Wrestling Match Went… Wrong?

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A foreign beauty with a secret recently moved into town.
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"Ethan~? Ethan, wake up~! Ethan!" A sexy, albeit a little almost unnoticeable husky voice woke Ethan up in a startle. It was his most recent friend, Aina, who was currently standing right beside Ethan's bed inside his room, crossing her arms under her big C cups that stood proudly in her chest with a form that would scream perfection to any guy.

"What are you doing here? Who let you in?" Ethan asked her, the morning fog still covering her mind, while taking in the sight of her friend right in front of him. He was attracted to her from the first moment he ever saw her, which would be a few months ago, when she moved to his small town from outside the country.

She was a sight for anyone to see. A tall, around 5'11ft, platinum-blond woman with icy-blue eyes, who seemingly had norse roots, as she was quite pale, albeit a healthy pale. Statuesque would be a great word to define the tall foreign girl named Aina, with her regal-like presence. He always asked himself why someone as beautiful and perfect as her would come to this little corner of the world; and even more so, why would she take any kind of interest in him, a scrawny little boy with no defining trait other than his particular liking to more uncommon, or not as popular media.

It was like a dream for Ethan. They quickly became friends, with her being the first one to move in their friendship, something that became a constant throughout their budding friendship. Whether it was approaching him, talking to him or even inviting him to hang out, it was always Aina who started their interactions. It made him feel amazing for once in his relatively short life; having such a beautiful foreign girl like Aina talking to him, looking him up and inviting him just to go and hang out.

Ethan wasn't popular at all, he was one of the few outcasts back in school, the nerdy-like guy who loved to spend time exploring exotic movies that no one else around heard about, or who liked to enjoy anime, manga and comics. Although, even among outcasts, he was let out, as someone who basically had no friends in his same age group. He had himself to blame, though, being the one to alienate himself from others and focusing mostly on his own interests, with Aina being the only one with enough apparent interest in breaking him out of that self-imposed containment bubble he created around himself.

"It was your mother, I asked if you were home and she told me you were still sleeping, so, I came to wake you up!" Aina said while shrugging. "Though I never expected it would be so easy."

"You almost screamed my ear off..." Ethan asked her blond-haired friend while standing up from his bed.

"You're just a pussy." Aina said while snorting at him, before giving him a lust-filled glance, one Ethan didn't notice. "So? Have you thought about my proposal? To wrestle with me, I mean. Will you chicken out or actually do it?"

If you were wondering why Ethan would be on the edge while talking to his seemingly hot friend that came to even wake him up, it's precisely because of this little recent 'interest' of her.

Since a few weeks ago, Aina has been slowly turning into a more aggressive and dominant person towards him. It started with slight pushes, but it soon started to turn into what Ethan would call bullying. And even more recently, she's been constantly asking him to wrestle, either pushing or bothering him whenever he denies her approaches.

"I've told you a thousand times that I won't wrestle with you." He answered.

But then, why would he deny the chance to wrestle his hot friend with big tits in a full contact match? Mostly because he's afraid, and one quick glance from him to his desk's mirror would tell anyone why.

He isn't precisely tall, standing at 1,54 meters, with thin arms and no strength to speak of. His long hair covered his right eye with bangs that reached to his nose. Making his mom constantly ask herself if his son could actually see through his right eye.

"Oh, come on! It will be fun." With a slight push she tried to convince him, to no avail.

"Yes. For you at least!" He retorted. "You're taller than me! Like, a lot taller than me! How do you expect me to even win against you?" Ethan answered, truly afraid of wrestling with her, or more specifically, about being hurt by her.

It was a normal reaction for someone that has been teased by girls and bullied by guys since middle school until his, now, last year of high school, which he just wanted to end sooner rather than later to finally leave this town to the big city.

"I'll give you an advantage! You can start first being on top of me. How does that sound?" Aina tried again to convince him.

"My answer is still no." Only to be refuted once again.

"Mmm... Are you sure?" She asked. "I mean, you could touch my boobs and I won't say anything." She said before smiling at her friend's sudden flinch.

"W-what do you mean?" Ethan asked.

'Got you...' Aina thought with mirth as she stared at the seemingly interested face of her friend. "Well, you see..." She stopped to put her arms under her boobs and accentuate their size with a slight push up. "While we're wrestling, we'll go full contact, so, who knows? That could be a chance for you to actually touch these babies that you love oh so much... Not like I can't blame you. They're beautiful~" She smiled once she saw Ethan's eyes locked on her tits.

"I-I don't know... I'm not sure I want to wrestle with you... It will hurt..." He answered.

"Of course not! I won't hurt you... Not too much, at least." She assured him, while almost whispering the last part for him not to listen clearly.


"Oh, come on! It will be just a quick match of wrestling!" She exclaimed at him, slightly infuriated thanks to her need to satiate her hunger. "Tell you what. If you win, you get to fondle my tits AND my ass for ten minutes, as much and as hard as you want during that time." She said while winking at him and slapping her full shapely ass that would easily compete with her tits for the sexiest asset of her body, if it wasn't for the presence of her deep emerald-colored eyes that watched deep into your soul and undressed you with a mere look.

"Really!?" He asked, surprised at how quickly he almost said yes to her proposition.

"Have I ever lied to you? Of course, that is, if you win." She smirked.

He stopped for a second and pondered on her offer. "And..." He looked at her eyes, trying not to lose himself in them. "What if you win?"

"Well..." Her smirk deepened, turning into that of a hungry predator. "Let's say you get to do as I say for the next ten minutes. Without EX-CU-SES." She said while accentuating each syllable with a tap of her index finger on his nose. "So? What do you say?"

"..." Ethan once again started to ponder about his options. 'If I win... I get to touch the boobs and ass that every guy in school wants to have and every girl gets jealous at... And I can even feel them while wrestling... There's no way I'm not winning something out of this, but...'

The idea of getting hurt is what actually makes him afraid, not even the idea of being at the mercy of his friend if he gets to lose. At this moment, rationality and lust were at fight inside Ethan's mind. It's just that it didn't take more than a few seconds for Lust to win the fight, which wasn't even a fight inside a teenager's horny mind.

"Ok. I'll agree to wrestle with you..." He finally accepted.

'You're mine now, little Ethan. You won't escape me anymore.' Aina thought while smiling for a moment. "Great! Now, I'll tell you the rules."

She started to explain the rules of the match.

First of all, they would do it while wearing more comfortable clothes, meaning only shorts for Ethan, while Aina would wear hot-pants and a fitness top. A rule that gave Ethan even more to expect from the match, as Aina was known for wearing really short hot-pants inside her house, or his for that matter.

Second, the match would end whenever one of them surrendered.

Third, Ethan would start on top of the two.

And finally, it would be a one victory match, with the loser doing as agreed upon.

For Ethan, it seemed simple and easy, no complicated rules and, of course, no tricks to be seen. Not any that he's aware of at least.

"So... Where are we doing this?" Ethan asked Aina.

"Right here in your room. Come on, let me help move things a little bit." She answered.

"But my mom could hear us." He told her out of fear that his mom came to see him wrestling Aina, not even knowing why.

"Oh, relax, she told me she's going to be out for the day on an emergency at her work. She wanted to tell you, but you were asleep, so she asked me to do so instead." Aina shrugged her shoulders, before starting to move the things in his room to make more space. It was something Ethan could understand, his mother, after all, worked for the town only hospital, and while it was a fairly small town, they somehow got some accidents from time to time, which mostly his mother had to attend to.

"Oh, right." With a red face, Ethan also started to move the few things he had in his room to make more space.

Now, to begin with, his room was quite big, being an only child living with his mother in a two-story house has its own perks, and adding to that the fact that he had little material possession just because he wasn't one to have many hobbies apart from sleeping and ogling at his sexy friend.

In a few minutes, everything was ready, and they got themselves a nice little wrestling place.

Ethan just took off his shirt as he usually slept with shorts, but just after putting his shirt over the bed, he turned to look at Aina, who was undressing.

"Huh? What are you doing!?" He asked, alarmed.

"Um? Oh, just getting ready. Relax, I came prepared." She said, taking out her shirt to show a fitness top that barely covered her boobs; it was a miracle it didn't explode with how tight it seemed to be. She then took off her sweatpants to show what Ethan would describe as the shortest possible hot pants available.

"You were sure we were going to do this, right?" He asked her with a dumbfounded face.

"Of course! I proved to have my ways to convince you, didn't I?" She answered with a cheeky smirk and a wink.

Ethan could only look while scratching his head in embarrassment, as his face flushed brightly. He fell for her honeyed promise of touching her perfect boobs and ass, there was no denying it.

"Well, are you ready? Let's do this!" Aina shouted in an energetic way. "Oh, wait, let's first close those curtains, don't want anyone to see from outside."

"My room is on the second floor, who would actually look at us?" Ethan said while lifting his eyebrow.

"Who knows, it's just best to be safe, you know?" She smirked while closing the curtains, and even locking the door.

"And the door?"

"I don't want you to escape." She shrugged and winked at him.

"Oh..." Ethan's cheeks warmed fast, reddening at the way her now semi-nude body seemed to scream with sensuality. 'She's a succubus!' He thought, the image of her perfect body imprinting itself in his mind, every move of hers tempting him.

"Then, as agreed, you'll start on top." She smiled while putting herself in all fours right in front of Ethan, at the center of the room, showing him her perfectly shaped big ass. She turned to look at him with a luring gaze, his shorts tightening at the crotch. It was both fortunate and unfortunate that there wasn't much to tent his shorts at that time.

"Um... I'm not sure that a wrestling match starts like this, you know?" He commented while slowly walking towards her, with his heart beating faster with each passing second.

"And who's here to judge?" She smiled and spoke in a sultry voice as she lowered her upper body even more. Ethan would swear he saw her breast getting squished on the floor, and that got him really horny, not like he would actually speak that aloud.

"Then? What are you waiting for?" With another seductive smile, she winked at him as she wiggled her backside.

"I-I'm going." Ethan then kneeled behind her, not knowing exactly what to do.

"You have to hunch over me, as if you were trying to grab me. Which you should probably do." Aina tried to guide him through the starting point of the match, something he really appreciated as he didn't have any idea of how to wrestle. Not like all of this was for the sake of wrestling, or at least for Aina it wasn't.

"O-okay." Ethan slightly stuttered while he covered her body, or at least tried to, with his small frame, grabbing both a shoulder and her hip with his hands, which he really had to stretch further to reach with the difference in height.

"That's the spirit." Aina said in a husky voice. "Now, when I count to three, we start the match, remember, the first to surrender, loses." She then started to count.

"One... Two... Three!" She shouted, and tried to turn away, but not quickly, as she was planning to play with him, pushing her ass against his groin just to tease him.

Meanwhile, Ethan tried with all his strength to suppress Aina, but he was more preoccupied with the big bakery that was being shoved towards his groin than the idea of suppressing her. Leading him to try and actually hump against her ass, something that awoke a predatory smile on Aina's face.

'I'm sorry, I thought I could last longer, but I need to take you soon.' Aina thought while quickly giving one last push against his groin with her ass before she turned to face him, she quickly grabbed him, taking him by surprise, and turned him on his back, shoving him on the ground. She didn't waste time and straddled him, her weight alone being enough to hold him down.

Ethan tried to stand up, but his small frame couldn't even make his friend move an inch. Aina was stronger than him, far stronger than he initially thought. She moved and pushed him as if he was a small toddler.

Aina nimbly repositioned, pulling Ethan's arm as she swiftly scissored his head between her thick thighs. She didn't need a proper technique, she was that much stronger than him, and that warmed her cheeks, and nether parts. As she pressed her legs closer, Ethan's face was smothered between her thighs, as his arm was nested between the ample valley of her breasts. Her strength alone was enough to make him groan in slight pain. Nothing unbearable, or at least nothing that the blissful feeling of being trapped between her thighs couldn't offset, or so Ethan thought.

Still, the embarrassment, and the slight pain, was enough for him, as not even a few seconds passed when Ethan exclaimed his surrender. Ending Aina's fun earlier than she hoped.

'Doesn't matter, I'll have more fun now.' She thought while licking her lips in anticipation for what was to come.

"I win, then!" She shouted as she let Ethan go. "Though that was fast, really. You should have tried more, you know?" She gave him a teasing grin.

"It was starting to hurt..." Ethan said, still quite red from embarrassment, he didn't want to admit that he really liked being between her thighs and with his arm between her big tits, something that made him look away.

"Well, whatever, I won, and that's what matters, so, ready to do as I say for the next ten minutes?" She said, while at the same time thinking how he would then belong to her, not just for the next ten minutes. She picked up her phone from the desk, where she put it before they played, and prepared her timer app, exactly 10 minutes. She showed it up to Ethan, who sighed and nodded in agreement.

"A bet is a bet, I guess." Ethan sighed. "So? What's the deal? What do I have to do?"

"You see. It's simple. You just have to give me some head." She said with a sadistic smile.

"H-head? As in giving you oral sex!? Really!?" He shouted.

"Yes, really." She smiled, quite excited to see his face in the next few moments. "So, could you be a dear and turn around while I undress? Please?" She smiled while walking towards the bed, slowly swinging her hips to seduce Ethan even more.

"Um, y-yeah, I-I w-will." Ethan stuttered, trying to move his gaze away, but with no success.

"I'm waiting~" Aina brought him back to earth with her melodious voice, as she tapped on her phone to start the timer, Ethan thought, before she dropped her phone on the bed.


While Ethan looked away, Aina quickly brought down her hotpants, showing her nether regions, which had a tuff of platinum blond pubes, right over some kind of adhesive, which she quickly took off before putting one leg over the other to hide the surprise she had for Ethan. Fortunately for her, and as much as it hurt to keep her secret under control, she managed to hold just enough to avoid him from seeing her surprise. Practice does make mastery, as well as some really resistant tape, her self-control helped a lot too.

"You can turn away already." She said, and right before he could do it, she warned him. "But! With your eyes closed. Not peeking! Or I would stop all this and leave. Understood?" Her commanding tone was enough to make the horny Ethan do as he was told.

"Y-yes!" He shouted while turning to face her, with his eyes strongly closed.

'So cute!' She thought. "Now, on your knees." She commanded and Ethan hurriedly obeyed, almost hurting his knees with how fast he lowered himself on the ground. "Good boy~" She said in a husky, sultry tone that sent chills up Ethan's back. "Now, crawl over here, slowly~ And remember, no peeking~" She commanded once again, and Ethan followed her command, crawling slowly towards her, and giving Aina a show of submission which pushed all her buttons just the right way.

She has always been dominant in most of her interactions, she felt good, empowered, and loved the thrill it gave her. Not to mention, how hard she got off every time she asserted her dominance over Ethan, who caught her interest since the first time she laid eyes on him a few months ago.

"Stop!" She said as he made it right in front of her crossed legs, almost touching them with his nose. The enticing smell that came from her was making Ethan's dick hard, although it had a slight musk to it, covered by her sweet scent.

"Keep your eyes closed~" Aina said in a sultry voice as she uncrossed her legs, and from her groin, instead of the honey pot Ethan was expecting, a big 9 inches long, hard cock sprung free, almost throwing a few drops of pre-cum onto Ethan's face. Aina was hornier than ever, and she needed to relieve herself, Ethan's submission to her command only fueled her desires like gasoline into a fire pit. She was ready to take what was rightfully hers. But first... "Now, slowly move just a little bit closer..." She huskily whispered and Ethan followed her command, unknowingly inching closer and closer to her hard womanhood, which she had to raise with her hand not to poke his nose with her dripping tip.

The beautiful sight in front of her was sending chills up Aina's back and cock. "Stop." She commanded, and Ethan stopped immediately, sitting on his heels right between Aina's spread open legs, her towering cock just scarce centimeters away from slapping his face; after all, it was big enough to cover his whole face from chin to forehead. And heavy and meaty enough to give him a good slap, she thought humorously.

"Now..." She sultrily spoke once again, while Ethan made his best not to take a deep breath, the intoxicating smell coming from her prick enthralling and dangerous for his mind. "When I count to three, you open your eyes and dig in with your mouth wide open. Understood?" She asked him, with a sadistic grin on her face, knowing really well what was about to happen.

"One~ two~" She counted down, slowly, and Ethan couldn't help but pray to whatever deity was listening to him for her to hurry up. But Aina, as horny as she was, was enjoying the thrilling sensation of having him at her mercy, the power she currently had over him was oh so delicious for the young woman. "Three~" After what seemed like an eternity, she ended her count, and his eyes shot open wide, his face inching closer towards his target, to taste her pussy as soon as possible.