Yearning Hearts Ch. 06


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Thomas cocked his head and studied Jonathan's face knowingly. It was very clear that Jonathan only had one thing in mind in that moment but he didn't want to make it so easy for him. "What is it?" He asked cluelessly.

"So you and Charley been doing some more shopping, huh? "

He wrapped his arms around Jonathan's waist as he stared up at him. "Well online shopping is a lot less nerve wracking than going to a store to pick out sexy underwear." He laughed softly. "And I think she enjoys shopping for that stuff more than I do. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love love love..." he laughed some more when Jonathan raised his eyebrows flirtily. "...I love dressing sexy for you, even though I know you'll just rip them apart like you did the other night."

"Uhhh...not sorry about that I'm afraid, but I'll try my best to be a gentleman next time." Looking into those eyes, staring at those lips, holding him so close, Jonathan never knew of a better sight.

"Well what if I told you that I absolutely love your primal nature?"

"Then I say it's my pleasure to satisfy whatever your beautiful heart, body, mind and soul desire."



"So that means you'd be ok if I said...I want to fuck you?" Thomas expected Jonathan to be laughing hysterically at that or shaking his head terrifyingly but he just stood there motionless and totally unreadable. When Jonathan met his eyes, he seemed distant like he was in deep thought and he didn't like that, especially when he didn't mean a word of what he said. "Ethan?" he stroked Jonathan's cheek as he tried to get him to snap out of whatever world he was in presently. "You know I didn't mean that right?"

"Um..." Jonathan hummed then cleared his throat. "I've been thinking about that actually."

"There's nothing to think about; I just said I didn't mean it." Thomas tried to convince. "I don't want to and I don't have to be a genius or know what it's like to be with another man to know that that's not your thing. The amazing thing about what we have is that we know what makes the other person click. I know you, I know what you want and I know what you like and don't like. I'd never ask you to do something you don't want to do. I'm sorry." He was honestly starting to panic immensely on the inside. He never wanted anything to cause a wedge between them and he feared that that was exactly what was happening. Right then Jonathan gave him a smile then pulled him towards the bed where he sat and pulled him to sit on his lap.

"Do you have any idea how much I mean it when I say I'd do anything for you?" Jonathan asked as he stroked Thomas' chin.

"Yes." Thomas answered with his eyes downcast. He didn't want to look at him.

"I know you were joking but I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about sharing that part of me with you." He tilted Thomas' head towards him to make sure he knew that he truly meant what he was telling him. "I need you to hear me on this. I love so fucking much. You're my whole world. My life is finally complete because of you and yeah, you're right, it's not my thing; I've never had the desire to go that route before, but then again, I did promise that I'd do anything for you. Come on talk to me." Jonathan thought he was doing a good job of convincing Thomas but all he saw was guilt and uncertainty.

Thomas kicked off his shoes then sat and straddled Jonathan's thighs. As Jonathan held on to his waist, he placed his hands on either sides of his neck and kissed him softly and deeply. "I never want to lose this profound connection that we have. Never in my life have I felt this way about someone; I don't want to lose that, ever." He ran his thumb along Jonathan's bottom lip and stared into his eyes deeply.

"Just like you, I've thought about it but it's not something that I feel like I'm missing out on. I know it may seem strange that I'm perfectly happy keeping things the way they are especially when I've only been used to doing it one way my whole life, but I am." He looked at Jonathan with soulful eyes then lowered his voice as soft and seductively convincing as he possibly could. "Honestly, nothing feels better than surrendering completely to you. I love when you make me feel so vulnerable that it brings actual tears to my eyes. I love how perfectly our bodies fit together when we're making love." He laughed softly as he bit on the corner of his bottom lip. "I even love it when you pick me up like a chick."

Jonathan chuckled and held on to Thomas' waist even firmer. "Like a chick, huh?"

"Whatever, my point is, never in a million years would I have thought that I'd want something like that, but here I am with the love of my life, the only person who owns me entirely. I don't give a fuck about roles, stereotypes or fucking labels when it comes to us. I don't need to fuck you to know how much you love me. Looking into your eyes tells me all I need to know; I'm your world as much as you're mine." With his forehead pressed to Jonathan's he rubbed their noses together then kissed him lightly on the lips. "And like I said before, I really don't give a fuck about labels but I happen to enjoy being a "bottom"... he air quoted. "...for you that is."

Jonathan tried his best to keep that straight face but the way Thomas quoted the word bottom was beyond hilarious.

"You know what, fuck you."

"I'm sorry, I already offered." Before Thomas had a chance to shove him on the chest, Jonathan rolled them over and settled between his legs. "But just know that the offer is still on the table if..."

"I won't." Thomas pressed his forefinger to Jonathan's lips then pulled his shirt over his head.

"But if you do..." Jonathan tried to offer again but Thomas pulled him down aggressively and crushed their mouths together. He definitely had no complaints there. Nothing was going to stop him now. He was finally going to see a full view of that jock strap and test it out. As he slipped his joggers and boxers together over his hips to release his aching cock and blue balls, the door knob started twisting.

"Why is the door locked? Are you guys fucking right now?" They heard the muffling sound outside the door. It could only be one person.

"Patrick." They both groaned frustratingly and simultaneously. Patrick was known for not having a filter but they just hoped that Belle was nowhere nearby, or God forbid Jonathan's parents.

"Can we pick this back up later?" Thomas bit on Jonathan's lip lightly and pulled his boxer briefs up then Joggers. "I'll try to convince Belle to sleep with the twins tonight."

Jonathan knew Thomas was trying to ease his mind but truth be told, they both knew Belle wasn't going to sleep anywhere else but between them. She was used to staying at the Donavon's home from time to time but it wasn't as familiar or comforting as sleeping in her own bed. As for continuing later, well, there was no way anyone was having sex later on after Juliette's massive Thanksgiving dinner. After Thomas' rule of no sex while there, he honestly thought he'd be able to cop a feel in the middle of the night, followed by a quick ten minutes of slow intense thrusting. He could guarantee he wouldn't need any more time than that; he was that desperate.

When Patrick started pounding the door again he almost lost it but Thomas stopped him by laying him flat on his back and straddled his thighs.

"Breathe." Thomas told him softly. He wanted to laugh so badly but he didn't want to seem insensitive. It was way too hilarious with the way Jonathan's face was scrunched up in discomfort, plus he really looked like he wanted to beat the shit out of Patrick. He knew Jonathan was really horny but having his brother outside their room pounding on it wasn't exactly a turn on. The only way he could think of to stunt Jonathan's little, or rather big problem was to divert his interest towards something else.

Jonathan threw his arm across his eyes as he spoke in a low, strained tone. "I'm gonna kill him. I'm seriously gonna kill him."

It was hard to keep a straight face especially when Jonathan was wearing that pitiful/ frustrated expression. Thomas thought it was so adorable but he doubted that Jonathan was feeling warm and fuzzy in that moment. He understood perfectly what Jonathan was feeling but that didn't mean he still didn't find it freaking hilarious. "Calm down, you're not killing anyone. We promised him a game, didn't we?"

"I didn't promise him shit. He's threatened by a kid for fuck's sake."

Thomas chuckled, "Ok, first of all, Jack is an asshole and he's having a ball getting under Pat's skin." He noticed that Jonathan was completely spaced out again. His eyes were transfixed on where both their groins met. No doubt that he was thinking about extracting those clothing barriers. "Ok, get up." Thomas ordered Jonathan to sit on the edge of the bed then began massaging his shoulders. He was definitely tense.

When Patrick started knocking and hollering again, Thomas was almost tempted to go out there himself and kick his ass. He took a few deep breaths then spoke. "Pat give us a sec, we'll be down in a minute." After that he didn't hear any more knocking so he focused on getting Jonathan relaxed. "Better?"

"Mmhm, you have magic hands." Jonathan moaned dazedly.

Thomas chuckled then kissed the side of Jonathan's neck. "Thank you, but as much as I'd love to do this much longer, our presence are much needed downstairs and quite frankly I can't wait to kick your ass."

"Now who said anything about you winning; we both know I'm better at basketball than you are."

Jonathan was right; it was practically a no-brainer. Thomas' five nine to Jonathan's six four, Jonathan clearly had the upper hand; literally. Thomas paused the movement of his hands, leaned forward, pressed his lips to Jonathan's ear then whispered oh so enticingly. "While that may be true my darling fiancé, that was long before I knew what your weakness was."

"And what might that be?" Jonathan asked confidently.

"Not what, who." He tilted Jonathan's head to the side so he could meet his eyes the added, "And who is that?"

Jonathan took a huge gulp when he met Thomas' eyes. As if under a trance, he slowly felt himself whispering. "You."

"What was that? I didn't hear you."

"It's you."

"Smart man." Thomas smiled giddily then got up then pulled Jonathan to stand.

"What just happened?" Jonathan wondered as he followed Thomas out the door.


Thomas stood before the mirror holding up both his red and blue shirt to his body alternately. He was having a hard time deciding which shirt to wear to dinner. "Babe, which one?" He asked Jonathan who was already dressed and waiting on the sofa with his eyes fixed on his tablet. He couldn't tell if Jonathan was working or just browsing but that's where his attention has been for the past twenty minutes.

"Hmm?" Jonathan looked up at Thomas, unsure of what he had said.

Thomas took a long look at him then asked, "Everything alright?"

"Yeah of course; who wouldn't be after that killer blow in the shower?"

Thomas walked over to the sofa smiling then shrugged his shoulders. "I just thought that you might need something to lift your spirits after I slayed your so-called skills out on the court."

"Well you cheated so..."

"Thomas scoffed. "That's baloney, how did I cheat?"

"You were flirting with me, which is not allowed might I add. That was cheating."

"I did not," Thomas defended. "You just need to accept that you lost today mister, fair and square."

"Ok, but so you know, if I was going to lose to anyone, it's you. Now come here." Jonathan pulled him to sit across his lap as he pulled up something on his tablet.

"But I have to finish getting dressed."

"It'll just be a second, I promise. I just need your quick expertise on something for a friend."

"What friend?" Thomas wondered as he ran his hand over Jonathan's hair.

"John." When Thomas raised his brows questionably, he explained further. "You know, John from HR."

"Oh ok cool, but what do you need?"

"He wants to surprise his wife with a house but he's kinda stuck. He's narrowed it down to five potentials but he asked me my take on what might be great for raising a family. I tried but I'm just as clueless, so I told him that I'd ask you."

"But that's what agents are for though. Doesn't he have one or..."

"He does but he just met the guy so he doesn't really trust him to make a decision like that for him, you know?"

"I mean, I don't know who thinks it's a good idea to surprise anyone with a house, but ok, let me take a look." As Thomas carefully observed the digital tour of the houses, he recalled how he truly loved real estate. One of the most satisfying parts about it was helping families finding their dream homes; it was an amazing feeling. Maybe he didn't have to walk away from real estate completely. "These look amazing but it'd easier if I knew what she likes, it's kinda hard to choose something for someone I don't know. I mean, does she prefer something traditional, modern, in between?"

"I think John mentioned something the other day and I was saying that you like a lot of the same things, so just tell me what you find interesting then we'll go from there."

After scrolling through the first four with moderate appreciation, the fifth one really got his attention. It was beyond perfect, for him that is. He knew he should be looking at it from a professional stand point but he couldn't help but feel an instant connection to that one house. If he ever thought about having a dream home, that would definitely be it. He could definitely see himself and Jonathan there, raising a family; it was beyond spectacular. "Oh my God." He murmured completely amazed.

"Like it?" Jonathan asked smiling at him adoringly.

Thomas virtually scoffed at that insult. "Like? It's fucking gorgeous. This is a masterpiece; I mean, look at those high ceilings, the floors. The master is beautiful and oh my God that view. It's very modern and somewhat sexy but it's still perfect for a family, you know. I would probably redo that décor, add some more landscaping and make that massive pool two sizes smaller and add some more grass in the backyard but otherwise it's perfect."

"So if it was you, you'd be happy living here?"

"It's not like it's ours, but yeah, this would be an absolute dream to live in." Thomas answered truthfully without tearing his eyes from the screen. He was still transfixed on the whole layout of the house. It appeared to be close to seven thousand square feet and being as they both liked being outside of the crazy city scene, the location looked perfect.

"Then it's yours if you want it."

Thomas took a look at Jonathan then lent his attention back to the screen. 'No way,' he thought to himself. "Babe, don't joke about stuff like that." He was already happier than he could've ever imagined but there was no way someone's life could be that perfect.

Right then Jonathan took the tablet from Thomas and tilted his chin so that they truly saw each other. "I mean it; this house is yours...ours if you want it. John didn't ask me to do anything and quite frankly if he did, I'd probably tell him to fuck off. I know you, remember? I know you'd be happy living in the penthouse but that's not what you want and there's no way I'd let us raise a family in a place where our kids wouldn't be able to truly be kids."

Thomas didn't understand what was going on. It felt like his mind was processing a thousand things all at once. His heart was racing like crazy and he could feel himself starting to get emotional but he didn't want to make a fool out of himself thinking that something as amazing as that was happening to him when in fact it wasn't. He moved to straddle Jonathan, placed his hands on either sides of his neck then whispered, "What are you saying?"

Jonathan laughed softly looking up at Thomas' confused expression. "I'm saying that you are my whole life and I want nothing but forever with you. I'm saying that I can't wait to marry you, to call you my husband. I want everything you want Thomas; everything that makes you happy makes me happy. I've never wanted marriage or kids or a house but somehow over the course of ten years since having you in my life, those are the only things I dream about, you made that possible baby. I want to give you everything you want and deserve. Just say the word and this house is yours or we can keep looking at other stuff if you..."

"I want it!" Thomas replied a little louder than he intended but he didn't care. "I want it." He wiped under his eyes then pressed his lips to Jonathan's. "I want it."

"Jonathan chuckled. "Ok then, sold."

"Oh my God, what just happened? Is this real? You really want this?"

Jonathan laughed deeply. "Yes, it's very real and yes, I absolutely, completely and wholeheartedly want this, with you."

Thomas literally couldn't believe what was happening. Something he never saw being a possibility was now being handed to him just like that. He already did the marriage with a kid and the house, the whole nine yards. He wasn't not happy with Marian; it never even crossed his mind that he might want something more, but somehow being with Jonathan showed him what true happiness really means. Everything he could've possibly dreamt of; he had it all now and more, because of Jonathan.

With his hands still cradling Jonathan's neck, he looked at his finger where his ring was then back at Jonathan. "Will you always want me like this? I mean, everything between us is next to perfect now, but what if ten years down the line I get a little heavier and start farting in my sleep, are you gonna leave me?"

Jonathan cocked his head to the side as if considering something then whispered, "News flash hon, you already fart in your sleep." He threw his head back and lost it in a fit of laughter when Thomas threw him an astonished mortified look.

"That's not funny." Thomas groaned miserably with an annoyed sulk. I don't do that, do I?" he desperately wanted to know.

Before giving a response, Jonathan tipped his chin up in request for a kiss from Thomas. Thomas was still sulking but he kissed him anyway. "You're so damn cute, and no, you don't fart in your sleep; except for that night after we made up back at the beach house. When I tucked you in, you'd already fallen asleep, and I mean knocked out cold." Jonathan smirked amusingly when he saw how hard Thomas was studying his face. "Let's just say that after a while, your ass really had a lot to say...and I listened."

"You're kidding right? Please tell me you're kidding."

"Kidding? Hell no; you have no idea how sexy that was." He ignored Thomas' bemused expression and gave him a little pat on the ass and kept his hand there. "Wanna hear what it was saying?"

Thomas cocked his head and squinted his eyes a bit. "I'm sorry, did you say you listened?"

"Of course; I was getting so many compliments thrown at me, it'd be rude if I didn't listen. I was thoroughly missed baby."

As soon as Jonathan said those words, Thomas found himself blushing which then turned into a huge smile followed by soft laughter. "Ok, just so you know, I'm genuinely concerned about your sanity, but I'm still insanely mad about you."

"And that's all that matters to me. As long as you're happy, I'm good. And to answer your prior question, I would never leave you for anything or anyone in this world. The only way out of this is if you left me because I'm gonna be there through the bad, the good, the awesome and the spectacular times. I know this won't be all perfect, it won't be all smiles everyday but I'm gonna damn well make it my priority to put a smile on your face every single day, I promise you that."

Thomas stared deeply into Jonathan's eyes as he poured his soul out to him. He then wrapped his arms around his neck and placed his head on his shoulder. He knew they had to be downstairs very soon but he needed that moment to just hold Jonathan and have Jonathan hold him. He literally couldn't wait to marry him and move into their new home so they could officially start their new life together. He hadn't expected or meant to fall for Jonathan, but being in love with him is something he couldn't stop even if he tried. Nothing was going to separate them ever again, not if he had anything to say about it.

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AnotherSelfAnotherSelf7 months ago

Just recently found this. This was written a loooong time ago???!!!! It's amazing to me how many 'oldie but goodie' stories are on this site to enjoy. I absolutely fell in love with these characters. What an amazing story and to go along with them on the ride. Wow. I felt every emotion in this. Amazing job to the writer. Would love to read other works if they exist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Your writing style is amazing! And truly love the ups and downs that they all faced and overcame through the whole story. Please, please, please, give us more.

twistedromeotwistedromeoover 7 years agoAuthor
wish granted ;)

already in progress guys

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Really Good

Awesome story. What a ride! You had some powerful ups and downs in this story . Job well done. A sequel would be nice. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Hey Twistedromeo,

Great story, I have enjoyed reading this.

Would love to have a chapter on the wedding, thomas getting Jon the ring and etc. It would be a nice closure.

Waiting for it :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
A real holocoaster

I love the story, its ups and downs, and yes the sex too; but above all I love your writing style. It's very descriptive and easy to follow. I agree with the rest, an epilogue is much needed. The baby girl needs his two Daddys.

Reader777Reader777over 7 years ago
Great Story

I just read all the chapters over again along with this last one. What a book!! I loved it all, through many tears. Very well written and well done. Thanks for sharing it with us. An epilogue would be wonderful, to see how they fared over the next few years. Even if it is just fiction the characters become real in my mind and I like to keep in touch with them.

baikalisanbaikalisanover 7 years ago

Would be awesome. I love these guys and their families. It would be great to find out where they all were say 10 years later

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Bad!!! Haha, more please! You are such a wonderfully talented author, beautiful job.

twistedromeotwistedromeoover 7 years agoAuthor

If that's something you guys want then...we'll see. How bad do you want it? Lol

dreamer889dreamer889over 7 years ago

Please continue or at least have an epilogue.

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