Womb Soul Mate


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The glum, gray, and dirty crowd shuffled through the guard house. They separated by gender to form a line in front of the gender separated shower houses. A wooden fence separated the two entrances. The women unbuttoned their coats and pants. The laundry worker collected the outer wear and intimates into piles. When Morticia handed the laundry worker her stack of clothing, Morticia squeezed the laundry workers hand. The laundry worker winked and put the clothes with the hidden coal pieces onto the pile of damaged clothing.

The women stood naked in a long line. Their bodies looked like meat, like cattle, a bunch of limbs and muscles -- no sexiness or élan, simply bodies stripped of clothing. Lithia stepped into the shower house. A pipe was above the entrance with holes in the pipe. It rained a curtain of water down. The first layer of dirt ran down Lithia's body in little rivers that changed their course down her body like an impatient cat tail. She stood under the rain for a few seconds until the naked butt in front of her took a step forward.

The hot, steamy air welcomed her. Hard, hygienic tiles lined the room. There was a pipe going up, over, and down around her, like a door frame. The pipe had nozzles attached on the side that sprayed a hard water jet that was almost piercingly painful. The jets scrubbed her skin deeper. Still some coal marks were impervious to water. They were too deep in her skin. She waited patiently. The jets shifted the pressure points on her body, when she moved her wait to the other leg.

The next step was the bubble machine. A fan was mounted like a gun that could have spit a tennis ball. Big bubbles of soap flew into the air. Lithia closed her eyes. The soap would have burned. The bubbles nestled all over her body. She could feel the soft pops of bubbles bursting all over her skin. She reached out her left hand to hold onto the naked woman's shoulder in front of her to be guided with her eyes closed. Her free hand lathered the soap all over her body into the hidden spots like her arm pits, her ass crack, and her pussy. In a way, the closed eyes gave her the mental privacy of her own room to touch herself in those private places. Another step forward and she could feel Morticia's hand on her own shoulder.

She listened to the metal sound of a bucket filling overhead. The sound first rung high as the empty bucket walls reverberated. As the bucket filled, the sound became heavier. Suddenly, a huge splash of water hit her head. Her lungs inhaled air sharply. She full body twitched. She gasped for air. The bucket had reached its tipping point. The soap film was gone from her body.

She stepped to the edge of the small pool with the narrow steps. It was filled with pink liquid, disinfectant. A shower worker stood tall at the edge of the pool, dressed in a heavy rubber apron and big rubber boots. The shower worker held a long stick with a mop at the end.

Lithia stepped down the stairs. Before the mop like stick could press her head under water, she voluntarily went under. The disinfectant had to work its way into the hair to kill potential lice. After ten seconds, the broom tapped her on the head to signal that she could come out again. She climbed back out on the other side. Pink liquid was running down her body. She smelled like a freshly cleaned floor.

A final shower stream rinsed off the disinfectant. She toweled herself dry and picked up a fresh set of clothing from the racks that had the standard issue clothing separated by sizes. She stepped into the night air with her friend. The stars were up, so much clearer than in her youth. There was scarce lighting over the camp. The night sky glowed brighter.

"I have to go," hissed Lithia intently to Morticia. Lithia pushed Morticia hard from excitement and physical readiness. A guard with a German Shepard Dog on a tight metal chain looked at the outburst among the softly moving women towards their boarding houses. The GSD perked up its ears with full focus. The eyes were steely trained on Lithia looking for any twitch on Lithia's body.

Lithia broke out in a sprint. She ran away from the women. She ran for the corner of the administrative building. Behind that corner, she would be out of sight. She was a runner. She was skinny and light. She had always liked running. Her whole being was trained to pushing her legs backward as fast as she could. The boots were heavy on her body.

"Hold," yelled the guard. Next she heard the metal click of the chain unlocked. The GSD let out a growl that instinctively scared her down to the bone marrow. Then the GSD focused all of its energy on swiftly and silently touching its paws on the ground selectively, while its body flew through the air.

Lithia's feet skidded in the loose gravel, when she cornered the administrative building. Ahead of her was the floodlight lit expanse of the train yard. On the other side was the singularly parked train carriage. It was a hundred yards out. The GSD was ten yards away from chewing its 300 lbs bite pressure through her ankles.

"Hold your dog, or I'll shoot it! You know it's against federal law to prevent anyone from getting here," a strong male voice hollered a cross the train yard. The man had federal police insignia, a tight, leather uniform, and most importantly a shiny, modern looking rifle trained at the GSD behind Lithia.

"Bella, here," yelled the guard with a grim face. The GSD almost did a barrel roll, when it tried to change direction 180 degrees mid-air.

Lithia slowed her sprint to a jog. She suddenly felt unsure if the federal captivity would be any better than the mining camp captivity. As she approached the federal police officer, she could tell from the finer features and crisper uniform that he was much more educated and refined. He helped her step up on the balcony of the train carriage. The train carriage was custom made. It had windows like a house. It was made from red-painted layers of wood, almost like blockhouse.

The federal police officer leather gloved hand knocked on the door and opened it for Lithia. The inside of the room was filled with cabinets and a desk. Two female government workers were wearing white coats. There was a little screen in the corner for changing clothes. There was a fireplace behind boxes of paper. Apparently, this had been a leisure carriage that was converted for official business.

One of the white coated workers stopped her activity with a vanilla folder. "Hi, I'm Entropy. Sorry for the hassle that the mining company thugs were giving you. Your voluntarism for your country is heroic. Let me tell you what you are applying for. There are a lot of false rumors going around."

"As you know, Muttonia is going around. It's a relatively harmless medical condition like a cold. Most males get three to four cases of different Muttonia strains each year. The spontaneous ejaculations are a side effect of the affliction. That's how it spreads so fast. It is also rather uncivilized to ejaculate in public, especially if it hits someone else. Otherwise, it is relatively harmless for citizens."

"Our party leadership has a unique problem with the ejaculations. They contain functioning semen. Should the rebels get a hold of only a drop of semen, they could impregnate a lot of rebel women with it. With custody battles and claims to power, these bastards could threatened the stability of our country. So, we hire what we call 'royal receptacles,' women like yourself. You stay close with your designated important person at all times. When they have the first twitch of an oncoming ejaculation, they quickly burrow their penis inside of you."

"Here is the catch. His penis and your vagina have to perfectly match. The tip of his penis has to penetrate into your womb. The womb is a good storage vessel. Over a night, you may get ten ejaculations in there. There is plenty of space to hold it. At the end of the night, a sanitation team will carefully flush you out to clean away ever last sperm cell."

"The job is pretty easy. Simply stay close. You have to pretend to be educated to avoid embarrassment for your person. See if people could tell that he is sick, they might not want to talk to him. For political reasons, it's important to make connections, especially during a time like these, where the whole power structure is being renegotiated."

Lithia's eyes drifted through the room to seize up what expected her. There was a big bulbous green ornamental lantern that hung in the center of the room. It had gold bands run across it to hold it in place. A pink ruby hang square center at the bottom. It doused a yellow half-light. The room had an old charm from the bits and pieces that were collected from a more prosperous era. A flicker of style poked out of the light switches that were crafted steel art pieces. The windows not only had curtains but also a valance.

There were also medical devices among the elegance. There was a stand with wheels. It had tubes, cables, and a monitor attached. There were a cabinet with many small clear plastic drawers. It seemed to contain syringes and the like. There was a Styrofoam cup filled with wooden spatulas. There were vanilla folders that discreetly hid the private informations on the white pages inside.

"What is your name, child?" Entropy looked straight at Lithia. The half-height glasses on Entropy's nose were pulled lower, so that those intensely and acutely eyes could stare right into Lithia's heart. A delicate metal chain ran from the arms of the glasses around Entropy's back of her neck. That was so that she could hang the glasses from her neck.

"My name is Lithia." Lithia crossed her legs. The comfort of her thighs hugging was welcome. Lithia could feel Entropy's eyes glance over Lithia's body. Entropy's trained medical eyes could see things that nobody else would see. Entropy was used to upraising bodies and noticing the little hints of disease and injury.

"What is your height and weight?" continued Entropy. Entropy had a white coat thrown over a stiff skirt and blouse dress. Beneath the white coat, she made the impression of a mother puttering around the house and tending to plants with a watering can and a trimming knife. The white coat and focused eyes were something that she seemed to pull on. It didn't seem like her true nature.

"5" 5' and 98 lbs." Lithia didn't know why. Yet, when she rolled off the last vowels, she let her lips and tongue linger with the mouth gaping open and the tip of the tongue touching her pink lips. It was a mix of feeling unsure, of being put on the pedestal, and of suddenly feeling sensual for no rational reason at all. Humans have the strangest reactions to the strangest experiences. It's like the human evolutionary trained brain doesn't know what to do and throws random behavior patterns out to try to find one that works.

"How is your health?" -- "Good." "Heart issues?" -- "None." "Diabetes?" -- "No." "Bowel movement?" -- "Every day in the morning."

The steel tip of the Entropy's pen tapped on the metal clipboard softened by three pads of paper. Lithia was almost in a trance rattling out the intimate secrets of her body like a fountain. All hesitation had gone as she freely talked.

"Do you have any contact with rebel elements?" The litany of questions had come to an abrupt halt. Lithia's pulse quickened. Did Talon's escape plan count as a rebel element? Entropy's hand was under the table, probably holding a silent alarm button. Would they question her? She'd never want to betray Morticia's freedom plan by stealing a coal lump every day. She had never been interrogated. Wouldn't they get any information out of her that they wanted? Wasn't she naked? Naked like an exotic dancer in front of a cobra. Any break in the hypnotizing dance would have the cobra snap forward and pump instantly deadly venom into the dancer.

"No." From Entropy's facial expression, Lithia could tell that she had taken unusually long to answer.

"Don't worry about it child. It's a perfunctory question. We'll connect a monitor directly to your nervous system to review your memories. Remember, everyone does little petty crimes. We won't trust you with any secrets. You are merely a bucket for cum in a sensitive place. We want to know if you'd put on an explosive jacket for the rebels. We don't care if you stole a piece of bread at dinner. Please, undress behind the screen for your medical exam."

Lithia got up from the chair. She had to carefully navigate around the desk and piled boxes in the narrow train carriage. The second white coat in the carriage got up from her chair, so that Lithia could get behind the white screen. The second white coat had been scribbling notes into papers in a vanilla folder. The second white coat hadn't said a single word.

The space behind the screen was cramped. There was only two feet between the wall and the screen. Lithia couldn't bend forward to pull her panties down. She had to carefully bend sideways and lift her feet out of the panties. It was considered to have a privacy screen compared to the crudeness of the mining camp. It reminded her of being a little girl. The podiatrist had bend over and held a red lollipop for her with a smile. There was a giraffe dancing on the coat of the podiatrist. Lithia had smiled at it.

The warmth of that time of being cared for flashed into her mind -- a time long gone. She had talked into the stethoscope of the doctor. Her mom had laughed at it. They carefully got her to swallow the spoonful of vaccination. And that's all they had wanted from her.

Lithia stepped out from behind the screen. The half-light of the carriage and single light source, painted big shadows on her. Her pokey breasts left shadows of blackness. Her sex disappeared into darkness. She didn't feel quite naked.

Entropy already had blue Nitrile gloves on. The blue hands touched Lithia on the shoulder to guide her to the center of the room. It felt as if Entropy wanted to make sure that Lithia didn't run. Lithia had her back to the wall. In between two large windows was a strip of solid wall from the floor to the ceiling. There were many rope bits, hooks, and rings attached to the wall.

A shiny metal piece was in Entropy's hand. It was shaped like a U. The metals was shiny. The green lantern and yellow curtains reflected in it. It was as thick as a finger. One end was round. The other had an O-ring. Entropy squeezed a cloudy, translucent jell onto two outstretched fingers. She molded the gel. The gel had a way of being stiff. The finger tips left imprints behind. Then, Entropy smeared it over the round end of the metal piece. Lithia was caught in a trancelike curiosity watching her first exam in years.

"Bend over for me, please," asserted Entropy with everyday usualness.

Lithia complied. The next moment, he hook slipped through her anal orifice. She felt the cold inside of her. A strong parasympathetic reaction had her gasp for. Lithia felt so strongly about protesting that only air burst out of her lungs as thought and words were overlapping: "Ah -- ah -- ah."

"This may be a little cold. It should warm quickly." The words were meant to be soothing. The idea of having a piece of metal in her ass was anything but, especially as the rational thoughts rushed in telling her that she had indeed a metal hook in her asshole.

The blue gloved hand pressed against Lithia's décolleté to make a step back. Lithia complied, to aghast on how to deal with the first violation to even realize that she was being pushed around. Entropy was working swiftly before Lithia would fully come to her senses. A double hooked nose hook was placed in Lithia's nose. It was another shiny metal device with a loop at the end. A twine was attached to the loop and run center over Lithia's head. Lithia's nostrils were pulled up. The black holes of her nostrils grew to give her the little piggy look.

Entropy quickly ran the twine down to the O-ring of the ass hook. She connected the two to be perfectly taut. A jolt of a millimeter that felt like the jolt of a magnitude 9 earthquake. The hooks were rounded yet sensitively inside of her bowels and nostrils. Obedient like a little lamb, Lithia shifted her body weight instantly to any little tug on the string behind her back.

"Please, step on your toes," asked Entropy. Overly obedient, Lithia rose almost too fast. Yet, the hard, shiny metal in her precisely slowed her. The rope was tied to the wall behind her. Her hands and feet were completely free. Yet, Lithia had never felt that paralyzed.

"We had problems with squirmers before. The human mind is ingenious. We've never had squirming problems after employing these trappings. It's quite ingenious."

Entropy pulled a little tray on wheels closer. It held a white box with many little compartments. Each compartment was filled with needles. Entropy rolled an acupuncture needle between her thumb and forefinger. "We'll start you with 0.3 millimeter Japanese steel."

The tip of the needle was placed against Lithia's forehead. Lithia's eyes opened wide. The white of her eyes was clearly visible. They eyes crossed to see the needle on her forehead. The pupils were big and black just as those nostrils that gave her a pig like fear stare. With utter silence, Lithia took the tap to the back of the needle that drove the tip of it into her skin. Her whole body twitched. She could feel the hyper sensitive hook inside the mucous membranes of her bowels and inside her nostrils. She stiffened to freeze her own movement.

"I'll hook those monitors up later," said Entropy, while pointing at a screen that had a bundle of thin cables tied to the side. "This will let us connect directly into your nervous system. The human body is like a hard drive. It simply requires the right interface."

The next needle went into her cheek. And then one in the opposite cheek. "The human body has an electromagnetic field around it. Every cable or nerve creates a disturbance in the electromagnetic field. We simply put antennas all over your body to read these disturbances. And then a computer calculates the origin of those waves. It's kind of like triangulating a position with three readings. Only this is done at a much finer level and with millions of nerves at the same time." The needles kept popping into Lithia's body.

Lithia could feel a tingle all over her skin. It was like a massage. She'd feel her skin tighten a little in one spot. And then a feeling like goose bumps would chase over her skin outwards in a circle. The occasional sweat drop ran down her naked skin. The tension of staying perfectly in place had her tighten all her muscles, which heated her. Feeling a needle pierce into a stiff muscle was almost relaxing.

Entropy took a little brown bottle with a white medical label. Lithia could not read the small print. Entropy dipped a cotton ball to the tip of the bottle and flicked the bottle head over. Then Entropy swiped the cotton ball on Lithia's nipple. Green drops were left behind in the tiny grooves of Lithia's brown nipple. A needle followed. Lithia did the best to glimpse at her nipple. Yet, the nose hook kept Lithia from tipping her head forward. Every little tip, she could feel pulling on her ass, which made her push out her ass in delicate sensitivity.

"This is a hallucinogenic. You should be feeling really good very quickly. The needle pushed it directly into your blood stream," explained Entropy.

The green liquid and needle followed into her other nipple. A relaxing feeling overcome Lithia. She felt drowsy, relaxed, and happy about the whole situation. The tenderness in the hook melted into warm stimulation. There are a million nerve endings in the anus. They were all pleasurably stimulated now.

Entropy squatted down. Her fingers pressed Lithia's vagina lips apart with medical matter of fact. The index finger and thumb pulled the hood back from the clitoris. Lithia realized how wet she was down there. With the warm relaxing drug rolling through her body, she pressed her clitoris against the doctor's fingers. The hook in the ass was only a warm stimulation, no longer stirring sensitivity.
