Wrecking the Homewrecker Pt. 05

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Rose gets found out.
5.1k words

Part 5 of the 40 part series

Updated 05/22/2024
Created 02/20/2021
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A not so relaxing day

Now Sally was gone Rose didn't waste another minute, she jumped up to her feet and rushed up to the bathroom. Walking on her feet felt so good after all the crawling she had been doing, but most importantly she would finally get rid of the nasty smelly reminder of Sally's pussy stuck to her face. All she could really do is to try and forget about her predicament as much as possible. It is what she aimed to do today, but it wouldn't be all that easy. Not with the tasks Sally had given her for today, and the stress of having to make it into position by the time her stepdaughter arrived home.

For a moment Rose considered just disappearing, passing by her children's colleges and taking them along with her. She didn't have the resources or experience to do so though so all she could do was keep Sally happy much to her dismay. Pleasing that bitch was the last thing she wanted to do, but she had to if not for herself then for her kids, what would happen to them if she was gone?

Stepping into her bathroom Rose was rather disturbed with her own mirror image yet again. In a quick motion she removed the elastics from her hair, the pigtails ones again merging in a loose hairdo. It still didn't really change her general appearance that much. Her makeup was ruined, making her look very trashy, only the area around her mouth looked somewhat okay, but there her lipstick had faded, no longer the luscious coating it had been before she had to leave all those marks all over Sally's outfit giving her stepdaughter a secret permanent reminder of her ownership.

An involuntary shudder ran up her spine as she once again imagine all the places she had had to leave a lipstick mark. Rose just carried on, hurrying to be ready to get in the shower. There wasn't that much to really strip out of as she hadn't been allowed to really wear much at all. Only her collar and stockings remained. Going for the collar first Rose was horrified to realise that it was really locked on. She couldn't get any movement in the broad pink leather thing at all.

No matter how hard she tried she couldn't get the damn thing open. How would she ever go out and run errands if she was wearing this thing? Oh god, she didn't even want to imagine how people would react. The only thing she could really remove from it was the leash, it was something but not nearly enough. After some more trying Rose gave up though. It was clearly no use and she really wanted to get rid of this ridiculous makeup and Sally's drying juices on her face.

Stripping out of her stockings Rose got into the shower letting out a sigh of relief. The warm water slowly washing those nasty pussy juices away felt great. The tight leather collar would make her plans of forgetting about Sally all day really hard, it would serve as a permanent reminder of how she was owned by her stepdaughter, but at least the worst and most obvious sign of ownership, that all overpowering scent would be gone.

She didn't take long to enjoy the water at all, instead Rose nearly instantly attacked her face with strongly scented soap, trying to scrub that nasty scent away. She did the same with shampoo to her pee stained hair, but no matter how much she washed and scrubbed she could swear she could still smell and feel Sally's pussy on her face much to her disgust. Had the smell seeped that deep into her pores or was it but a bad memory? Whatever it was it quickly became clear she wasn't going to get rid of it, you couldn't just wash away memories after all. She just hoped that the memory would fade if she was able to put Sally out of her mind.

Finally rid of most of that nasty scent and of the trashy smeared makeup Rose felt a lot better already. Stepping out of the shower she tried the collar once more, but it was no use. With a sigh she came to the conclusion that all she could hope for was to hide it and not to think about it, which was hard given how tight it was.

After blow-drying and brushing out her hair and brushing her teeth five times, Rose applied her daily light natural looking makeup, throwing on a bathrobe to head back into her room. Having something to cover her although no one was around felt great in and of it's own. She was finally starting to feel a little more like herself again, but the memory of Sally remained. She had to stock up on stockings, and hair ribbons to please her stepdaughter after all which meant she had to move out of the house.

It gave her mixed feelings, on one hand she wanted to get out of this place where all these horrors had happened to her. On the other she wanted to hide from the world, thoroughly embarrassed and frightened that anyone would suspect anything. Either spot her collar of that faint smell she could swear remained there although the smell of her soaps was strong as well.

In any case she needed to head out and she still had that collar to deal with, so rummaging through her closet she settled on a designer sweater dress. It was burgundy in colour, hugging her every curve, but most importantly it had a turtle neck which would perfectly hide that awful leather collar. The sleeves of the dress reached down to her mid upper arms and the skirt down to her knees.

Finishing her outfit Rose went with plain black lingerie, a pair of opaque black pantyhose, and a pair of burgundy leather ankle boots. Eventually Rose settled on a pair of sunglasses and a hat as well for anonymity reasons. It was all a little much, and a little too warm for the time of year, but Rose didn't care. She felt good in this outfit knowing how it wasn't really sexy and how it covered so much of her, it looked smart and classy. A sharp contrast to the mock innocent revealing way Sally forced her to dress contrasts was all she was really looking for right now. A small way to rebel against Sally although the girl would never know since when she came home Rose knew she'd better be in the exact position and look as demanded.

Checking herself in the mirror one last time, to admire her more normal look and to see if the collar was properly hidden. If you knew she was wearing a collar you could tell with how oddly broad her neck looked in the middle, but it was also rather well hidden by the folds in the turtle neck. It would have to do.

Rose finally felt confident enough to go out. Moving down to the garage she got into her car and drove off. She wanted to be done with Sally's tasks as soon as possible so she didn't have to worry about them all day and so hopefully she would be able to put everything out of her mind at least for some part of the day.

Rose ended up driving across town to the big city mall, a place she never really went to, always preferring to shop in the high end boutiques at the edge of their neighbourhood. The mall would probably be a lot more crowded, but the chance of running into anyone she knew over there was pretty much non existing. None of the rich women in their neighbourhood went to a place like that. They might have big brands, but none of the highly exclusive designer things like the boutiques here.

After an uneventful yet nervous drive Rose ended up in the mall parking lot. It was still rather early, but there were quite a lot of cars already. Quite surprising as when she entered the mall the halls didn't look all that busy. At least not where she first entered. The amount of cars suddenly got explained as she noticed a large crowd which had gathered in front of one of the stores.

It surprised Rose as when she passed by the store didn't even seem open yet. Even more surprising was the type of venue it was. From the name Rose could only conclude that it had to be a salon of sorts, "Leila's Nail Temple". Her only doubts about it actually being a salon stemmed from the fact that there was a crowd. The salon she went to only worked appointments and you never had to wait even a second. She thought all Salons operated like that, but apparently not. There was no way all these women could get their nails done at the same time. Hell judging form the store itself, she doubted all these women could even have their nails done today, but all seemed very eager for some reason.

Shrugging Rose walked on, deeper into the mall. She really hoped that there would be a store like the one she was looking for here, one that sold all kinds of colours in their stocking range. It wasn't something you just found everywhere, and Rose didn't want to waste her day away looking for them and potentially even having to go home without, risking a severe punishment from Sally.

Luckily for her she soon saw her saving grace in a store called "The Sock Shop" it looked like a store that sold pretty much everything leg wear and some accessories. More importantly, it looked like a store offering a whole variety of colours judging from the vast collection of colourfully dressed up mannequin legs in the store front window.

Feeling hopeful Rose made her way into the store. It was still early and the store was really quiet. One girl in her late teens or early twenties was roaming the racks, three employees, all dressed in a red t-shirt with the store's logo on it, a pair of black leggings and red athletic knee high socks were standing by. One of them, a tall black girl with very short hair quickly approached Rose upon entering the store.

Rose groaned inwardly. She had hoped to have as little contact with people as possible today, but it looked like that wasn't going to happen here. On the other hand she might as well get this girl's help to be out here as fast as possible.

"Hello, I'm Cabrina, welcome to the sock shop. Is there something I can help you with today or would you just like to look around?" The girl offered enthusiastically. Rose couldn't just say what she needed and why, but a ruse quickly came to mind.

"Well I'm having a costume party with a theme bright and colourful soon and I could really use something for my legs. I haven't quite figured out which colour I want to go with yet. So I thought to maybe just take every colour you have on offer a pair of each so I can try them on and make my choice later. They need to be sheer, stay-up stockings. Also while I'm here I would like to grab a couple pairs of the neutral coloured ones for everyday wear." Rose told trying to sound casual.

The request came as a bit of a shock to Cabrina, all colours they offered and then some was a lot of stockings. She could tell from the brands this woman wore that she must be loaded probably. Rich people, she would never understand them and their waste of money, but she would make a good sale so she didn't really judge. "Of course. Tell you what, our regular stockings are in the rack over there, why don't you grab what you need and I'll fetch you a pair in every colour." Cabrina politely offered as they split ways.

Arriving at the rack of neutral coloured stockings Rose went ahead and grabbed a couple pairs in black, nude and tan. She really hoped she would mainly get to wear these. It still wasn't great, but they would feel less out of place on her than the brightly coloured ones did. Rose only hoped that she would actually get to wear these.

Moving back to the counter Rose met up with Cabrina who run up all her orders and stuffed them into a big red bag, one nearly overflowing. Rose hadn't expected to collect that many stockings, but well if it meant she never had to worry about them anymore then it was worth it.

"Excuse me, but would you know where I could get some hair ribbons? One in a variety of colours like the stockings? I kind of want to match you know?" Rose asked feeling rather good, she had only been in here for 15 minutes and she had already gotten most of what she needed. Being pointed in the right way for her last purchase could be a huge help as well.

"To be entirely honest I wouldn't know, I guess you could use packaging ribbon instead though, that should do the trick. Tell you what, I can cut some for you. Every colour again? And how much of each?" Cabrina asked helpfully.

"That would be great, two strands of every colour should do." Rose said with a slight blush as it was pretty much saying she was planning on wearing pigtails. Cabrina didn't look at her strangely though. She just cut off two long strands of satin gift ribbon of every colour they had available and put them in the bag. The cutting took a while, but eventually with 10 more minutes of waiting Rose left the store with everything she needed.

On her way back to the exit Rose's eye fell on a poster from that weird salon she had passed by. Apparently their slogan was. "Be treated like the Goddess you know you are." The text underneath it was strange, it gave off a weird vibe to Rose. "Our employee's will do EVERYTHING in their power to provide you with an unforgettable experience." It was something most business's claimed, but the way everything was written in capitals was just odd.

Even odder was the event that was announced on the poster. "If you're one of our loyal customers you have probably been looking forward to this for a while. As a thank you for your support we organise a giveaway for the Goddess experience right in your home. Don't forget to bring your customers card as it is your entry ticket. The rules have previously been communicated during your last visit to our Salon. Now client just yet? Make an appointment before the event starts and grab your chance."

Rose just shrugged, she had no idea what exactly it was that this salon was offering, but apparently it was really popular. She wasn't about to switch salon's though and so she just headed on her way back to the parking lot, passing the even bigger crowd that had gathered in front of that salon.

Just as she approached the exit however her biggest fear became a reality, someone she knew from their neighbourhood just came in. It wasn't just someone either, it was Bernice Oakley. An old school eccentric business woman on retirement who through erecting and selling a successful company and smart investments had secured a good retirement.

Bernice had never been married and the rumour among the ladies in the neighbourhood was that she was a secret lesbian. Her close neighbours had seen the occasional flustered young girl coming through the big front gate leading to her driveway. No one knew exactly what was going on, all houses surrounded by huge gardens and hedges providing plenty of privacy, but rumours were born quickly.

While in her mid-sixties Bernice didn't look like a cozy grandmother, she looked more like a stern matron. Her dark grey hair was always pulled back in a tight bun and her dresses while all designer were anything but revealing or fancy. Today Bernice was dressed in a black bodycon dress with a rounded collar, long sleeves and a skirt ending just underneath her knees. She had on glossy suntan hosiery and a pair of black leather block heels adorned her feet. Bernice wasn't a skinny woman by any means. While only an inch taller than Rose, Rose guessed that she was easily twice her weight.

Turning her eyes away from Bernice she prayed that the woman wouldn't recognise her. Out of all people Bernice was the worst one she could have run into. Whenever she met the woman she couldn't help but feel that she eyed her up. Something she had always tried to ignore, but now that she was wearing this collar a careful observation was the last thing she needed.

Just as Rose thought she had made it passed Bernice, her blood ran cold as she heard the woman call out her name. "Rose, is that you here? I almost didn't recognise you with that hat and those sunglasses. I did recognise the dress though, I have the exact same one and of course I also recognised your figure. I mean it's hard to ignore. Did you also try your luck at Leila's Nail Temple? I didn't know you were in those kind of things." Bernice exclaimed enthusiastically, to the point, obviously knowing no shame.

It made it impossible for Rose to ignore her. If she did she wouldn't hear the end of it. It was best to just get this over with quickly. Bernice's surprise and the fact that she was here for that salon made Rose wonder even more what the hell was going on there. "Oh hey Bernice. No I'm not here for that salon. I was just doing some shopping, nothing more." Rose replied somewhat nervously hoping to get away quickly.

"I see, a bunch of stockings from the looks of it, pretty colours as well as far as I can tell. What a pleasant surprise Rose, I didn't take you as a stocking kind of gal. I always thought you were more of a pantyhose kind of woman, but stocking are so much more fun. I can already imagine them on you." Bernice said awfully suggestive in a tone and with a look that made Rose shudder.

"Uhm yeah, they're just for a theme party. Nothing more than that." Rose quickly said, using her same ruse as in the store, trying to sound as casual as possible while she was really uncomfortable over spiking Bernice's interest like this.

"Hahaha, yeah sure. You buy that many stockings for one party? I don't believe it one bit, look Rose you don't have to be ashamed, I love women in stockings." Bernice said, looking hungrily at Rose. Then all of a sudden her eyes landed on her neck. "Wait, what are you wearing under that turtle neck of yours? It looks awfully wide in the middle. Is that a neck brace? Did you hurt your neck? No those are way thicker. Is it a collar?! I didn't know you and Robert were into that kind of thing, you keep on surprising Rose." she suddenly exclaimed with a broad lustful smirk.

Rose just turned pale, realising that her secret was out, her look telling Bernice all she needed to know and more. "Wait Robert doesn't know about this? You naughty girl I should spank you for this." She laughed. Realising this was only escalating however Rose just ran away, hearing Bernice's laughter behind her. Things had just gone very wrong. She would need to figure out a way for Bernice to shut up about this, but right now she couldn't face this. She had some serious thinking to do. Another horrid situation she had to find a way out of.

Bernice would have ran after her if it wasn't for the fact that she had the salon to get back to, one thing was for certain. She was going to pay Rose a visit sometime soon to get to the bottom of this, it was way to good to pass up on. For now it was time to take her chance at the nail salon's contests. They were letting go of three employees they had gotten during the year. Letting go in the sense of them going home with the contest winners. Bernice had a huge thing for blondes and she had already set her eyes on a girl named Madison.

Ever since this salon had changed owners it had come on her radar. Here you didn't just go to have your nails done, you came here to literally have your feet worshipped and more by some pretty young things, something Bernice loved. She really hoped she could take one of these girls home. They were all so obedient although she could still see the embarrassment on their faces. It was just wonderful.

It would also be quite the saving post for her. No longer would she have to pay girls to come be her toy for the evening, although in hindsight she just might. It might be fun to have more than one girl at a time to have some fun with. Her main concern was getting herself a permanent toy that could keep up with her demands though.

Back in her car Rose breathed a sigh of relief, although it was only relief to be away from Bernice right now. She realised full well that this wasn't over yet by a long shot. How the hell would she talk her way out of this? She didn't know. Right now it luckily looked like Bernice had more important things to do than start gossiping about her collar.

Her heart nearly beating out of her chest Rose drove home. Her day had started horribly until Sally left. After her quick stop at the sock shop however things had been looking up. She had wasted basically no time at all, and it was looking like she would have most of the day to at least try and put Sally out of her mind, but that hope had quickly crumbled. Now the fear of Bernice's gossiping would loom over her head like a dark cloud all day long.