Stand by one and I'll get a map." He gave me an address and turn by turn directions from Gainesville. I said, "I will probably work at least part of the day that Friday but I will get away early. Figure on Linda and I being there Just about dark."

He answered, "That will be perfect. We will have dinner ready. Connie will be excited that you are coming."

I said, "Linda is excited too. You must have touched something special inside of her."

He responded, "I hope so. I'm glad you called, Luke. You have made my day." We said our goodbyes and broke the connection.

I thought, "I just had a cordial conversation with a man that is fucking my wife. I still cannot believe this shit is happening."

Alice came on the intercom. She said, "Ron Fletcher just called. He asked for you to return his call. Shall I get him on the line for you, Sir?"

I said, "I have told you, Alice, You don't have to sir me when we are alone. Please get Ron for me."

She said, "Yes Sir." Then she thought and said, "I mean, Okay Mr. Bowman."

I thought, "Damn Alice." The phone rang. I picked up and said, "Luke Bowman."

Ron said, "Hi Luke. I felt like I needed to talk some more about your order."

I said, "Fine. How can I help?"

He said, "I wish I had the paper original to go by. I could just duplicate it. The question I have is about the engraving. Did you type the body of the message on the original or write it in cursive?"

I said, "As a matter of fact, I printed everything by hand except my signature which of course I wrote in cursive."

He said, "Well if you want me to duplicate that you need to be here by noon Friday. You will have to do all the engraving on the big piece. I can transpose it to the smaller one and have you back on the road by two, PM."

I asked, "Why don't I show up at your place at eleven and buy your lunch before we do the trick. I am curious about the process anyway."

He said, "Great, I'll see you then."

I called Alice and said, "Clear my schedule of everything after nine Friday morning. I have a meeting in Irving."

She answered, "Yes Sir."

I thought about the jewelry for a few minutes. "I can't wait to give these things to Linda. I bet I really do get fucked silly over these things."

Friday finally came. I met with Ron and he did his thing. Both pieces were ready except for the engraving. He put the larger piece into the engraving machine and clamped it in. Next, he handed me a paper card that was cut to the same dimensions as the one I had given to Linda. He asked, "Did you use a pen or a pencil?"

I answered, "Well, I used a fine point felt tip."

He said, "Shit Luke, you didn't tell me that." We turned his shop upside down looking but finally, we had to go out and buy a felt tip pen.

We got back and he instructed me to write on the card exactly like I had done on Linda's card. I said, "Ron, I brought Linda's card with me. Will that help?"

He looked at me like I was a moron and spoke through clenched teeth, "Give it to me, Luke."

I handed him the card and he clamped it into the machine. He flipped a switch and the machine came to life. He adjusted the focus on a lens assembly that was looking at Linda's card. He pushed the go button and traced the letters on the paper card with a stylus that was wired into the machine. When he was satisfied that everything was correct, he pressed another button.

The letters were perfectly reproduced on the gold card, including my signature. He replaced the larger piece with the smaller one, adjusted for the size differential and repeated the process. He took Linda's card out of the machine and compared it to the big golden card. I heard him say, "Perfect," under his breath. He handed both the pieces to me.

The writing looked identical except for the color contrast. Ron handed me the necklace. He had already assembled the pendant on the chain. I looked at it and likewise, it was a masterpiece. I could read the inscription without a magnifier but just barely. That made it even better. Linda's eyes are at least as good as mine are.

The lack of contrast was a problem, but what can you do. The letters were just an eloquently shaped groove cut in gold. Ron said they were fifty, thousandths of an inch deep and wider at the bottom than the top. Gold on gold shows little contrast. Actually, what I was seeing was the shadow inside the groove.

I said, "Ron, they are exquisite. I am well pleased."

He said, "They aren't finished." He took them from me and clamped them into a jig on his workbench. He was careful to get the engraved surfaces level. He opened a drawer and produced a soldering iron and a spool of wire. He held the wire up and said, "This is pure silver. You need to turn your back to me. The technique I use is something I invented. It is a trade secret and my patent hasn't been finalized."

I snuck a peek. He was bullshitting me. He was filling the groves with silver by hand. He is a true artist. The process took ten minutes. When he finished, Ron said, "Come with me." We went to his office and he made us each a drink. He said, "Our work is done and it's five o'clock, somewhere."

I said, "I want to see the finished product."

He replied, "Write me a check and I'll give them to you."

I asked, "How much?"

He picked up a notepad and tore off the top sheet and handed it to me. He said, "I wrote that figure this morning before you got here. I was going to add a couple hundred for that stunt with the original card but I decided to let you off the hook because you bought lunch."

I looked at the number and wrote the check. The jewelry had cooled by the time we got back to his bench. He freed them from their moorings and passed them over a polishing wheel before he handed them to me.

They were beautiful and the silver on gold showed much contrast. They were far easier to read. I thought, "I am definitely going to get laid tonight." I praised Ron for his genius. He wrapped each piece in tissue then put each one in a fancy, hinged box. I left for home, with treasure in my pocket.

I arrived at home about four. Linda hadn't worked so she was there. She and Maria were walking up the path from the Lake. They go to Linda's favorite bench for girl talk sometimes. I waited at the patio rail for them. Linda pecked my cheek and Maria thanked me profusely for the fish-fry.

She excused herself by saying, "It is time for me to go now. I must cook for Juan and all of our children.

We told her goodbye and she drove away, leaving Linda and me alone.

I hugged her close to me and said, "I Love you and I have a gift for you."

We separated and I fished through my pocket and produced the box with the larger piece in it. I handed it to her.

She reacted as she does. A single tear ran down her cheek and she asked, "What is the occasion?"

I answered, "No occasion. This is just something I wanted you to have. Open it." I couldn't wait.

She opened the box and recognized the rectangle of gold for what it was. Several more tears welled up in her eyes. Her arms flew around my neck and she hugged me hard. She said I love you so much and I know how lucky I am to have you." She stepped back and examined the gold card closer. She said I will find a way to wear it around my neck and I will keep it there forever."

I said, "It is much too heavy for that. Keep that one in your jewelry box and wear this one around your neck." I handed her the other box.