Winding Creek Pt. 02 - Home


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Miss Debra watched the shape of Luke and her daughter's image change many times through the uneven glass J.D. had brought back his first trip to Independence after their marriage. They were sitting under the sycamore enjoying the picnic she'd thrown together. Linda might know every nook and cranny of the ranch, it's livestock and most of the critters scattered about... But she could barely fry an egg. Debra had fussed with her over making their lunch and finally settled on the hope she'd learn before they ran out of the lessons that needed to be done before their marriage.

Luke was no longer the twitching, gangly boy that rode in behind J.D. when he first arrived. That very night had her peering out this same window, worrying quietly about how J.D. was more than two days late and how concerned she'd been about the storms that had blown up all around as soon as he left. Then she got real quiet seeing J.D. getting home... and with a boy riding behind. Primping her hair a bit, she hurried out onto the porch.

The second thing she noticed... J.D. had the boy sitting the very horse he really didn't want to sell but had too. She took hold of J.D.s reins as he climbed off Rose. A kiss and the hug followed by another kiss was pretty much the same greeting the two always exchanged upon his many returns. The girls watched from the house as their mother brushed the back of her hand over the older man's cheek before sending him and the boy she hadn't yet met to clean up while she set dinner.

Her mind was moving faster than she was around the tiny kitchen area. She'd hushed her daughters many questions several times before the door opened and their father stepped inside. The boy stood silently, a few steps behind.

"Where's my girls!"

It was the signal they'd both been waiting for as they hurried into their father arms as he knelt to give them each a kiss and the together hug that said everything was all right. It was Linda who finally asked about the new arrival as Tiffany searched her father's possible sack for any treats that he might have brought.

"Who is he Papa?"

Miss Debra hushed her yet again.

"He's your father's guest young lady. You best make him feel at home."

Tiffany quickly snapped to and took her father's hat as Linda slowly reached for the strangers.

"Thank You Miss Linda."

The younger girl smiled and wondered a hundred things, then remembering she'd just lost another tooth, covered her mouth with her hand.

"Miss Debra... girls... this is Lucas Blake. He'll be helpin' me and yur muther with chores n such on the ranch and tendin' skool with the both of you."

Still growing then, the rail thin boy, his head to big for his slender frame and large hands had reminded Debra of the many strays that J.D. often brought home; ribs showing and in desperate need of tending too. He kept a close eye to J.D. while keeping his head mostly down, avoiding her eyes and ignoring the girls stares.

Luke settled across from the two girls on J.D.s right. He ate nothing til everyone was served and then only what was put on his plate. Miss Debra was a little surprised that he held his fork proper and kept his left hand in his lap. When she told him to help his self to seconds, his pale green eyes looked to J.D. for approval before refilling his plate.

The days that followed had the boy working hard to please her and even harder to please J.D. She needn't worry about the wood box being filled or the girls trying to help with the more difficult chores. Luke tended to things with more diligence than even J.D. did.

Linda had simply accepted Luke, listened to him when she knew he was right and looked to her mother when she wasn't sure. Tiffany tested her bounds several times and was rewarded with more than one trip to under the sycamore tree. It wasn't long before a routine was set; Luke following directions and soon making decisions when he had to.

J.D. had more time for rounding up horses and putting fresh meat on the table. Debra had grown fond of Luke quickly. His ability to read and write was excellent and his way with numbers curious. The girls no longer pestered her with schooling questions. Luke could answer every one and some that she herself wondered about.

If Lucas Blake had a weakness, it was his ability to understand folks. He'd learned to live by J.D.s rules quick enough though. Hard and simple. But since his return from the city, there was a different light in those green eyes. Curious. Searching. Always reasoning... And if you weren't familiar with the now grown man, a touch of fear of what might be going on behind them as he measured those around him.

Watching her daughter and soon to be son-in-law under the old sycamore, she felt her pride swell. That same pride as when J.D. and she had finally settled in together and she fully accepted her new role in life.

It had taken a little time to go from worrying about her grades and an upcoming spelling bee to a teen bride heading for the west with her new husband. Her father had arraigned it. J.D. had come looking to meet her older sister Emma, but changed his mind after seeing Debra Ann. He always said it were her big blue eyes, but she knew better... although it were years before he shared that fact with her.

Two horses and a small pouch of gold were left with her struggling, oversized family. She rode behind the older man on a light stepping sorrel. It was a days ride to a town that had a church. The long-winded preacher made it all legal when he blessed their union. J.D. had taken her that very night. It hurt a lot and his whiskers scratched her neck something awful. He'd kissed her a time or two, lifted her night shirt and searched deep between her slow parting thighs. Debra hadn't even settled before he wriggled between her legs, slipped himself up and down through the slow moistening crease and then pushed into her...

The pain was still fresh when it was quickly over. Debra was more than a little confused as she stared at the slow-moving stars above them. His low snoring, almost like her Papas, soon brought her enough comfort to get a little sleep.

It were another three days to the last town they'd see before arriving to her new home. J.D. had given her a twenty-dollar gold piece and allowed her to shop alone at the many different stores there. It had been the most money she'd ever seen in her life. He'd told her to get whatever pleased her and what she might need for the next year or so. 'A store-bought bonnet n maybe sum lady things: material n thread n what-not for her sewing n such. He'd take care of the necessities. She'd not see another town this size til whenever.'

She took pride in being the new wife, moving about town, picking and choosing what she knew she'd need and then a few things that maybe she didn't. A walnut handled straight razor, five cents worth of peppermint sticks and six bits for a three piece, worn, secondhand tea set. It was the most elegant thing she'd ever dreamed of let alone seen...

J.D. had shook his head before giving her a crooked smile as they loaded the two newly acquired jack donkeys that she'd be charged with tending to from here on in. It was a day later that the land truly opened up and the sky became as blue as anything she'd ever seen. He'd chosen a spot near a calm running stream to make camp. It was a little early in the day when he stopped and hobbled their horses in some tall grass. He then unloaded the two jacks before picketing them opposite camp from the horses.

"You finish here, then go on to the crick and get yourself a bath. We'll be here a day or m'be two if it suits you. It's another four days to the ranch. We'll talk sum here, get to know each other's ways a bit 'fore we settle. This here is the purttiest place between 'ere and home. I'll go n fetch sum fish fer dinner."

After doing what she was told, she set soap and the new razor near the fire she'd built. He chuckled a bit seeing the soap and razor after he returned with more fish than they'd ever eat. It was nice. She'd never heard him smile before.

A day, maybe two, turned into four. Food was plentiful and his words started flowing a bit more freely. He was patient.

She learned the horses and the jacks came first. She was sorry she didn't know more, but he shushed her and said 'you couldn't know if you weren't showed'. He liked his bacon sliced thick, same as she did and when he came to her at night, he was clean shaven...

They'd spent their time together there mostly quiet. His favored spot was where the stream narrowed some, then ran quickly over and through some rocks before bending to widen and slow again. He'd squat there looking, still as a cat on the hunt. She'd watch the lines of his face slowly soften as she wondered where his mind drifted. He was most at ease when talking about horses, teaching her the trickier ways of the magnificent animals' behaviors or showing her an easier way to do things around camp. When they did talk, she'd smile and blush when she thought she might 've rattled on about whatever to long and yet, he'd still be listening and even smile sometimes. And her duties as a wife... Slowly became easier. She'd watched as he'd run his gnarled and calloused hands over Rose or the jack donkeys; talking to them & whispering his dreams of what they were going to do, the fine mules they were going to raise... and wondered if he'd ever be like that with her.

The picnic had gone fine... Well mostly. Linda was in a fidgety mood, sharing her many thoughts way to quickly. The only time she settled was when she was wrapped up in Lukes arms n then it weren't for long.

"I want to be married Lucas."

She lifted his hand n bit his palm gently. He settled his chin on top of her head.

"As do I."

"Then why aren't we!"

"Linda Jean..."

"It's Tiffany's fault... It's because of her and Jack."

"You know better n that."

She untangled herself from his arms and stubbornly turned away from him. The flat brimmed hat fell sharply on her bottom. When she turned to object, Luke was striding towards the barn. She saw the house door open and her mother standing on the porch, hands on hips. Linda bit her tongue and slowly started picking up the remnants from the spoiled picnic...

Sitting a saddle changes a man. Makes 'em think when they weren't checking for the whatever's n other sign along the trail. You see the world just a bit different. Early on in the city, Luke realized how much he missed the saddle and his often-thoughtful rides. His mothers and maybe just a touch of his father lessons had guided him well through boyhood. Then J.D. came into his life. The line he drew was hard and not to be tested. 'Let no man harm what's yours, challenge your word or put their hands on you'.

It were J.D.'s code that had Luke kill a man with a good possibility of more to follow. Yet, it were Charles Taylor words were leadin' Luke on how to sort things now.

Folks weren't like numbers where they sorta jumped out to Luke. If sumthin' weren't right with numbers, Luke could see it plain. Not folks. 'Look at the entire picture Luke. As much as you can. When your 95% sure, act. There are no for sure things.'

Biggest problem now was the Seasons. Jack had been the only son. More n a bit arrogant n mostly a bully, his two sisters cow towed to 'm when he showed up fer school... which weren't often. Jack kept his distance from Tiff n Linda after he n Luke locked horns early on durin' recess. They both cut their own switch fer Mrs. Sullivan to be punished for their behaviors, neither boy makin' a sound til she wore herself out from tryin' to make 'em.

Luke knew one of the men that married the sisters; Tom Trombley, a stout farmer's son, square faced n quiet, n a year behind him when he first arrived. Tom were only at school to please his Ma. The other man he'd only heard from Linda and that weren't much. He'd have to talk to Tiffany. Open up another slow healin' wound. What kept gnawin' at his insides were it made no sense for a man with a backbone n eye on the future to marry either one the Seasons women with Jack calling the shots at the ranch. No sense a'tall. There were something he weren't seeing. And Lukes need to go to the Seasons place was a problem that needed sortin' n quick.

Women had no right to property less it was in writing and then some. Daughters married and then honored their husbands wishes. What were owned by a man was given to the oldest son or split amongst the surviving sons if legal and written word said as much. He'd give the grieving family no more time then needed to bury the man that wronged Tiff and shamed his own son. Whether the other two men mite fight or not, time would tell.

'The entire picture Luke, not what might be or is true. A man only hears what he wants to hear and not much else; Even what he sees with his own eyes sometimes comes second.'


He it said to no one 'cept hisself.

N now, there were Linda. She were fast becomin' the world to Lucas. Maybe had all along. Ada slipped through his mind. He pushed the thought away. It were on the train home right after Ada showed her true colors that Charles Taylor took him between the passenger cars where the fast-moving air n cinders mixed in the smoke from the steam engine flew overhead... 'Luke you got a whole lifetime in front of you. Do not be falling for the batting of the eyes or promises made with a shy smile. When you find that special girl, you'll know. There will be no doubt. Take your time son; Enjoy as many pleasures as you can. Then when you do find her; revel in every moment and in every nook and cranny of her; Fore it will change son, and what you do will effect that change'.

With a low chuckle at the memory, Luke pulled up short, maybe a half mile from the ranch house now hidin' in the night. There were only one light from a tallow candle burning showing the shadow of someone sittin' on the porch. Luke had mind it were Linda. Then he thought of the times he and J.D. would perch right 'bout here, looking for that candle burning. It had always been a signal it were time to come home. Once they even stayed away extra til that candle was lit. Linda had taken ill and Miss Debra forgot to light it. Seemed like it always came back to Linda, one way or the other fer Luke. She'd been tryin' as hard as he'd ever seen to honor his wishes since getting back. Holding her tongue some n being a byt more lady like. He loved her fer that. Then he smiled, knowin' that mostly would change. The near woman had a stubburn streak wider than the Mississip; something he never knew he prized in a woman til now. The words they shared. The light scent of her hair. The warmth of her cheek a'gin him. Now she was sittin' and waitin'. Luke filled his chest with the clean night air, letting it out real slow knowing it weren't gonna be easy; not none of it... Nothin' worth having ever was.

A light touch to Patch and the horse started fer home. The dark figure rose when he neared, placing J.D.s flint lock against the wall.


Linda stepped off the porch just like Miss Debra did all those years and took Patch by the reins. Swinging down, the young man liked what he seen. Linda, with the long night shirt n crocheted shawl over her shoulders were everything he wanted. A light kiss and a hug followed by 'nother kiss before she wrapped herself tight around him.

"We got fresh bread and chicken if you'd like."

"Not hungry."

Untangling herself, she kept her arm wrapped tight around his slow narrowing waist as they headed to the barn.

"Your losing some of that city you had tucked around your waist."

"Must a been better food there than I had this afternoon..."

He near ducked the right hand that landed on his shoulder. Laughing, he slipped out of her reach and stepped a bit quicker to the barn to open the large sliding door. Linda followed, Patch trailing behind her.

"Sometimes it's hard to believe you're a grown man Lucas Blake."

She bit off the words as she passed before movin' to fill the wash basin. In the long silence that followed, Luke stripped the gear from Patch in what little light there were. After a good brushing, the gelding was put up with fresh water and some grain n dried beans.

"You wash that trail dust off you while I set your place in the loft."

It were the first words she spoke since entering the barn. Thinkin' all were forgiven, he reached for his intended.

"I-I need a minute Lucas."

He forced a smile n watched as she turned toward the wall ladder and headed for the loft above. Luke took his time cleaning his hands n face before passing the washcloth under his shirt. Luke headed to the ladder and waited. It felt like an hour, but he knew it weren't 'fore her face finally appear'd above him.

"Mr. Blake."

He could see her low, whispered words as they floated down to him.

"Your bed is ready Sir."

Luke tried to take his time climbing that ladder. The sight that greeted him when he stepped onto the loft floor were like no other he'd ever seen. The end loft door was open letting the clear nights light cast shadows around the quilt spread over a pair of horsehair blankets. Linda was lyin' as naked a newborn child on the special quilt she herself had made. Her eyes were closed as she looked away from him. Her hands were doing a poor job of hiding the fullness of her breasts n her cream tinted thighs were squeezed tightly together. Kneeling on his heels n touching her cheek, he turned her face to look at her.

"There's no hurry Linda."

"I-I need to know Lucas. I want to. I've been patient long enough."

She opened her eyes.

"Mama said it could be..."

Linda bit at her lower lip.

"...and Tiffany cried when I asked her."

Luke knew she was pure, a fact that now seemed so different then just a whisper ago. He pressed the tip of his finger against her lips, soon replacin' it with a gentle kiss.

"I love you Linda Jean... and that's forever. "

A subtle nod of her chin, her eyes holding his. Long, deep kisses sprinkled with lighter ones on her cheek, forehead and the tip of her nose. Luke's fingers gliding over her skin, gently exploring each n every detail. The ripe acorn color of her tightening nipples, the pale flesh under 'em taut, firm. The so very smooth skin of her belly dancing with his touch. He tasted her neck, tugged at her ear... His lips always returning to her mouth.

Linda trembled, returning his kisses as she slowly calmed; her anxiety being replaced by the want n the need of a woman in love. She allowed him to touch, enjoying his hands as they moved over her. She'd wanted Luke forever and now, here he was. Thoughts and dreams and endless prayers finally answered. She'd never felt the things she was feeling now. The churning in her chest. The tingling of her skin and that knot that was growing deep in her belly. She wanted that too... To know. To taste. To share. Her fingers worked on the buttons of his linen shirt and then slipping inside to touch her man like she had never touched any one before. Hands flat, fingers spread. She just wasn't sure...


The back of his hand slid lightly against the top of her thigh, then turning it, his fingers ran back over her tummy chasing the butterflies across her fiery skin to the top of her other thigh. She gasped as he trailed his fingertips even further between them and then slowly up.

She tried to hide from the feelings welling up deep inside, burying her face between his shoulder and neck; a place where she'd always felt safe her whole life as she clung to her mother when hurt or her father when she was afraid. But this was so different. She felt safe and secure, knew she was, but wanted so much more. She loved this man. Always had and now she wanted to be part of him.

And Lucas...

He couldn't believe how delicate this girl he loved was. Her skin soft, smooth like a growing kittens coat. The little gasp or soft sigh as he enjoyed her mouth n neck n ears... her breasts. The tightening of her nipples and the low moan when he teased the taut tips with his tongue. Her girlish giggle when he teased the center of her belly. Her scent light... Making him need her more then anything he'd ever wanted before.