Wrong Number


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Jerry: "You're a naughty little pixie. You make it hard to focus."

WN: "Hard to focus - or just hard?"

Jerry: (no response)

WN: (Emoji: kissy-face)

-- Day 23 - 10:08pm --

WN: "Good night. I love you."

Jerry: "Good night, pixie."

WN: (Emoji: red heart)

-- Day 24 - 7:06am --

WN: "Good morning. I love you."

Jerry: "Good morning, pixie."

-- Day 24 - 1:07pm --

WN: (MMS: 30-second video-clip, looking down from above, at Pixie's navel & shorts, laying on the gym bleachers with her hand & wrist inside her shorts; students are playing a game in the background while Pixie is obviously fingering herself, moaning softly)

Jerry: (Emoji: skull)

-- Day 24 - 1:12pm --

WN: "Send me one back."

Jerry: "Not. Happening."

WN: (Emoji: pouting-face)

Jerry: (Emoji: kissy-face)

WN: (Emoji: red heart)

-- Day 24 - 10:14pm --

WN: "Good night. I love you."

Jerry: "Good night, pixie."

WN: "Did you touch yourself?"

Jerry: "Yes. You made me so horny I did it once at work and again when I got home."

WN: (Emoji: angel)

Jerry: (Emoji: ROFL)

WN: (Emoji: kissy-face)

-- Day 25 - 7:01am --

WN: "Good morning. I love you."

Jerry: "Good morning, pixie."

WN: "Take me out to dinner and then a movie? I'll give you a blowjob during the movie."

Jerry: "Not yet, pix."

WN: (Emoji: crying-face)

Jerry: (no response)

WN: (Emoji: clock)

Jerry: (Emoji: ROFL)

WN: (Emoji: kissy-face)

-- Day 25 - 1:02pm --

WN: (MMS: picture of a thumb and forefinger, rolling a stiff nipple between them)

-- Day 25 - 10:04pm --

WN: "Good night. I love you."

Jerry: "Good night, pixie."

-- Day 26 - 7:01am --

WN: "Good morning. I love you."

Jerry: "Good morning, pixie."

WN: "Jessi says that, if I can't talk you into meeting me soon, she'll tie you to the bed when you fall asleep so I can come over and give you my cherry on my own terms."

Jerry: (Emoji: skull)

WN: (Emoji: red heart)

-- Day 26 - 7:10am --

Jessica: "She's not lying. I'll do it."

Jerry: (no response)

-- Day 26 - 1:06pm --

WN: (MMS: picture of sultry puckered lips covered in cherry-red lipstick)

Jerry: (Emoji: kissy-face)

WN: (Emoji: red heart)

-- Day 26 - 10:02pm --

WN: "Good night. I love you."

Jerry: "Good night, pixie."

WN: "I'm coming by your house tomorrow after school to get my panties. They'd better be sticky or I'm going to rub myself off on your pillow."

Jerry: (Emoji: ROFL)

WN: (Emoji: kissy-face)

-- Day 27 - 6:57am --

WN: "Good morning. I love you. Are my panties ready?"

Jerry: "Good morning, pixie. No."

WN: (Emoji: devil)

-- Day 27 - 1:06pm --

WN: (MMS: picture of Pixie's naked crotch on Jerry's pillow which is wedged between her thighs)

Jerry: (Emoji: surprised-face)

WN: (Emoji: kissy-face)

Jerry: "You skipping school?"

WN: "I was horny. I couldn't wait. I'm leaving my panties here one more day. They'd better be ready for me tomorrow. Your pillow smells like pussy. You were warned."

-- Day 27 - 10:02pm --

WN: "Good night. I love you. Dream about me while you sniff my pussy juice tonight."

Jerry: "Good night, pixie."

WN: "Did you jizz my panties?"

Jerry: "Not yet."

WN: "You'd better remember in the morning.."

-- Day 28 - 7:01am --

WN: "Good morning. I love you."

Jerry: "Good morning, pixie."

WN: "Is my present ready?"

Jerry: "Not yet."

WN: (Emoji: devil)

-- Day 28 - 1:06pm --

WN: "You were warned."

[Ten minutes later, the office secretary slipped a folded note onto Jerry's desk with a wink. After she left, he opened the note so that the other people in the Zoom-meeting couldn't see what he was doing.]

"The doctor says I just started ovulating. She says now is our best chance. I'll be waiting when you get home. You're going to be busy all night."

[Four hours later, the secretary slipped him another folded note on her way out.]

"Good luck! Praying for happy news soon. It will be nice to see you smile again."

-- Day 28 - 5:10pm --

Jerry: "You're evil."

WN: "I'm ready to be your wife - and the mother of your babies. I need this and so do you."

Jerry: "You're the same age as my daughter."

WN: "She's already promised to love our babies."

Jerry: (no response)

-- Day 28 - 10:02pm --

WN: "Good night. I love you."

Jerry: "Good night, pixie. Your present is ready. It's on my nightstand."

WN: (Emoji: red heart)

Jerry: (Emoji: kissy-face)

WN: (Emoji: kissy-face)

-- Day 29 - 7:03am --

WN: "Good morning. I love you."

Jerry: "Good morning, pixie. What am I supposed to tell the secretary?"

WN: (Emoji: ROFL) "Tell her you gave it a shot."

Jerry: "You're horrible!"

WN: "Horrible?!"

Jerry: "You do bad things to me."

WN: "I'm going to make you cum so hard.."

Jerry: "Be good, pix. I have a lot of meetings today."

WN: (Emoji: devil) "Maybe."

Jerry: "Please?"

WN: (Emoji: kissy-face)

-- Day 29 - 3:26pm --

WN: (MMS: picture of Pixie rubbing the cum-soaked panties against her naked pussy in his makeshift bedroom)

Jerry: (no response)

-- Day 29 - 10:07pm --

WN: "Good night. I love you. Your cum tasted so good I had to try to get some inside me. I'm ready for the real thing."

Jerry: "Good night, pixie. Soon."

WN: "Promise?"

Jerry: "Yes."

WN: (Emoji: 2 red hearts)

Jerry: (Emoji: kissy-face)

WN: "I left one of my thongs in your nightstand drawer. Put it in your pocket and keep it with you until I can model it for you."

Jerry: "That's tiny."

WN: "You like it?"

Jerry: "Yes, naughty little pixie - but it doesn't smell like you."

WN: (Emoji: ROFL) "It will smell like both of us soon. You can nibble my clit through it while I'm riding your tongue and then I'll pull it to the side and skewer my cherry with your fuck-rod. It's going to be a hot, sticky mess when we're done."

Jerry: (Emoji: kissy-face)

WN: (Emoji: red heart)

-- Day 30 - 6:48am --

WN: "Good morning. I love you. Did you dream about me?"

Jerry: "Good morning, pixie. Yes. I woke up when I came in my shorts."

WN: "I want a taste."

Jerry: "Soon. BTW, the secretary wants to meet you."

WN: "Team Pixie FTW!"

Jerry: (Emoji: ROFL)

[Jerry arrived at work to find a folded note on his desk.]

"I know you're worried about how young she is but this is the first time I've seen you smile in forever."

"I like her spunk. I like her humor. I like her craftiness. I like her persistence. I like how you look 20 years younger - like a horny teenager - when you're reading one of her texts."

"We've worked together too many years for me not to be honest with you."

"You've been hurting long enough. Take a chance on being happy. Even if you're not ready to commit to a future yet, show her what love is and let her love you like she wants to."

"If you don't, you'll regret it forever."

[By the time he walked to her desk, she was already standing. She gave him a quick hug, dabbed his eyes with a Kleenex from her desk, fixed his tie, turned him towards his office, and swatted him on the ass.]

-- Day 30 - 8:26am --

Jerry: "I'm ready to meet her."

Jessica: (Emoji: red heart) "She loves you so much. I'll help babysit the kids."

Jerry: (Emoji: ROFL) "Can I meet her first - before we plan the wedding - and the kids?"

Jessica: (Emoji: red heart) "Yes. Tonight @ Joe's Pizza @ 6pm?"

Jerry: "Fine."

Jessica: (Emoji: red heart) "I'll drive you."

Jerry: "That's probably a good idea."

Jessica: (Emoji: red heart) "You'll be fine."

-- Day 30 - 8:30am --

WN: (Emoji: red heart x 3) "Can't wait!"

Jerry: (Emoji: kissy-face)


Switching to dialogue/story mode


Jessica and Jerry arrived at Joe's a little early.

They sat and chatted for several minutes.

In the moments of silence, Jerry alternated between trying to convince himself he was doing the right thing - and wondering what his wife - ex-wife - was doing.

He felt the blood rushing to his cheeks - first in lust - then in anger - then (looking at Jessica) - in embarrassment.

"This is crazy."

"You're not crazy."

"Your friend is. I need to get a hobby and she needs to find a nice boy your age."

"A hobby wouldn't make you happy; she will. She's been with several boys. They couldn't measure up to the image she has of you."

"How long has she been fixated on me?"

"Several years. Long enough to decide that she has to give this a try."

"See? Crazy."

"She was so excited to find out that - well - as ugly as this sounds - that mom wouldn't be standing in the way anymore."

Jerry just stared at his daughter.

"She's been frustrated and hurting because nothing else has worked out. Now she feels like Joan of Arc and this is her message from God."

"I'm no gift from heaven."

"She just wants to love you - is that so bad?"

"She'll end up hurt. I'm broken."

"I've dated a few boys.."


"Focus." She admonished. "Boys don't know how to love. At least not the boys from our school. They only care about themselves."

"Most guys only care about getting their dick wet."

"See - you're already more honest than anybody she - or I - have dated."

"When is she supposed to get here?"

"She usually rides with me - she may have had to walk."

Jerry looks at the entrance for the 100th time.

"Will you at least give her a chance?"

"I'm here, aren't I?"

"Yes.. and being negative. How is she going to respond when she appears and you start going off about this being a bad idea?"

"I'll behave."

"You'd better. I don't want you to fuck this up."

".. you don't have a problem with me having sex with your friend?"

"I've already seen pictures of my mother sucking my cousin's dick. I'm pretty sure I can handle my best friend having a shot at her man-crush - and my dad acting like he's human again."

"This is so weird."

".. and it'll probably get weirder. We'll get through it. Okay?"

"I guess." He sighed.

"I guess?!"


Jerry looked at the door again.

"Look at yourself."


"Either you're nervous or excited - because you can't stop looking at the door."


"So you're at least interested in this relationship."

"I guess."

Jessica just looked at him.


"Have you got another hottie lined up so you can get over mom and get back to the Land of the Living?"


".. and this girl that you've been sending naughty texts to - she excites you?"


"So.. You keep talking to her the way you have been. You keep letting her help you realize that you still have a lot of love left to give. You do that and it'll all be fine."

"I gues.." He caught himself. "Sorry!"

Jerry looked back to the entrance, realized what he was doing and looked back to Jessica, his cheeks flushing.

"I don't think she's driving herself over here. If you're that worried, you could try calling her.."

"You don't think she's driving?"


"Fine. I'll call - although I don't even know what she sounds like - we've only ever texted."

As Jerry picked up his phone, looked for the contact-entry, and hit the button to make the call, Jessica quietly laid a second cellphone on the table next to hers.

When he heard his phone start ringing, he looked up at his daughter. When he heard the phone on the table buzzing & chiming, he looked down at it.

Jessica picked up the ringing phone, hit the green button, looked into his hazel eyes, and said, "I love you."

Jerry sat there, speechless, for what seemed like forever.

Finally, Jessica disconnected the call and laid the second phone down next to her own.

He was still holding his phone to his ear - his brain only starting to put the pieces together.





Jerry's mind raced back over the last month.

"All this time?"


His mind leapt forward to the girl he was here to meet - and why.

"Jessica, baby, we can't.."

"We can and we will." She said, firmly.

His mind started turning in on itself.

Guilt was replacing the anxiety.

"What have I done?!"

She looked at him and waited until he looked back at her.

"Do you love me?" She asked simply.

"More than anything."

".. and I love you."

".. but baby.." He pleaded.

"Have you fallen in love with your twisted, naughty sexting, little girlfriend?"

The image of the Spandex volleyball shorts flew into his mind.

".. but Jessica.."

"Yes or no?"

"There is a fire inside of me that I was sure died a long time ago." He admitted.

"So, what's the problem?"


"Do you feel alive again?"

He thought of those pert little nipples.


"Do you want to be with her?"

He thought of the teasing - and his swollen balls.


"Do you want to hold her and be held by her?"

He felt the emptiness inside.


"Do you want to be the one to make her a woman?"

He thought of that intoxicating camel-toe.. and those cherry-red lips.


"Yes or no?"

He went back to believing his pixie and his daughter were two different people.

"She's so fiery, so exhilarating, so breath-taking, how could I not want that?"

"You love her?"

He thought of how he anticipated her tempestuous PE-class texts.

"I think so.."


(no response)



"Your fiery temptress - she is me - and I love you too. I just want to show you how much."

The image of the landing-strip appeared in his mind.

".. the blonde pubic hair?"

She smirked.

"Bleached - to throw you off."


"You can put on a blindfold, if you have to, and you can imagine me/her just the way you have these last few weeks. She - and I - will show you what it means to be loved again and you can show me - and her - how much you love us."


"When the house sells, we'll find a place just for us - with enough room for a couple kids."


She captured his eyes with her own again.

"Do you love me?"


"Will you leave me?"


She looked into his face with all the determination she could muster.

"Then I will eventually get what I want." She went on, "Like your little girlfriend told you before, I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer."

She slipped her left foot out of her flip-flop and reached it under the table to rest on his hard-on.

His eyebrows shot up at her touch.

"At least part of you is being honest."

"Jessica..", he pleaded.

Against his will, his eyes dropped to the points her nipples were making in her T-shirt. He yanked his focus from his daughter's cute, little tits back up to her eyes. Those eyes were full of fire - lust and will.

"Without knowing it was me, you've lusted after my pussy, you've drooled over my nipples, fantasized about my lips, had a wet dream about me, sniffed my cum, and jerked yourself off all over my panties."


"You are a fly - caught in my web - and I intend to devour you."

She delivered the next line as her foot stroked his stiff cock.

"First, I'm going to ride your cock while you make me your wife - a true wife - who loves you more than the whole world - then we'll cuddle & kiss until we've recovered - and then you're gonna throw your naughty, little pixie on the bed and fuck the loving shit out of that dirty slut like she deserves."

"Oh, Baby..", he moaned.

She put her foot back in her flip-flop and leaned close.

".. and.. on the way home, I'm going to take all my clothes off, pull your dick out of your pants, and finger-fuck my sloppy slit while I suck all of the fuck-juice out of your baby-maker."

"Holy fuck!"

"I love you, daddy. Let's go home."

Jessica threw a ten-dollar bill on the table - to cover the drinks they'd had, grabbed her phones, and headed for the exit.

Jerry tried to shove his hard-on down, gave up, grabbed his phone, and followed his little girl out of the restaurant.

As they were approaching the car, she was already taking clothes off.


"You'd better unlock it and get your horny ass behind the wheel or we're going to do it right here - with spectators. It doesn't make any difference to me."

She could feel the eyes of several people following her as she stopped walking long enough to shed her pants.


She was down to her bra and panties.

He got the car unlocked and headed for the driver's seat.

The onlookers shrugged their shoulders and headed back on their way once she was in the car and the door had closed.

A few of the closer ones had gotten a glimpse of her naked, little ass before she tossed her flip-flops into the floorboard, threw her clothes on top of them, and crawled onto the passenger seat.

She had his dick out - as promised - before he could get the car out of the parking lot.

He made it less than a half-mile before he gave up on trying to drive and pulled into a used-car lot.

No sooner had he put the car in park than two salesmen headed his way.

The first one got to his window, looked at his face, then looked at his lap, gave him a thumbs-up, and headed to intercept the other guy.

They each gave Jerry a wave as they turned and walked back to the office.

Jerry tried to find the lever to lean his seat back a little but gave up - his brain just wouldn't focus under the onslaught his dick was enduring.

His - very - not-daughterly daughter was hot - hot and naked - hot, naked, and sucking the shit out of his cock.

He pushed her hair out of her eyes.

"Jess-" The plea was equal parts of "stop" and "don't stop".

She stopped sucking him long enough to say, "It's Pixie."

She continued, "Now finger me. Make me cum while I suck all of the jizz out of this thing."

Jessica went back to sucking his dick, fucking his dick with her mouth, and rolling her tongue around his cock-head.

She was laying on her right side - almost on her back. Her right hand was helping pull & push her head into position to work her magic. Her left hand - or fingers - were buried in her snatch.

He grabbed her wrist, pulled her hand to his face, and sucked her fingers into his mouth.

Jessica nearly gagged as his dick felt like it doubled in size.

Jerry grabbed her sticky hand with is left and sent his right searching for a banjo to fiddle.

He didn't find a banjo but he found his daughter's sloppy clit and he strummed it for all he was worth.

Her body convulsed, his balls tightened, and he warned her that the end was near.


She lightly used her teeth to gnaw on the head of his cock and sucked hard.

All of the breath left his lungs - and all the semen in his body launched towards her beautiful mouth - the nasty, little, beautiful mouth that used to belong to his daughter and now belonged to his lover.

She swallowed most of it.

A little splashed down her neck and chest. She stole her fingers back from his mouth and started rubbing it into her tits & nipples, moaning.

She opened her mouth, showed him the dregs of his load on her tongue, and then swallowed it down.

She climbed up his body into his lap - with his fingers still buried in her pussy - pulled his face to hers and kissed him like he hadn't been kissed in decades.