Wish Upon a Star


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"But what if Bryan tries to attack someone else? Don't you think that the authorities need to know that he's done it before?"

"Dale... that's a question I can't really answer. You're asking me to do something I don't really want to do. I don'twanteveryone to know what happened here, because then I'm nothing more than 'that girl that Bryan tried to rape,' and I don't want that stereotype."

Dale flinched at the word 'rape.' It was the first time either of us had ever actually admitted what Bryan had attempted, and it wasn't fun saying it, either.

"But this is why so many of them go unreported," Dale persisted.

"Well, and maybe if we were back at home and this had happened, I wouldn't feel like an idiot reporting it. But when I've been in Europe with four guys and something like this happens, a lot of people are going to go around saying that that's what I get for coming on this trip. They'll think I'm some sort of slut and the only reason I'm reporting Bryan is that he screwed me and then didn't want to date me or something. I'll be the one who comes out with the bad image, any way you look at it."

"I still think you should say something," Dale pushed.

I sighed.

"All right, tell you what. You've heard my reasons for not wanting to say anything, and you even admitted that they're valid. But just to make you feel better, I'll do this: if any other girl ever comes forward saying that Bryan took advantage of her, I'll back her up with my story. OK?"

Dale nodded grudgingly.

"I guess that'll work. I still wish you'd actually report the incident yourself, but it's better than nothing."

"Thank you so much for your support," I said sarcastically. "Can I at least count on you as a witness, should such a case ever arise?"

"Hey, of course. And what's with the tone?"

"Well, maybe I'd just like a little actual support for my decision. You've already admitted there's not much else I can do."

"I know," Dale sighed. "I just wish there was some other way of making him pay for what he did."

"Who knows?" I shrugged. "Maybe Brad and Jared will ignore him now, too. At the very least, maybe they'll learn that Bryan's not the badass he thought he was."

"It would be nice," Dale agreed. "My dad pretty well put the fear of God in them that morning. I think they'd probably have killed Bryan themselves after my dad got done with them."

"What did he say?" I asked, finishing off my dinner. "You never did tell me any of that."

Dale shook his head.

"Basically he just told them that ignoring what Bryan had done was a crime in itself and that they needed to grow up and learn how to treat women with more respect. Jared tried to say that he knew nothing of it, but Brad ratted him out. So then Dad blackmailed them into silence by saying that if they ever hurt another woman or said anything about you or me or Bryan that he'd call their parents and turn them over to the cops. They sure seemed to believe him."

I giggled.

"Serves them right for being assholes," I chuckled. "I really like your dad."

"Me, too," smiled Dale. "He's the only person I told about you."

"Aha," I exclaimed as our checks arrived. "That explains why you agreed so quickly when I said that not every dad would keep secrets."

Dale nodded.

"I had to tell someone, and my mom was out. She'd have tried to pull you aside and tell you. I couldn't tell the guys, so that left Dad. Did you tell anyone?"

"Nope," I replied emphatically. "My mom would have done the same thing, my dad would have lost his mind – especially since I spend so much time at your house – and my friends would have done the same as my mom. And they sure as hell wouldn't have understood why I was dating other guys."

"Can't say I blame you," Dale admitted as we rose to leave. "But I still can't believe you kept it a secret for two years."

"I guess I'm good at keeping secrets, too."

"Any other secrets I need to know?"

I thought for a moment.

"Nope. You know about Bryan, you know that I love you and have loved you for two years... I think that's about it. What about you? Any secrets I don't know?"

"Nope, none at all. I have a very boring history."

I giggled as we walked outside.

"I've probably heard most of it, then. Back to the hotel?"

"Sure," agreed Dale. "Kick back, watch TV... my feet hurt."



The walk to the hotel was brief and uneventful. As we entered our room, Dale kicked off his shoes and flopped on his side of the bed.

"Ow," he muttered. "As used to walking as I am, my feet still hurt after today."

"Poor baby," I teased him as I removed my own shoes. "So worn out. Probably not even up for a game of cards."

"Why cards?" Dale wanted to know.

"I honestly can't stand one more night of TV in a foreign language," I admitted. "It's driving me crazy not knowing what the people are saying."

Dale laughed and got up to fetch the cards from his backpack.

"What do you wanna play?" he asked. "Gin? ERS? Poker?"

"You pick," I said, settling down on my side of the bed. "I picked the game last night."

Dale grinned.

"Helluva game that was, too. All right. Let's do poker. Five-card draw?"

"Sure. Quick and easy," I agreed. "You wanna play for money?"

"All right," nodded Dale. "Let's see what we got."

We both shuffled through our belongings and wound up with approximately five dollars each in various currencies.

"That'll be enough to play for a long time," I said. "Let's get started."

I was right. An hour later, we both had nearly the same amount we started with, and the game was getting monotonous. Finally, Dale stopped in mid-shuffle and looked at me.

"This is going nowhere," he said.

"Well, yeah, but I kinda thought that was the point. I thought we were just killing time before we went to bed."

"Yeah, but let's make it interesting," he offered.

I raised an eyebrow.

"And just how do you propose we do that?" I asked.

"Strip poker?" Dale suggested.

"Mmmm strip poker," I agreed. "Yup, that does sound more interesting. All right, count how many pieces of clothing you have on while I put the money away. Watches and my earrings don't count."

I tossed my money in my purse and stuck Dale's back in his backpack while he finished shuffling the cards.

"All right, how many do you have?" I asked as I walked back to the bed.

"Five," he said. "And you probably have six, so off with one of your socks."

I wrinkled my nose.

"You could just be nice and let me have a bit of an advantage, after my performance last night," I said huffily. "It's not like I got to see anything."

Dale grinned.

"Yeah, but this is more fun."

I removed a sock and threw it at him before sitting back down on the bed. Dale dealt the first hand.

"Before we begin," I said as I picked up my cards, "ground rules. Do I get to decide which piece of clothing goes, or do you?"

"Whoever is removing the clothes decides which piece to take off," Dale stated. "And you have to have a pair of jacks or better to actually win."

"Anything wild?" I asked.

"Nope," Dale answered.

I looked at my cards. Two nines, a queen, a four, and a six. I discarded the four and six. Dale handed me two replacements, and I added them to my hand. Three nines. More than enough to win.

"Off with something," I proclaimed gleefully as I laid down my hand.

Dale removed a sock.

"Your deal," he stated.

The next hand was a draw as neither of us had anything worth noting. The third hand was mine when I drew a second jack to make the required pair. I giggled as I laid down the cards. Dale groaned.

"I hope you have to take something off soon," he muttered as his second sock joined the first one on the floor.

"We'll see," I said. "It's likely."

I was never one to brag at cards. They had a tendency to hear and betray me if I got too cocky.

Two more rounds passed before either of us had another hand. Dale instantly broke into a grin. He had absolutely no hint of a poker face, so I knew he thought he had something good. Luckily for me, so did I – two pairs, tens and aces. We both laid down one card, and I handed out the second round.

"Time to show 'em," I said as blandly as possible.

Dale laid down his cards first.

"Take that sock off," he said triumphantly.

I blinked hard and laid down my own hand.

"I've never seen this before," I said.

Dale looked down. Before him lay a nearly identical hand to his. Somehow, we had both managed to get pairs of tens and aces. The kicker card in his hand was a five, and in mine, a six. I had won. Dale frowned.

"This isnotfair!" he grumbled as he took off his shirt.

I watched in sheer delight. The fact that I hadn't had to remove any clothing and he was down to two pieces was wonderful. Of course, my luck didn't last. After a few more hands where nobody won, Dale won three consecutive games fair and square. I took off my remaining sock, my shirt, and my pants. We were tied.

The twelfth hand was mine to deal again. Dale insisted on cutting the cards, and in doing so, he managed to let me have a flush deal. He knew he was in for it when I didn't discard anything, and when I laid my hand on the bed, he sighed.

"Fair's fair, I guess," he admitted, and removed his jeans.

Now we were both in our underwear, and the next winning hand would decide whose body got bared first. Dale nervously handed out the thirteenth hand – my lucky number, and his superstitious bane of existence.

I groaned. He had handed me some great cards, but to make them work, I had to draw to an inside straight. The cards I had were five, six, seven, nine, and two. I had to go for it. I placed the two on the bed and waited, trying not to let Dale see my anxiety. Dale gave me my final card, and I waited until he picked up his own cards to see what he had given me.

I got the eight.

"Hot damn, take it off, baby!" I shouted, tossing the cards in his lap. "Betcha can't beat that!"

Dale gathered up the cards and surveyed them closely before accepting that he was beaten. He stood up, and I watched eagerly, my excitement turning lustful as I waited for Dale to stand naked before me.

He dropped his boxers and I caught sight of his dick before he climbed back into bed and pulled the comforter over himself.

"Hey, no fair," I objected, sweeping the cards off the bed and tugging on the blanket. "No fair covering up. I get to see. You wouldn't have let me hide if I had lost."

"Yeah, but you're not hard as a rock," Dale said as I continued pulling. "I am."

"MMMmmmm," I said thoughtfully.

I stopped pulling on the comforter and crawled up to Dale.

"Well, if it's already hard, then why don't you let me see how big it is?" I asked suggestively.

I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around his chest. Dale looked down at me.

"What if it doesn't measure up?" he asked nervously.

I let one hand slide to his stomach. Dale had a bit of a "happy trail" that disappeared into the blanket, and I began to trace it with my forefinger, staring into his eyes as I reached for the prize below.

"What if it does?" I countered.

Dale blinked as my hand slid below the sheet. A second later, I reached his pubic hair and slid my fingers through it, reaching for his dick. It was not far away. I grasped it and began to slide my hand up and down the length of it. Dale shuddered as I connected with his balls, and I felt a drop of precum slithering over my hand.

"Mmm, you're very, very long," I commented.

He was. I had thought Matt had a big cock, but compared with Dale's, his was 'normal.' Dale wasn't thick, but he was extremely long. I was guessing about nine inches. I wondered what it would feel like in my mouth, but I figured Dale wasn't up for that yet. I used my forearm to push the comforter away to get an actual view of what I was holding.

"I am?" Dale asked quietly as I spread his precum over his length and used it as lubrication for more hand action. "Oh, shit, Sarah, yes."

"You are," I confirmed.

I leaned down and blew softly across the head of his dick.

"Oh, shit," Dale moaned.

He clutched at the blanket for support.

"I never knew... never knew it would feel so damn good," he stammered.

"Lay down," I ordered.

Dale swiveled around and did as instructed. His cock stood straight up in the air, begging for more attention. I complied with its demands and licked it from base to head, squeezing Dale's balls for good measure.

Dale shuddered, but he didn't object. I took this to mean I could continue, so I put my mouth over his head and sucked it gently. I got a moan in response, and Dale's body tensed. He wasn't used to this feeling, and I knew it wouldn't be long before he came. I figured I might as well see how much of his length I could get in my mouth, so I dove down over him, taking in as much as possible.

"Oh, shit," Dale exclaimed as I sucked my way back up to the top. "Oh, shit, Sarah, shit, I'm gonna cum."

Sure enough, one more good suck and Dale blew. I swallowed it all and sucked even more until nothing else came out. Once I finished, Dale lay very still. I crawled up the bed and lay next to him, waiting for some sort of response.

Nothing but ragged breathing.

"You alive over there?" I finally asked.

Dale opened his eyes and looked over at me.

"Barely," he confirmed. "That was just about the best feeling I've ever felt in my life. Where did you learn to do that? Matt?"

I shrugged.

"Not really. He liked to be in control, so when I gave him head, he was always telling me what to do and it never worked. He only ever came when I did what I wanted."

Dale smiled.

"No wonder," he said. "That was fantastic."

"You came early," I informed him. "Just wait until you get more used to it. Then we'll really have some fun."

Dale contemplated that one for a second.

"Hm," he finally grunted. "Wanna finish playing the game?"

"Why bother?" I asked. "If you wanna see me naked, just ask. I'll even strip for you."

I knew I was catering to his ego, but God, I wanted to fuck him right then and there. If he had been hard, that is. His dick was still recovering from the job it had performed.

"Yeah, sure, go for it," Dale said eagerly.

I crawled over to the remote and flipped on the TV and changed channels till I found some soft porn. I left it on in the background and climbed onto Dale's lap, my hips on top of his dick and my back facing him.

"I've never stripped before," I said, pretending to be timid. I slid my right bra strap off my arm and looked over my shoulder. "I hope I do all right."

I slid my left bra strap off and lifted my arms, turning around on Dale's lap so he could see that nothing was holding the fabric up except my tits. When I was facing him, I flipped my hair over my shoulders so they covered my skin, then reached around and unclasped the bra.

It fell to his stomach, and I looked down. My erect nipples were peeking through my hair, and I pinched them both, just to see what Dale's reaction was.

His eyes were glued to my chest. I rocked forward on his cock and moaned as I squeezed my breasts. I could feel life returning beneath me and smiled. Then I flipped my hair back over my shoulders and let Dale see my tits – such as they were – in all their glory.

I slid my hands down over my stomach and let one finger glide on into my thong. Dale watched it disappear. I gathered some juice out of my dripping hole and brought my hand back out, still moist. I smeared my fingers over my breasts before turning around and sticking my ass in Dale's face.

Dale could still see my tits beneath my chest, and I could see that his cock was growing quickly. I wondered if we'd get to screw. I hoped so. I backed myself up so my tits were touching his dick, and then slid down his legs so I was lying with his cock in between my thighs.

He was a well-behaved customer, and he refrained from reaching and touching the goods. I rolled off of his lap, and in one swift movement, lifted my legs, removed my thong and tossed it aside.

Finally, I sat up, crossed my legs at the ankles, and faced him.

"Did you enjoy the strip show?" I asked teasingly.

I could see the answer a foot away, waving wildly in the air again.

"Isn't it obvious?" Dale asked, following my gaze.

"Mmm, I have to say that it is," I smiled. "So now we're naked together. What happens next?"

"Well, you've heard me play with mine, I've watched you play with yours, and you've played with mine... does that mean I get to play with yours?"

I blushed, and then laughed at myself. Here I was, completely nude, having just given a brief blowjob to Dale the day after he watched me get myself off, and I was embarrassed to have him inspect my pussy?

"Can't say I've ever had a guy ask me that one before," I giggled nervously. "Yeah, sure. It'll be the first time I've ever had a guy checking me out in, uh, that area."

"You said Matt got to third," Dale said quizzically as I turned around.

"He did," I nodded, "but it was always like in his car or a movie theater – someplace I could never get my pants all the way off. And he was never that interested in pleasing me, anyway... it was always just a prelude to him getting off."

"Well, that's not fair," Dale protested as I lay on his shoulder, my right breast resting on his arm.

"It was what it was," I said, thinking of Bryan. "I prefer the future to the past."

Dale reached a hand around and gently touched my breast. Goosebumps rose over my body, and my nipples jutted out.

"You like that?" Dale inquired, his fingertips probing my skin softly.

I nodded and leaned back against the headboard, lifting my arms over my head and stretching my body to its full length. Dale leaned over, his eyes skimming my body with the desire of one who sees a full treasure chest. I considered my body his to plunder at will and only hoped he would take everything.

I closed my eyes as his fingers found their way back to my breast. He circled the areola a few times before getting the nerve to touch it. I shivered as he brushed my nipple, the goosebumps returning.

Dale continued probing softly, working his way to the center of my breast. As he reached it, he pinched the nipple. I moaned in response. He pinched it again, harder, and I felt a small amount of liquid seeping onto the bed. I opened my mouth, sighing deeply.

"God, yes," I moaned.

Dale didn't respond in words, but he slid his hand to my other breast and massaged it for a moment before turning to my stomach. His fingertips slid slowly down across my abs, and I involuntarily sucked in my breath as they descended. As he reached my pubic area, he spread his hand out and ran his fingers through the cropped hair.

"You trim it?" Dale asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

I let my breath out with a shudder and nodded.

"If it gets too long, I can't wear thongs," I explained, opening my eyes. "What would you have thought if you'd seen pubes hanging out of my bikini when I wore it?"

Dale nodded, his fingers curling around the hair and giving it a gentle tug. I smiled gently at him.

"Enjoying yourself?" I asked.

He looked up at me and nodded.

"Yeah," he said. "I'll never forget this trip, that's for sure."

"Neither will I," I replied, running a hand over his bare back that was positioned next to me. "Neither will I."

Dale took advantage of my good mood to slide his hand further down over my pelvis. His middle finger found the gap between my outer labia and pushed gently. I opened my legs slightly, continuing to hold onto his back, and closed my eyes. Dale split open my pussy lips and drove a finger in between. He pulled away from my hand, and I reopened my eyes to see what he was doing.

I had to stifle my laughter. He was looking over my pussy like it was a foreign substance. He ran a finger over every part and probed, trying to gauge a reaction. Dale felt my body tense as I tried not to giggle, and he looked up.
