Wish Granted


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"I was also a little afraid that my mind might be writing a check that my body couldn't cash. It had been a long time since I was been able to perform three times in a row. But if my body was reset to 25, maybe my sexual stamina was also.

"Why don't we start in France?" I said with a smile.

Sandy hugged me very tightly, pressing her newly rejuvenated boobs into my chest. She then gave me a wet, open-mouth kiss and began to trail kisses down my throat and chest and abdomen until she reached my groin.

She said, "Just lay back and enjoy this."

I did.

Sandy had never really liked to give head, but on those rare occasions when she was willing, she was an excellent cocksucker. Tonight she was at her best. As she bobbed up and down on my prick, for some reason a line from an old Arnold Schwartzenager movie popped into my head, "She could suck start a Harley." As I erupted into her mouth, I could almost hear the roar of motorcycles.

She didn't spit anything out, but after swallowing slid off the bed and said, "Just a moment." She walked into the bathroom, and I heard her rinsing out her mouth. Less than a minute later she returned to the bed smelling of mouthwash and carrying a tube of KY.

She handed it to me with a smile and said, "If we are going to Greece next, you have to prepare the way." She then turned around so that she was facing away from me and straddled my chest with her knees. She lowered her head so that her face was almost resting on my ankles. Then she reached her arms above her head so that her hands were hanging off the end of the bed and her breasts were tight against my thighs. She wiggled her ass at me and said, "Make me slick and make me wet and I will take you through every island in Greece."

I could feel my prick beginning to become hard again as I squirted some of the lube between her ass cheeks and began massaging it in. As soon as the lube hit her skin, she began moaning. I pushed one finger slowly into her rosebud and her moaning got slightly higher pitched. When I reached up with the other hand and began to massage her clit, both the pitch and the volume increased significantly. By the time I had loosened her up enough for three fingers to slide easily up the Hershey Highway, she was wailing continuously.

"Now! Now!" she suddenly yelled and pulled forward off my hand. She raised herself up so that her upper body was totally vertical, and with a sudden downward thrust, impaled herself on my rigid cock. She bounced up and down for several minutes clenching her anus at the top and bottom of each stroke until I erupted inside of her. She continued for another minute or so and then slowed and finally stopped.

As she sat there astride me, she pressed her hands against her breasts and wiggled her ass from side to side against my lower abdomen, moaning softly all the while. When I finally began to soften, she lifted up so that I popped out and turned to lay flat on top of me. She smiled a crooked smile and looked me directly and deeply in the eyes. "Let's get you hard again and then you can fuck me silly."

I was starting to wonder whether or not I had a third one in me on such short notice, but her hands and lips soon had me hard again. She rolled us over so that I was now on top. "Fuck my brains out," she moaned. "Long, fast, and hard like you have always wanted to do."

I'm not sure how long I lasted, but I know that I was definitely fast and hard. We climaxed together and lay sweaty and spent in each other's arms.

After a few minutes I got up to go pee. When I got back Sandy was laying siting up against the pillows on her side of the bed. As I slid into bed I commented, "Might as well watch the news and call it a night. We both have to get up to go to work tomorrow."

"Both of our jobs seem to have gotten to the point where they really suck," she said. "I wish you were rich enough that neither of us would ever have to work unless we really wanted to."

"Wish granted," I replied.

"Why do you keep saying that?"

"Saying what?"

"Wish granted. You've said it several times tonight. What is going on?"

"It's a little hard to explain," I replied.

I needed a little time to think, so I punched on the TV and said, "How 'bout if we watch the news while I figure out how to put this so you might possibly understand?"

She gave me one of those looks that only a woman can give and crossed her arms in front of herself as if to emphasize that she really didn't like my response.

"News in just a moment," intoned the talking head on the television. "But first the lottery numbers for tonight." After the typical opening, an overly-smiling young woman came on to announce the numbers as they rolled out down their plexiglass tubes. "Our first number is eleven," she chirped. "Next is twenty-one. Followed by Thirty-one. We seem to have a pattern going. Yes, next is forty-one. Will the final ball keep to the pattern? Amazing, the final number is fifty-one." She paused to tell us about someone who had won a million dollars the previous week by getting all the white balls correct, and then she continued, "And our Big Ball number is....... number one!" She flashed an especially big smile at the camera and finished with, "If you picked all ones tonight you are four hundred and seventy-five million dollars richer. The number are '11, 21, 31, 41, 51' and the Big Ball number is '01'."

Sandy screeched, "Those are your numbers." She was bouncing up and down on the bed. "You always pick all ones. Did you buy a ticket this week? Tell me you have a ticket!"

I was sure I had a ticket, but I scrambled over to my pants and pulled out my billfold to just make sure. It was a multi-week ticket and was still good. I had won the lottery!

"Wait a minute!" yelled Sandy. "You said wish granted when I wished that you were rich."

"And when you wished for the body and mind of a 25 year-old," I answered.

"And when I wished that I could be your slave," she replied, her face suddenly becoming very thoughtful.

"Does that mean you wish you weren't?" I asked.

"No, not really. I feel so free from everything else by being bound to you. But tell me, 'Master,' what in the hell is going on?"

"Mickey's is open until two," I answered. "You won't believe me unless we go down there, so get dressed."

She looked at me with a look of total confusion and asked, "Mickey's?"

"It will make sense when we get there," I replied.

As we walked to the Metro station, Sandy asked me repeatedly, "What does Mickey's Pub have to do with all this?"

My only answer was, "I'll explain when we get there."

Luckily a train had just stopped at the station as we arrived and we were able board immediately. With other people around us, Sandy stopped her questions and rode silently beside me for the twenty minutes it took to get back downtown. Mickey's was still full, but not packed, when we got there. Jack's booth was empty, as expected. I slid into the booth and motioned for Sandy to sit beside me.

"It's easier to talk to you when I am facing you," she said and started to slide in on the other side where Julan was sitting with a rather surprised expression on his face.

"That side's taken," I said quickly and pulled her in beside me. "Two dark ales and a white wine," I yelled over to the bar.

"What do you mean taken?" asked Sandy. "And who is the second ale for?"

"Julan," I answered. "He's sitting on the other bench of the booth."

"There's no one there! Have you gone nuts? This is Crazy Jack's booth! Are you the new Crazy Jack? Is that what is going on? You have gone nuts, haven't you? I wish I knew what happened to you today."

"Wish granted," I said softly and suddenly Sandy gasped and stared wide-eyed at the other side of the bench.

"She can see me now," said Julan. He looked around at the crowd in the bar. "I think you had better explain things before she starts screaming."

"Sandy," I began, "this is Julan. Julan, this is Sandy. Julan is a Jinn who was bound to a piece of metal that got mixed in with the brass that was used to make the foot rail for this bar. He's extremely old and hasn't had sex since the Jinn race was annihilated thousands of years ago. He likes beer and liked to sit and talk to Jack who could see him because he was crazy. I can see him because I wished I knew who was drinking my ale and then I wished that there was a way for him to be unbound from the metal and he transferred his wish granting powers to me so that he could be free. Now he is free and I can grant wishes and that's is why you are my slave and I am rich and we will both stay young and live forever.

I stopped taking at that point because I had run out of breath. I took a deep breath, turned to look at Sandy, and asked, "Did any of that make any sense at all to you?"

"He hasn't had sex for thousands of years?" is all she answered. She looked over at Julan and said, "Poor man. I wish there was some way we could get you laid."

Julan's eyes were wide open. His mouth was gaping. He was pointing at her and mouthing, "Say it. Say it. Say it."

"Wish granted," I said, looking back and forth between Sandy and Julan.

"What do you mean, 'Wish granted.'" she snapped. Her voice was somewhere between question and anger.

"Well," I began. "If I understand this right, you wished that Julan could get laid. The problem is that Jinn sex is vapor sex where they totally mix their bodies together and exchange bodily vapors. Human sex just exchanges bodily fluids. You wished he could get laid and I granted that wish. I think that means that now Julan will be able to exchange bodily vapors with a human female."

"Exchange vapors? What would that be like? I mean, for the woman, what would exchanging vapors with a Jinn be like?"

"Would you like to find out?" asked Julan with a very hopeful look on his face.

"Would it be dangerous?" asked Sandy.

"Only if you can die from pleasure," answered Julan.

Sandy replied. "I've already done more tonight than I thought I would ever do, So what the hell. Let's exchange some vapors." Then she looked timidly over at me and continued, "If that's OK with you, Master."

"Go for it," I answered emphatically. I'm not sure I meant it as strongly as I said it, but it wasn't like he was a next door neighbor or someone at work. I mean, he wasn't even human so it wasn't real sex... was it?

Julan seemed to shimmer slightly and drifted through the table over to where Sandy was sitting. For a moment I could see his shape totally enveloping her. After a few moments, she began moaning and thrashing and yelling, "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!'

Every eye in the place was staring directly at this strange woman sitting in Crazy Jack's booth obviously having the greatest orgasm of her life. Several minutes later, Julan shimmered his way back to his side of the booth and sat there with a smug smile on his face. Walt, the owner, came over and asked, "Is everything all right here?"

Sandy looked at him with a very crooked smile on her face and answered, "Everything's fine, Walt. Everything is just fine."

As he started to walk away I called him back and asked, "Walt, did you watch the news tonight?"

"Never change the channel on the TV above the bar," he answered.

"What lottery numbers do I always buy?" I asked.

"Holy shit!" he exclaimed. "You're rich! And you bought that ticket here. Double holy shit! My bonus on that could be a couple hundred thousand."

"That's right," I answered. "And I have a business proposition for you."

Walt and I worked out the details that night with Sandy's help and a couple of suggestions from Julan. I am now a "silent partner" in Mickey's Pub with a provision in the contract that I have exclusive and perpetual ownership of the brass foot rail on the bar. The lawyers that drew up the final contract kept asking what purpose that clause could possibly have, and I kept answering, "It has extreme sentimental value."

Actually Julan was afraid that if the metal was melted down and changed in form, the binding curse might be renewed. So, this guaranteed that if that brass rail ever left the bar it was going to be buried intact in the deepest part of the ocean.

Sandy set up some special trusts with the lottery money so that we can continue to draw from it for as long as we live, which, if things work out will be a long, long, long time. She also set things up so that we could easily relocate every ten years or so before people started to notice that we don't really age.

It has been five years now. The booth at Mickey's has it's old sign over it once again that says, "The Haunted Booth." Beneath that sign is another that explains that any beer, especially dark ale, left on the table will slowly disappear. It also warns that ladies who dare to sit in the booth might be subject to "Ghostly Induced Orgasm." Every night the customers at Mickey's chip in to put a fresh glass on the table whenever it empties, and almost every night there is at least one woman or another who wants to see if the sign is true.

For some reason, Julan decided that he was going to stay at Mickey's for the foreseeable future. "I get all the free beer and free sex that I can handle," he says. "Why should I leave? Where would I go?"

The TV program "Hoax Busters" came to film at the bar one night. They had hired a couple of famous magicians who were going to show how Walt supposedly used trick glasses to make the beer seem to disappear. And they had several well-known psychiatric experts lined up to explain that the "orgasms" were just suggestion-induced hysteria.

It would have been an excellent episode thoroughly debunking Mickey's "Haunted Booth" except for one minor problem. The show's host decided to do the opening while sitting on the bench in Julan's side of the booth. She had barely gotten through the name of the show and into her own introduction when Julan made his move.

That particular episode never aired, but there are several different YouTube cell phone videos of her suddenly dropping her mike and yelling "God! This isn't possible. Oh my God! Oh my Gooooooooooood!" In one of the videos, for just a frame or two, you can see a faint image of a green smiling face superimposed over hers as she passes out from the overwhelming pleasure.

Sandy and I stop by every few months to check on things. She insists that it be after hours so that she and Julan can be alone together. Walt and I go into his office and look over the books while she strips naked, lays on the bar and "exchanges vapors" with Julan. I guess I should be jealous or something, but she says it recharges her sexual batteries, and she more than makes it up to me in the weeks between.

I still have the ability to grant wishes. Some are good. A single mother worrying about how she was going to feed her children suddenly had the opportunity for a new, much better job. Some are not so good. An abusive asshole of a husband knocked his trembling wife to the ground and immediately grabbed his chest and dropped to the ground himself with a fatal heart attack. Some are a bit of a surprise. A woman looking at dresses through a mall window suddenly lost over half her body weight. Unfortunately for her, she also lost all of her clothing. Her blouse, slacks and underwear were now so large that they slid to the ground around her and puddled at her feet. I followed her into the store as she shopped naked for an entirely new wardrobe.

I don't grant every wish. I like to listen to people in crowds and grant things that appeal to me. My mother always used to warn me, "Be careful what you wish for." With me around, that is very good advice. Be careful what you wish for. I might be listening. And who knows, you might hear a soft voice answer, "Wish granted."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I wish I had a FPB trawler and the income to pay to moor and maintain it, forever ;-)

maddictmaddictalmost 5 years ago

Be carful what you wish for was my first thought. I didn't get the wishing rules at first, thanks for the show and tell. A good condition on being young we were so dumb then.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 5 years ago

Just read this for the third time. Still one of the best short stories on the site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Far too short...

This had the makings of an epic story.. easily continued... the possibilities /sigh

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Loved the Ending

I have tears in my eyes and I'm still laughing.

Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

frickin amazing

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I wish it could happen to me.

Loved the story. It is a novel idea.

Even when you have great power you can use it to make life better for others and still have a satisfying life yourself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Another spectacular story

Superb, as usual.


TJSkywindTJSkywindover 9 years ago

Nicely done! Amazing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago


CallMeABritCallMeABritover 10 years ago
You really have a good imagination

The quality of this story, as with all your stories, shows the hard work you put into it. Thanks from a grateful reader.

jkthekatjkthekatalmost 11 years ago
how could I hate it ?

I loved it toooo much!!

DB71DB71almost 11 years ago
Really good twist

On the jinn/genie story plot. I liked the direction you took. I hope you revisit this story later; I could see you writing other types of stories with these characters behind the scenes. Write the story about the women who lost over half her body weight, or a LW story, BDSM, incest, lesbian, gay, romance, erotic coupling, or group or whatever story. Just use these characters in the back ground to help the story along and keep it entertaining.

Thank you,


chaos635chaos635almost 11 years ago

reminds me of a pulp story I read once. I loved that one too.

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