Year-The Future (The Beginning)

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The Beginning.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 11/06/2011
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Luan Nyla Ailis frowned as she held the lifeless limp body of the five year old in her crouched embrace, this wasn't the first time for the young woman; Luan was only 22 and yet she had seen more death then some of the oldest war veterans. Luan wasn't positive what year it was though the destruction told her awestruck mind that something had hit the town of Mattison extremely hard... the word extreme didn't even begin describing what had befallen the woman's hometown.

Luan was just an ordinary girl back in 2009, friends, family, a senior in high school with a steady boyfriend, and a brand new Mercedes Benz for her 18th birthday. Luan's family history had been one of wealthy noblemen who openly and honestly shared all of their inherited riches with those who weren't so fortunate, her father owned a successful hunting/armory company; while Luan's mother ran a jewelry/tattoo parlor.

Luan's parents inherited their money and heirlooms true but the couple decided to continue with the motto of 'live long, laugh often, and work for all that you have'. The Ailis' outward appearance denoted much finery and splendor, yet the internal family affairs were that of a middle class status, they lived truthfully and honorably; earning all that they had in life. Luan had had a spectacular senior year and graduated from high school in 2010, meanwhile her twin younger brothers, Ethan and Marcus were pumped up to begin high school the following year. Luan knew why her parents' had chosen her name, they had hand picked her name because of its significance, by origin the Ailis' were Scottish and so Luan Nyla Ailis in Gaelic meant; Warrior- Champion- Of Noble Kind.

What prompted Mr. and Mrs. Ailis' to deem their eldest daughter with such a title, Luan had not a clue but knowing the family took much pride in the significance of names, the recent graduate had learned to take personal pride in the beauty of her naming, instead of forming a severe dislike for it Luan chose to embrace it. Her boyfriend, Daire Max Carlton, had devoted himself to Luan since they had become friends in sixth grade, the pair finally began a more intimate relationship during their Sophomore year at his parents' prompting. Daire was a very good hearted young gentleman, he had fallen in love with Luan from the moment that they had laid eyes on each other and once both families had agreed to his courting Luan; she became his priority in every way.

Luan was just as thrilled to be able to open up her heart and trust someone who truly cared for her, she knew that Daire was her's from the moment that they had shared their first kiss. But once Daire and Luan had shared a bed together, the problems started, the relationship didn't change it was Luna that began to sense something working its way threw her body. This sensation, this feeling had begun to blossom the moment that she and Daire had consummated their love, the feeling wasn't fuzzy or slow in it's undeniable dispersion. Luan couldn't find the words to describe what was happening to her, she did her best to translate to Daire at the time it was occurring. It wasn't harmful or painful the feeling had started in her sub-conscience and rather quickly worked it's way from the very depths of her mind to the rest of her body.

Once the sensation had dissipated to Luan every tiny thing about her being seemed to be hypersensitive to everything that surrounded her. She could hear every conversation that was happening in every household for three miles in all directions, including her own, she heard Daire's soothing curious words as if they were amplified, she could tell where a spider was busy making a new web in the basement corner. Luan inhaled slowly, trying to remain focused as it all struck her nearly speechless. The young woman felt each spec of dust in the air as it landed on the skin of her fingertips, her neck was warmed by the small desk lamp that was on the opposite wall of her bedroom, the hair on her back raised with the emotions that charged the air between herself and Daire.

Daire simply watched his love, he monitored her breathing and her pulse knowing that alerting her parents' would only cause something bad to happen. He hitched a breathe as Luan's eyes zeroed in on his own, they seemed to shimmer with a metallic coating which enhanced her deep green eyes. They had been laying in her bed, naked beneath the covers just holding each other after their first time of making love, then suddenly Luan had sat up as calm as ever yet her body trembled slightly and she had begun telling him what was happening within her body in a hushed voice. Daire wasn't a believer in supernatural powers like bat-man or the X-men characters, but he did believe in super-humans, and if that meant things like the X-men were real then what was happening to his beloved girlfriend was the real deal.

Luan's heart rate was normal and her entire demeanor was very still as she looked into Daire's gaze, the boy ran his eyes over her checking the rest of her body for any signs of fatigue or injury, nothing seemed wrong but on his way back up he saw that her nipples were points of desire and her skin was slightly flushed with internal heat. She hadn't spoken in a whole two minutes, yet Daire's nostrils flared as he caught the lovely sweet scent that came from the very core of her womanhood; that now familiar taste that made him grow instantly hard with his own desire.

"Daire, I can... I mean- I think I can feel you- I feel your love, your desire for me, I feel your heartbeat, your trembling anticipation, your thoughts as they give way to emotions..." as she spoke Luan began to trace Daire's face with her fingertips while ran his hands lovingly and calmly down her sides, over her thighs, encircling her beautiful breasts... "the way your skin warms with the heat of my touch, the zing of love and arousal that floats on the air currents. Do you feel anything that I'm describing to you?"

"Yes I do feel what you describe, but I don't think I'm feeling it as deeply as you are, mentally, emotionally or psychologically."

"Do you think I'm crazy?"

"No, never Luan, I think something very unique has just happened to you, to us."


"I'm not sure sweetheart, but I want to be apart of it, I want to be with you every step of the way, if that is what you wish of me." murmured Daire as he moved in to layer gentle kisses over her lovely face.

"Yes Daire, I want you to be with me, always." whispered Luan.

"What do you think it is, baby?"

"I'm not sure but it feels like-well-maybe it's something like Empath. Like in the X-man films."

"That was what I was thinking as well sweetheart. What would you like to do now?" asked Daire, he pulled back slightly to get a good look at his beloved. Her eyes had stayed that metallic green, which was kind of freaky and hypnotic all at the same time.

"I want to find out what has happened to me, maybe see if any one else has had this happen in my family, and if it has, go searching for any others' that may have what I have or something different." answered Luan decidedly.

"Alright then, let's go." Daire had started to get up but Luan gently stopped him.

"What, not now silly, it's 10:30 at night." giggled Luan as she tugged him back onto the bed, playfully climbing atop his lengthy muscular body. He wasn't the macho buff kind of guy, he was a cross country runner, he also did gymnastics so he had a lean body that was toned and well proportioned, his messy toffy colored hair complimented his bright hazel eyes, as he stared up at Luan.

"You're laughing at me aren't you!" exclaimed Luan in feigned dismay as he cracked a goofy smile, the kind that she loved to see, his intelligent eyes only added charm to such a grin.

"Am not, you're just so damn beautiful that's all... just look at you, perched up there as if you own the world." said Daire in an admiring tone as his eyes looked her over.

"Well thank you very much, I do enjoy this thrown of mine." purred Luan as she wiggled her hips, effectively brushing her most private parts against his own very ready member.

Over the course of the following year Luan and Daire discovered that there was a long line of Empathic abilities within the Ailis family, in a wide variety of strengths. Meanwhile Luan was gearing up to go to college in Florida, and Daire was staying in Mattison to attend the local community college. There were more then two odd things about Luan's immediate family, aside from her parents' both owning two very strange businesses, her mother was an empath as well but not a very attuned ability as Luan's; mother and daughter became much closer over the summer. Luan hung out at her mother's shop during the day learning valuable history as well as earning a few tattoos, acquiring a rather exotic taste in style and manner, and she took a weapons firing class at night in her father's personal firing range.

Daire was there with Luan most of the time learning right alongside her as he had promised, while Luan would describe all that she would sense, audibly, visually, tactilely to him. The couple were even closer then before, both learning every moment of everyday about each other's thoughts and feelings. Daire moved into the Ailis' for the summertime, paying them a small rent from his part-time job as a gymnastics teacher's assistant, and Luan worked the weekends at the local bar; Roy's Club N' Bar serving drinks. Daire and Luan made love every night that was available for themselves. As the summer dwindled into autumn, the Country wasn't getting any better, the stock market wasn't gaining like the claims had stated, and everyone seemed to be on edge as if something unknown was about to strike. Technology was not just in it's blueprint stages any longer, advances such as 3D t.v. soon became 3D everything, Hovercraft Tech. Corp. or H.T.C. burst onto the public scene on March 13, 2011.

Weapons advancement was the scariest when the CNN News revealed it's discovery, micro machines harboring some of the most deadly plagues known to mankind, were being considered by the United States government as a source of combating terrorism or any other foreign powers that meant the U.S.A. harm. Meanwhile Space science was still working on inhabiting Mars, just as sustainable ways to begin life on the moon made major breakthroughs in the scientific community. Medical science were developing fantastic ways to repair the human body, including the mind, heart, and eyes. While some more daring doctors were attempting to find a way to keep people younger, in mind, body, and spirit. Super-human abilities quickly became exposed to the rest of the world, once some asshole wanting fame and glory decided to leak it to the Press. A completely new era had begun with that singular exposed fact, science immediately tried to duplicate these pure natural occurring abilities, all attempts failing until the President passed the 'Mutant Search & Research Bill', or MSR. The bill only stating what the science community could take, instead of making preventions and protections for this "New Class" of people, it did the exact opposite.

Life hummed as normal, yet Luan couldn't ignore the ever increasing waves of dread and deep depression that continuously washed over her entire being, now that she had control over her newly developed abilities the young college student could typically filter through the onslaught of emotional and mental turmoil.

"How do you feel tonight sweetheart? I miss you so much Luan." Daire's voice sounded over Luan's cellular earpiece. Cellphones had phased out completely by the end of May 2011, now the cellphone was a small in-ear device that was the size of a triple AAA battery available to the entire public for one yearly payment of $45.00 to H.T.C. Texting had all but vanished when H.T.C. had developed a way to simply make 3D projections of the caller to caller basis using the newly worshipped, N'Ear Cell.

"The darkness is coming more often Daire, it makes me terrified to not know what the hell it is. On the surface society seems to be going as normal but beneath it all- I-I just don't know... things are going way too fast and with the MSR in place, none of my kind will ever have a "normal life" again." Luan admitted. She was doing her Naked Yoga in her dorm room, it was 7:30 p.m. and she was nervously relaxed. Talking to Daire always helped sooth her yet tonight was different.

"God Luan I had no idea it was that bad..." Daire gave a sigh, he had become very sensitive to Luan's "Sensitivity" as the family chose to call it, and he could feel her anxiousness and worry, the tone of her voice told him that there was more going on then she wanted to share immediately..."Luan Ailis what's really wrong, you know I am tuned to your body sweetheart, please share with me?" asked Daire gently. It had been a year since Luan had left for college, and since that time the pair had longed for one another as well as make provisions for the Ailis and the Carlton's underground, in case of an immediate endangerment of the families on the surface.

"I've been getting loads of pressure from the professors and the science geeks here at school, being that I'm the only MSR "creature" here on campus. Yet the only thing that keeps them from dragging me down to the basement to run experiments on me is because I'm a student, therefore I'm technically protected by law." Luan said as she easily shifted from her froggy headstand to the lotus position.

"WHAT! Oh no, no, no, no this will not happen. I'm coming to get you right now Luan." growled Daire, his blood boiled and his heart beat with fear and anger at anyone who might even dream of harming what was his. Luan shivered at the shock wave of emotions coming from her lover, his undeniable urge to protect her was like being hit by lightening. She felt him as he moved swiftly and determined, his money, ID, passport, handguns, and utility belt. A small pack of items for herself, knives, handguns, tampons, change of clothes, necklace, a few chains of various sizes. He had everything and was out the front door in less then ten minutes.

"Daire I'll be fine-I..."

"What motor do you want me to take?" the man interrupted.

"My Yamaha take it, it'll be the fastest, and it's far more powerful then any of that hovercraft tech." Luan said rather seriously as she also began to catch his emotional charges, they screamed a warning to her, to get away, she wished that things were back to the way they were. No segregation, no tests, no murders or MSR hunts; things had changed so fast. It's as if the entire world had turned to hell over night.

"Where will you be?" muttered Daire, Luan heard him start the motorcycle, the engine roared then hummed beautifully, he mounted.

"Meet me at the county line, there's an old castle church." answered Luan.

"I'm on my way."-Click.

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EgyptsGoddessEgyptsGoddessover 12 years agoAuthor

Thanks so much. Yes I agree I have many minor typos and grammar mistakes, but story content etc etc is most important to me. I've already submitted the second half of this, so it should show up soon. I'm actually still writing this so hearing feed back good or bad is vital to me actually being motivated to finish this piece. Thanks so much for reading. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

aside from a few minor typos , NOT BAD ! further development is warrented here.

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