Wife Wants a Hall Pass Ch. 13


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She opened it and appeared to be dumbfounded. She looked at it closely and inspected the chain. She said, "Oh Luke, It is so beautiful." She handed it back to me and said, "Put it on me." She turned her back to me. I put it around her neck and closed the clasp on the chain. I kissed her neck. She turned back to face me and adjusted the pendant. It hung perfectly just above the place where her cleavage started. She said, "I will never take it off." Bedtime did come early.

I thought, "Ron is a wizard." These small symbols worked like magic charms. Linda's doubts of my love for her seemed to vanish.

The next two weeks passed and it was time for our trip to Broken Bow. It was two in the afternoon on Friday and we were loading our gear into Linda's car. Linda stopped and came to me. She asked, "Do you really want to do this?"

I replied with a question. I said, "This is truth time, right?"

She nodded.

I answered her, "Yes, I do want to do this but if you are having second thoughts, I will call and cancel right now."

She said, "I want a glass of wine and a few minutes to talk before we go."

I said, "Sure. I'll get the wine for you and we can take a break on the patio."

She said, "It would be better in your chair. I feel safe there. You go to the den and I'll get my wine."

I sat down and she was in my lap before I could get comfortable.

She sat her wine on the table and snuggled close to me. I saw her fingering her necklace. At length she said, I believe Karl and Connie were both deceptive with us. I think they are into the BDSM thing and they deliberately concealed that from us." She paused then went on, "In their defense, they were trying to woo us. I think they were afraid it would scare us off if they told us."

I broke in and asked her, "Do you want me to cancel? That would be no problem for me." A few seconds of silence went by. I said, "Remember, this is truth time."

She replied, "Honestly Luke, I want to be with Karl this weekend. I also want for you to agree to a couple things for me."

I said, "Anything Sweetheart, but answer me this. Are you thinking you might want to try this bondage thing?"

She said, "I don't know. Let me tell you what I did." She sat up a little and sipped her wine.

I said, "Please do." She snuggled down close to me. I noticed she was fingering her pendant again. I went on, "Do you know, that charm in your hand has the truth printed on it?"

She answered, "Yes, I do know that. I read it several times every day. I do know it is the truth. I don't know why you still love me but I am so glad you do." She cuddled closer to me and whimpered a bit.

I asked her, "What did you do?"

She said, "I called Barb and asked her about BDSM. She once told me she was involved with it at one time. She said as long as it was light and playful role playing, it was fun. She said she meant being tied with silk scarfs and blindfolded was okay. She told me she didn't think I would like handcuffs, ball gags and whippings. She said that some of the people involved can get way out and creepy."

I asked, "What do you want to do and what do you want me to agree to?"

She replied, "I do want to meet with them this evening as we have planned. I want you to promise that you will never be so far away from me that you can't get to me if I call. The second thing is, if I ask you to take me home, you will do it right then with no question, no matter what. I mean even if you are right in the middle of banging Connie. I do have some apprehension about where this could lead."

I asked, "Are you saying, I am not to allow you to have any alone time with Karl?"

She answered, "I will not allow for there to be any locked doors between us and I want you to be close enough to hear me if I scream for you."

Of course, I agreed. We both assured each other we still wanted to go and we would have good thoughts and share a fun weekend. We arrived at the Ziegler shack about six-thirty.

The shack was, I estimated, had about 3500 square feet of floor area. It was a log structure in the modern style with lots of glass. It looked brand new. The grounds were well kept and the whole thing would have been impressive if it were in Vail, Colorado. It looked a little out of place, five miles north of Broken Bow, Oklahoma.

Karl and Connie met us as I parked the car. When Linda and I were standing on the ground, Connie went to Linda and they hugged. Karl shook my hand and welcomed us.

He said, "We are alone here. I have given the live-in help the weekend off and they are partying at a place I rented for them on Broken Bow Lake. They won't be back until Monday.

Connie stepped between us. She said, "I have Linda's blessing." She kissed me. She took my hand and placed it on one of her breasts. I felt a shiver run through her body. She had just had her first mini orgasm. She said, "I can't wait to have you." I looked at Karl and Linda. They were kissing and Linda was glowing in the dark.

I thought, "Maybe everything will be okay." My misgivings seemed to slacken.

Karl stepped back from Linda and said, "Connie, "Show our guest to the bar and fix drinks for us." He looked at me and said, "If you will excuse me, I can have dinner ready in ten minutes. I have Alaskan Halibut and King Crab. I know you both will love what I have done with it.

At the bar, Connie kissed my cheek and put two fingers of Crown Royal over two ice cubes in my hand. I thanked her and turned. I walked across the room to sit in a plush chair. When I looked back at the girls, they were kissing passionately. I heard Connie say, "I can't wait to have you."

I thought, "I think the stars are aligning for us to have the fun weekend we talked about."

Ten minutes passed and Karl walked into the room. He announced in his German accent, complete with a click of the heels and a slight bow. "If you will all be seated in the dining room, I will present the fish." He presented his arm which Linda took in both of her's. He escorted her to the table and seated her. Connie and I followed. When Connie and I were seated, he clicked his heels again, bowed and exited the room.

The table was unbelievable. The china and silver were all of the highest quality. I was sure each piece was produced individually by hand and by true craftsmen. The silver utensils and crystal were of equal quality. The side dishes were all in covered bowls.

There were two long candles burning in the middle of the table and several more in holders mounted on the walls of the room. It seemed odd to me that the log structure complimented the eloquently set table as well as it did.

Karl returned in a moment with a large covered silver platter. He came to attention at the table and set the platter in its place. With a flourish, he removed the cover. He then removed the covers from the side dishes and said, "Dinner is served." The platter contained four perfectly done, broiled halibut steaks on one end. The other end held a pile of large pieces of crab meat already removed from the shell.

I looked at the table. It was, "Old World," formal. I felt funny sitting there in a golf shirt and shorts. I looked at Linda. She was holding her pendant. We locked eyes and she smiled at me. I switched my gaze to Connie. In this muted light she was radiant. The monster moved. I couldn't wait to have her.

When Karl was seated, I said, "Karl, the Ziegler table is impressive. This is a far cry from steaks on the patio like we do at home. If you had warned me I would have worn my Tux. You know, Linda cleans up very well too." Everyone laughed.

Karl responded, "Your steaks on the patio would have served just as well. We are from two different worlds. One is no better than the other. This was a part of my childhood. I enjoy going to the trouble but only when I have a legitimate excuse."

Connie said, "I know it is hard for the two of you to believe but he really did do all of this himself. He wouldn't allow me to help even if I wanted to. Sometimes I think, he only keeps me around for sex." A small laugh went around the table.

Karl stood and raised his glass. He said, "Lets us drink to a weekend with the most wonderful companions."

We all stood and drank to his toast. We ate and enjoyed being together. The tension between us ebbed. At length, we were all satiated.

Karl said, "I suggest we enjoy the next part of the evening with drinks on the veranda."

It turned out that the veranda was what a Texan would call a porch. We went there to let our dinner settle. Linda was on Karl's lap. They had a touchy-feely session going on. Connie and I were ten feet away doing pretty much the same thing.

I finished my drink and said to Connie, "I would like a few minutes to talk with Karl privately. Do you think you could distract Linda for a little while?"

She kissed me and I squeezed her boob. She said, "Maybe." She turned to look at the other couple and said, "Linda."

Linda broke her kiss with Karl and acknowledged Connie.

Connie went on, "Do you remember our time in the pool, last time?

Linda smiled and nodded.

Connie said, "Let's go for a swim."

Both girls jumped up and headed around the wraparound, "Veranda," heading for the pool. They were shedding clothes as they went.

Karl asked, "Do you want to go with them?"

I said, "I want to be where we can watch them but I need some private time with you. I asked Connie to hold Linda's attention for a few minutes."

Karl said, "That's fine, come with me."

We walked together, around the corner to a spot on the veranda that overlooked the pool. Linda and Connie were already in the water. They were holding each other and kissing. I could see, through the clear water. Linda's legs were wrapped around Connie. They were both naked.

I opened the conversation with Karl. I said, "Karl, please don't be upset. I had you vetted by my company's in-house security people. Their supervisor believes we may be on the verge of doing business together and I need to know how to negotiate with you."

Karl said, "That doesn't upset me. I think we do have a chance of becoming much closer than we are now." He paused then asked, "Did you find something in my past that disturbs you?"

I answered, "Yes. My people discovered your relationship with Colonel Watson and his wife. They didn't find anything beyond circumstantial evidence that you and Connie were intimate with them. They did find out about the involvement with the Watson's and a sex club that revolves around BDSM."

Karl replied, "Connie and I know about the club. We are not members. We have been to a few of their parties as guest. As you know, Connie is a submissive. Bondage and discipline are two of the ways we enjoy each other sexually. Frankly, I didn't mention it to you because I didn't want to frighten you or Linda away from us. The facts evidently don't scare you too much or you wouldn't be here. I hope you are not too upset with me."

I said, "Do you have the intent of drawing Linda and me into bondage and discipline?"

Karl answered without hesitation. He said, "It is something that Connie and I enjoy very much. I would love to have you and Linda become a part of it. Let me promise you this. I will never ask you or your lady to be a part of anything you don't want to do."

I said, "I have one more question. Linda told me about you spanking her. Was that a test of your ability to dominate her?"

He did hesitate this time. After a minute, he responded, "I want to be honest. I think there might be a lot riding on this conversation. To answer your question, I haven't thought about it that way. Subconsciously, it might have been. I have to tell you, she did submit to me very easily afterward. Are you angry that I spanked her?"

I answered him, "I was at first. I'm glad that Linda didn't tell me about it until we were at home. You and I might have had a problem. Linda explained the situation to me. She said she deserved the spanking and you were careful not to really hurt her. I have had to spank her. I would never hurt her." I paused and continued, "This is the last thing I want to say and we can have the rest of the weekend for fun. Linda is most precious to me. If she is ever hurt, you will be amazed at the change in my personality. I will no longer be the nice person you see before you now."

Karl replied, "Luke, it is not in me to bring harm to any woman. I would protect your Linda with my life if necessary. Please lay your anxiety aside and let's enjoy these beautiful women for the rest of the weekend." After a second or two, he said, "Look at them."

Connie had Linda lying on the pool apron with her legs in the water. She was eating her. An uncontrollable orgasm washed over Linda, as we watched. It was a beautiful thing to see.

Karl asked, "Do you think that either of you would be interested in dipping a toe into bondage and discipline?"

I said, "In my case, I don't think so. I can't read Linda's mind. If she wanted to try it, I would not dismiss the thought out of hand."

Karl replied, "I have some movies here that were made, with some of the club members. Connie is the star in more than one of them. If you and Linda want, I would like to screen one for you, before you go home Sunday. It will illustrate what we do and it will give you something to think about before our next meeting."

I answered, "Ask Linda. She is adventurous. If she wants to see it, I will watch it with her." After a pause, I asked, "So, You think there will be another meeting."

He said, "I'm already planning it. I do hope our relationship develops into something special.

Two naked women walked up. Connie asked, "Have you two had all the anticipation you can stand?"

Karl answered her. He said, "I certainly have. Let's all go to bed early."

My dick got hard. It was obvious. Everyone could see the tent in my shorts.

Connie said, "Come with me Mr. Bowman, Sir." Oddly, I thought, "That is the way Alice talks to me."

I looked at Linda. She was glowing hot and had already moved to Karl's side. She was fingering her necklace. She smiled and said, "Have fun, Luke."

I blew her a kiss and Connie dragged me away. The last thing I saw was Karl, as he gathered my naked wife into his arms and kissed her.

Connie took me to a bedroom. She expertly helped me out of my clothes and stood in front of me. I gathered Karl's naked wife into my arms and kissed her. I could taste Linda. It made Connie taste good.

She maneuvered me to the bed and I lay down on my back. Connie moved around the bed and approached from the other side. She crawled onto the bed and lowered her pussy to my face and took the monster in her mouth in one fluid motion. We were in the perfect Sixty-nine position. I felt a vibration run through Connie's body. She had just had her first little one. We sucked and licked like two mad people. Connie had several mini orgasms and I felt a big one begin in me.

I said, "Connie, I'm going to cum."

She didn't acknowledge that I had even spoken to her. She was in the dominant position and pressed her wet pussy hard into my face. She was shaking and quaking constantly now. She took the monster deep in her throat and helped me along. I came like a thoroughbred stallion that had been penned up all summer. There was violence in my climax. I pumped a great volume of cum down her throat and she never spilled a drop. When I was spent, she continued to lick and suck the monster, until he was completely soft.

Her movement stopped and she let the monster slip from between her lips. She shifted her position so that she was lying on top of me with her pussy resting on the monster and her legs folded so that a knee was positioned on either side of me. Her lips were at my ear. She said, "You can rest now but in a little while I want to see if you remember how I like to be fucked." She pressed her pussy against the monster I felt her have one more little one before I fell asleep.

I came back to wakefulness what must have been an hour later. Connie was lying on her side facing me. She was snuggled close with one arm draped across my abdomen. She was asleep. I lay there and tried to develop a plan of attack.

I tried to move her arm without waking her. She rolled to her back on her own. I thought, "Perfect." I moved to a position between her legs and touched her clitoris with my tongue. I felt her jerk. I sucked it into my mouth and held it gently with my teeth and softly massaged it with my tongue. I felt that now familiar shiver find its way through her body.

She said, "Remember to keep count." She had another one.

I remembered how much I enjoyed playing with her like this. I was enjoying her now. It seemed the longer we did this the more fun it was. I helped her have a small one every way I could think of. The monster instigated his rebellion. He wanted some pussy. I was eating her again. I put a finger inside of her and touched her G-spot.

She said, "Make me cum this way. If I freeze up, fuck me hard with your cock until I cum again."

I thought, "I didn't know that was possible."

She came hard. I sucked her and ravaged her sweet spot with my finger. She never made a sound above a low moan but I knew she was completely involved in her orgasm. She had her hands behind my head and was banging me in the face with her mound. She stopped moving altogether. She was in freeze up. I kept eating her and toying with her rough place until I felt her flinch one time. When I felt it the second time, I was sure the freeze up was over. I changed position and stuffed the monster completely inside her. I felt her pussy grab and hold him. She was becoming more active.

She summoned all her energy and said, "Fuck me very hard. Do it right now."

I slammed my cock in and out of her as hard as I could and as fast as I could. It took several minutes and I was coming to the end of my rope. She came hard, for the second time. My spasms began. I pumped everything I had deep inside of her.

She didn't freeze up this time. She started to meet my thrust and she screamed like Linda does, sometimes. Her orgasm lasted a long time. I went past the point where I could keep up with her. Finally, I was satisfied just to be able to stay inside her. In a reasonable amount of time, I felt her start to come down. Finally, she just lay there. Her heart was pounding and she was panting and fighting for air like she had just run a marathon. The next thing I realized was, Karl and Linda were standing at the foot of the bed.

Connie noticed we had company. She said to Karl, "He made me cum twice in a row."

Karl sat on the edge of the bed. He said, "Wow. I thought you were strangling her. I've never heard her scream like that. Nobody has ever made her come twice."

Connie said, "I told him to."

Linda giggled. She said, "Never set a goal for my Luke unless you really want it to happen."

Connie said, "I wanted it to happen. I didn't think it could."

I said, "Karl, take my young and vibrant wife back to your bed. Your wife and I might want to do this again."

Linda looked at me and her hand went to her pendant. That was all she was wearing. I winked at her and she smiled. Karl took her other hand and led her out of the room.

Connie struggled out of bed. I watched her in the dim light, as she tucked her raven hair into a shower cap. She said give me a minute and walked into the bath. I lay there thinking about what had just happened. If Karl is close enough to hear Connie then I am close enough to hear Linda. I was feeling better about the situation. Karl had been upfront with me when I asked about the BDSM, and Linda seemed happy when she was here a minute ago. I heard the shower start in the bathroom. I gave Connie another minute then went to shower with her. We washed and dried each other between the kisses and feels. Then we went back to bed.