Yeen! Queen!


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A badass beastly bitch has taken my place.

How did this happen, has a demon arisen?

Was it my folly that freed her from her prison?

His voice rang like an ancient blade, full of elegance and grit. The melody came intuitively, and the words sprang to mind as he spoke them, one after the last. It was surreal and horrifying. He tried to run off the stage but found himself sauntering toward the audience, singing as he went. The audience joined in for the chorus.

Bloodlet formed the doorway,

key the shape of greed,

A strange change shook me,

Now I'm set to lead -

As a yeen queen!

Yeen queen!

I bring men to their knees if you know what I mean.

I'm a Yeen queen!

Yeen queen!

And I got more balls than any chick you've seen.

Each of Ashton's terrified struggles expressed itself as a confident, calculated movement. Attempts to cover his tits or bulge became sensual gestures that highlighted his oddities. In the pit below the stage, men and women alike swooned with each sassy glance and wink. Others held their hands high above their heads in a gesture that was a twist of the traditional devil-horns, the thumb and middle fingers extended to form a muzzle.

One man with straight long hair burst past the security guards and clambored at the edge of the stage shouting "STEP ON ME, YEEN QUEEN!"

Ashton complied, smearing his hind paw against the man's face and pushing him into the crowd to be carried away by the mosh.

As horrifying as the situation was, it was absolutely thrilling. He was living his dream- or some twisted version of it- and it was seductive. A temptation to let go, to stop worrying and give in to the adulation of the crowd, tugged at him. He added a few of his own showmanship flairs during the next verse.

He gave me a voice to sing and ordain.

You witness the start of Orolak's reign.

My title is Queen without vanity

I'm destined to breed a demon's dynasty

As a yeen queen!

Yeen queen!

I'm hot and horny and hungry for peen.

I'm a Yeen queen!

Yeen queen!

One taste of mine would mix up your genes.

The words would have disturbed Ashton, but he was too consumed by the spectacle to listen. He stopped resisting the performative urges bubbling beneath the surface of his mind, and obeyed as they came. The line between Ashton and Ash began to blur. He could feel himself losing control, but he was so excited that he hardly cared.

The music built to a head, and Domenic, still wearing the Viking helmet, widened his stance in preparation for a rockous solo to steal the show. Petty rage flashed in Ash. He grabbed a guitar from a nearby stand, leapt in front of his friend, and began to play. Ashton was a novice at the instrument; it was one of his great shames. But Ash- Ash was a demon.

Blunt claws nipped the strings in lieu of a pick. Padded fingertips danced across the neck like a supercharged loom, weaving every half-formed melodic notion into a face-melting tapestry of metal. A million strands of fur across his body stood on end, and from the look and awed silence of the crowd, their little human hairs were doing the same. Oh the power to grip the hearts of so many people! Now he truly believed he was their leader. More than that, he was their queen.

Ash's heartbeat quickened, and her package flushed with heat. It swelled inside her tights, expanding her very visible and unfeminine bulge to show the outline of her shaft and sack.

"I want your dick, Yeen Queen!" screamed a man in the first row, and it was this outburst that brought Ashton crashing back to reality. His muzzle blazed with embarrassment as he concluded the solo with a few dramatic chords. Great bouts of flame rose on either side of him, and he howled a scream of utter terror that came out rockous and victorious.

Whatever spell Ashton was under ended with the song. He tossed the guitar aside and dashed off the stage, not stopping until he'd slammed the door to the green room behind him. He slid to the ground, panting. What had just happened? He'd lost himself on that stage for a moment. Worse still, he'd liked it!

Not ten seconds later, a knock shook the door. It was Domenic.

"Ash, are you in there? Let me in!"

Ashton was shaking with fear and embarrassment, but couldn't bear to go on alone. He needed an ally, someone who would listen to his story, believe it, and help him. Domenic could be rude, but when the chips were down, he was a good friend. Ashton stood and threw the deadbolt.

Domenic entered. He lifted the Viking helmet from his head to reveal a look of genuine concern.

"Are you okay, Ash?"

At this, Ashton actually laughed. It came out as a nervous, feral "hooHooHoo!" and he clapped his paws over his muzzle to stop the noise. The furrow in Domenic's brow deepened.

Ashton shook his head. "No, I am not alright. Nothing is alright. Look!" He gestured to the green room. "This isn't our world! And look at me!"

Domenic crossed his arms over his chest. His look of concern was dropping into impatience. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Ashton gestured to himself in disbelief. "I'm a fucking hyena-person, Dom! A hyena woman!"

"Yeah," Domenic said, rolling his eyes. "That's why we named the band 'Yeen Queen,' yah doof."

"And that's normal to you!?"

Domenic lifted his arms in disbelief. "Great! She's going off the deep end. Couldn't you have waited until the end of the show instead of pulling this Kanye bullshit?"

"Don't you hear me? This is all wrong!" Ashton wailed, his voice cracking into a girlish scream.

"Chill out, Ash! You're starting to freak me out."

Ashton shut his mouth and breathed several deep breaths through his snout.

Domenic rubbed his face with his hand. "Look, we can't lose our frontwoman one song into the set. We can keep 'em occupied for ten, maybe fifteen minutes, tops. Take some time to calm yourself down, bottle it up, or do whatever you need to do to get back on stage."

He turned to leave, but Ashton grabbed his wrist and looked at him with teary, desperate eyes.

"Wait! Don't go, Dom. Please, I need your help."

Domenic's annoyed grimace once again gave way to concern. "Sure, Ash. What can I do?"

Ashton dried his eyes with a furry arm, surprised at the amount of tears and how easily they came. "Just answer my questions, no matter how crazy they seem. Then I'll go back out, I swear."

"Okay," Dom said. "If that's what it takes, shoot."

Ashton nodded in relief. His black eyes darted around as he tried to figure out where to begin.

"Have I always been. . . like this?" he said, waving his paws over his body. "A hyena?"

Domenic looked exasperated. "You said you were born this way. Hell, you showed me pictures of you as a pup." A smile hinted at the corners of his mouth. "They were freakin' adorable."

"Okay." Ashton stood and started pacing about the room. There had to be some way to catch this universe with its pants down and show Domenic he wasn't crazy after all. All he had to do was cast a shadow of a doubt.

"Am I the only animal-person in the world?"

"Look, everyone's got something unique about 'em. Brutalis has that birthmark-"

"Human. Animal. Hybrids. Any others?"

Dom shook his head.

"So how do you explain it? No one thinks it's weird?"

"Hell, I don't know how to explain it, Ash. I'm no scientist. I mean. . . " here he paused, choosing his words carefully. "I've heard some pretty off-color things online about your mom visiting a zoo, but I know that's bullshit."

Ashton felt a giggle bubbling up his throat but swallowed it. Domenic continued.

"As for thinking it's weird, what do you expect? You think people are going to put you in chains and show you off in some circus freak show?"

"That would at least make sense," Ashton grumbled. His bra was riding up, and he tugged it back into place.

"Bullshit. You're not a freak. You're exotic."

"Exotic? Hah! I've had enough 'exotic' in the past twenty minutes to last me a lifetime."

Ashton shifted his bra again, sighed with frustration, and took off his jacket without thinking too much of it. "This fucking bra keeps digging into me. I thought these things were supposed to be comfortable," he growled, slipping his paw between the fabric and his breasts in an effort to resettle them. When he looked up, Domenic was staring with rapt fascination. Catching Ashton's eyes, he turned away. An onlooker might have dismissed the moment, but it stuck in Ashton's mind. In all their years together, Domenic had never looked at him that way.

Suddenly, Ashton felt very naked. He crossed his arms in front of his breasts.

"Domenic. Were we ever. . . together?"

Domenic's face turned bright red. "What? No!" he sputtered, wringing his hands around the horns of the Viking helmet. "Not that I don't think you're attractive. I mean, you're hot as hell, shit. Every guy I've ever met wants to bed the 'Queen. I just always figured we were in the friend zone, you know? And that's fine. You're a good friend."

All that big, tough-guy confidence disappeared in an instant, and it was the cutest thing Ashton had ever seen.

Then a thought struck him, and his ears perked. "Domenic, let me see my helmet."

Domenic's face hardened. "You mean MY helmet."

"Right, whatever, this will only take a second."

Domenic narrowed his eyes and handed it over. Ashton lowered the metal skullcap onto his head, but it didn't fit in the slightest. The front rested mid-muzzle and blocked his vision, and the backside smothered his ears.

"Hah!" he said. It was just as he expected. "This is my signature helmet, right?"

"Was your helmet, but sure."

"How could this be my signature helmet if I can't even wear it?" Ashton balanced the helmet on his head and let go. It pitched to one side, and he caught it.

Domenic opened his mouth, paused, and frowned. "I'm not in charge of your wardrobe."

Ashton pointed a clawed finger at his chest. "It used to fit me because I used to be human!" His lipsticked lips curled back to show large, pointed teeth. "Don't you see? The demon did its best, but it couldn't change everything. There are inconsistencies." he grasped the bronze hyena hanging from his neck. "Like the amulet!"

"I've never seen you without it."

"Exactly!" Ashton squealed, reaching up to grab Domenic's shoulders. "You gave me something in return for the helmet. What was it?"

Domenic scrunched his face. "It was. . . some nick-nack I wore on stage. A bracelet? No. . ."

"You don't remember the flair you wore to every show before this one? How could you forget unless I'm right, and the demon fucked with your memory?"

Domenic yanked Ashton's paws off his shoulders. "Shut up! Now you're starting to freak me out!"

"Then listen to me," Ashton begged. "Maybe together we can find a way to return things to normal!"

Domenic held his palms up. "No. Enough of this. Everything is normal. This freaky talk is exactly the kind of thing that's going to lose you the vote at the next band meeting."

All his progress was circling the drain. Ashton couldn't convince him. The demon had given him success, talent, and a body his crush found sexy, but it hadn't given him the ability to lead. Hopelessness closed in on him, but even as it did, that bubbling urge reappeared, and it wasn't sad at all. It was pissed at Domenic's insubordination. Caught in the middle and thoroughly overwhelmed, Ashton let out a canine whine.

"You have three minutes to get your tail out on that stage or my first action as band leader is going to be to write a song where you're singing harmony. Oh, and if you ever steal another one of my guitar solos. . ."

Domenic's hand formed up for his goodbye pinch, but his fingers never made it to their target. The sight of that insensitive motion boiled Ashton's blood. The other voice leapt forward and moved his arm. He caught Domenic's hand, pivoted, and flung him backwards onto the couch where he landed with a heavy thud.

"What the hell Ash? You're turning into such a crazy chick!" Domenic shouted.

Adrenaline coursed through Ashton's veins. Damn that felt good! Another urge arrived. This one seemed insane, but it promised great rewards. Ashton stepped aside and let Ash do her thing.

"Crazy? I'll show you crazy!" She gripped her tights and yanked them down around her knees, freeing her constrained cock with a wobble.

"Gah!" Domenic covered his eyes. A small crack remained between his fingers. This gap widened, and his mouth fell open. Soon his hands fell away and he stared openly at the plump shaft dangling between his friend's legs.

Ash grinned a devilish grin. "What's the matter, Dom? Not what you were expecting?"

Domenic swallowed. "I read about hyenas online, but I always thought you were packing. You know, for effect." Domenic shook his head and tore his eyes away.

"Nope. It's the real deal." Ash dropped a hand to grope at her plump but empty ballsack. "At least I think it's real. What did you read online?"

Domenic groaned. "You know. . ." His eyes danced about the room, but they seemed drawn to the mottled pink and grey shaft dangling between Ash's legs.

"Humor me."

"Well, girl hyenas are girls, but they've got dicks. Well, they're not real dicks." Here Domenic dropped the pretense that he wasn't staring. "Their dicks- your dick- is a really big clit."

"So I really am a chick, then."

Ash stroked a paw down her mockery of a cock. A glob of something that looked like precum but certainly wasn't appeared at its tip. "That means my dickhole is what, my pussy?"

Domenic looked mystified. He nodded and licked his lips.

"It's majestic." he whispered in awe.

That was not the word Ash expected. Domenic's vacant stare made her uneasy. It was like he was in a trance. His eyes had taken on an emerald sheen.

Ash waved her paws in his face. "Earth to Dom. Hello? You there?"

The green glint in Domenic's eyes faded, and he looked up at Ash, bewildered. "Yes, I'm here, your majesty. I mean, my queen. I mean," a wrinkle formed between his eyebrows. "I mean, Ash."

Ash tilted her head. Had the demon given her power to rule after all? If so, why was it happening now?

Domenic stood, keeping his eyes glued to the ceiling. "I should be going."

"Okay, but look at this," Ash said, pointing to her dick.

That was all it took. Domenic glanced down and froze.

Ash's pearly whites showed again. "It's my cock, isn't it? It's hypnotic. Real or not, it's more potent than ever!"

"But the show. . ." Dom murmured, his eyes still glued to Ash's dick. The green haze had returned.

"Oh, relax. We've got a few minutes to explore this new development. Sit down."

Domenic plopped back onto the couch, obedient as a dog. Now Ash was in control. The thought sparked a thrill in her belly. Her not-cock pulsed as it got another not-erection. It didn't stand up this time, but it did swell. Surely Domenic would notice.

"What do you think about my junk, Dom? Now that you've seen it."

"I... I like it." he said, blushing.

"Come on, be honest," Ash scoffed.

Domenic's mouth twisted like he was trying to keep it from spilling the beans. Finally he burst. "I love it! I want to see it even closer. Touch it, fondle it, maybe even taste it." He shook his head. "But I can't do that. You're my queen. That came out wrong. We're friends."

Domenic was so adorable when he squirmed. Ash stepped out of her tights and sauntered toward the couch, making sure to walk so that her curvy thighs bounced her cock back and forth. Domenic's eyes followed the mottled pink tip like it was a hypnotist's pocket watch.

"Friends can have a little fun from time to time." She let her voice's natural husk creep in, imbuing it with a Jessica Rabbit, phone sex hotline sort of vibe. "Can't they?"

She stopped directly in front of the man. When Domenic next spoke, his breath huffed against her dick.

"Yes, my queen."

This time there was no correction; Domenic was fully zonked. A large bulge in his left pant leg betrayed just how eager he was, but that hardly mattered to Ash. She was the one in charge now. It was about what she wanted.

"I want to see you naked."

Giving voice to this long-secret desire made Ash's heart jump into her throat, but Domenic did not hear a guilty confession. He heard a command.

"Yes. At once, my queen."

He pulled off his jacket, kicked off his boots, and dropped his trousers quicker than Ash thought possible. Only when he pulled his shirt over his head did he break his eyes away from Ash's dick. He blinked down at the scattered pieces of his costume in lucid confusion. Ash snapped her fingers near her magic cock. Domenic looked, and he was lost to it once again.

"Bend the knee."

Domenic lowered himself to one knee, and Ash soaked in the sight of her new subject's naked body. Daily weightlifting and after-dinner beers kept him big and beefy in all the best ways, but Ash had seen that before. What she hadn't seen was the cock that now rose between his legs. It was bigger than Ash had dared to imagine, but Domenic always had that 'big dick energy.' It stood at least eight inches long and plenty thick, and it was hard enough that its veiny length vibrated with each heartbeat.

I'm turning him on! Ash thought with glee. The realization that she was also rampantly horny caught her by surprise. The hardness of her dick had always been a reliable indicator of her libido, but now it hung as flaccid as ever. A strand of viscous lubricant hung from its tip, the only hint of her intense need.

Her need to breed.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" she asked the man staring up at her with eager, parted lips. "Pleasure your queen."

Domenic reached up and cradled Ash's shaft. His guitar-calloused fingers were rough, but his touch was gentle. There was one final moment of hesitation, then he took Ash's plump, cock of a clit into his mouth and began to suck.

Ash gasped. A rush, the same falling sensation of a roller coaster's first great dive, ran up her cock and bloomed in her lower belly. Domenic took her entire shaft into his mouth and nursed, kissing the the fur around the base of her cock. Each suck and swallow sent a massaging ripple down Domenic's tongue and throat.

Now that the object of his fascination was buried in his gullet, Domenic gazed up toward Ash's face. Emerald smoke swirled in his eyes, and he wore an eager look that seemed to beg, "am I doing well, your majesty?"

"Yesss, that's it," Ash moaned in response.

Domenic closed his eyes and flicked his ears in satisfaction. Ash did a double take. Flicked his ears? Sure enough, Domenic's ears were bigger, and they were still growing, stretching into oversized spades that looked suspiciously like Ash's own. A mane of black and tan spotted fur flowed from Domenic's hairline down his neck.

A jolt of sobering fear coursed through Ash. "Domenic wai-" she started, but before she could finish, Domenic pulled his head back and pressed the tip of his tongue against the head of Ash's dick. The touch was heaven, unlike anything she'd ever experienced. She groaned, suddenly aware of a desperate desire that wasn't being filled.

She needed to be filled.

Domenic's tongue obliged the unspoken request, first flicking deliciously against Ash's urethra before pressing impossibly in. Her cock relaxed its pretense of being a male organ and eagerly accepted the invading muscle. Domenic sucked as he wriggled his tongue deeper inside her length.

Ash's flat, oversized tongue lolled out of her mouth. She could actually see the outline of her subject's tongue, now extending beyond his lips, worming inside her shaft. The twisting shape snaked its way toward the base of her cock, stretching impossibly long. And it wasn't just lengthening. Ash could feel it growing and flattening, folding against itself in new ways, stretching her passage. It ached a little, but the pain soon melted into bliss, and she craved bigger, deeper, more.
