Wifes New boss, Hubbys old Roommate


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"You think Dick would talk about the past?"

"Probably not."

"But it makes you anxious?"


"You were always intimidated by his manhood."

'I don't think I was."

Dr Thompson tilts her head and pulls a face.

"Mike, everything we've spoken about over the years indicates that reasoning. Dick was revered on campus because of his endowment and you were struggling with wrestling. He was top and you were bottom. It made you feel submissive and needing to please someone who intimated you."

Mike hangs his head in shame.

"But that's not who you are now. You're a successful business man. You have a lovely wife."

"I'm socially awkward."

"You built a bubble around yourself because you never wanted to feel submissive again, and you haven't. But maybe expanding the bubble will help."

"My wife invited Dick to dinner tomorrow."

"I can see why that would make you anxious. Set boundaries, assert yourself. You're a completely different person now."

Mike sat numb while Dr Thompson's words went in one ear and out the other. He had been looking for reassurance but she couldn't give him that. He just had to deal with It.

"Thanks, Doc. I'm, I'm gonna go now."

"Reflect on what we've discussed."

"Yeah sure. I guess." Mike mumbled walking out of the office.

Not long out of therapy Mike's cell starts to buzz. Gabby is calling.


"Hey. Richard is taking the whole office out for drinks. He told me to invite you too."

"Oh...erm...I don't know."

"Okay, Hun. Well we'll be at Flanagans if you change your mind."

"Oh, okay."

"Okay, love ya, bye."

"Bye." Replies Mike as he hears the call end.

Mike didn't want to go. But the anxiety of leaving Gabby with the world's largest penis and alcohol made him become paranoid. He knew deep down she wouldn't cheat. But the memories of all the woman Dick fucked at college was driving him insane.

A short Uber drive layer and Mike was walking into Flanagans. A quick gaze around the bar and to his horror, there was Dick and Gabby in a booth together.

Nervously he approaches the pair. The closer he gets, the harder his heart pounds. His stomach is in knots. He felt like he was about to pass out or be sick.

"Hey." Mike interrupted.

"You came." Beams Dick. Jumping up to embrace Mike. "Sit, sit." Dick ushers Mike into the booth and sits directly next to him and opposite Gabby.

"So what were you two talking about?" Mike asks timidly.

"I've been trying to get Richard here to spill the beans about what type of shenanigans you two got up to at college." Gabby replies.

"Oh." Replies Mike as he feels his brow begin to sweat. "There's not really much to say. I mean, we...we were roommates. That's all really."

"I don't believe that for one second." Gabby scoffs.

"Now I mean, we obviously knew each other. But things didn't really overlap much." Replied Mike, trying to sell the lie.

"I wouldn't say that, Mikey. Hell we even dated the same girl." Richard nudges playfully.

Mike pulls a confused face. While his mind stays blank.

"Who?" Mike asks, baffled.

"Sally! Don't tell me you forgot about Sally Shipman?"

Sally Shipman was a name Mike hadn't even thought of for years.

"Sinkhole Sally she was nicknamed after becoming the first girl to admit she had fucked Dick" Mike recalled as another flashback emerged.


It was 7am in their dorm and Mike had just listened to Dick hammer Sally for the last 45 minutes.

"God damn your pussy is fucking tight, Sally." Dick announced as he removed his flaccid cock from her pussy.

"Yeah? Because I feel fucking loose and like there is a lake in me!" Said Sally as she slid fingers into herself and played with the substantial amount of cum Dick had left inside her. "I'll need a bucket just to make it to the toilet." She laughed.

"Mikey can help you with that." Answers Dick.

"What?" Asks a confused Sally.

"Yo, Mikey. Wake up. Sally needs some assistance.

"Dick what are you doing?" Sally snaps.

"Do you want your pussy cleaned or not?" Asks Dick.

"Sup?" Asked Mike, pretending he just woke up.

"Nothing." Answered Sally.

"Sally, don't be so rigid." Mocks Dick. "Mikey, Sally would love it if you could eat her out. One small catch though, she's a little messy."

"Ha ha, very funny." Scolds Sally.

"Deadly serious, Sals. Mikey loves to eat pussy he won't mind.

"Yeah, I'll help you out if you want." Pipes up Mike timidly.

"You'd eat my pussy, right now, even though it's filled with Dick's sperm?"

Mike nods.

"Bullshit!" Snaps Sally.

"I will." Answers Mike.

"Alright. Fuck it, I'll call you two's bluff. Go on then. Eat me." Demands Sally lifting the blanket and exposing her used pussy.

Mike steps out of bed and moves closer to Sally's messy, gaping snatch. The closer he gets the more musky the smell becomes. Her pussy is literally oozing out Dick's cum. Mike is hesitant but hopes if he does a good job maybe Sally would let him fuck her.

Taking a deep breath, Mike buries his face into Sally's cunt and begins to lap her up.

"HOLY FUCK HE'S DOING IT!" Screams Sally.

"I told you." Answers Dick. "Mikey is a Bro. The best Bro."

"Holy hell." Laughs Sally as she pats Mike on the head like a pet. "I could get used to this." She sighs as she lays back and lets Mike clean her creampied pussy.


"Yeah...I remember Sally." Mike responds. His dick now hard as he remembered how Sally used him for his mouth.

"Good times." Cheered Richard as he nudged Mike once more.

"Okay, okay. I've learnt my lesson. Enough of reminiscing about you guys' glory days. So, Richard. Is there anyone you're seeing presently?" Enquires Gabby.

"Well..." He begins before pausing. "I'm amongst friends, right?" Richard whispers teasingly.

"Of course." Answers Gabby leaning in closer while Mike's heart begins to pound nervously.

"I'm, in...well I live an...alternative lifestyle."

"Like Poly?"

Richard shakes his head.

"Swinging?" Asks Gabby.

"Eh." Shrugs Richard. "Sort of."

"Omg. Like cuckoldry?" Probes Gabby.

Richard does a telling nod.

"Damn, Gabby. How do you know all these terms?" Mike responds, anxiously.

"Mike! I told you I've been listening to that Consenting Adults podcast." Gabby semi snaps at her husband. "Richard, I've gotta ask, how did you get started in that lifestyle?"

"Well, I always knew a traditional monogamous relationship was out of the question for me. Poly wasn't really a thing back when I began. So that led to swinging. Which evolved into me basically joining other couples from time to time." Richard explained.

"So you're a bull?" Gabby gasps.

"I do believe that is the correct term." Laughs Richard.

Turning to Mike, Gabby begins to speak. "So when a woman joins a couple in the bedroom they're referred to as a Unicorn, if a man joins they're called a Bull." Gabby informs Mike as he sits there self shocked by his wife's knowledge.

"You know your stuff." Laughs Richard.

"I find it astounding. I personally could never. But you know, don't yuck someone else's like you know?"

"Completely agree." Agrees Richard.

"So do you have any interactions with the husbands?"

"Some. Depends on the couple."

"Like how? Give me details?" Gabby demands.

"Okay. So, one couple for example. The husband lays on his back and his wife climbs on top of him in the doggy style position and he watches from below while I fuck her. Another where the husband likes to watch, but he'll go down on his wife afterwards. Another husband is 100% against me cumming in his wife so I blow in the husband's mouth instead."

"Wait! So you don't mind letting a guy service you?"

"Nope. Not at all."

"Okay okay. I gotta ask. Who's better?"

"Huh?" Interrupts Mike, whose head is spinning.

"As far as I'm concerned, there isn't a woman on the planet, straight or otherwise, who wouldn't know how to eat pussy..."

"GABBY!" Gasps Mike.

"Oh shush, Mike. So I know I could eat pussy and make a woman cum, so is it the same for men?" Gabby asks Richard.

"Honestly. No." Replies Richard.

"Interesting. I honestly would've guessed the opposite."

"I understand the assumption."

"How would you describe the husbands? Stags, Voyeuristic? Oh and would you say they're submissive or topping from the bottom?"

"Some are Stags. Some are submissive. Some do just enjoy watching and some are effeminate."

"And is it the effeminate ones that blow you?"

"Actually, no. So currently there are two. For one, it's about respect. The other enjoys participating with his wife."

"Oh wow. That's so surreal. I would've guessed the husbands who participated would've been the crossdressing sissies in those chastity cages."

"Nope. Not at all. I mean yeah there is definitely an element of submissiveness in wearing a cock cage. But for some couples it's a way to stop the husband from coming too soon while we're playing. Some it's about surrendering control to the wife and sometimes it's just a tool for focusing energy."


"Yeah! Surely you know this?"

"Well I'm only like 6 episodes into the podcast."

"No, no no. Mikey used to wear one in college." Reveals Richard to a flabbergasted Gabby.

"What?" Snaps Gabby. "No he did not."

Mike sits silently as he feels as if his heart has stopped beating. Terror ran through him. He had emailed Dick, and asked him not to bring up the past.

"Mikey you never told her?" Nudges Richard.

"You..well...we...we all do stupid stuff in college." Mike spluttered out.

"It wasn't stupid, Mikey. You did it for wrestling." Richard explained.

"You really wore one, Michael?" Gabby demands.

"Yeah." Nods Mike.

"How have I never heard about this, Michael?"

"I...I...erm...I dunno." Mumbles Mike.

"And, Richard. You saw it?" Gabby asks.

"When you're roommates boundaries get crossed. I think it's fair to say Mikey got more than a few eyefulls of me too."

"Wait. For wrestling? Your Coach made your team wear cages?" Gabby asks Mike.

"No...erm...it wasn't all the time." Mike lied. "You know. If you had a big match, it was good to build up your testosterone. So you'd be more amped."

"And the ladies loved him for it. Well not that they knew, mind you." Laughed Richard.

"What? Explain?" Gabby demanded.

"Well Mikey would have a lady caller and obviously he didn't want to disappoint them. So he'd go down on them all night. He was Magic Mike before Channing. Let me tell you that." Richard roared with laughter.

"So that's where the nickname comes from." Gabby's says, matching Richards laughing

Mike sat quietly. Everything Richard had just said was a lie. The only pussy Mike got in college was sloppy seconds and Richard knew this. Mike pondered what Richard was up to.

"Mikey, my apologies. You don't have a drink. Allow me to grab you one. I'll be right back." Announces Richard standing up from the booth and heading to the bar.

"Michael!" Gabby says authoritatively. "Why have I never heard about this? You know I've asked about using more toys in the bedroom."

"I'm sorry. I forgot. It honestly was a lifetime ago. I barely remember wearing one."

"What type did you have?" Gabby asked curiously.

"I...erm...just the one they had."


"Yeah, it was the only type they had. Back then."

"They have hundreds of types now." Gabby tells Mike.

"Oh, okay."

"Soooo?" Gabby coo's

"What?" Asks Mike.

"Would you wear one for me?"

"What? No."

"Oh, you'd wear one for your Coach but not your wife? Why don't I get to experience this Magic Mike, huh?"

"Gabs...I erm..."

"Please, Michael." Gabby pleads.

"What are we begging Mikey for, Gabs?" Asks Richard, placing down several drinks.

"Nothing." Answers Mike.

"Not nothing." Gabby replies.

"Gabby." Says Mike, embarrassed.

"We're all friends and you two have history. So, I've asked Michael if he'd wear a cage for me. You since he wore one in college for a Coach and he's saying no."

"Well what have you offered Mike?" Richard asks Gabby?

"Oh. I, I haven't." Gabby answers.

"Well you should really have a quid pro quo arrangement for such things." Richard tells Gabby. " And that, that is best discussed privately." Richard tells them both, offering a cheers.

The three carried on drinking and talking, and thankfully for Mike the topic had changed from college to politics. After a few hours they said their goodbyes and parted ways with Gabby reminding Richard he was still coming for lunch on Sunday.

Gabby and Mike were in a car heading home when Gabby began to run her hand up and down Mike's thigh. She slowly leaned in and whispered into his ear.



"You want to stick it in my ass more, right?"

"Of course I do."

"Okay, well cage up for me and that'll be your reward when you're unlocked." Gabby moans in Mike's ear.

"You really want me to wear one for you?"

"Michael I'm so wet just thinking about it, pretty please?"


"Good. Because I've already ordered one. Wanna see what you'll be wearing as of tomorrow?" Gabby purrs.

"Sure." Sighs Mike as Gabby pulls out her phone.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

End it now, because unless chapter 2 is a vast improvement over 1 it will suck too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story! Please write next chapter!!

GunSuckerGunSuckerover 1 year ago

Oh please you need to keep this going.

Zephyr33Zephyr33over 1 year ago

nicely laid ground work. Are you planning to explore these characters further? Would like to hear more about their past and then eventually get the therapist involved in the present.

kowboy1964kowboy1964over 1 year ago

dying for part 2!!!!

northirishdivernorthirishdiverover 1 year ago

Fantastic 1st story of 2023 and loving it of course also helps I'm safely in my own cage to best enjoy the fun...hopefully many chapters to follow would have said cum but .... cant

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