Will It Work Out?


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I crawled up next to her and we kissed and fell asleep. I woke up twice during the night, to find her lying on my chest. I found myself just staring at her. She was such a beautiful creature. I was asking myself if it was possible to fall in love with someone I had just met, knowing hardly anything about her? I used the remote and shut off the TV and cuddled up to my new friend.

The next morning when I woke up Alex was in the shower. I could hear her singing one of the songs that was on last night. For some odd reason, I pictured her singing to her future kids. She just had one of those voices. When she came out of the shower she had one towel wrapped around her hair and one around her body.

"Can I have you again this morning?" I asked.

"No, you can not. Now tonight might be a different answer. We'll have to see how the day goes," she answered.

For the next few days, she took me everywhere. It was like having a guide to tour with. We went to amusement parks, shows, theaters, stage plays. We usually ate dinner at the hotel since it was included with my package. I even took her fishing. We had so much fun together. Each day I fell for her just a little harder. Two different days she needed to go home and get changes of clothes and take care of business. She wouldn't let me go with her, and I didn't push the issue. I had only three days left and asked her if she wanted to go back to the nude beach where it all began. She agreed and we lay on the beach and went back into the water.

"Do you want to do it like we did the first time?" I asked.

Smiling, she pulled me to the shallow water and climbed onto my lap.

"Alex, I think I love you," I said.

"Please don't say that. We only have two more days together and then we both have to return to our lives," she replied.

"You don't understand, Alex. I really love you and want you to come back with me to Ohio."

She had tears in her eyes. "I can't go with you. What you like is Alex, the fantasy girl. It's not the real me."

"I don't understand. We've been together the whole week. Are you saying it was all phony, none of it was real for you?"

"It was all real. I really care for you but you don't know me; you don't know anything about me," she answered.

"Well, help me then. Tell me about yourself. I know we can work things out. We have to be able to do this. I need you, Alex. I need you in my life."

She jumped off my lap crying as she ran to the blanket. "We weren't supposed to fall in love. We were just supposed to spend a little time together and then go back to our lives," she was still crying.

"Are you saying you love me too, Alex?"

"Yes, ever since that first night when you made love to me, but it won't work. God, it just won't work."

"Why not, Alex? If we love each other, we can make it work," I said.

Alex looked at me with saddened eyes, "I'm a whore Greg, I'm a fucking whore! I let men fuck me for money. That's how I make my living. I'm a fucking whore. Now do you understand why it won't work out," she continued crying.

I was at a loss for words. What was I supposed to say? I really was falling in love with her. What if I got up and left? I didn't know what to do.

"Alex, we need to talk. I mean we really need to talk. Let's get dressed and go over to the lounge. I need a drink badly; In fact I need a whole bottle."

We got dressed and headed over to the lounge. I ordered a bottle of whiskey. Alex ordered soda. She said she needed a clear head.

"Okay, Alex, tell me about your life and what happened. I want to hear it all. I think you owe me that much. God, you're so beautiful just sitting there."

Alex said, "When I was a teenager, I got pregnant and dropped out of school. I ended up getting an abortion and moved in with my grandmother. My parents kicked me out. I went from one job to another trying to make a living. I couldn't find a decent job since I was a dropout. I finally got a job as a waitress. It paid okay because of the tips, but every guy that came in would grab my ass or cop a feel. One day Sonia came in. She told me I could make big bucks if I worked for her. She ran one of the ranches that sold sex. I ended up going there. It was better than being a street hooker and the clientele was a lot better. The girls could work whatever hours they wanted. You'd be surprised how many were housewives picking up a few extra hundred bucks a week."

"Do you like doing it, selling yourself like that?"

"At first it was different. Kind of like anything new, but after awhile it was just a job that paid well. I would disassociate myself from the clients. I always told myself it was just a job. One day my little sister Trina came by and said Mom and Dad got arrested for dealing drugs. She moved in with me and grandma. I didn't want her having a life like mine so she finished school and I helped pay her way through college by selling my ass. She just got her degree last month and is now looking for work. She was an all A and B student. Now she needs to find a decent job and hopefully a decent man. God, she's my little sister. I want her to have a chance at life."

"What is her degree in? What did she take in college? I asked.

"She took Business Management and Accounting. She is a genius when it comes to numbers."

"Okay, go on with your story. Do you mind being a paid hooker?

"I hate it. I just can't do anything else. Remember when I asked you to be gentle with me? That's because I don't make love with any men. Also, I never kiss them. It's the reason I first shied away from you the other day. Then later when you kissed me, it was so nice. I know you were confused our first night when I told you it'd been a long time since I made love. It was true; I never made love in years. With you it was so different."

"Do you love me, Alex? We've only known each other for a week?

"I'm pretty sure I do. The reason I come to this nude beach is everybody here is the same. I could be a housewife, teacher, model, hooker, it doesn't make any difference. It's my chance to live a fantasy life; one where I don't have to give myself to a bunch of men. I don't get pre-judged when I'm lying here naked."

"What is your fantasy life that you don't think you can have?"

She had tears in her eyes as she told me. "Please don't laugh at me but I dream of a little home in the country, a swing in the back yard where my kids could play. A BBQ grill where my husband would make me some ribs; even the little white picket fence that only happens in the movies. A fireplace that I can sit in front of with my husband. Oh, hell, that's enough; it ain't never going to happen."

"Alex, I still love you and your past isn't the best. I want the same things you want. I always wanted kids too, but my first wife didn't. Only thing is my marriage has to be monogamous. I can handle your past, but if you fucked a man in the future, I couldn't handle it. Do you want to give it a try?

She was crying, "I can't go, as much as I would love too, I can't leave my sister. Since my grandma died, there is no one to take care of her."

"We'll take her with us. Maybe my boss will hire her." I still didn't want to tell her about my finances. If she was to come with me, it would be because she loved me.

She was crying again. "Greg, I do love you, deep down I know I do. I want you to meet me and Trina tomorrow at McDonald's. I have one more secret to show you and then we'll decide."

"What secret? What are you saying?" I asked.

"If you feel you love me, be at McDonald's tomorrow at noon. If you're not there, I'll understand." With that said she stood up and walked out of the lounge. I had a couple more drinks and headed up to my room, taking the bottle with me.

I had everything running through my mind. Was I nuts? Did I love her or was it just the sex? What's she going to tell me tomorrow? My mind went on and on and on. Eventually I passed out.

The next morning I jolted out of bed. What time was it? Did I miss my appointment? I glanced at the clock. It was now ten, so I had two hours to get cleaned up. I took a shower and dressed up casually and gave myself plenty of time to get to McDonald's. I decided after all my deliberations and drinking that I really loved this woman.

I entered McDonald's and saw the two pretty women sitting at a table talking. "Hi, Trina. Hi, Alex. I showed up. I gave it a lot of thought and I decided I still love you. Trina, are you willing to move to Ohio with us, if Alex decides to go?"

Trina responded, "Alex and I have made our decisions; now it's up to you."

I got ready to speak when two of the cutest little twin girls came up to Alex and said, "Mommy, who is this?"

"Greg, meet Sammy, and Tammy. They are my pride and joy. They are three years old and the loves of my life. They are why I have to work to make a living. Girls, go play for a few more minutes while mommy talks to Greg."

"Alex, I need a minute. I'll be right back."

I headed to the men's room. I washed off my face to cool down. I needed some facts. I always wanted kids and these little girls were adorable. I went back out to face the music.

"See, Greg, I love you but with me comes a truckload of baggage: my sister and my two daughters."

"I thought you had an abortion?"

"I did as a teenager. This happened just under fours years ago. I had to get off the pill for a couple of months and some men took me. I told them they needed condoms but they didn't listen. I couldn't fight all three of them. They were banned from the business but left me being pregnant. I wasn't going to abort another child and it ended up being twins."

"Alex, would you marry me and live with me even if the money is tight for awhile? I do the best I can but I need you to believe in me."

"You mean it? You will accept me, my daughters and my sister. Where will we live? I don't care what kind of home it is, but my kids need a roof over their heads."

"Rest assured, they will be safe, warm and well-fed. Besides, they will have a couple of grandparents that will love them."

The twins came back and pulled my pant leg. "Who are you?" they asked.

"I'm your daddy," I cried.

"Mommy said our daddy went away."

"I did go away, but now I'm back." I hugged them both.

"Mommy, daddy's back, daddy's back," they kept saying.

I looked over at Alex and Trina who were both crying now.

I called home to my sister and told her I would be home in a couple of days. I was going to bring home a wife.

"What? You got married? Who is she? Is she pretty? Older, younger, come on, Greg, say something," my sister Joyce said.

"Give me a chance. I met her in Las Vegas. She's a beautiful caring person and I fell in love with her immediately. Now, hold onto your hat, sis. She has two kids, twin three year old girls that are already calling me daddy. Also she has a sister who just received a business degree and is looking for a job."

"Are you sure she's not taking you for your money, Greg?"

"She thinks I'm just one of the construction workers. She's the sweetest person I've ever met, sis. I need you to send a crew over to my house. Put as many people as necessary on it. I need the picket fence and the swing set up. I need a BBQ grill on the back porch. A set of twin beds for my new daughters and a bed for my new sister-in-law. Can you get it all done in three days?" I asked.

"My God, Greg, she sure must be special if you feel this way about her."

"I do, sis. This might really sound stupid, but she and the babies are what I always dreamed about with Erica. Only Alex is real, her name in Alexandra and I'm marrying her tomorrow. Sis, is Alan there? I'd like to speak to him."

"Hey, Greg, what's going on?" he asked.

"First, how's your dad? Is he doing alright?" I asked.

"He's doing fine. He's back home already. So what's all the excitement?"

"Alex and I are getting married and moving back to Ohio. Trina is coming back with us. Also, I have two beautiful three year old daughters. I need you to fly back here tomorrow and drive a U-Haul back with all their furnishings. Trina will be riding with you, if you don't mind."

"Mind? Jesus, Greg, she's a beautiful thing. I missed having to leave her. Damn, I couldn't ask for a better boss. I'll see you in the morning," replied Alan.

I explained everything to Alex and Trina. Alan showed up the next day and he and Trina were our witnesses when we got married. We headed over to Alex's apartment. It was a nice place. She had some really nice furnishings. We called a packing company and had them load the trucks. It was just too much for Alan and I to load up. Clothes and kid's toys galore.

As we all headed out for our two day trip back, Alex told me there was something else she didn't tell me. "Oh, God, what the hell is it now? I couldn't think of what it could possibly be.

"Greg, I've worked at the club for seven years. As you know I also paid for Trina's education. I do have some savings that Trina invested for me. I told you she was good with numbers. We can start on a decent life. I saved over five hundred thousand dollars. So life shouldn't be too bad a start for us."

I had tears in my eyes. She wasn't worried about my job because she knew we could make it on her savings. She did love me for me. We drove through our little town and Alex was smiling.

"I always dreamed about living in a town like this where my kids would be safer. I could join the schools PTA; my girls could be in school plays." Alex smiled as she saw our town Post Office, and neighborhood market.

I pulled up in front of our house. Alex just started crying, as she saw the sign, "Just married. Welcome home, Greg, Alex, and family."

Alex looked over at me, "But you're just a laborer, aren't you?"

"Yes, but I'm also the president of the company now."

My sister, Joyce, Mom and Dad were all there to greet us. Alex got out as Mom and Dad hugged her. Joyce was matching tear for tear with Alex as I got my new daughters out of the car.

"Mom, Dad, meet your new granddaughters. This is Sammy, and this is Tammy. Girls, these are your new grandma and grandpa." The girls ran up to my parent and gave them a kiss. My parents each picked up one of them and had tears in their eyes. They always wanted grandchildren but Erica didn't want kids and Joyce wasn't married yet.

Alex looked at the house. Joyce had everything done perfectly. White picket fence, a new BBQ grill, and a swing set for the kids.

Joyce walked over to Trina who was standing there with Alan. They were both smiling.

"Trina, we need a new accountant at the office. Would you be interested in having an interview tomorrow?" asked Joyce.

Trina smiled and of course agreed to the interview. I came out and told Alan to call a couple of guys so we could get the truck unloaded. We had a dozen guys show up and we had the truck unloaded in no time. Everyone was going to stay for the BBQ. Trina and Alan went to pick up some beer, pop and more food. I fired up the grill as Alex came over and gave me a big hug.

"What are you going to grill, Greg?" she asked.

"BBQ ribs for my new wife and hot dogs for my daughters."

We never told anyone about Alex's past. As far as my daughters go, I adopted them. I am the only dad they will ever know. For family purposes, their dad was killed in Iraq before they had a chance to marry.

Trina did get the job, like that was a surprise. She is dating Alan pretty hot and heavy. Mom and Dad are the best grandparents anyone could ask for. They keep spoiling the kids. As for me and Alex, we couldn't be happier. We got the little town and country life we both wanted. Sammy and Tammy are also very happy. Their little brother will be joining us in about four months if Alex and I figured it right. You see, we make love at least four times a week. Will our love last? We think so, because we're giving it everything we can. No more secrets between us.

Sometimes you just have to say, "Hell with it!" and take that chance.


Hope you enjoyed my story

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I don't understand why people should put morals into judgung a story. A story is good if it is well written not about the sub ject and in that case CG Hear never fails!! I loved it!

LudvigBlomSE who unfortunatilile lost his password in a pc-crash

chasbo38chasbo383 months ago

I know that men have married prostitutes. I know that some sex workers are married. But personally I would have a difficult time wondering whether I was working with or playing ball with a man who had purchased my wife for money.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Since when does Vegas have a nude beach?


Otherwise, easy 5 *****

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Wonderful story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

To rbloch66, did you actually read the story? Near the beginning it says that he booked a TWO WEEK break in Vegas.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Loved it!

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

"I'm your daddy" I laughed out loud. This is so unbelievably stupid and saccharine. Daddy's back, Daddy's back. Lolol. Sooo stupid

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A Pretty Woman type of story with benefits: Sammy and Tammy. Let's wish them the best; they had it rough and pulled through against the odds; now let's enjoy the nice dream life.



rbloch66rbloch66over 2 years ago

Wow! All that was pretty ambitious for a long weekend. Great story though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The author in his romance stories has a thing for women with children. My first wife was like this with two daughters. My marriage was a nightmare, she was bi-polar. Unfortunately there is often a reason why there are single mothers.

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