Yorkshire Pudding Ch. 05


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"Can we please take this out of the lobby? Somewhere a bit less public?"

"Yes, mother absolutely, I have so many questions for Hank!"

Both Hank and Miriam are now wondering how they left the room after their recent, rather frantic lovemaking..............

"Jane, why don't you come up to our room?"

In a move identical to her mother's, Jane hooks her arm through Hank's, grabs her mother's and leads them to the elevator. The bellboy steps aside and waits for the next elevator.

"Always one for the dramatic entrance, aren't you?"

"As I said, I was just curious to see what had caused my mother's transformation. Frankly, I thought it would be a woman and certainly not a Yank!"

"What transformation?"

"Mother, you have been a completely different person since your return from Yorkshire. Everyone has noticed. And everyone has loved it. However, most of them attributed it to some inner change while I knew you had fallen in love. When you turned Aunt Sybil and I down on accompanying you, I knew you must be meeting your lover."

"So, what, did you follow me on the train?"

"No, I just dropped an Air Tag into your bag."

"Which one?'

"Hah! It doesn't matter anymore, it performed it's function."

The elevator door opens and they step out into the hallway. Hank leads the way to the room and as he opens the door, gives a sigh of gratitude. The bed is slightly rumpled, Miriam's jeans and blouse are folded over a chair, but beyond that, there is no evidence remaining from their earlier love making.

"Beautiful suite Hank! Let's sit down and talk a bit.......... You do talk Hank, don't you?"

"Stop it Janie, don't be a shit, he has not done anything to you."

"No, but he has done something to you and it has affected me and will do even more once everyone else knows. And while it may be a surprise to you, I think I am on your team for a change. I just need to understand it all a bit more."

"Is this the daughter you said would kill me?"

Jane breaks into peals of laughter, much like those of her mother's. The similarity is remarkable.

"Yes dear, Jane would be the one."

"Hank, I am sure you already know that my mother is given to hyperbole and exaggeration. Would you both please chill out for a moment. I am not hear to kill anyone, I just needed to see for myself what brought my mother out of her post retirement stupor and has given her a reason to live as the vibrant women I have always admired."

Miriam is at a loss for words and sinks onto the balcony couch. Jane joins her and takes her hand and sandwiches it between both of hers.

At that moment, there is a knock on the door. The bellman has arrived with their shopping bags. Hank takes receipt of them all, tips the bellman and deposits the bags in the small wardrobe area.

He then turns his attention back to the mother / daughter tableau on the couch.

"Mummy, this isn't a bad thing. I watched the two of you from exiting the taxi, up the stairs and across the lobby. It took me those three short minutes to see that you two are in love. I know you love papa, but you have not been in love with him for a long time. And since you retired, you have been shrinking a bit....... No actually, you have been shrinking a lot."

"You're not pissed off?"

"No, I'm not pissed off. Look, this is going to be messy, but I am happy for you. The past six weeks, you have been absolutely radiant like I said, Now I know why."

"Really? Was it that noticeable? And what do you mean, shrinking?"

"It was to me, but we have a special kind of relationship. I don't think Dad, Hillary, Sybil, Mel or John have a clue. I think you know what I mean by shrinking. You were so committed to your work that retirement seemed to gut you. But let's include your lad before he gets too bored and leaves us both. So Hank, tell me about yourself."

Hank goes about providing a brief version of his life story and explains that he too, has a spouse. Jane listens attentively and makes occasional comments. Miriam watches the two of them, slowly reining in her heartbeat.

Thinking to herself: Oh Christ, I have been caught out by my daughter. And yet that does not seem to be how she sees it............. Was I really that unhappy before Hank? Have I really changed that much since meeting him? And Jane seems truly content in my happiness.......

"So your wife is as in dark about this as my father, correct?"

"Yes, she is."

"How did you two actually meet? I know it was when Mum went to Yorkshire for Becca and Johnny's wedding, but certainly Hank wasn't part of the wedding party?"

Together, they recount their bar side meeting and the teasing repartee that led Miriam to invite Hank to her room. Jane squeals when Hank describes the Kindle drop and subsequent quim exposeé.

"My mother did that? Oh my god, wonders will never cease. I am not sure I want to hear more as I think it may have to do with sex."

"Yes, a lot of sex my love, a lot of incredible, amazing sex."

"So have you seen each other since then? Or have I stumbled on the first rematch?"

"We don't know what it is, but we are both willing to see where it leads."

"Hank, how much longer are you going to work for a living? I am betting your work consumes a lot of time and energy. Mum, are you willing to just have Hank a few times a year? Especially if you are alone, unmarried and assuredly ostracized by some of our family?"

"Jane, I thought you would be the most put out by all of this, so couldn't it be that others would also see it differently?

"Mum, once again, you don't understand me in the least. I am actually thrilled for you and surprisingly, I think Dad will survive and have a full life. His needs are different than yours and I don't think he needs a partner the way that you do. But if this keeps moving forward for the two of you, my Mum will find herself short a few family and friends while others I think will come around. Now mummy, would you please let Hank answer the question."

"Jane, until I met your mother, I had not given retirement that much thought. I really like my work and beyond loving travel, have few hobbies. She has made me feel a bit like a teenager or adolescent in that I now feel anything is possible and have started thinking about pursuits and endeavors that had never attracted my attention before. But primarily, I just want to get to know her more and simply spend time together."

"Darling, I hate to sound cliched, but Hank and I have a connection unlike anything I have even heard of much less experienced."

"Yes, mother it is a love for the ages unknown to all but you. And yes, you do sound like a cliché!"

"Jane, your mother is right, but I don't think you require us to speak in superlatives to convince you. You seem to have accepted this already. This week in Paris is our opportunity to find out if our connection can be sustained and determine if it has room to grow. It may not, but I fervently hope it does, even with the challenges that it will pose."

"Your right, I don't really need convincing. You actually seem quite nice and I can see why Mum is attracted to you."

"How long are you staying in Paris? Why don't you join us for dinner tonight?"

"Actually, I think I would love to, but will take a rain check. I am heading back to London tonight. This trip was solely to discover what had changed my mother. However, my train does not leave for another 2 hours, so can we just chat a bit longer?"

"Certainly, would you like some wine or champagne?"

"I would love some wine, I will let you celebrate alone with the champagne......... No, wait, this is a celebration of sorts. Yes, champagne and allow me to toast the two of you."

"My god, wonders will never cease. Jane, you have taken me from a heart attack to cherishing having my daughter and the man I love together in one room. A toast indeed!"

Hank finesses the champagne open with a controlled 'pop' and fills the two flutes, using a water glass for his own. He passes one to each of the women.

"To my mother! May I have the courage she has shown in stepping out of her descent. And to Hank, who I will kill if her hurts her in any way. Now, since we have time, I would like a fashion show from my mother as she seems to have been on quite a binge up the road. Hank, do you know that before she became the terror of insurance frauds, she was a fashion model?"

"That was a very long time ago dear and I was not a runway model."

"Really? No, she never mentioned it.............."

"Oh yes, she ran with quite a wild set in 70's London. I'll bet we can find some pics online even!"

"I would love to see them."

"Do you have a computer I can use?"

"Enough!! First of all, whatever I was 40 or 50 years ago is not the matron I am today. Secondly, most of those bags are Hank's."

"Mother, you have never been a matron. Growing up, all my friends wanted you for their mum.'

Jane looks Hank up and down.

"Our American friend does not look like the a typical denizen of Faubourg St Honore. Are you playing Pygmalion with him? Hank, I have to tell you that Miriam tried to dress my father for years, but to no avail....... Oh shit, that came out ugly. I'm sorry."

"Jane, you can be a cunt at times. Yes, I took Hank shopping and we had a ball with it, right up until you shit all over it."

Hank gets up and moves around the corner into the wardrobe as the mother and daughter discourse continues. Jane, trying to apologize, Miriam unsure, as she begins to wonder if what she did with Hank today was fair to him. She honestly responds to her daughter that perhaps she is right and calls out to Hank to ask his opinion, ready to apologize.

Hank comes around the corner, a 69 year old man, feeling all of 26. He has donned one of the Prada shirts that Miriam chose. It is a dark, dark red, almost the color of the shimmering burgundy/purple accents in the women's hair. It's top two buttons are casually open and the tails are tucked into the Prada slacks, the dress crocodile belt nicely contrasting the Ferragamo loafers on his feet.


He steps back and quickly returns with the cashmere sports coat slung over his right shoulder, his right arm folded on itself, hand catching the jacket's hang loop in a foppishly young pose. His left hand thrust into his trouser pocket completes the look. He quietly strides across the room, spins and returns to the wardrobe in four long steps.

"Oh dear! Well he certainly has a sense of humor, doesn't he! Hank! You look great, I'm sorry for being such a prat. Please come back and join us."

But Hank has already swapped shirts, pants and is struggling with this new boots, and he does the change in Fashion Week worthy time, strutting back out in a new ensemble, more casual this time. But he can't hold the facade any longer and cracks up laughing at himself, taking the seat opposite them once again.

"Look Jane, as you noticed, prêt a porter or not, designer wear has never really been my thing. However, today I went shopping with your mother and lo and behold, discovered that fine clothing is a pleasure to wear."

"Well you look magnificent and completely at ease. Again, I'm sorry, the remark about dressing my father was uncalled for."

"No, it was real, and it is some of what Miriam and I are here to deal with. The artifacts of our prior lives are going to rise up and some may be uncomfortable to deal with. Others will be laughable. So thank you for being such a cunt in that moment."

"Well said Hank. It looks like Christmas visits to the two of you certainly won't be dull!"

"Janey, you are jumping the gun a bit, but as Hank said, thank you for being a cunt. And Hank, thank you for using her comment to show me that I am a pretty damn good Pygmalion."

"Okay you two, I think I am going to stroll along the Seine for a little bit before heading back to Gare du Nord. I only have room in my mouth for one foot and these boots are pretty big. Hank, this has been a true pleasure. While I expected a tryst, I thought it would be a woman. And I never expected a Yank."

"Right back at you Jane. You were a revelation for me as well. From a homicidal offspring to our first confidante in one Parisian afternoon."

"Oh Mum, he's a bit of poet isn't he?"

"Yes he is dear, now go find your own."

"I'll walk you down." Hank puts on the jacket and moves to the door.

"Wait a second dear." Miriam gets up and grabs his sleeve. She adroitly snaps the price tag from its perch.

"Oops! Thank you my sculptress."

Mother and daughter hug.

"Have a pleasant trip home. I guess you and I have some long discussions coming up."

"Yeah, we do. Have a wonderful time here and I truly hope it is whatever you two are looking for.

"That's just it, we aren't looking for anything, this just happened, is happening."

"Whatever it is, enjoy it. And I think he is delightful, I really do."

The two women unclinch and as Jane moves through the doorway, Miriam mouths 'Thank You' across the room at Hank. He winks at her and follows Jane out the door, closing it behind him.

They head down the hall to the elevator.

"I'm so glad I dropped that Air Tag in her bag. This has been fun. But I am afraid there is a lot of heartache ahead for others if you two decide to move forward. I don't know how much she has told you, but I have a bit of experience in that area."

"Not much really, mostly that you would be the one to kill me. I don't which of you has which grandchildren, etc."

"Well, I am the one with several husbands and no kids. Kind of the glass house offspring who cannot throw stones."

"Aha! At one time she did describe one of you as loving ferociously."

"Yes, that would be me........ Would you do me a favor?"


Jane digs into her bag and pulls out a slim pebble grain card wallet.

"Here is my card. If you feel comfortable, email me your particulars. Talk it over with her first. But I would like to help you both make this work."

They step into the lift and descend to the lobby.

"If Miriam is fine with it, I would love to get to know you better. And thank you for loving your mother ferociously and all the honesty that brought you here."

Stepping back into the lobby, they cross the marble floor to the wrought iron entrance way.

"You are a quiet man, but I can feel that you are capable of controlling any environment you enter. You do realize that you are both A types and there could be some clashing going forward........"

"Jane, I am counting on it."

"You take care Hank, I am going to walk the Seine and wish for someone like you."

As the doorman swings the door open, Jane sashays out, pulling every pair of eyes with her, man or woman. She turns left on the sidewalk, heading for the river and in a moment, she is gone.

Hank heads back across the lobby to the elevator. Flipping the card back and forth with his thumb, index and middle fingers, he stops it's rotation and then corrects it's orientation, as it is upside down.

Jane Compton-Hayes


Elite Model Management -- London


+44 478 4498 2

+44 2 4589 3290

Well, like mother, like daughter. This family is certainly not boring. It appears that we have a tigress in our corner if we need one. But I don't want us to need one. I don't want any conflict. I don't want James or Terri to be hurt. That is rather naïve of me. Let's try that on from another direction........

I come home having never met Miriam. Terri tells me that she has met a man who makes her feel things she could never imagine. She still loves me, but is no longer in love with me. She does not want to hurt me........... yeah, right. That wouldn't hurt would it?

If I want this..... If I want Miriam, there is going to be work involved for both of us.

He skips the lift and walks up the staircase. Did that woman just give him a look? God these clothes feel great!

How is Miriam doing? Was that a brave face she was putting on? Jane's initial appearance really rocked her. Okay, Jane has opened a few more windows for discussion. But at least I no longer have to worry about being murdered.

He waves the key over the door sensor and enters the suite. The sitting area is empty as is the bedroom...........

"Sit down Henry. It's my turn to walk our runway." Miriam's voice is slightly muffled behind the bathroom/wardrobe door.

Hank sits down. The midsummer sun is just scraping the nearby rooftops, rays splintering off across the city. It's 7PM and while early for a Parisian dinner, he is starving. They never decided where to go for dinner. While not a gourmand, he is open to many cuisines and wonders if Miriam shares that sense of adventure. It's yet another thing they have not really discussed.

After a few more minutes, Miriam calls out from behind the door.

"What do you want for dinner?"

"Funny, I was just thinking the same thing!"

"Well, that's not exactly ESP, I can hear both out stomachs growling! Hank, I am game for anything, just not sauerkraut."

"Okay, this is going to sound weird, but I am not a big fan of French cooking and I agree with you about sauerkraut. How about sushi?"

"Sushi is good, but maybe not tonight. Do you like Vietnamese food?"

"Sure, I can go for some Pho!"

"There is a great little restaurant just below Sacre Coeur that should still be empty this early, if we get our asses in gear."..............

A few more minutes go by.................

The door opens and Miriam steps out, her hair is now loose, framing her face perfectly. Her make up, perfectly applied, accents her best features. She is wearing the lace dress purchased today at YSL...... and nothing else. No stockings, no panties, no bra. On her feet, the same strapped pumps that raked his ass 6 weeks ago in Yorkshire.

She strides across the room and stands before him. And like that night six weeks ago, she is radiating a raw, sensual need and challenge at the same time. Unlike six weeks ago, Hank is able to speak.

"Christ Miriam, you are the sexiest woman I have ever seen in my life. It's too bad you spent all the time getting dressed because I am going to take it all off now and fuck you silly."

"You most certainly will not! This took some work on my part and will remain on me for a while. We are going to dinner, with one small change in attire. I just wanted to burn this picture into your memory, because it's the beginning of the bluest night your balls will ever have."

Thinking she must be talking about the dress, Hank awaits her return, which is amazingly rapid and he at first notices no difference. But as exposed as Miriam was, it does not take long to realize that she had swapped the CFMP's for some more sensible pumps...... in fact, the very ones she was wearing the night they met........ but the dress, is she really going to wear that out?

Apparently, she is. She grabs a large Hermes scarf purchased this afternoon and dons a light raincoat, belting it at her waist. The scarf hides her breasts and the raincoat covers her delta and thighs.

"Shall we?"

Miriam steps to the door and waits for him to open it and then steps through.

In the elevator, she turns to him and presses herself against him, whispering in his ear.

"I am so glad you like this outfit. I bought it for your pleasure and mine and I am going to tease you with it as long as I can stand it, which may not be too long because I would like you to take me right now in this elevator."

She reaches down and feels around his crotch, finding him fully erect.

"Good, I am glad I have a receptive audience. Everything inside this dress is yours, but I am the gatekeeper for the next few hours. Let's go have dinner my love."

She kisses him deeply, her long tongue reaching back into his throat and then reeling back in just as the doors open onto the lobby.

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