Wife's Friend with Benefits Ch. 01 - Intro

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An introductory story of my wife and her friend with benefit.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/24/2018
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Author Intro: Hello everyone, this is my first story and as such, I offer a few words of introduction. I have a very active imagination when it comes to sex. There are a lot of topics that I fantasize about, and sometimes partake, and many of them I will cover in this or future stories. I find that engaging my mind in these types of things really gets me going, so I hope that translates well to paper, digital though it may be. I also spend some time illustrating, using a program, many of the sexual acts I will write about. If you know the author Silkstockingslover here on Literotica, you may recognize my name from her most recently illustrated story. If this is something you are interested in seeing in my stories, let me know.

All this is meant to highlight my very naughty mind. What I write about I will have probably thought about at some level, done at some point in time, or just like talking about doing. This particular story is something I have talked with my wife about. And while she won't take that actual step into this fantasy, we have discussed this many time. Most of the characteristics I write about are actually true, and the fantasies I discuss here are also true. I try to keep it as close to reality as I can to help the story. This is an intro, a dipping of the toes in the water, as it were. Let me know if you think this is an interesting story line and I will continue. If you have suggestions, let me know constructively. If you like or don't like my conversational style of writing, let me know.

This is my first story after all and I want to hear from you about what makes it work, or not, for you. I don't claim to be a master of the English language, so I hope to not butcher it too much. And with that, I hope you like this introduction to what could be a long line of stories about me, and my wife's, adventures.

Introduction: Wife's Friend with Benefits

It's Sunday morning. Not a particularly spectacular Sunday morning, just an average weekend day. What makes this Sunday morning interesting for this story is the fact that I am lying in bed, next to my sleeping wife, working my rock-hard cock as I imagine her sucking off another man.

Now, I suppose some context is in order. After all, this isn't a normal situation in most households and I want you to understand how I find myself in this situation. My wife and I are in our early 40s, happily 12 years in to our second marriages. Both of our first marriages ended in infidelity on our spouses' part, and that led to a few years of mistrust and conflict, that we successfully worked through. We trust each other implicitly. This is the most important point I want to impart, as without it, the rest of this story cannot be. We have long worked through any jealousy issues, stopped checking each other's Facebook or phones, we know we will never cheat on each other, ever. This trust and unquestioned love allows us to explore our fantasies without risk of judgement. She has shared with me fantasies about being forced into sex, threesomes with two men, being watched.

I have told her about my submissive side that wants to be pegged, which she found surprising, but was very supportive. I have never shared any fantasy about her being with another man. To be honest, I didn't know I had that fantasy until now. For the most part, these fantasies have remained just that. We spend time talking about them or teasing each other about them to enhance our own sexual encounters.

I imagine you need a little more about us. My wife, Jaime, is a gorgeous Latina with amazing DD breasts and curvy hips that gives her that perfect hourglass figure. I, Brad, am good looking, tall and athletic and while I don't have a gigantic dick, my 7 inches fits perfectly in every one of my wife's holes, thank you very much. Our sex life is active and fun, staying mostly within the normal lines, so we honestly have no complaints. Neither one of us is left wanting for more. Admittedly, I have a much more active imagination when it comes to sexual fantasies. For example, I haven't shared with my wife that beyond pegging, I fantasize about sucking a real cock attached to a gorgeous transgendered woman. I am not attracted to men, but the idea of a 'woman' with a cock is hot to me. This is another fantasy that lives in my mind, but it should give you some idea as to how far my mind can go when it comes to sex.

I hope this brief introduction gives you some idea about us. Two very happy people, with active sex lives, active imaginations and trusting, respectful and loving feelings toward each other. I know, pretty rare, right? But again, this point is most critical to the story. So how is it, you may ask, that I find myself jerking off, next to my wife, thinking of her sucking off another man. That will require a much longer story, so let me start from the beginning. Not too far back mind you, we only must go back to yesterday.

Saturday Morning

"Babe, don't forget we have the Davis' party later this afternoon", my wife Jaime shouted to from across the house.

I threw my head back in frustration at that pronouncement. I had, in fact, forgotten and was already starting to mentally plan my day which conveniently left out the Davis party.

"Oh...right", I responded with a definite lack of enthusiasm.

I am not the most social of people, when it comes to choose an activity. That's not to say I am anti-social, more that I don't often want to get out and socialize in large groups of people. I don't have a lot of friends, but I do have a ton of acquaintances. Most people do not get 'in', as a rule, but I am often very friendly and haven't made enough social faux pas to get us off the invite list. My wife, on the other hand, is the social butterfly. She will find herself involved in most social conversations, often the center of attention. She loves to gossip with the neighborhood girls, and I am not proud to admit she is probably in the fantasies of many of those very same girls' husbands. All this leads to quite a few invites to parties which I go to with a much lower level of enthusiasm as my wife.

"Who is going to be there?" I asked, hoping it wasn't the full contingent of usual suspects.

Jaime crossed the room towards me, answering in thought, "The Davis', obviously, Cheryl and Mike, the Caldwells, I think the Robinsons, Rose from work..." The look on my face must have said it all as she stopped talking and gave me a knowing smile. It was the usual suspects after all.

"Come on love, you have a good time when we go to these things," my wife tried to encourage me.

I knew she was right, but I still responded a bit sheepishly, "Sure, but you know you are the reason we get the invite. Always the center of attention."

With a smile and a reassuring hug, "Don't worry love, the neighborhood girls talk about you too. But I can't help it if I am a bit more social than you."

I shrugged, knowing she was right, but not wanting to concede the point just yet. "Is Jose going to be there?", I threw in with a little bit of a mischievous tone. I knew my wife had a little crush on Jose, and I don't blame her. He is a handsome guy, and if neighborhood gossip is true, he is well endowed. He lost his wife to cancer a few years ago and hasn't latched on to anyone new yet, but he is often at these parties finding himself in similar social circles as my wife. He is a great guy, don't get me wrong, I find her crush cute.

My wife turned her head to the side in a mock hurt look, "Come on Babe, are you jealous?"

"No, my Love, never that. I trust you. I just find it interesting how often you guys get together at these events, talking about who knows what. He is hot, I am confident enough to admit that, and if rumors are true, he has a lot more downstairs than I do."

She turned towards me, giving me that sultry look that melts my heart, pressed her sexy body against me and grabbed me by my crotch, "Sure, he is cute, but you and THIS, are all I ever need." With a quick peck on the lips my wife turned and gave me a final admonishment, "Now hurry up and get ready or I will have to bend you over and fuck that tight ass of yours as punishment."

My God, my wife says the hottest things.

The Party

I will spare you all the random details about the party itself. If you have ever been to a house/block party before than it went about the same as that. People talking about their kids, their jobs, their ailments, same old-same old. I found myself chatting with the guys for a bit about the local team and why they suck again this year, typical guy crap. For the most part it was your average, normal party, until I noticed that each time I looked up at my wife, Jose was somewhere nearby. In Jose's defense, my wife was particularly hot this day. She was wearing this shirt that made her already amazing breasts look even better. The high-heel wedges accentuated her legs and the little shorts she was wearing fit those hourglass hips to a T. She was hot, and the guys couldn't help themselves but glance her way now and then. It's not that their wives were any less attractive, it's just that my wife has a way of standing out in a crowd, but I digress.

I started paying closer attention to my wife's activities to see if what I was seeing was true, Jose was flirting with her, big time. I mean, he does talk to her often at these parties, but things just seemed a bit more, focused. A touch on her hip here, a hand on the small of her back there, a lean in to speak to her close. He was putting on some moves, and my wife was playing back. She allowed his touch to linger, would laugh at whatever it was he was saying, a coy little smile at the right moment. And it was this moment that it happened, when things turned for me. I suppose many men might be upset at this turn of events, and rightly so for them. But, as I mentioned above, my wife and I have a great relationship and I know this wasn't about us, she was just relishing the attention. Things clicked in to place for me and I realized how turned on I was by what I was seeing. I could feel myself getting hard as I put a more sexual spin on the events before me, imaging he was speaking some secret sexual thought to her. The more I thought about it, the harder I got.

The rest of the party, I would talk with my wife now and then, but I would find an excuse to leave her alone to see if Jose would fill the gap. Sure enough, most times he would circle back with her to continue whatever conversation they were having. I know my wife's body language, and Jose's attention was turning her on. In my mind, I pictured her sneaking off to some secluded spot to make out with him. Imagined him pawing her breasts before she dropped to her knees in front of him. My thoughts were driving me insane and I was so turned on by my wife being put into these situations that I almost had to find a spot to whip out my dick and release the pressure. I couldn't be social at

all as my dick was so hard it was difficult to hide, and my mind was elsewhere anyway. I would find a quiet spot and watch my wife get hit on by a hot guy with a bigger dick, allegedly. Even that fact turned me on even more, her having a guy with a bigger cock. I don't know where all this came from, but I was fully in to the moment and I couldn't love my wife more.

The party went later than normal, and as usual, we were among the last to leave. My wife and I were tired and, on the ride home had only a brief discussion about the day on the ride home.

"You were more quiet than normal tonight, babe", my wife inquired.

"I wasn't feeling the social aspect as much today love, I got caught up in watching you tonight."

With a quizzical look she responded, "What do you mean?"

"Jose seemed to have a more than usual attraction to you tonight," I answered without the slightest hint of annoyance.

"Stop babe, you know he is harmless", she continued, not too convincingly. I felt I had hit on something here, but didn't want to press too much.

"Don't worry love, I am not jealous. In fact, I found it kind of hot, with him having his hands all over you tonight", I took a risk by admitting.

She didn't respond to that at first, just sat in thought, biting her lower lip. Finally, she responded, "Yeah, I suppose he was a bit more handsy than usual. Why'd you find it hot, though?"

I shrugged, "I liked seeing you be the object of his attention. It was clear he wanted you. I know you aren't leaving me, so I was enjoying seeing the effect on him, and you", the last part added with a mischievous smile towards her.

"Well, you're all the man I need, or want," she ended, again not too convincingly.

"As you wish, my love," completing our conversation.

Nothing more was said on the subject after we got home, but suffice it to say, my mind was going a mile a minute. I am not sure how much sleep I had, thinking about my wife and Jose in all sorts of various, carnal positions. The more I dreamt about it that night, the more I wanted it to be.

Sunday Morning

And that brings us back to me, stroking my hard cock while my wife lies sleeping next to me. Now, to be clear, this isn't an unheard-of situation. I have done this before, but only when my wife was on her period. I am not one of those guys that can have sex with my wife on her monthly moment, I refer to it playfully as her being 'broken'. In those moments, if the morning calls for it, I would pull out my cock and play with myself while my wife either watches, her hands roaming over my body, or sometimes she helps me along with a nice morning blowjob. In this moment, she wasn't on her period, but I simply could not help myself, I had to get off.

I stripped the covers off myself and worked my shorts down, leaving me fully naked. I could hear myself breathing heavily as I started working my cock harder and faster, my eyes closed picturing Jose's cock in my wife's beautiful mouth. I sensed my wife stirring and felt her hand on my chest as I continued. It was at this moment I decided to chance letting my wife in on my fantasy, hoping it wouldn't go the wrong way. With my hand working my dick up and down, arching my back a little, I turned my head slightly and moaned in a sensual whisper, "That's it bade, suck on his cock. Suck Jose's big cock".

Without looking at her, I could sense her eyes snapping open, and I am pretty sure she let out a quiet gasp, my own breathing dominating my hearing. I half expected her to stop me with a 'What the fuck!" comment, but that didn't happen. After a few more seconds and no words from her stopping me I decided to go all in. I grabbed my cock hard and lifted my ass off the bed, breathing heavily working my hand up and down. A bit more loudly I breathed out, "Yes babe, you look so hot sucking his cock. Yes, stroke his dick as you suck his balls. God babe, you look so hot!".

I was working my hand furiously up and down at this point and my wife, encouraging me, was pinching my nipple with her hand, just watching. I could feel myself getting closer so I continued, "That's it babe, make him cum! I want him to fill your mouth with his hot cum! That's it babe, so close. Yes! YES!" I screamed out a moan of pleasure as my own burst of cum hit me square in the face, followed by 6 or 7 thick spurts coating my chest, each one accompanied by a shudder and pleasurable sound of satisfaction from me. Never in my life had I cum so hard or so much. Jaime ran her hands over my chest, through the cum as she stared up at my face, dripping with my own cum. With a smile she asked, "Holy Shit, where'd that come from?"

I collapsed into the bed, finally realizing how tired my arm was, my breathing still heavy as I tried to catch my breath. I grabbed my shorts and wiped the cum from my face and off the chest, as much as I could. Finally, I turned toward her and said, "It's been on my mind since yesterday, watching you with Jose. The more he touched you, the more my thoughts drifted into very naughty places. My dreams last night were much more...intense. The thought of you with him just turns me on so much."

She looked at me thoughtfully a while before asking, "When did this start?"

"Honestly, just yesterday. Look love, I trust you implicitly and I know you would never leave me for him, so I guess it just lets my mind go where it wants. And man, did it really want this."

Once again, she went quiet in thought, "I don't know love, our fantasies have never gotten specific like this. We've always talked about things like this, but most of our fantasies just involve us, not a third party."

I agreed, 'I know love, but I think we are in a place where we know who we are and we know that we would never do anything to hurt the other. Your stuck with me. Besides, are you telling me you never thought about it?"

She smiled at those last comments, "I don't know, babe. I love what we have, I don't want to screw it up."

I reached over and ran my hand up her leg, and just as I suspected, her pussy was dripping wet.

"Hmmm, just as I thought", slipping my finger easily inside her.

'No fair", she moaned without trying to hide her pleasure.

"Admit it love, the idea of you with Jose turns you on", continuing to work my fingers in and out of her.

"I love you, babe", she offered as some sort of resistance.

"And I love you, which is why this turns me own so much. Tell me you want his cock!" now working three fingers into her.

"I do", she barely whispered.

"You do what? I couldn't hear you."

"I want his cock!" she purred.

"You want whose cock, Love?" my hands still working into her.

"I want Jose's cock. I want to suck his dick", her hips lifted off the bed in response to my fingers inside her.

Now, I should mention at this point that as you get into your forties, staying power and the ability to rebound quickly sort of gets difficult. It has been years, even decades, since I have been able to get my dick going for a second round. But just 5 minutes after cumming, my cock was once again rock hard. I rolled on top of my wife and in a quick motion I drove fully into her. I have never, ever, felt her this wet before. At least I can't remember her being like this. She gasped with pleasure as I started working my cock in long slow strokes. She grabbed on to my back hard as she could barely get out, "I love you!"

I pushed her legs back so I could get as deep as possible, fucking her harder and harder. "Close your eyes!" I told her. She did, so I continued, "Think of Jose inside you right now, fucking you."

She breathed a pleasurable "Yes", as I continued.

"Tell me to fuck you. Tell Jose to fuck you", I commanded.

She responded instantly, her hips moving up to meet my deep penetrations. "Yes, that's it. Fuck me Jose. Give me that big cock. Fuck you are so big!" Again, I don't know where it comes from, but her begging for his bigger cock only turned me on more and that drove me on harder. I think she could sense me getting closer so she pulled me down onto her, her nails digging into my back, "Cum inside me Jose, fucking cum inside me. Fuck it's so good!" It was only a few more seconds before I exploded for the second time that morning, shooting whatever my balls could muster into my wife.

She screamed with pleasure simultaneously as she came in an explosive orgasm. She isn't a squirter but I could feel her juices run out of her, over my cock and balls and down my leg. Another new first in our relationship. I could barely hold myself up at this point and collapsed on the bed next to her, both of us breathing heavily as we lay entwined.

I don't know how long we laid there before she whispered, "Wow, that was hot!" I could only nod my agreement as I fell fast asleep.

When I awoke some time later, my wife wasn't in bed. I thought I could hear her in

the kitchen, so I got myself up, made the bed and stepped into the shower to rinse off the dried cum that remained on my face, chest and cock. I reflected on the last day's events, and what was going on in my head as I showered, trying to find any slivers of doubt. Finding none, I could even feel my cock stirring for a third time as once again pictured my wife with another man. Putting an end to those thoughts, I stepped out of the shower, dried off, dressed and met my wife in the kitchen.