Writing as a Loving Wives Author

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Why do we write Loving Wives stories.
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[:::: Authors Note ::::]

Throughout our lives, we all go through seasons. I have enjoyed writing stories and working through the emotions inherent in a Loving Wives tale for the past season. Sure, most of us like the little bit of erotic storytelling in these tales, and most of us that write are used to being ridiculed for our plot lines or, as in my case, my grammar and editing. But still, we persist. Why? Because we like to write, we have stories inside us that we want to tell. These stories tell of love, betrayal, pain, anguish and yes, sometimes redemption, compassion and the ability to forgive that lots of rude feedback tend to dislike.

In this story, I am taking a little bit of a different spin. I want to try it from a different perspective, I am going to have our main character (MC) talking directly to the reader about his challenges, passions, betrayal, and recovery. So, I will speak to you for this story like we're breaking the fourth wall.

I will point out that while there are a few elements of me as a person here, our MC in the story is not me. The actions and experiences are different to my life; that story is still in progress. In this case, I am just using the perspective and my name 'John Other' as an exciting way to tell the tale.

I hope you enjoy "Writing as a Loving Wives Author."

[:::: Writing as a Loving Wives Author ::::]

I've been a fan of reading stories for years, one of the first books that I can recall as a kid is a book about a character called 'Grug'. He was an odd-looking non-human character that always came across as drab and grumpy, but the colours in the world around him were bright and cheery. Then, as I got older, I enjoyed the 'choose your own adventure' books. Later still, I found sci-fi, I loved the drama of epic space battles or the lengthy descriptions of technology that had no place in our modern society.

I've never read a bibliography, and I was not too fond of self-help books as all they did was give you a sentence or two about how the author's experience should be life-changing for you, then fork over more of your hard-earned dollars for the following change your life experience that still left you empty.

I was in my early twenties when I discovered Literotica. I found stories here with all of you, stories told in such vivid detail that I could not ignore them. There were romance stories of two people, or more, finding love. Non-human stories of love between humans and things that weren't. Even the taboo stories of incest that I loathe to admit to you, I read. I did enjoy the more romantic of them rather than the dark ones. In reading the stories here with all of you, I had found a guilty pleasure that was my secret. Sure, porn was good to beat off with, but it was instant gratification and didn't linger in my mind like a good story here on Literotica does. You unquestionably know what I mean.

There were only a few categories that I stayed away from, I wasn't into BDSM or gay erotica, and while I don't have anything against people who love that, it wasn't for me. The other category I avoided for some reason, was Loving Wives. For years the category of Loving Wives continued to taunt me as I looked through the new stories. For some reason, I felt that it was taboo for me, but unlike the secret thrill I got from reading a story about other more risqué topics, I just didn't read any Loving Wives tales.

I bet by now, some of you are now laughing at me. Not only am I a pervert and a deviant, but I am currently writing stories for the category that I avoided. So, what changed? Well, like so many of you that dutifully read here, leaving passionate comments on mine and other authors stories, my story is that of a woman, well, three women actually, that brought me to writing this tale.

Some of the fantastic Loving Wives authors write because they have a gift for the written word. They know how to spin a phrase, bringing the emotions inherent in the syllables of their words to life. I can tell you that I have spent many a time in their stories wanting to rage on behalf of the main character betrayed, cry at disaster as I commiserated with our MCs or feel my heart soar with delight as the MC triumphed over adversity, usually caused by a cheating spouse.

These authors, including SaddleTramp1956, Blackrandl1958, Vandemonium1, and others you will find in my favourites, are inspiring. Their stories are exceptional in their telling, so when I read something from them, I always know I am going to be on an emotional roller coaster, holding on for dear life, eagerly anticipating what's coming until I get to the end of the tale. Like all of you, when I'm done, I want the next story they have written.

For the rest of us, we are not as gifted in our words as these authors are, but we write anyway. We have deep-seated emotions that we don't know how to address, except to write. We have been hurt, sometimes by our own hands, other times, by those around us. But we write here because our pain and emotion align with this category of Loving Wives.

Myself these days, I write with the encouragement of my wife and my therapist. Unlike the great authors above, I am not an English literary genius. I passed English in high school, but it was never front of mind to me. I found school boring, I paid enough attention in class to pass overall, but I was always more interested in the girls than words.

Speaking of girls, my first girlfriend, Rachel, chased me in high school. She wanted to spend time with me because she thought I was cute and had a sense of humour. Rachel was a Chinese Aussie; she had an Australian father and a Chinese mother. Rachel had a beautiful brown skin tone that I adored and the tall slim build of her father. We only dated a month, never getting past holding hands or a quick kiss. Too shy and with awkward teenage hormones, we parted as friends.

On reflection, coming out of high school, I now understand that the tapestry of our past influences the stories we write or the comments we leave here on Literotica. But with each interaction in life or online, we all know it shapes us, giving us the emotional content to build our stories. So even those of you who leave nasty comments at the end of our stories because you don't like what we write. I recognise you also have your personal journey influencing your comments.

We know the Loving Wives category is full of betrayal; the stories published are often dark, bringing out both the pious and the evil in us. And I say this because writing as a Loving Wives author, you, my reader, know my betrayal is coming.

I suppose one of the reasons I have poor grammar is that I didn't go to university like many of my classmates. I didn't see the point of spending years of study to get an entry-level job in some firm when I could be gaining experience in the real world. As a result, I've been called some pretty vicious names in the comments of my stories and gotten some pretty nasty comments about what I write with my lack of punctuation. Still, I like to write stories, and as I learn to work with various editors, the final product is getting better, that is, as long as I don't rush it out too quickly (or post the wrong version as I did initially with this story😊).

But coming back to our narrative, as we all know, this category is often about betrayal and pain which keeps us all coming back to read the next story in the hope that it aligns with our experience or give us hope for the next step. For me, that came about around three years after leaving school. I worked for a software company doing support on their service desk, doing quite well as part of the team. I had also started dating a girl, Julie. She was a little shorter than most girls her age, Julie had a cute button nose, medium-length blond hair and pale blue eyes. Julie and I went to the same church. We were both part of the young adult crowd, built a friendship, and when I one day asked her out, she said yes.

You know what's imminent, well you should, this is a Loving Wives story...

It was a Friday night, I had gotten off work, headed home to change and was heading round to Julie's. Earlier in the week, we had arranged a date night. I was going to pick her up, and we'd head into town to have some fun. I got round to her house, finding the car of one of the other youth leaders from the church there. It wasn't unusual; we're a tight-knit group often around at each other's places. But as I walked up the path, I caught Julie and Scott through her front window, on her couch, making out. I was appalled as I saw Julie's hand down Scott's pants, in turn, he had his hand up her shirt and I could see her bra was on the couch beside her.

I did debate busting in, screaming at her, screaming at him, which often happens in our stories. But, when it came to Julie and me, that confrontation didn't happen. I just walked away, and in my pain, instead of heading home, I went straight to church. The pastor in charge of our young adults spent the next three hours consoling me.

The end result, I broke up with Julie without ever talking to her, then left that church not long after. Once what happened came out, both Julie and Scott were banned from any type of leadership. Julie only tried once to talk to me before I moved churches, but when one of my friends intercepted her, giving her the finger, telling her to 'fuck off' and never talk to John, that's me, or any of them again, she walked away crying.

Another thing we all love about Loving Wives stories is that little bit of revenge that makes us feel validated. I don't know what happened to Julie, but Scott copped it. You see, Julie and Scott were shamed into getting married within the year. I'm not sure by who, but one of my friends from that old church told me that a group of guys ended up stripping Scott naked and duct-taping him to a light pole at the top of the city mall on his buck's night. It even made the papers. Julie and Scott's marriage lasted less than two years before she was caught stepping out on him with a married guy.

It was Julie's betrayal that led me to read my first Loving Wives tale here on Literotica. I was feeling somewhat depressed and still a virgin. I had honestly thought Julie would be my first and was disappointed that it wasn't to be. But you know how it is, you browse the new stories page, the title or the quick summary catching your eye. For me, it was a story about a guy who came home to find his girlfriend, whom he was thinking of asking to marry him, in bed with his best friend. That stuck close enough to home, so I read the story having my first Loving Wives experience.

I loved the emotion; it felt like the author knew my pain and hurt. It was almost like they knew Julie and what she had done to me. I'm sure you have had a similar experience. After that, the Loving Wives category became one of my favourites; I spent more time reading awesome tales like "From the Ashes" and "You Can Go Home Again" to "500 Annies" and "Leave Me Breathless." In reading these stories, I felt like I had found a place of belonging. The pain of what Julie did, while still there, diminished somewhat.

Let's progress a couple of years. I am now thriving in my first business, a small consulting company with three staff along with yours truly. I had taken the punt to go out on my own, and within a few months, I had several people chasing me to help them out. As a new start-up, my costs were lower than anyone in the industry, and clients knew my quality was on par or better than the big guys.

During this time, I wasn't looking for romance; Julie's unfaithfulness still hurt. But I was here with all of you, enjoying reading stories. I spent my time on other sites for a bit of relief along with reading here when I met Karen. She was tall at six feet, with long brown hair and expressive brown eyes. She worked for a marketing firm that I visited for advertising my business. I was meeting with her manager, but Karen happened to be in the meeting as well. Cutting a long story short, two months later, we were dating. Not long after that, Karen relieved me of my virginity, and I must admit that I read a few more Romance and First-Time stories as I fell in love. Very quickly, Karen became my everything. I woke up thinking of her, went to bed seeing her face in my mind. A year later, we were married. I had thought we would be forever. Nope. Just another clueless chump.

It had only been six months of married bliss when Karen gave me the 'we need to talk' spiel. She had met someone else and wanted to split. Karen told me that she hadn't slept with him yet, wanting us to separate before she did. It turned out he worked for her company, and he spent months chasing my wife; even while we were engaged, keeping up his pursuit until she gave in. I was heartbroken, but what was I to do. Karen didn't want me, so we separated. The only good thing was that she got none of my business, as per our prenup that my company lawyer had insisted on, but she got half the marital assets, which went a little more in her favour than mine since I earned a little more than her. I did hear that both Karen and her paramour got in deep trouble, not because they got together, but because the company they worked for lost my business.

Throughout my divorce from Karen, I became angry. I got online anonymously blasting authors who made their characters willing cucks or wrote reconciliation stories. I wanted to see the cheaters pay, not obtain forgiveness. I was hurt because Karen was supposed to be my best friend but had left me for another man. It didn't matter that she was honest about it. I was hurting, and during that time to my shame, I left some nasty messages to some of the authors here. Was it the right thing to do? No way. You don't get paid if you're an author here on Literotica. You do it for the love of the written word and nothing else. Even the authors of stories I don't like, such as cuckold stories, they have taken the time and effort to write. Just because I disagree with the story's content doesn't mean that the author didn't put a lot of effort into what they wrote or it's a bad story. I've learned that you need to be upfront with your story tags so that readers know what you're going to give them.

As I calmed down in the months following the divorce, I sent private messages to a couple of authors against which I raged in my pain. I apologised profusely for my comments, even though they would never have known it was me in the first place if I hadn't said anything. But out of that, I got encouragement that I was never expecting. I started corresponding through email with a few authors here. Sure, a couple shut me down following my apology. Still, others responded with some of the most tender and kind-hearted responses I had ever experienced. They told me they understood my pain, and then one of them encouraged me to write it all down.

Since that time, I have spoken with so many of you, learning about your heartaches and struggles. I know I've laughed and cried with you over your messages. Some of you have loved my stories; some certainly haven't. Yeah, I get some of the anger behind the scenes of why some of you don't like what I write, but by now, you should all know my writing is honest. Writing for Loving Wives hurts from the experience of betrayal. So, like all of us authors, it aches when I get a negative comment because I wrote a topic that people didn't like, or I perhaps didn't give enough context in a scene. But no one should say that I don't always write from the heart.

You'll notice that I don't write willing cucks, and I like that my main character always comes out on top. My characters are successful; they recover from their betrayals by finding new love, often becoming successful business people. They take the opportunity to become more than they were before their betrayal. I write this way because when I was in the middle of my pain, thanks to Karen, I wanted to be my character, find love and win against the odds. From many people reading on this site, I know that you get where I am coming from. Not many of us like the feeling of a willing cuckold. And there are not many of us that want to see our main character lose. Usually, the more negative stories leave us disappointed and angry. So, when I started writing, I wrote about the pain that Karen caused. In some cases, I know it was a shared pain with all of you that when I write, I hoped would help more than just me.

Fast forward another year. I now have dozens of people working for me and a second start-up business growing out of a process I built within my initial business. I am successful, and I feel somewhat like one of the main characters in one of my stories. On the side, I heard that Karen had contracted an STD from her soulmate at work, so I sent her a get-well card with a big smiley face on it. It felt good; I was vindicated again, but I was now two for zero against the home team, so while I had money and somewhat of a good lifestyle, I didn't have anyone to share it with.

As you, my reader, know, I have continued to write stories, trying different angles. I've had some successes, a few failures, but I continue to write. I write at home in the evening, or on the weekends. I desired intimacy, love, and acceptance during this time, but I didn't want a one-night stand. I needed a real connection.

To that end, I think some of that longing came through one of my stories at least once. I had one of the readers that had followed me for years send me a message about how much my stories had helped them. They too had been cheated on, and we commiserated over email about the failures of our society. We expounded on how it was sad that commitment and fidelity never appeared with our partners. In the end, I found out that the reader was a lady who lived in the same town as me.

Then I was in a dilemma; you know, writing erotic fiction on the internet in your spare time is not something you walk around town shouting from the podium. But, likewise, you don't want your friends, or in my case, employees, to know that you love to turn a phrase about how a quivering member slowly eased its way into a moist love tunnel. You certainly don't want it discussed around the water cooler if this lady reader was connected to me in real life.

As I see it, part of the challenge of writing erotic stories is that as I work with some of the other authors and editors here on Literotica we end up building relationships by sharing minor details of our lives. I've never been shy about sharing where I live. And for the most part, no one would know who I am even though my name is part of my handle. I don't post my picture, but knowing a few little things about me, I believe, helps my editors make my stories better. With this lady reader, I had to fight against asking for more details than would be usually expected. However, we had exchanged more emails a week than I did with most of my staff when working on a project; I was curious about her but hesitant. I didn't know if it was a line I wanted to cross.

Once we knew we were in the same city, we spoke about places we had been to, favourite cafés, parks and other things, safe things, but topics that let us get to know more about each other without giving ourselves away. I must admit that I let my writing become lighter. I wrote less burning and more romance into my stories. Yeah, I know, many of you told me how pathetic I was, but honestly, I was falling an email at a time in love with this person without having met them or knowing what they looked like.