Wild Berry Arousal with Emily

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Working with Emily and sampling her company's new product.
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Today is my first day on the new job.

About two months ago, I had left my old job. I needed a break from teaching.

I took a few weeks for myself- Did a bit of traveling, got into a bit of an exercise routine, and then decided to pick up a part-time job before diving back into full-time teaching.

All this time, I've stayed in touch with Emily. We haven't met up ever since our spontaneous hook-up at that Valentine's Day speed-dating session a few months back, but we've been messaging back and forth- Light-hearted, flirty little messages here and there. This was good: Neither of us seemed particularly in a hurry to be in a committed, exclusive relationship but the mutual interest was clear. Or rather, it's been sufficiently clear ever since that passion-filled Valentine's evening, when she eagerly pushed me into her bed and enthusiastically sucked off my throbbing cock while I buried my face between her thighs, tasting the warmth of her dripping pussy, and then watched as she delightfully straddled my meat pole and rode me cowgirl-style and then let me plow her doggy-style until I came harder than I've ever came before. As I reminisced fondly on that night, I could practically still feel the warmth and sweetness of her flesh lingering on my skin, the moistness of her tight pussy squeezing my shaft as I pentrated her from behind.

These days, she's been busy with her new job at the company- a cosmetic firm, where she works as a marketing promoter. A dream job that perfectly matches her interest and to which she is seriously committed. I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride- as her former instructor and now as her unofficial sex buddy, that this once airheaded school girl would grow to be such a mature and capable young woman.

When I let on that I had left my teaching post at her former secondary school, Emily expressed surprise and a hint of disappointment. She couldn't imagine someday visiting her old school and not seeing me there, she admitted. But that disappointment quickly shifted to envy when I let on I would be traveling solo for a bit. She wished she could take time off work and go with me, but the company had just put out a new line of fragrance and she is in charge of promoting the product. She had teased about me being the one to quit my job and travel while she buried her head in work, suggesting that I may have become the more free-spirited and airheaded one after all.

When she heard that I had planned on dabbling in some part-time work before returning to teaching, Emily had a most unusual, if not intriguing suggestion:

"How about coming to work part-time as a security guard at our company? It's not hard work, pays well, and we can finally see each other. We have a few part-timers and we need someone for evening shifts. I'll put in a good word for you."

I must admit the idea of working with a former pupil is a bit strange. But I quickly dismissed that thought. No, I can no longer regard Emily as merely an adolescent pupil. She is now an adult, a professional, and deserves to be treated as such. She is my equal- no, more than that. At this moment, she may even be my benefactor. Besides, our age gap isn't as wide as many other former instructor/pupil might be: Her being 23 years of age and me being 30- a mere seven years difference. Anyways, why shouldn't I embrace this opportunity to be able to see her again?

The requirements for this job was surprisingly simple: Over 20 years of age, high school graduate, and physically fit enough to carry some boxes and deter unauthorized entry into the facility. When the elderly head security saw the toned body straining against my shirt- a result of my exercise routine during my work hiatus, he promptly ended the interview and handed me a time table from which to pick my shifts. I messaged Emily and consulted with her, selecting the time slots that coincided with her work hours.

So now here I am, on the afternoon of my first shift. I was instructed to sit at the desk by the main entrance so I can check the IDs of employees entering the building. Very simple, mundane work. I spend most of that first late afternoon at the desk reading a novel, occasionally glancing up to see office workers flash their ID as they walk by and exchange greetings with them. From time to time, I would sweep my eyes across the monitor in front of me that displays the feed from several security cameras on the premise, making sure that there are no unusual activities taking place.

At around six in the evening, workers dressed in business attire, mostly women, begin to flood the lobby and file out of the front door. I get up from my seat and lend a hand to a few of the warehouse guys hauling out some boxes on a dolly. The men seem pleased with my assistance, remarking that the previous guy on my shift never even lifted a finger to help.

"Already making yourself useful, I see. You look sharp in that security uniform."

A soft giggling voice chimes out from behind me. I turn to see Emily face to face for the first time in over two months. The nostalgia of our last passionate encounter suddenly swell up inside me as I gaze at her angelic face. Her full lips, red and glossy, smile at me with allure. A glimmer of delightful recognition twinkles in her squinting, deep-brown eyes surrounded by a slight shade of dark eyeshadow. Her long eyelashes flutter under a light touch of glitter across her double eyelids.

"Sitting around all day doing nothing isn't really my forte." I remark while flashing that familiar, silly little grin as I finish with the last guy's boxes and walk back to the desk together with Emily, taking a moment to look her over.

Emily is dressed modestly in a blue blazer over her white button-up blouse, her long black hair cascading gracefully over her shoulders in shimmering, wavy locks. A high-waisted short black pencil skirt stops just above her knees, with a pair of black nylons running from underneath the skirt along her slender legs down to a pair of black pumps. The little black velvet choker with the silver-winged pendant I had gifted her all those years ago dangles from her soft, bare neck. I take a moment to admire her outfit- a far cry from the sexy little black dress she wore in our last encounter that left little to the imagination, but one that I can definitely appreciate as a testament to her new appeal as a mature young woman, one with a classy vibe, accentuated by the subtle berry-scented fragrance emanating from the air around her.

"I've never seen you in an outfit like this." I remark with a hint of pride in my voice. "It looks great on you."

"Oh yeah?" Emily does a little semi-twirl and looks herself over, glancing up at me with an impish smirk, not at all displeased with my comment.

"So are all these people getting off work now?" I look up and scan the crowd exiting the building.

"Mm hmm, well...most of them are. Some departments clock out at six. Some stay longer and will come back after dinner, like mine. Oh, that reminds me. What are you doing about dinner?"

It hasn't occured to me to think about meal time. I have a scheduled dinner break at seven but hadn't packed any food and I'm not quite familiar with any eateries in the vicinity. I rub my lightly stubbled chin softly and admit with a slight grin of embarassment:

"I haven't thought about it. Maybe get something from the convenient store?"

"Eww, no. Don't eat that stuff. Do you like Thai food? There's a nice place down the street. I'm headed there with a few colleagues. I'll bring you back some pad thai."

Before I can interject, a few office ladies can be seen calling Emily and waving her over from across the lobby. Emily gives me a playful wink and a soft slap on the shoulder before running off in their direction, turning around to leave me with a few parting words:

"You can pay me back later!"

Emily joins the women and exchange words with them. A few of them glance over in my direction and look away giggling before they all disappear out the front door.

As the crowd dissipates from the lobby, I go back to my novel, somewhat wondering what was said about me. About half an hour later, Emily returns alone and prances over holding a take-out box, placing it on the desk. As she approaches, the scent of berries seem to have grown stronger and more fragrant, gently filling my nostril and sending a warm, pleasant tingle throughout my body.

"Sorry there's no more shrimp. I hope you like beef."

"I prefer beef. Thanks." I rise to my feet and reach for my wallet. "How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing. The girls wanted to pitch in and pay for it. They all think you're kinda cute." She teases with a impish grin on her face as her beautiful dark eyes narrow. "And frankly I don't disagree."

"Haha, well. I guess I'm better-looking than I give myself credit for."

"Just don't let it get to your head, newbie." Emily pouts her cherry-red lips while faking a sulk.

"You can't talk to me like that."

"Sure I can. I'm the more senior employee here out of the two of us." She quips and gives me another playful tap on the shoulder before turning to leave. "I've got to head back to the office to finish some work. Feel free to come up for a visit whenever you have time."

I watch her swaying hips push against her pencil skirt as she heads to the elevator. Emily turns one last time to give me a little wave as the door closes.

I ponder silently over her invitation to "come up for a visit", but nonetheless return to my work routine. By the time I settle in for my dinner break, the beef pad thai has gone cold. But I'll be damned if that wasn't the best pad thai I've ever had in my life.

With ample time left on my break and not much else to do, I decide to take Emily up on her offer and head up to the fifth floor via the elevator, quickly locating the Marketing Department where Emily works. Most of the employees seem to have clocked out for the evening, with few dimly lit lights remaining in the office. I glance through the glass panel of the department entrance and spot a few workers still busying away at their desks- Emily being one of them, sitting about three desks away facing the door. She lifts her eyes and smiles as she locks gaze with me. She gestures for me to come in, which I oblige, and head over to her desk. The few other workers, either with their eyes down or back turned to me, all seem oblivious to my sudden intrusion.

"Hey there, you seem busy. Did I come at a bad time?" I inquire with a gentle whisper, sensing her weariness from the long work day.

"Oh no, not at all. I mean, yes, I am busy. But you came at a good time. I already finished the designs for most of the ads to promote the new fragrance. Now I'm thinking of a few different slogans and I want an outsider's opinion: Which one of these do you like best?"

"Well, cosmetics isn't exactly my area of expertise. But let's see..." I force a grin while leaning over her shoulder to look at her computer screen, the fragrance of wild berries emanating from her hair and skin once again filling my nostril.

"If I have to pick one, I'd say this is the best..." I point at one that I think sounds the catchiest in my head, though I know next to nothing about the product itself.

"Let yourself be enraptured. Let it be your thrill."

"Really? You like this one?" Emily's eyes lit up instantly. "Actually, this was my favorite, too. Now you've definitely helped me confirm it."

"I'm glad we're on the same frequency." I chuckle softly, relieved to have apparently stumbled upon the right choice. I glance down at her with a smile. "Would that be all, Miss Senior Employee?"

"Don't call me that, I was just teasing you earlier." She squints her eyes at me and giggles softly, giving a playful slap on my arm.

"Just like what I'm doing now." I smirk back at her, but then quickly switch to a more nurturing and earnest tone. "But really, do you need anything? Maybe something from the snack machine?"

Her gaze remains fixed on mine, suddenly with a hint of bashfulness. I can see a soft blush rising to her cheeks.

"Actually, um... I'm not sure if this is okay to ask you..."

"What is it?"

"Er, well...my shoulders are feeling a bit stiff from sitting at the desk for most of the day." She reaches back and softly runs her fingers across the trapezius, glancing up at me apologetically while pursing her lips.

"I think I can help with that."

"Is it really okay?"

"I still have a lot of time on my dinner break." I look up at the wall clock and then down at her with a trace of affection in my eyes, softly positioning my hands over her shoulders and begin to tenderly knead my fingers against her muscles, making sure to run across the stiffened knots. I glance up and scan the room discreetly, but none of her remaining colleagues seem to have noticed. Some have their heads on the desk, fast asleep.

"Oh yes. That's it." She lets out a hushed groan as she raises her head and arches her back, pushing her perky hips back into the office chair. Her chest protrudes forward and strains tightly against the buttons on her white blouse. As I continue working her shoulders with the utmost care, I catch a glimpse of her nylon-covered thighs shoveling sensually under the desk, the seams rubbing together, hitching up her pencil skirt until it offers a peek at the dark fringes of the stocking welts. There is a urge welling up within me to slide my hands down and caress her thighs, but I resist and remain focused on the task at hand.

"Thank you so much." Emily gazes up at me graciously as I finish up the light massage. "You're really good at this. But I felt kind of bad for even asking."

"It was my pleasure. You deserve it after such a long work day." I let my hands linger on her shoulders for a moment longer, gently twirling a lock of her long black strands between my fingers. "Or you can think of this as my payment for the pad thai."

"Oh right. How was it? Did you like the taste?"

"Best pad thai I've ever had." I nod with contentment. "You've made a fantastic choice."

"Oh, good. I was afraid it wouldn't taste good after it gets cold." Emily giggles softly and beams with smiling eyes, seemingly pleased with my assessment.

"Now then, anywhere else you'd like me to massage?" I lean in and deliver a playful quip, but not without a hint of hopeful anticipation.

She stares at me for a brief moment with a wanting glimmer in her starry eyes, then dips her head forward to whisper into my ear:

"Maybe later."

And with that, she quickly turns her full attention back to her computer screen, biting down softly on her lower lip and wearing a subtle grin. Her suggestive whisper and her reaction thereafter triggers a slight reaction in my crotch. Nevertheless, I nod knowingly and scan my eyes across the office with those few workers still buried at their desk, wondering silently how much farther we could have gone if the place had been completely empty. I turn to leave, glancing back at her staring down diligently into her monitor as I soundlessly let the door close behind me.

I return to my desk with about half an hour left on my break and settle into my chair, ruminating on those two words Emily left for me, wondering when "later" will come and what will happen then. Will it be tonight? Will it be here at the office or after work at some other place? Did she already have something in mind that she wanted to do? Or would she wait on me to take charge? I pick up my book to try and shift my focus, but the suspense of her cryptic words keeps coming back to me.

After a few pages in, I glance up to some movement on one of the security monitors and see Emily, without her blazer on, making her way down a corridor and into a washroom, holding her handbag and what appears to be a perfume bottle in the other hand. I lean towards the monitor, wondering what she's up to. Just then, Emily re-emerges from the washroom without the bag and bottle, the top button of her white blouse undone. She glances up directly into the security camera, making eye contact with me through the screen and enticingly gestures the "come hither" motion with her index finger, a wicked little grin creeping on her face, her tongue seductively moistening her lips.

My heart skips a beat at this sight: Ever since this afternoon, when I laid eyes on her for the first time in over two months, I've been repressing my urge to instantly take her into my arms and tear off her clothes and make love to her relentlessly, reliving our passionate encounter on that Valentine's evening. But this is the place where she works, and I should be damned if I initiated anything inappropriate as to jeopardize such a promising career she has built. Even during my short visit to her department just now, there was a silent mutual understanding between us that we needed to suppress our yearning and longing for each other. When I laid my hands on her to massage her shoulders, I had to resist the temptation to allow my hands to explore further into other parts of her gorgeous body.

But now, at her enticing- her direct invitation, the sight of her sultry smile as she gestures for me to come, I can no longer contain my carnal instincts as my cock twitch in my pants. I burst out of my chair and soar up a flight of stairs, reaching the floor where she works in an instant and sprint down the hall until I'm standing in front of the washroom. Stopping to catch my breath, I slowly reach forward until my hand is almost touching the door. As I stop to hesitate, the door flings open on its own and a hand manicured with light pink nail polish pulls me in by the shirt collar.

Before I can react, Emily shuts the door and pins me against it, locking her lips against mine in a fiery kiss, unleashing all of our pent-up passion that have been building up ever since that nostalgic night when we made love in her room.

The scent of that wild berry fragrance is even stronger now and seems to fill the whole washroom, not overbearing, but in a way that intoxicates you and makes you want to bask in its aroma forever and drown in it. Overwhelmed by its stimulating effects and driven by my own unrestrained lust for this dark-haired beauty, I tightly throw my arms around her slender waist and draw her closer in as we make out, our tongues twirling and slithering in each other's mouths, my hands squeezing and caressing her soft hips as we kiss.

As our lips part with a trail of glistening saliva hanging between them, Emily glances up at me, panting softly with an untamed, erotic look in her eyes- not unlike the look she gave me the first time she ambushed me with a kiss over two months ago. I was pleased to see that despite her professional demeanor during work hours, deep down she is still this untamed nymphomaniac that I have been craving for. This time though, the taste of her lips carried that same wild berry scent that have filled the room.

"Oh god, I've been thinking all day about how we can be alone."

She exhales as she reaches down and grabs a handful of my manhood bulging tightly against my work khakis. I groan and return the favor, grabbing a handful of her right breast through her white blouse, gently sinking my fingers in and kneading it in my grip.

"You dirty girl, you wanted me to come work here so we can make love at the office."

I tease while delicately fondling the soft fleshly mound.

"Hey, it's not my fault that you were such a great masseur. I just had to know what else you can do with those hands."

"What? Did that help you work up the right mood?"

"And it's not my fault that all the cute girls at the office have their eyes on you, I gotta make sure...you know..."

She glances up into my eyes with a sudden timidness, pouting her slightly parted, cherry-red lips as a blush reddens her cheeks already dabbed with rouge. I understand her point immediately- she wants me to be hers, and only hers. A sentiment I can full-heartedly accept.