Will There be Seconds


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"So, are you saying yes Jayne?" Bill asked.

"Yes, I rather think I am so why don't you both give me five minutes."

"Ok great."

"Come on Bill let's get some more wine."

Left alone, I had a moment of doubt and almost ran after them to change my mind, but it was too late. I was committed, it was on and was going to happen. I was going to do what I never thought I would do and what I would never have imagined older, middle aged people would do and that was have a threesome with two men in their fifties with who I had no romantic connection whatsoever.

I needed a few minutes to get my thoughts together, to emotionally prepare myself for which I knew I was physically ready. My heart was pounding, my pulses were racing, my nipples I knew because I touched them were rock hard, my breasts felt so full and heavy and my whole body was tingling.

Although I had not had sex with anyone other than my husband for years and when we had it I was pretty much always undressed, I did not really like potential lovers taking my clothes off I seemed to recall. The other night although erotic and very exciting at the time left me with a distasteful feeling of it being rather sordid. Ok, in part that was because they came onto my tights and panties, but also it was due to me being almost fully dressed and my clothes got wrinkled. So, I took the cardi, top and skirt off and hung them neatly over a chair by a door on the other side of the room. I opened it and saw that it was a bathroom with a separate bath and shower cubicle making me wonder if we would make use of either or both?

In my black underwear, holdups and heels I sat down on the end of the bed just before they both returned carrying fresh glasses and bottles of red and white wine.

"Oh, Jayne you look fantastic," the more outgoing Ken gushed as he poured the wine.

They sat either side of me and put their arms round me. They both kissed me on the face, neck and shoulders. At times they were both kissing my lips and having two tongues in my mouth as four hands roamed over my body was quite amazing.

I joined in and kissed them back as much as I could and ran my hands over their backs and chest undoing the buttons on Bill's shirt and slipping my hand up inside Ken's polo shirt.

"Take them off," I croaked.

We continued sitting on the end of the bed groping each other for some time. It was kid's stuff really but fun and a great ice breaker!.

Between them they eased my breasts out from my bra and then took my bra off before both of them alternated between kissing my mouth and sucking my nipples. At the same time their hands became more enquiring and my legs became more receptive. Once more as if by a signal for at pretty much the same time both of them slid their hands down to the base of my stomach where my legs by the habit of a lifetime were closed. I opened them so they could stroke my thighs and rub me through my knickers. As my arousal became stronger so, as usual, I wanted, no needed, to hold something and, of course that something was in their trousers. I rubbed the delicious feeling bulges through their trousers.

"Mmmm," I sighed. "Aren't some of us here a little overdressed?"

They didn't need any further prompting for almost in unison they stood up and quickly slid out of their trousers, underpants and socks. As they were bodily and personality wise different so their cocks that I had not really seen in the car were as well. Ken was probably above average length, and on the thin side but with quite a curve, whereas Bill was very thick and squat. I almost shuddered at the thought of that going in me.

"Ok Jay," they both asked at the same time making us all giggle.

"Mmmm yes, very ok," I replied reaching out for both erections.

"Now who is overdressed," Bill said slipping his hand into my knickers and stroking my mound just above my clit.

I got the hint and as Ken pulled on my panties I lifted my bottom off the bed so between them they could slide them down my legs and off.

"God what a sight," Bill sighed pushing me so that I lay flat on my back with legs dangling over the side of the bed.

"Open your legs for us Jay, let us see you."

I opened them and lifted them up so my feet were on the edge of the bed and they were bent at the knees about a foot apart. I knew that everything was on view.

Ken slid his hand down my stockinged thigh and rested his fingers on that sensitive patch of skin just above my stocking top.

"You have a beautiful cunt Jayne," he went on running his fingertips around my outer lips as Bill looked on and then laid beside me, cupped and fondled my breasts and nipples and kissed me. I was still holding his cock and I rubbed that slowly; it felt so good. Ken lay the other side of me, his fingers still stroking my labia and slipping just inside. He kissed my breasts and then, like a greedy child, sucked my nipple into his mouth and bit it, not too hard, but just enough to send lovely shock waves through me. I reached for his cock and rubbed that in a similar rhythm to how I was rubbing Bill.

We were in a similar position to what we had been in the car a few evenings ago, but this time apart from my holdups and heels we were all naked. Just thinking about what we were doing was enough to start me on the route to a climax.

I was between them lying on my back with my knees raised and legs wide open blatantly flaunting my most womanly place to them as one kissed my mouth, the other my breasts and nipples and both were stroking my pussy. I was holding and gently wanking both cocks. I was getting such intense sexual stimulation from so many areas that I could feel an orgasm starting.

That soon changed though when I felt more fumbling around my pussy lips and Iooking down between my legs I saw that Bill's hand was there as well. I watched mesmerised as both of them slid some fingers up me. I didn't know for sure just how many were starting to finger fuck me and I think it was the realisation that two men were doing that as well as the sensation it gave me that caused my orgasm to explode. It seemed to be going on forever as I was being stimulated in so many places; my mouth, neck, breasts and nipples as well, of course, as my clit and cunt.

I couldn't control my emotions or the noises I was making. Grunting, sighing, moaning, wailing and groaning I started to sob as I reached the peak of the climax. My body was shuddering, my tits felt so heavy and my body was tingling all over. They both held and comforted me planting little kisses on my face, neck and breasts as slowly I came down from my orgasmic high.

"Oh my god," I groaned as I sat up, let go of their cocks and extricated myself from their embraces. "Jesus," I went on holding my forehead and trying to stifle my sobs.

"Ok Jay," Bill asked also sitting up and putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Yes, thanks, I'll be fine it was just so powerful, thanks guys."

"No need for thanks it was great for us wasn't it Ken?"

"Fucking brilliant."

"I have to go to the loo," I stammered standing up and walking rather shakily across the room.

I washed my face and hands then between my legs before fussing around with my hair and straightening my holdups that I was surprised to see were not laddered. I felt good. I was still tingling, my breasts seemed so full and heavy and I knew that it wouldn't take much for me to get off again.

I had enjoyed my time with them so far. They were caring and considerate seeming to put my needs before theirs and both were pretty good lovers. As I wandered back into the bedroom and Ken gave me another glass of wine I was wondering just what was going to happen next? Obviously I was going to be fucked, that was a given, but how? One at a time while the other looked on? Would they swap with one withdrawing for the other to enter me? Would they want double penetration so I was fucked both vaginally and anally, which I would not be keen on; one cock up my bum is pushing it so one there and another in my pussy would be far too much. That was far more appealing. Also, I was wondering if one or both of them would be able to do it more than once, after all they were both in their fifties!

I needn't have been concerned as everything over the rest of the time went swimmingly and was by some margin the most erotic experience of my life.

At no time was there something of me not being sexually stimulated and most of the time there were multiple places being aroused. There was hardly a time when I was not being kissed or a mouth wasn't on my breasts or sucking my nipples. Their hands were everywhere on my body; on my tits, between my legs, on my bottom and on my face and head. I was fingered almost continually both in my pussy and bum and I had a face on my mound, clit and pussy almost permanently. I was rolled onto my front whilst one rimmed me and the other massaged my back and buttocks then onto my side where they pressed themselves against my back and front. At one time lying on my side I had the two cocks pushed between my legs presumably pressing against each other!

I lost the ability to work out who was doing what to me or which hands belonged to which guy, but it didn't matter as all that did count was my pleasure, the need for that was all consuming. And it was my pleasure not theirs I realised. I was the conduit, the multiplier, the toy and the object around which this whole scenario was being developed. I was the queen bee and the workers were getting their pleasure from pleasing me. And that pleasing wasn't just what they were doing to me, but what I was doing to them as well. Stroking their erections, kissing them back, cradling their balls and licking and sucking their cocks that remarkably remained hard.

My eyes were opening and shutting and I moved into a semi trance like state. It became nigh on impossible to know where I ended and they began. My and their hands were everywhere and boundaries just melted away. I varied from rubbing their lovely erections, thrilling particularly to holding Bill's thickness, to squeezing my own breasts. I had four hands on me and two cocks against me nearly all the time.

Whilst obviously I wanted to be fucked I didn't want this amazing performance to end especially when I reached for Bill's cock and I found Ken's hand there. That didn't seem out of place or wrong just as when I leaned forward to lick Ken's balls it didn't seem unusual for Bill to be licking and sucking his cock. Gender didn't exist, inhibitions had gone, nothing was off the agenda for everything was permissible.

And then they fucked me.

Not surprisingly Ken went first. I was on my back with him on top; all very straightforward and normal apart from the fact that as he fumbled his way into me I was being kissed and having my breasts fondled by another man. They got me to the 'nearly there' point and Ken rather frustratingly stopped when Bill said.

"Come on mate, my turn."

"You ok if we change over Jay."

"Of course," I replied as Ken withdrew, moved away and Bill took his place.

"Be careful with that big bugger," I grinned as he pressed the tip of it against my pussy. Easing the head in, he opened my lips stretching them until for a moment or two I feared I might tear as I had in childbirth. But no, that tearing feeling was quickly replaced by a wonderful sensation of being filled to overflowing or, as I grinned to myself as I hugged him, being stuffed!

"Ok Jayne?" he asked as he slid himself slowly up me until he was in up to the hilt. He stopped then and we lay there as I got used to having such a thick cock in me.

"Mmmmm yes, it's nice."

"Have you had thick like this before?"

"No, never."

"Come on you two," Ken chipped in holding my hand and kissing it. "Stop drooling over his thick dick and see how he uses it."

Bill did as he was asked and started sliding it up and down inside me almost withdrawing so that just the bulbous head was between my inner and outer labia and then surging it all the way up me. Those few moments waiting for the surge to happen and knowing how intense the sensations would be was amazing.

I started to cum.

"Oh god, oh fuck, fuck, fuck," I moaned as the orgasm built up. Bill stopped moving and Ken kissed me. The climax stopped increasing and I remained in a half orgasmic state. They both kissed me and then amazingly Ken and Bill kissed. I had not seen men kiss on the lips before and quite surprisingly it excited me.

"Shall we stop for a while?" Bill asked.

"No make me cum please make me cum."

And they did.

"Move over a bit," Ken said pushing Bill so that my right tit slid out from beneath his body. Ken grabbed it and sucked the nipple into his mouth as Bill started thrusting in and almost out. It didn't take long for my orgasm to explode and once more I went into that trance-like state as my emotions erupted and merged with the physical sensations that the fuck and the mouth on my boob were causing.

Lying between them again I had no idea whether Bill ejaculated or not until he withdrew his cock from me and I felt it on my thigh and realised it was still hard.

"You didn't cum did you?" I gasped as they both held me through the shudderings of my post orgasm trauma. Turning to Ken who was kissing my shoulder and fondling my breast I added. "Nor have you Ken?"

"Don't worry about us, it will just be better when we do?"

Kissing him on the lips and running my fingertips up and down his semi-erect cock, I whispered.

"I'll make sure it is."

We lay there for some time almost unconsciously stroking each other as we chatted with little exchanges of views and thoughts.

"I would never in a million years thought this would happen," Bill suggested.

"Nor me, but it's not really something I have thought much about to be honest," I smiled at them.

"Getting on a bit for such shenanigans aren't we?" Ken muttered to which Bill responded.

"Never too old for it though."

We were silent for a while and I may even have dozed off for a while. If I did then I woke with a start when I felt something on my pubic mound. Of course, it was a mouth and that was licking at my clit.

"Ok Jayne, can we start again?"

"Mmmmm yes."

"Will it be ok if we cum this time," Bill asked.

"I think I'll have to," Ken added. I won't be able to hold it back.

"So how do you want to do that?" I asked hoping that they wouldn't ask for double penetration as I could no way have Bill's relative monster up my bum and, in any case, I really wondered whether it was possible.

"Have you heard of a spit roast Jayne?" Ken asked.

"Actually, yes I have only in Litchat though and I am not sure I have got it right."

"So, would you as it means we are doing it together."

"Not in my bum no, I am certainly not having Bill up there."

"How about in your pussy and mouth then?" Bill asked.

"Ok," I said quietly surprising myself at the way the conversation was going.

Ken kissed me and whispered. "Ok if I go in your mouth?"

"Yes fine, but then you have already been in there haven't you?"

"But I didn't cum in there did I?"

I laid on my side and Bill got behind me.

"Bend your top leg up a bit Jayne," he whispered as he fumbled his now fully ready again cock between my legs the bulbous head pressing against my labia. It slid in much easier this time and immediately felt good. Ken tried positioning himself so he could get to my mouth but other than lying with his cock by my mouth and the rest of his body and hands above my head it just wasn't possible. Bill solved it.

"Maybe we kneel Jayne," he said grasping my hips and starting to lift me.

Between us we got me into a doggy position with Bill still inside me as Ken knelt by my face. Using the position was a good idea as the penetration with doggy is generally deeper and with Bill's girth the sensations were, well, sensational. I looked at Ken who was kneeling and shuffled forward his erecting bobbing as he moved. I held it and brought it to my mouth. Looking into his eyes as Bill started moving in me I licked the slightly oily with pre cum bulbous head a few times as I stroked its length before taking him into my mouth. I can't deep throat but I took it as deep as I could, 'tonsil depth' as my ex used to call.

Then they both fucked me.

It didn't take long for any of us. Bill was gentle but did the job beautifully whilst Ken held my head as he began to fuck my face. Each of us started to cum at the same time.

"Jay I'm cumming," Ken groaned. "Want me to take it out?"

With my mouth so full I couldn't reply and instead grunted, tried shaking my head and held on tightly to the shaft of his cock.

Bill was wrapped round my body his hands squeezing my tits as he held himself rigid and groaned.

"Oh fuck Jayne how wonderful is this," as he exploded into my cunt.

At almost the same time Ken was groaning.

"Oh Jayne, oh fuck, oh yes here I cum."

His spunk flooded into my mouth splattering onto the back of my throat as I was well and truly spit roasted.

We collapsed onto the bed in a pile of naked flesh.

"Christ Jayne that was amazing," Bill gushed as I swallowed most of the cum in my mouth. Ken kissed me licking the remnants of his own sperm from my tongue. I wiped my mouth with a tissue and laid back between my two middle-aged lovers feeling sexually satisfied Smiling and looking from one to the other I muttered.

"Will there be seconds?"

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Just_storiesJust_stories5 months ago

I love stories of real people having real conversations and real sex. Especially from the woman's point of view. This was perfect.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What a wonderful story Jane. I almost felt in the back of the Range Rover with you. Amazing writing. Thoroughly enjoyed the read. As a nearly 50 something I feel like there could be chances for me yet.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

A lovely story, told from the perspective of an older lady, who is still sexy and has needs. I'm not quite as old (mid forties and widowed) but believe me I think I still rock and I'm enjoying it more now than I did in my late teens and early twenties. At least I now know what I like, to be fair anything, men, women, both if you get what I mean. Another story would be good as well. Deffo 5 stars from me.

HardBenHardBenalmost 4 years ago

Wonderful erotic writing.

Once again great emotional depth and beautiful descriptive writing.

You engender so much depth in your writing that it is so easy for me to be there as one of the participants. You make me feel part of it.

Very exciting.


stevie1965stevie1965about 4 years ago

Great story - ticks all the boxes for me. Thank you!

Kentmuk4femsKentmuk4femsabout 4 years ago

Very well written and very erotic

EnglishM41EnglishM41about 4 years ago

Great Story , well told, very sexy, just perfect xx

UKpakmanUKpakmanabout 4 years ago

Beautifully told story. Loved every bit of it

Wiz1002Wiz1002about 4 years ago
Hope the seconds do cum along


Mother great story. Had me aroused and hard throughout

10towers10towersover 4 years ago
What an experience

I hope there will be seconds, as I have now read all your great submissions. My only question is why you chose vaginal and oral for the two men, rather than serial vaginally? My only sloppy seconds was with my wife, and it was grand. No there wasn't another man, just twice in a row when I was around 50 years of age.

Decades earlier with a previous wife we played in the swinging world. Rooms full of naked people is an experience I am happy I had. No there wasn't any emotional closeness, so that is the downside of just pure impersonal sex.

Now being in my early 70s, I am glad I have 50+ years of memories since time has taken its toll. Your prose definitely gets my emotions going again. Oh to be 50 again!

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