Winners and Losers Ch. 01


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"That's okay." said Marcus "It's very late. Did you eat before you came to the club this evening?"

"No, Bill was just so eager to start playing that we skipped it. He said we'd catch something after he won and eat on the way home" she chortled. "We know how well that worked out"

"Well, he's still playing and looks like he will be for a while. Do you want to catch a bite, you must be starving?" he asked.

"What time is it?" she asked looking at her wrist watch. "My god its 2:30 in the morning. Where would we get something to eat at this hour?"

"Well, I'm a good friend with the owner of this establishment. I'm sure I can convince him to get us something" He grinned.

With that they were off to the kitchen. The night staff were on duty, there to supply room service food 24/7. Marcus had them whip up two orders of eggs Florentine and serve them in the dining room which was closed.

When they were done, Marcus suggested that Annie stay in his suite for the rest of the night and get some rest. "I have to be down here anyway and won't be in the suite until mid to late morning, so you'll have complete privacy until then."

"I couldn't put you out like that" protested Annie.

"Don't think about it. You're not putting me out at all, and it saves you the expense of a room at this rather pricey establishment." he joked.

"Well if you're sure..." she relented "I am rather exhausted and as you say Bill will be playing for some time yet."

"I'll have one of the bell hops escort you to my suite and show you where everything is." Marcus went to one of the house phones and placed a call.

Shortly an eager young black man showed up in a bell man's uniform to escort Annie to Marcus' suite. "Thank you for this" she said as she left with the young man.

Marcus went back into his office and logged into the security camera feeds again. Checking the poker table again he could see that Bill's chip pile was less than it had been before. His instructions from before were being followed.

At that moment Annie was being ushered into Marcus' suite by the bell hop. As they entered, the lights came on automatically, "All the lights are activated by motion detectors, and voice command" said the bell hop. "To change the lighting just speak in a clear voice like this." "Dim" he said and the light level dropped about 25%. "Say that again and again and the light level drops to about 10% of the maximum, to turn the light off, just say "Off" he instructed.

"The bathroom is here and is accessible from the bedroom. The bar is here. There are phones out here and in the bedroom. And this is the bedroom" he said as he showed Annie around the suite. "There are bath robes in the bathroom if you want to get comfortable after I leave."

"If you need anything just call the front desk and ask for Anton, that's me, and I'll make sure to get it for you." He said flashing his smile.

"I know what I'd like her to need." he thought, but this was clearly the boss's latest conquest target and woe to any man who tried anything with her before Marcus was done with her. Anton had had a chance with one or two of her predecessors. He could wait.

"I think I'll be fine." Annie replied "All I want is to sleep."

"Good night then." Anton responded, and left the suite.

Annie went straight to the bedroom. She noted that the wall beside the bed was a wall to wall mirror as was the ceiling above the bed. She took off her clothes and crawled into the king sized bed naked and promptly fell asleep.

Springing the Trap

Marcus was in his office overseeing the previous nights activities, checking the take from the various revenue generating activities. Generally keeping abreast of any issues that needed his attention.

Mostly though he was waiting to hear back from Richard, his finance guy about Bill Compton's debts. It was only 9:00 AM, give Rich some time he thought.

Thinking of Bill Compton, Marcus checked the video feed again. Looked like good old Bill was down to his last few thousands. Almost time to yank his chain and set things in motion.

Interesting, thought Marcus. Bill hadn't once wondered where his wife was. He had no idea she was at this moment upstairs asleep in Marcus' bed. Untouched for the moment, but that would soon change.

It was about 10:30 in the morning when Marcus' phone rang. It was Richard.

"What's our progress? "he asked sharply.

"We're good," Richard reported "Most of them were so glad to get anything for that guys paper. They sold his debt for 10 cents on the dollar. We bought it all. Even the mob guys were reasonable, we got their debt for 30 cents on the dollar. We own this guy."

This was excellent news for Marcus." Good work Rich, There will be a nice bonus on your next pay cheque." He hung up.

He'd barely set the phone down when it rang again. It was the pit boss from the poker tables, Jerome.

"That guy with the faggoty tie you asked us to watch, has just run out of money again and wants another $100,000. What do you want us to do?"

"Invite him to my office." Marcus said coldly.

About 5 minutes later Bill Compton was ushered into Marcus' office by a salt & pepper team of two burly security men.

"Welcome to our party Bill." Marcus intoned cheerfully. "My name is Marcus Masters and I own this club and several clubs like it."

Continuing on he said "I have good news and bad news for you Bill. First, the good news, those gangsters who you owed money to? That $750,000 gambling debt? You don't owe them anymore and they are no longer out to break your face. The other good news is that all those debts you used to owe, to your business suppliers, the bank and other mortgages you owed on your house - you don't owe them any more either." His smile made Bill's stomach clench in a knot.

"The bad news is, Bill, You now owe that all to me." He intoned in a flat voice with a touch of menace in it. "Plus the $500,000 I advanced to you earlier tonight."

"You owe me all that, and a large portion of it Bill, has no collateral to back it. You're only covered for about $4 million" he went on, "What are we going to do about that Bill? What do you have that could serve as collateral backing for the remaining 2.5 million dollars, Bill? Eh?"

"Speak up Bill, I can't seem to hear you." Marcus spat.

Bill wasn't as smart as he thought he was, but he wasn't stupid either. He knew he was in deep, deep trouble here. He had heard of Marcus Masters and not much of it was good.

"Ahem, well I can't think of any hard assets I have that would cover that amount of debt." he said in a submissive tone of voice, almost a whine.

"What about soft assets then?" Marcus asked.

"I can't think of any of those I have that are worth anywhere near that kind of money." Bill replied.

"You can't think of one? Just one?" Marcus said. "If you can't, I think I can. One very soft asset that would be worth that kind of money to me."

Bill looked at him quizzically. "I don't understand. What soft asset are you referring to?"

"Do you know where your wife is Bill? At this very moment, do you have any idea where she is?"

Bill Compton felt an icy chill run through his body and wrap around his heart. "I presume she booked a room here and went to bed and is safe and sound asleep there."

"Almost right, Bill, but no cigar." Marcus said with thinly veiled contempt. "She is indeed in a room and in a bed, and probably asleep still. But she's in my bed Bill, and until you pay me what you owe me, she is staying in my bed Bill. She is the collateral on that 2.5 million dollar short fall Bill."

"Now Bill, you're a gambler, aren't you? You've borrowed from men like me before haven't you Bill, you understand that loans like this, especially loans that prevented you from coming to bodily harm aren't cheap. You understand the concept of the vig don't you Bill. The vig is what you owe every week on top of the loan, you pay the vig first and anything left over is applied to the principal of the loan. Now I'm prepared to offer you a deal here Bill. For the first 4 weeks, Annie, your wife will be providing me with the vig - if you catch my drift. After that she can provide me with half the vig, you have to cover the rest in cash. You have 120 days to pay out all of the loan and any accumulated vig, Bill. Fail to do that and I will call my loan, and take all of your collateralized assets, including your wife, In addition, during those 120 days she is mine to do with as I wish, she is my property, Bill. Fail to pay me with in 120 days and you will have lost everything, including your wife. Do you understand me Bill?" Marcus yelled that last.

Bill sat there glumly. He nodded, "I understand," he mumbled.

"Louder Bill, I want to hear you clearly" Marcus spoke forcefully.

"I understand" Bill said louder. "120 days or I lose everything"

"Good" said Marcus "We're clear then. 120 days."

"Now, get the fuck out of my office and start earning some goddamned serious money" Marcus snarled.

Bill left the office in a panic. His wife, where was his wife? How had he been so stupid? He hoped Marcus had been lying, that Annie had called a cab and was at home in their bed safe & sound. He called the house, it was almost noon, surely she would be awake. The call went to voice mail. He called her cell phone. It too went to voice mail, then he remembered that she had left her cell at home because the phone didn't fit in her clutch purse and she was with him anyway, so didn't think she would need her phone.

His panic rose higher as the magnitude of the situation hit him. Raise $6 and a half plus million in 120 days? How the hell was he supposed to do that? And if he didn't he would be financially ruined and lose his wife at the same time. Legal or not, there'd be no way to get his wife away from a man like Marcus Masters once the 120 days were up if he didn't repay the money.

He had to get out of here and think. Think damn it, think harder than he has ever thought in his life. He went out to the parking lot, got in his car and drove home.

Beginning the Term

Marcus was exhausted. He never liked these confrontations, the macho bullshit that was required drained him.

He'd had a long night and he needed sleep. He shut down his desktop computer and left his office. He headed straight to the elevator and rode it to the 20th floor and his suite. He entered and as was his habit went straight to his bedroom, disrobing as he went. Jacket, tie, shoes, socks and last his pants over the chair in his room. He noted that there was women's clothing there ahead of him.

He looked to the bed and there, looking for all the world like Goldie Locks in the baby bear's bed lay Annie Compton. Mrs. Annie Compton, another man's wife. Naked.

Marcus' cock twitched at the thought.

She lay on her back. Her arms and perfect breasts were outside of the covers. Her nipples were hard, her areolas were tight round pink circles, not much bigger than a fifty cent piece, behind the half inch tall nipples.

Her C cup breasts were firm and perky, slowly rising and falling with each breath she took.

Marcus was not going to take her today. He needed sleep and besides he had scheduled an appointment with his personal physician for her today.

He slid quietly into bed so as not to disturb her, rolled on his side away from her and quickly fell fast asleep.


I woke with a start. Where was I? Not in my own bed. Not in my own house. It slowly came back to me. That charming man Marcus had let me use his room last night. I was in his bed. I idly thought "what would Bill say if he knew I spent the night in another man's bed? Would he even care", I wondered.

I scanned to my right to look around the room and was startled to see that I was in fact in bed with a strange man. Not my husband for sure, this man was black. I was in bed, naked with a black man who appeared to be naked too!

I was too shocked to even make a sound. Then I realized who the black man was. It was Marcus Masters. He was sound asleep on his right side facing away from me. At that moment I realized that I was sitting up in his bed with my breasts exposed. I grabbed the sheet to cover myself.

I wondered did we have sex last night? I couldn't remember, but my pussy felt untouched, so I didn't think so.

I gingerly rose from the bed so as not to wake Marcus, and searched for my underwear and the rest of my clothes from last night. I walked out to the living area of the suite to dress.

As I dressed I looked around the suite for my clutch purse and saw it on a table by the door to the suite. I walked across the room to pick it up and to open the door.

To my surprise the door was locked! I twisted and turned the knob to no avail. There didn't appear to be any lock mechanism, but locked it surely was.

I went to the phone and dialed the front desk. The clerk answered "Front Desk."

"Hello, this is Anne Compton calling from Mr. Marcus' room," I said, "I'm trying to leave the room but the door appears to be locked and I can't open it."

"I'm sorry miss, but Mr. Marcus has a special electronic security lock on his room when he is in suite." The desk clerk replied. "He has left instructions for us to open the door to allow you to attend to the spa date he has arranged for you. I'll send Anton up to open the door and escort you to the spa."

"But...I don't..." I started, but the clerk had already hung up.

About 10 minutes later there was a soft knock at the door, a slight buzzing sound and Anton came through the door to the suite.

"Ahh, Mrs. Compton, there you are. Are you ready for your wonderful afternoon at our spa?" he asked.

"Thank you Anton, but I really don't want to go to the spa. I just want to go home. I'm sure my husband is wondering where I am and is worried about me" I replied.

Knowing something of the previous night's activities and that Mr. Masters had specifically insisted that Annie attend to the spa, Anton decided to fib to her. "Mr Masters and your husband set up this spa date for you." He lied, "They had a business meeting last night and your husband had to leave to attend to it. He asked Mr. Masters to look after you while he was gone. So you see you don't want to disappoint your husband and Mr. Masters do you?"

"Well, ...I guess not." I replied, although that really didn't sound like something Bill would do, but maybe he did. I relented and followed Anton to the spa.

The spa was part of the pool complex, below the main casino floor. There was an Olympic sized pool, with hot tubs at the far end and private rooms along one side that contained massage tables in several, exercise machines in some and one with mud baths. Off of the other side of the pool were bathrooms, showers and the locker room.

Anton led me to one of the rooms with a massage table.

"Mr. Masters said that he thought you should start with a nice relaxing massage. You can undress here in privacy and hang your clothes over there on the clothes tree." Anton directed, "Then lay face down on the massage table. The masseuse will be in momentarily." He turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.

I undressed quickly, hung my clothes on the tree and laid down on the massage table, covering myself with the sheet that was there and waited, my heart beating a little rapidly. I didn't wait long. A young woman entered pushing a small dolly table with towels and bottles of oils and such on it.

She never said a word. She just began. She pulled the sheet off my shoulders and folded it neatly across my waist just above my buttocks. She poured some oil on her hands and rubbed them together to warm the oil and then began to rub my lower back, working the muscles upwards towards my shoulders.

As she worked, I began to relax. The more she worked the more I relaxed. She reached for more oil, this one was lightly scented, a pleasant woodsy scent. Warmed in her hands it felt so good on my shoulders and neck. I was becoming so relaxed I was almost dozing off.

She took the sheet off my ass and legs and with more oil began to massage my legs and buttocks. I was on the verge of sleep and never felt the tiny pinprick of the needle. I just slowly drifted off into a deep, deep sleep.

The Examination

No sooner had Annie dropped into slumber, when a Doctor and his nurse came in.

The nurse and the masseuse rolled Annie on to her back. From under the dolly the nurse took two metal stirrup assemblies and attached them to the massage table and raised Annie's legs into them. She then set about taking several blood samples and set them on a tray and labelled them.

The doctor picked up a speculum and inserted it into Annie's vagina. He conducted a pap smear and visually examined her vaginal cavity. He noted that she had an IUD (intra uterine device) and he set about removing it. Annie was no longer protected from being impregnated.

He noted too that she appeared to be ovulating.

He removed the speculum and ran a physical exam to ensure that Annie was in good physical shape. She has no discernible abdominal abnormalities and no apparent abnormalities in her breasts. In short she was a prime healthy specimen of female vitality.

The doctor then administered two shots to Annie. One was a fertility drug to enhance her ability to become impregnated with multiple births. The second shot was a variant of Ecstasy. A drug designed to lower her inhibitions and to make her very horny. The effects of this drug lasted longer than ordinary Ecstasy, lasting about a week.

An hour later the blood work confirmed that she had no sexually transmittable diseases, no infections and she was definitely ovulating.

All this information was written up in a report to the attention of Marcus Masters.


Bubbles floating up from very deep water. Rising and enlarging as they rose from, the depths, wobbling in the light currents.

As I woke, I felt like those bubbles, bursting the surface feeling release, like I was feeling a tension release, at my groin... so good, it felt so good.

Awareness came slowly, I was having small orgasms, The feelings came from between my legs. My legs were spread, I was laying on my back, in a bed and someone was expertly licking and sucking on my labia, my vulva and clitoris and it was wonderful!

"Bill." I moaned "Oh Bill, I've missed you so."

As my eyes began to focus, I could see though that the head between my legs was clearly not Bill's. It was the head of a black man. He swirled his tongue around my clit again and I had another series of small orgasms. I moaned "Oh, that is sooo gooood."

Strangely, I wasn't all that concerned that it wasn't Bill giving me these delicious orgasms. I was just very turned on and yearning for this sexual release. I didn't really care who was giving it to me. I was just horny and wanted sex.

The wonderful oral ministrations went on for another 10 or 15 minutes and I came over and over again. My stomach muscles fluttered and legs shook as the orgasms swept my body again and again. I was uttering unintelligible sounds and moans.

My mind drifted to the question of "Who this wonderful man was who was treating my body to such delectable sensations?"

I had my answer seconds later as Marcus Masters raised his head from between my legs and crawled up the bed to lay on top of me.

"Good evening beautiful." he said. "You slept well I see. Enjoyed your massage?"

He rolled between my still spread legs. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Lets just say I'm finishing your massage - from the inside this time." he smirked.

He placed the head of what felt like a particularly large penis just into the entrance of my now slick vagina and began to slide into me. I felt like he was sliding a baseball bat into me. He was enormous! Thankfully I was sopping wet and he was making regular progress until he hit the point where Bill usually topped out. I could see that there was still about four inches left to go before he was all the way inside me. I orgasmed for the first time on that magnificent cock.