Yo-yo Chronicles Ch. 11: Premature


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"But that kind of struggle might result in the string doing damage to you. You would be patched up at the hospital, but testicles are fragile when they aren't attached, so there's a chance your manhood couldn't be saved. The language in the release you signed covers this, so you could divorce Angela, but you wouldn't get damages from her or me.

"After that, you'd have to satisfy women with your mouth anyway, unless you pay for costly testosterone shots into your muscles every ten weeks. The side effects of the shots are increased risk of stroke and heart attack, as well as depression, mood swings and acne.

"Whether or not you decided that the shots were worth the gamble with your health, Angela would stand by you. Despite her frustration with your premature ejaculations, she loves you deeply. When I read her history of your courtship and marriage, that came through clearly. I'm confident about how she would react.

"She would feel guilty about our treatment making you a eunuch. You could divorce her, but otherwise she wouldn't leave you.

"You can't expect her to give up sex at her age. Maybe you'd be motivated to satisfy her orally. If you did, she and you would experiment to find the things you could do with your tongue that gave her the best orgasms.

But that might not be enough for a woman like her. You'd have to expect her to occasionally go outside the home for her needs.

"I've counseled couples where they had problems that couldn't be resolved by treatment, like yours can. They had to accept that kind of solution. It isn't hard for the wife, but the men are usually devastated and demoralized.

"Some of the cuckolds want to know who, where, when and what about their wives' liaisons. Others prefer that the wife keep her activities discreet and secret from everyone, including him.

"This whole horrible scenario is never going to happen to you and Angela. You're a smart man, so you're going to respond before the string around your balls causes any permanent damage.

"Now it's time for you to get between Angela's legs. Minerva, a little tug please."

It took three, increasingly stronger, tugs to get Rich up and moving toward his wife.

"There. That's how you need to respond to my orders, Rich. Sit there a moment and face her.

Rich saw Angela's upper body lying on the bed and her butt raised on some pillows with her legs spread wide. He stared at her pubic hair.

With a few tugs for encouragement, he followed Dr. Madison's instructions and got on his knees between Angela's legs. He saw a fleck of white on Angela's bush and looked away until another tug brought him back. Athena slid a plastic sheet beneath the pillows under Angela's butt.

"We're ready. Rich," said Dr. Madison. "Be careful as you bring Angela to orgasm because if any of your come falls on the plastic sheet, you'll not only have to lick it up, but there will be more aversion therapy after Angela comes."

As Dr. Madison directed him, Rich began licking Angela just above her ass. When he moved higher and got his first taste of the damp pubic hair, he began gagging.

"I hear you Rich," Dr. Madison said in a calm voice. "Grab that plastic bowl next to Angela. It's big, so don't worry. Let it all come out."

As Rich retched out everything in his stomach, Angela put her hands over her ears and the goddesses looked away. But Dr. Madison watched him and spoke a few soft words of encouragement.

When he calmed down, Athena took the bowl away and came back a minute later with it washed out. Dr. Madison told Rich to sit on the edge of the bed and gave him a glass of water.

"Drink it!" she ordered tersely. "If you get dehydrated, this whole session will be wasted."

It took three tugs and one slow pull that stretched his ball sack so much that it was almost transparent before Rich would start licking again. He managed to control himself for a few minutes before he threw up again. There wasn't much left inside him, but the heaving hurt more than before.

He progressed slowly until he heard some noise and lifted his head from between Angela's thighs. He heard cheering from the goddesses, and Dr. Madison signaled that Angela had come.

He looked down at Angela and saw her puffed lips and her open shiny red vagina full of his semen. He struggled with his nausea.

After that it got worse. They made him stick his tongue deep inside her and lick from there to her clitoris. He couldn't help swallowing a lot of his come.

Following Dr. Madison's instructions, Angela lifted her thighs onto his shoulders and circled his neck with her legs. She used them to pull his head until his mouth was pushed so deep into her vagina that he could barely breathe. He felt her come again and was about to pass out when she finally released his head.

His head fell on the plastic sheet between Angela's legs, and all he wanted to do was lie there, but Dr. Madison wasn't through.

"Angela, it's time to reward Rich. He didn't spill one drop and totally satisfied you. Get up and give him a big kiss and stick your tongue in as deep as you can. Yes, it's necessary. If you want to use his bowl, you can."

He shared the fluids in his mouth with Angela. He could tell she didn't like it.

Rich lay there while Angela was sent to clean up in the bathroom. When she came out, he went in and rinsed and spit out what seemed like gallons of water, but the taste and smell wouldn't go away. He realized it was all in his mind, but that didn't stop his nausea.

Afterward, he went on the treadmill while Angela watched videos.

The evening sex session was similar to the earlier one. He only threw up once when he was eating his cream pie from Angela this time, and she came three times. On the third one, she again pulled his head hard into her. This time she howled like an animal and thrashed around, wiping his come all over his face.

When she let him go and he lifted his face up, it was shiny from her fluids and streaked with white from his semen.

"I bet you never heard that sound from Angela before," Dr. Madison said. "She's never going to divorce you now, because she knows no other man can give her what you just did. You'll eventually get your reward, too.

"Not yet, though. Right now, you get just the opposite, because the aversion therapy is cumulative. Each time you come before Angela, you will not only have to satisfy her and eat your cream pie, but something additional will be added to remind you that you didn't achieve your goal.

"The additional things will keep adding up and becoming more humiliating, disgusting and painful until there's a breakthrough. After that, come the rewards and the positive reinforcement, which you'll enjoy.

"Angela, please get off the bed. Minerva, hand the string to Athena and take off your top, shorts and panties. Rich, lie on your back, and Minerva will get on top of you in the sixty-nine position. Angela, please put some pillows under Rich's head to lift it up. There, that's far enough.

"We're ready, Rich. Minerva got so excited by the proceedings here that she snuck off for a while this morning and went to her boyfriend's house. He's huge, with giant balls, and he filled her up with his thick white come. I told her before she left not to clean anything out but keep it warm inside her when she came back to work."

Rich smelled something horrible as Minerva lowered her bush on top of his mouth. He almost gagged, but it took just one tug to get him to lick. He never stopped although so much come came out of Minerva that it covered his face, went up his nose and got into his eyes.

Minerva had a couple of orgasms. With each one, her body rose and slammed down on Rich's face like a sledgehammer. The only sounds were little squeaks that came from her mouth and the splashing of the come covering his face. When she finished, she lay on top of him panting for almost five minutes and then got up and went to the bathroom.

She came back with a warm wet towel and gently cleaned his face. Then she leaned over him, gave him a quick kiss on his mouth and said, softly, "Thank you so much, Rich."

"We're not done yet," announced Dr. Madison. "Since we have to compress everything into a few days, starting this time, we're going to do at least two sessions at a time. I'm going to try for three if I see we're not moving along fast enough.

"Angela, you need to arouse your husband. He's exhausted from satisfying you and Minerva, so you're going to have to do the work this time. Use your mouth."

"But I told you I don't do that," Angela said.

"From now on you do," Dr. Madison said. "I warned you that this might be hard on both of you. Today you're only going to use your mouth until he's hard enough for you to ride him.

"Practice some of the techniques you've been watching on the videos and see which ones get him most excited."

Angela didn't move.

Dr. Madison sounded irritated as she spoke.

"Aren't you grateful for what your husband just did for you, or are you a bitch who's as selfish and childish as Rich?"

Angela didn't answer, but she did what Dr. Madison asked, reluctantly at first. She must have changed her mind a few seconds later because she showed her gratitude by performing with gusto, and Rich was hard again in a few minutes.

Angela got on him and began to ride him slowly. When Dr. Madison told her to go faster, Rich struggled to keep from coming, but he failed. Dr. Madison told Angela to sit on him so his semen would go deep inside and not leak out. Then she told her to get in the same position as Minerva had used.

There wasn't as much come from his second shot, so Angela was soon cleaned out as she enjoyed another orgasm from Rich's licking.

When they were finished, Dr. Madison said, "As I told you, Rich, the aversion therapy continues to get stronger. It turns out Athena also has a boyfriend, and he likes anal. She gave her ass to him last night, and he made a huge deposit in it that she's kept inside her since then. She's getting on top of you right now, and you're already in the right position with the pillows.

"Don't do that, Rich. Minerva, please tug the string. Rich, your head is off the pillows. Please keep still while Minerva positions it. Rich, you're not cooperating. Minerva, a tug please. Rich, you're still not listening.

"Minerva, pull this time, but slowly. We don't want any accidents."

Rich screamed as the pain became excruciating, but he finally gave up. He tried not to think while he was eating the come from Athena's ass, but he couldn't control himself. The feelings of degradation and humiliation were even worse than the taste and smell in his mouth and nose. Afterward, he stood in the shower for ten minutes letting scalding hot water pour down on him, but he still felt filthy.

The next morning, there was another double session. For the first one, Rich performed perfectly, but he noticed Angela didn't join in the congratulations of the other three women.

He also noticed that before they started the second time, she kept on sucking him long after he was hard, until he was nearly over the edge, so he came quickly once she got on top of him. He had to eat a double helping of his semen from her vagina, and it made her into an animal again.

When he finished, Dr. Madison said, "Minerva and Athena are ready with fresh loads of hot cream pie for you, Rich, but before we do that, there's a new aversion. Do you feel it in your asshole?"

He groaned and squirmed as he felt Minerva's finger enter. He tried to move away from it, to make it come out, but whichever way he moved, Minerva's finger followed him. He could think of nothing else but that finger and he was losing control.

He got up from the bed, but Minerva got up with him. Together they moved around the room as he shook his butt from left to right and up and down to dislodge her. Nothing worked.

"That's enough for now, Minerva," Dr. Madison, and she pulled her finger out of him. He collapsed onto the floor.

Minerva and Athena lifted him and brought him back to the bed, and when he stopped shaking, he ate their vaginal and anal cream pies.

The session after lunch was the most successful yet. After Rich performed perfectly twice, Dr. Madison suggested they keep pushing Rich farther.

"We're close," she said, "so we're going for three today. Angela's going to give you some positive reinforcement. Angela. I want you to give him the best blowjob you can. Start slowly and use only your mouth and head while you manipulate his balls with your hands.

"He's come twice already, so it will take a little while, but don't hurry it. Tease him until he has a huge orgasm. There's not a lot of come left in him. Suck it all out, then open your mouth wide and manipulate it a little so he can see it before you swallow. After you swallow, you can give him a deep kiss."

That night, Rich failed at the second try, and Minerva inserted two fingers into him and followed him around the room for a while.

"That's right, Rich," Dr. Madison said. "There's one more finger going in each time."

The morning session went well the next day. Rich held back even though Dr. Madison put them through some exotic and unusual positions. But both sessions after lunch were failures, and Minerva's third and fourth fingers inside Rich brought him from discomfort to pain, and his face was grimacing while he moaned loudly as she pushed them in and out.

When the session was finished, Dr. Madison said, "Before tonight's session, Rich, you are going to get two enemas to clean you out, and then, if Minerva needs to put her whole hand into you, we're going to fill you up with grease so she won't hurt you too much.

Fear kept Rich from coming at all in the first night time session, but Angela made sure with her mouth that he would shoot quickly on the second try. When a huge scream and heavy panting signaled Minerva's hand going into him to the wrist, Dr. Madison said, "Minerva is just going to leave her hand inside you for a few minutes this time, Rich, and she'll remove it carefully.

"But let me tell you what will happen if you fail again. She is going to twist the hand around inside you and then work it in and out slowly at first and keep increasing the speed."

"The next time she will do the same thing with her hand in a fist. After that, she'll start punching your asshole with her fist and ripping it out. Then she'll start adding fingers from her other hand and eventually both of them will be going in and out of you.

"I'm sure we won't have to get that far, but in case you are still unresponsive, the next step is hard caning on your butt, followed by squeezing and spanking of your cock and balls. I've only had to go that far with one man. It was so effective that I've thought about moving it up in the therapy. But I still feel that gradually increasing the pain and humiliation is better than overwhelming the patient."

The next day, Dr. Madison asked Angela if she'd like to take over the fisting, and Angela eagerly agreed. The sessions continued, and the punishments progressed until the point where Angela had all of one hand and two fingers of her second hand inside him.

After that he never failed again, and Dr. Madison pronounced him cured after Angela tried everything she could think of six straight times and never succeeded. Along the way, Angela had to swallow a lot of come to reward him.

"It didn't even take a week," Dr. Madison said as she and her assistants began packing up. "I think that's because both of you were motivated. When we leave, I suggest you stay away from each other because emotions are running high right now. I've noticed that Rich won't even look at you, Angela. It might be best if you don't take meals together for a few days.

"Once you're officially back from Vegas on Saturday, you can go out and see friends separately, but don't do anything together and talk as little as possible. You've been on emotional overload, and you need time to recover. Your bodies will tell you when you're ready for each other again. It might take a week or two, so don't be impatient."

It didn't take that long. On the sixth day when they came home from work, they stared at each other a long time. With a gleam in her eyes, Angela walked halfway up the stairs and turned around to see if he was following. He was.

It was an exhausting session of lovemaking during which Rich held back through two of her orgasms and then surprised her by going down on her after he came. He didn't lap up his come the way Dr. Madison had forced him to, but he did make her come a third time.

Afterward, they lay next to each other and finally began talking.

"I spoke to Dr. Madison," Angela said, "because I had some questions. Did you know that all the come you ate was yours? The reason she had me offering you sex two or three times a day before the therapy was to collect your come. It was hiding in a container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. I got almost two quarts.

"When they came here, they heated it up and injected it into Athena and Minerva with a turkey baster. It smelled and tasted different from your fresh stuff because heating made it a lot stronger. And she told me that both girls' asses were totally clean for your protection. All the stories and everything else were done to humiliate you more.

"I love you so much for eating me out just now. Next time, I'm going to give you an amazing blowjob, let you come in my mouth and swallow your come. I hope we can keep on doing things like that for each other.

"I asked Dr. Madison about something I was curious about. When I was putting my hand into you, I got so excited that I had an orgasm without even touching myself. She said that wasn't unusual.

"I also asked if I could use the string sometime -- only if you were really mean to me or yelled at me in front of other people or forgot our anniversary -- serious things like that. She said forget it. That was only for the therapy.

"But she did say there were other ways to get you to do some of the things we did in therapy. I told her you would never agree unless you were forced."

"That's for sure!" he said emphatically.

"Dr. Madison said you would say that but that you might give in if the price was right. So don't answer me right now, but think about this. If I agree to anal, would you let me fist you?

"Since anal doesn't hurt as much as fisting, I'd give you my ass twice for one fist, and I would only do one hand to the wrist. You could pound my ass as hard and as long as you wanted each time.

"If that's not enough, maybe I can come up with something else you'd like, or maybe you can think of some things. Ask me anything. I don't care how awful it sounds. You might be surprised at what I'd be willing to do."`

For background on the stories of edrider73, see "Author Interview: edrider73" by Literoticauthor. Tag: "author interview."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
More literal nonsense.

Glad the "therapists" are all trained martial artists. Is his wife? What keeps him from punching her face in on day 2? What keeps him from setting up an ambush on day 2 for the "therapists" and ending them too?

Literal nonsense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
More crap by the Master

She threatened to divorce him? Why wouldn't he applaud her effort and file himself? She's simply bat-shit-crazy. This really isn't a story. it's just a mentally disturbed wife abusing her husband. What's erotic or entertaining about that garbage?

garyr19680garyr19680over 5 years ago
I liked it.

it's just fiction. A story, and interesting, even though in real life it wouldn't happen. Probably LOL.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
you missed the part

When he came into the office with a .44 bulldog in his pocket and shot the whole fucking lot of them.

bayernpeter1bayernpeter1over 6 years ago
Re to ann:" Anon 9/13/16 WRONG!"

...." It is just a fun story about two people who love each other trying to save a marriage."

Are you insane or what??? Two people who love each other??? Your definition of love is more then idiotic!!! And each story who isnt recognizable at real life is only laughable!!!

bayernpeter1bayernpeter1over 6 years ago
Ha ha ha!! If mental alienation would be scored you would have won!!!

He goes to a lawyer and will be a rich man!! That therapist will be sued and his wife will be divorced! And all parties concerned get the same treatment!! So whats your message??!! That you as an author are a laughable Punch??!! I'm right there with you!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Anon 9/13/16 WRONG!

First off, turn on spell check.

Whether the contract was enforceable depends on the state in which the contract was signed. If the doctor acted as a sexual therapist and the individuals signed in Nevada and the contract was executed outside of Vegas or Reno then it would be enforceable as a sexual act contract if it all the details were specified. You can not sign away your constitutional rights but you can pay a penalty if you do. You can sign a non-disclosure and essentially give up your first amendment rights because if you speak you will forfeit your house or be sued. You can be forced into binding arbitration so you can't even sue if you do. Attorneys are vary imaginative and the courts take a dim view of people who knowingly sign contracts in front of witnesses with video cameras and then say "I did not know what it meant!"

Finally, it is just a bloody story to get people going. Not bloody Hamlet or Gone with the Wind or something. It is just a fun story about two people who love each other trying to save a marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Divorce the Bitch

I do believe I would of divorce her. No ands, ifs, or buts about it, it would of happened. Either that or I would of taken 50% of our cash, packed my stuff and left for another part of the country. No communications, no forwarding address, no nothing...just gone..f**k the bitch.

Tootight1Tootight1over 7 years ago
good story

I think it's my second read, but it is good, why, because it showed how far the husband was willing to go, to please his wife, and save his marriage. I didn't like the string idea, only because of the dangers of such things. The fisting adventure training was a bit over the top, but again, it worked for them.

Commenters, please take note that this is a story. In it they lived happily ever after, so what's the problem? Neither the wife, nor the husband wanted to get a divorce, and they were trying to save their marriage. I guess it comes down to, do the ends justify the means. In this case I would have to say yes. Normally I would not say that about anything, as in there being a better way, or correct way. Sometimes there isn't.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Idiotic story only for pervert faggots!!!

That Dr. Madison will lose her concession and will get to prison for a lonl long time!!

She and her "assistents" will be sued and will pay much money to the victim!! No contract in USA between a patient and a therapist allows sexuell action or violation!!

Your stories are unreliable and therfore laughable!!!

And with man will live with a wife like that??! Only pervert faggots!!!

Tootight1Tootight1about 8 years ago
good story

actually enjoyed the tale. there was some definite situations going on here, that the wife went along with, of course so did the hubby, and the only reason for doing so, was to save the marriage. They obviously needed help. If anyone has to go to a marriage councilor don't go to a female(doctor), they never loose their bias against men. It always shows, just listen to them and watch. According to the story it worked out and I'm happy for them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Although this is fiction, It's just bad

When she explained about the pain and humiliation, I think he got up, went home and filed for divorce. None of this crap every happened. Glad you stopped writing Ed. Next to Samuelx you were the worst writer on this entire site. I guess that is some type of achievement. But it surprises me that you never took the hint and changed your stories to make them at least palatable. If you insist on continuing to post this garbage, maybe try listening to some of the comments and change your endings.

Better yet, never post again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Like all your string tricks.

He grabbed the string and practically tore Minerva's fingers off. He removed the string from his balls, got dressed and went straight to his attorneys office. He had the recording from his I-phone. He got a divorce and 100% of the marital assets. He sued the Doctor, got her barred from practicing, sent her and the others to jail and received millions in damages from her insurance carrier. The end to another pile of edrider crap. Do you ever think these stories thru Ed?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Little Eddie.

You are a sick little man, please stay away from children.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Same old same old

I appreciate the desire you have to express physical violence and psychological torture as a part part of these stories. But the same old anal fisting act is all you seem to have in your closet of fears/ideas. I'm not sure what woman did that to you or who the man is you want to do it to, but maybe try to come up with some new ideas. There are a lot of other ways, possibly more interesting ones if you just put your pen and your creative mind to it, to abuse the ones you love.

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