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Wonder Woman - The New God(s)


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"Don't get full of yourself," Her austere air was slipping quickly as she forced out her words, "Intimacy with a male is simply a different sensation than I expected."

Her pussy was starting to make sloppy, desperately wet sounds with each motion of his hips. Her lips and clit were swollen almost angry red and running with a clear moisture that his thrusts were churning milky white. He dug his hands into her hips a little more firmly and slapped his hips against hers a little more harshly, drawing out a quick gasp. The pale plump curves of her body bounced and rippled with the force of his impacts, the continued rocking and flexing of his thrusts hitting her differently each time.

It didn't take long at all for Hippolyta's hands to grasp his wrists as her mouth hung limply open and mouthed quietly for a moment before an undignified, whining groan forced its way out of her throat. Her neck and chest flexed with exertion as she squeezed her eyes shut and forced out the labored breaths of her climax. Her pussy wetly clenched helplessly around his continued attention. From her non-verbal vocalizations and the force that shook her legs, he wondered if he hadn't overdone it for a moment.

"Come on..." She finally gasped out as she started panting for breath, "Hurry up."

He pulled his cock out, "Patience, your highness."

With ease, he turned her over onto her hands and knees. Her juices were trailing down the inside of her thighs, but her big round ass in the air almost made him reconsider not just using her for his own pleasure. He forced himself to tuck those thoughts away as he moved in behind her and pushed himself back in. Her back arched instinctively and her feet wriggled against the stone as his length came back in at a different angle. But as soon as he was thrusting again and his balls were slapping against her clit with each thrust, she went right back to trying to stifle her moans and whimpers.

Before long, her hips were moving back to meet his subconsciously. He grabbed her hair lightly, not quite pulling on it but letting her know he was there. He half-expected her to snap at him, but she simply accepted it with a renewed whimper.

He started to let himself build naturally towards his climax. It occurred to him that he couldn't remember the last time he'd let himself have fun like this, even if the main concern was making sure that Hippolyta climaxed first and foremost. At a certain point, it just became a natural extension of his own pleasure. He relaxed the magic he was enforcing, the lighting up of her nerves and the reshaping of his own cock. Slowly, it slid back toward the original shape, filling Hippolyta out more and hitting awkwardly inside of her where it was too hard or too thick or too long. When starting out, it might have been an issue, but now Hippolyta's pussy simply submissively and wetly accommodated him.

Another deep shudder ran through Hippolyta and this time a rising moan caught short in her throat and came out as a froth-flecked spittle through clenched teeth. Her back arched harder, pussy clenching around him as he simply ignored her climax and continued thrusting heavily. What started out forceful and harsh from her slowly petered out weakly into mewling and whining.

"Please!" She finally gasped out. "I can't take it!"

"Relax, won't be long now." He grimaced back.

He wasn't lying either, he could feel a churning, forceful pressure starting to build within him. With each raking thrust it got a little harsher, and he sped up to try to coax it out faster. Hippolyta groaned awkwardly; her body pulled right back into an aftershock the moment she had managed to ride out the last wave. With an animal groan she shuddered, her pussy spraying a wet dribble pathetically down both of their thighs.

Darkseid finally reared back and let his hips give a few powerful thrusts before he buried himself in fully. Inside the overwhelming heat of her pussy, his balls pumped and released the first massive spray of seed inside of Hipplolyta. He had titled his head back to groan at first, but as his balls started to pump he leaned over, pressing himself on top of his mate and breathing and groaning into her ear. She shuddered under him, her body shaking as she was held in place and pumped full of his cum. He let most of his mind wallow in the animal pleasure of it, but a small piece of him went out through his release and steered his seed in the right direction, guiding them with omniscient sight to ensure that Hippolyta was as bred as possible. When he was done, he let himself enjoy a final few spurts of pleasure before easing off and relaxing. He slid off of Hippolyta and washed himself quickly in the baths.

Hippolyta collapse onto the stone, rolling onto her back with her legs open and cum leaking from her raw red pussy. Her look was glassy, half-focused with heavy lidded eyes drunk with her own pleasure. She didn't notice him get into the baths, and she didn't notice him get out until he was standing over her.

"That was... amazing." She managed, any attempt at subterfuge lost.

Darkseid grinned and sank a hand under her back, lifting her and setting her over her shoulder.

"Come, I will take you to your bedchambers. Before you rest, it would be best if we repeated the process to ensure a successful breeding."

"O-oh," Hippolyta replied meekly, "Please, be gentle this time."

"I will try."


Hippolyta snored steadily and deeply, Darkseid was surprised how robust and full the sound of it was.

She had effectively collapsed from exhaustion around the third time he had decided to repeat the process. When he had finally settled in next to her, almost instantly she closed her eyes and started snoring. At first, caked in sweat and sex, they had lay apart in the bed, but he had awoken later in the night as the room had grown cold to find her pressing against him for warmth, a contented smile on her dreaming face. When he had managed to pull himself away without waking her, he went to the balcony. He looked out at the sleeping city for a long moment before he attempted to contact DeSaad.

The portals appeared in front of him and shimmered for a moment, boom tube magic without the boom or the tube, and then both DeSaad and Steppenwolf appeared before him. He bit his tongue to keep from cursing. Steppenwolf and DeSaad viewed things differently, with Steppenwolf's single-track mind being a blessing at times and a curse at others. Still, the message would be pertinent to him to, better to take too long battering it through a thick skull than letting the pair of them bicker.

"My lord?" DeSaad sounded almost bewildered to be hearing him.

"Hippolyta's favor is ours, at least in some capacity."

DeSaad made a confused but delighted noise, Steppenwolf scoffed.

"A pity, I would have liked to see a war against her Amazons."

"And I would have favored seeing you perish in one," DeSaad snipped back.

"Quiet, both of you." Darkseid grumbled.

"My lord," DeSaad continued as if the exchange hadn't happened. "Though we never doubted you, we are all surprised to hear the speed in which you bent the Queen's will."

Darkseid scoffed, "Bent? I hardly had to do more than show up. Shortly after my arrival, the queen thrust herself upon me, I believe she sees our relationship as mutually beneficial."

"Unless you surrendered to her, I don't see how it would be." Steppenwolf sounded almost bitter.

"By some manner of magic, my seed is one of the only things which can induce pregnancy in her kind. She desires an army and cares not of the other worlds."

"Beneficial enough, then?" DeSaad mused.

"Enough." Darkseid responded with a nod, "Beyond that, it was merely a matter of making the destination seem as desirable as the journey."

Both of his men paused nervously for a moment before Steppenwolf spoke up.

"The Amazons aren't stupid, my lord, if you've broken their queen's mind, they'll notice."

"I haven't broken anything. I gave the queen as much as she could endure over the last few hours, then backed off when she could endure no more."

They paused again, then DeSaad cleared his throat.

"Hours? My lord? You've only been gone a few moments."

Steppenwolf laughed, "For all your scheming, DeSaad, you seem to have missed that time flows differently in Themyscira. We've had Parademons waste away to dust trying to infiltrate it."

"I didn't know of this either," Darkseid interjected, "And if only you did, it was hardly a failure of intel so much as a failure of you to share it."

Steppenwolf's mouth clapped shut and his condescending grin vanished, before he could apologize, Darkseid continued.

"If this is the case, has the first legion even been mobilized?"

"Yes, my lord, but only the first." Steppenwolf responded curtly.

"Perhaps, then, we can hold off on mobilizing the rest." DeSaad mused. "I would miss their suffering, but it would leave us some manner of defense."

Darkseid considered it a moment, then shook his head.

"If this is the favor one legion buys me, then each sacrifice could be the difference between success and failure. When Wonder Woman returns, she and the resistance to me she will be a catalyst for must be as small as possible. Only to be withdrawn when I give the order or when the daughter returns."

Steppenwolf remained frozen with pursed lips for a long, quiet moment. If one of them disagreed with him, it would be Steppenwolf. And he had a reason to as well. If Diana was returning, it was because there was nothing left. And Darkseid couldn't fully eliminate opposition, even given infinite time. However, when DeSaad nodded silently and closed the connection, Steppenwolf followed suit.

Something soft and warm brushed his arm, then wrapped around it. Hippolyta had moved with cat-like silence and managed to sneak up on him without his noticing.

"When did you wake?" He grumbled.

"If you're asking how much of your meeting I overhead, seemingly the whole of it."

Darkseid grunted softly, Hippolyta chuckled.

"It would seem, as far as sore points, my daughter might be the only real area of weakness in your "godly" armor. Could it be that even the mighty Darkseid has things he fears?"

He grumbled, "She could not kill me, but she could harm me. More importantly, she has the strategic benefit of having the queen of the Amazons by her side, and she hates me entirely."

"Ahh," She dragged it out with pleasure, "Then it's not so much a question of a knife in the back, but a misplaced whisper in the right ear."

"Anything less than open warfare between our kingdoms would be seen by her as a betrayal. The question is if her mother could make her see it differently."

"My daughter?" Hippolyta scoffed, "She is not famed for her open-mindedness. And we see the world differently at a most basic level. She can't help it; she wasn't there for the Rape of Heracles. She hasn't learned that it's the world of men against us."

Darkseid paused, letting Hippolyta sigh, then freed his arm from her and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"What, then? Would being in the minority force her to accept our union? Could you accept seeing her forced to accept it?"

Hippolyta shrugged, "I don't know that she could be forced to accept anything. But her loyalty to me is as a ruler and subject first and a mother and child second. Fortunately for us, I don't believe she sees it that way. One way or the other, she could be bent to see it."

"I asked if you would be happy with that outcome."

"My happiness is hinged on the good of my people. All else is situational."

Darkseid pulled her a little closer, "You are a hard woman."

She prodded him in the side, "And you are opportunistic and duplicitous, but we both have something the other needs."

"Then it would be best to continue proving useful."

She laughed softly, "And if you wish to do that, the bed is cold without you."


Diana, the circlet and armguards of "Wonder Woman" left at the door in honor of her mother's authority, knelt before her parent with more of a nervous energy than she had expected to. She knew she was going to be getting home... later than was ideal. She knew that her mother always gave the illusion of an icier reception than she actually meant. She knew also that things would have changed since she'd last been home. But she hadn't expected just how much things had changed. It made her feel like she was coming back to a different Themyscira than she'd left.

Hippolyta wore an exaggerated pout for several quiet moments, looking around the room to see if her honor guard were going to let the façade drop before she wanted them to. When long enough had passed, she cleared her throat and gestured the onlookers out of the room.

"Mother," Diana said cautiously.

Hippolyta paused before replying sternly.

"You, Diana, are late."

Diana bowed deeply, "The forces of evil ran me ragged, no sooner had I stopped one attack on a historical site than another was under siege. I barely slept for fear of failing to protect one."

"And did any fall?"

"No, mother. I was triumphant, as you trained me."

Hippolyta nodded, "Good. And your enemies?"

"Sent to the underworld or captured in disgrace, as you trained me."

Hippolyta nodded, "Good. And my gingerbread?"

Diana pushed a small white box forward, "Three dinosaurs, one man, and four women, as you requested."

Hippolyta nodded a final time and then knelt, lifting her daughter's chin with one hand and smiling. When all pretense was dropped, Diana lunged forward and almost tackled her mother in a hug. Hippolyta winced and rocked on her heels, each helping one another to their feet. After they broke the embrace, Diana set a hand on her mother's growing stomach.

"Mother, you should have told me you were with child! I would have come at once!"

"Easy, child. There will be some time before the child is more than an exhausting dream. Your business was more important than time spent adjusting my habits and expunging my stomach."

"But for Zeus to have seen fit to bless you-"

"Child, that Zeus had nothing to do with it is the happier news here."

Diana's mouth flapped silently for a moment as she placed the information together. When she spoke again, it was an excited yelp.

"Then you've found a male who can solve our problem? One who can give you your army?"

Hippolyta winced slightly, "Yes, child."

"Why, this is tremendous news, how long has he been here? How much work has he already done?"

"A few months now, and he has proven to be a prodigious worker already."

"A few months? Then it can't have been long since Darkseid left that-"

"Child," Hippolyta took a deep breath and steeled herself, "It is Darkseid."

Diana's mouth snapped shut, her eyes suddenly devoid of all mirth.

"Mother, I do not find that funny."

"Find it what you wish, I had my suspicions and I tested them, when I found them true, I declared him a citizen and told all the women of the kingdom what could be done."

Diana waited for her to finish, quietly breathing deeply, then snapped back with cold calculation.

"And do you know the children will be healthy?"

"So it was with his underlings, I do not see why he would be different."

"And what is stopping him from attacking when every Amazon in the land is pregnant and incapacitated? What is stopping him from turning the children foul in your wombs? From-"

"Diana," Hippolyta interrupted sternly, "You are arguing from fear and anger. None of these things would benefit him, and I believe that he seeks only what benefits him."

"And because what benefits him seems to benefit you for the time being, you would assume him a controlled variable?"

Hippolyta squeezed the bridge of her nose, "Forget about what he has done outside of the city walls for but a moment, this is not some game of strategy I am playing with you, I'm asking why he would act against his own interests."

"And why would you assume that you know the extent of his interests? I have known him for longer than you mother, I have seen him raze-"

"Forget even for a moment what he has done outside of our walls, I beg of you. Has he done anything that threatened Themyscira specifically?"

Wonder Woman scoffed, "He tried to destroy the whole of the multiverse."

"I said Themyscira specifically."

"Mother! We are part of that multiverse! No matter how much you wish to see us as an island floating apart from all reality, if he has moved against the world, he has moved against our corner of it. I would not have trusted him as a visitor, let alone a citizen."

"You act as if I've handed him control of the city."

"Haven't you?" Diana cried indignantly, "It seems you would have all of us heavy with child and defenseless. It's as if the kingdom has gone mad in my absence!"

"If it pleases you to know," Hippolyta replied coldly, "I have only selected some of us for breeding. Despite the interest of most, I am not the kind of mad ruler who would give him the kingdom on a platter."

Diana sighed, "You could have lead with that, mother."

"It was in my interest to see how deep your opposition would be. However, I warn you, should this plan continue as I hope it to, in time I may give him free reign. In that case, it would become simple duty of each Amazon to grow the population."

Diana pulled a face, "Here is hoping that you are misguided then."

Hippolyta's voice grew sterner.

"Understand me well, daughter. If that is the case, it will no longer be enough for you to simply not make war with Darkseid. It will be peace or nothing."

"And what of nothing?" Diana replied more than a little bitterly, "Or what if some accident should befall him before then, would you banish your daughter?"

"I won't have to answer that question." Hippolyta shot back without a hint of joke in her voice, "Often you have bitten at my heels and rebelled when my back was turned. Never have you disobeyed me directly. You won't do it now, especially not if I have your word."

"The stakes of rebellion have never been this high, mother."

"Diana, I will have your word. I know you have no fear of flogging or the stocks, but if I have to, I know what it is that would punish you. I will restrict your movements, put you under close and constant supervision. Give me your word to behave and I will take you at it. Otherwise, you will find me a leader instead of a mother until you do."

Diana bit her tongue for a moment, then finally kneeled again.

"Fine, you have my word. But understand my displeasure with all of this."

"You have never feared to voice your displeasure in my decisions. I would trust your word less if you claimed to be happy about it. I don't need you to like it, I need you to bear it."

Diana sighed, "Okay, I'll bear it. For you, mother, and only for you."

Hippolyta eyed her daughter for a moment before offering her a hand and helping her back to her feet. Diana opened her mouth, but Hippolyta waved a hand as if to say that the matter was closed. She gestured the both of them toward her chambers and Diana grabbed the box of gingerbread as they went together. In a few moments, the exchange was all but forgotten, and friendly laughter slipped through the curtains of the room and down the hall.


Barda and Zima undressed each other like blushing virgins. The would kiss, giggle, embrace, and move their hands about each other's bodies with the clumsy intent of both teasing and undressing, not focusing on one or the other. It was an attempt to make it as showy as it was proactive. Around the fiftieth time a pair of Amazons had made that same effort for him, it had lost all charm and grace. Darkseid had sized both of them up within the first few seconds of entering their home, he didn't need a striptease, especially an inept one.

Barda was one of Hippolyta's honor guard. She had been one of the coldest to him initially, one of the most vocally and obviously objecting to him when he had first arrived. Now that he had their lady's blessing, and it was known that he could make both her and her lover pregnant, she had simply tried to pretend that any initial hostility hadn't happened. Hoping that he was either forgiving enough or stupid enough to ignore her previous animosity. She had the blocky, graceless but sturdy build of a lifelong warrior. Her wife was probably the slightest and frailest Amazon he'd seen. From what he heard, she was quite the artist. She was also clearly used to submitting to her wife, considering how amateurish she was at stripping her as a mutual. That mixed with Barda's inflexible insistence that the breeder needed a show was probably what made the relationship work.