You are Definitely Going to Hell


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The guys are buzzing about the weekend and have all made second dates with their dates from Saturday. That surprised me; I didn't think Nicky got on with Karen very well. Apparently, they went for a drink after and ended up at the local nightclub. Both being over 18 gave them that option. Charlie's birthday is the 16th of January, so we have a little time to wait before going out like that.

The days tick by, and Charlie and I keep rigidly to our promise of speaking each night. She's a little far for me to go over after school, so I can't wait to pass my test and get a car so we can spend more time together.

The test center is around twenty miles from where I live. It's on an old airfield, and mums booked me into a B&B for the five days of lessons and test. I get the hang of it very quickly. The place has been laid out like a housing estate with roads and junctions. They've even got traffic lights, and the old runway has been made into a dual carriageway so we can learn to drive at speeds up to seventy. They teach us to reverse around corners, parallel parking, emergency stop, three-point turn, or turn in the road. There is hazard awareness and road signs dotted around the place, which we have to memorize. Luckily I have read my highway code and know most of them.

On the last day, a woman came from the local test center and took us out one by one. There are thirteen of us taking the course, and I'm fourth to take my test. Two of the first three failed but can re-take it the next day if they want. They leave straight away to practice where they went wrong.

It's my turn. The woman checks the car is roadworthy and then gets me to read a number plate on a vehicle about fifty meters away. We get in and belt up. I wait for my instruction, and when she asks me to start the engine, I go through checking the mirrors, the seat is adjusted, and the gear shift is in neutral. I start the car and am instructed to pull away safely and appropriately.

We go down the road to a roundabout, along a short dual carriageway onto an industrial estate. I am asked to parallel park, and once I have parked the car in between two others, the woman advises me that when we pull back out onto the road, she will be testing my emergency stop procedure. We drive along the road, and she bashes her clipboard on the dash and shouts, stop. I hit the brakes and press the clutch, so the car doesn't stall. She asks me to reverse around the corner at the end of the road, where there is little traffic. When we are stopped, she shows me some road signs on her clipboard and asks me what hazards they indicate.

Once she is satisfied that she has covered everything, we drive back to the driving school, and when we park up, she turns to me, "well, Mr. Johnson, I am pleased to let you know you have passed." I smile and thank her. She fills out the paperwork, signs the back of my provisional license, and I walk back into the waiting room.

Once I had signed the forms in the driving school, I could leave and go to the train station to make my way home.

As I get out of the taxi, I notice a strange car on the drive. Sitting there is a Mark 3 Ford Escort in metallic blue. We rarely have visitors, and I don't recognize it from any of our relations.

I let myself into the house, "hi, anyone home?" No answer. I shrug and go upstairs to unpack. I wasn't expecting anyone to be in, but with that car on the drive, there could have been.

I'm unpacking my bag when I glance out of the window. I glance across to the Richards kitchen window for a second. Oh, the sticker is still there. It takes a second for me to process what I just told myself. "The stickers still there?" I say out loud. Jill hasn't started her period yet, and she should have some time in the week. I sit on my bed, "Christ, either she forgot, or there's a good chance she is pregnant." I had to say it out loud to make it more real.

I walk next door and see if Archie needs a walk. Jill calls me as I leave with the dog trying to pull my arm out of its socket. "Rob, would you mind if I walk with you today?"

"No, it's a beautiful day, so why not."

She smiles, shuts, and locks her front door. As she catches up to me, she says, "have you noticed the sticker?"

"Sure did."

"And what do you think?"

"If you are indeed pregnant, then it was worth the moral dilemma."

"Moral dilemma? I like it. So, how did you get on with the driving?"


"Really? Well done."

"Going back to the other subject. What are the chances?"

"I'm ninety-eight percent sure. You could set a clock to my cycle for most of my life. I've never missed one, and it's always been within a day on either side of the date. We are on day four."

"Have you said anything to your husband?"

"He noticed there was no X on the calendar yesterday. He's on cloud nine at the moment, and last night he didn't have a single drink."

"Then it was doubly worth it."

"Well, I'm not so sure."


"Because you've ruined me for my husband."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the weekend after we did it, Jack and I were at it like rabbits. I mean, we did it four times Saturday and five on Sunday."

"That sounds like a good thing."

"I would trade all nine for one with you."

"We know that's not happening."

"I know, it's okay. I can live with it. Anyway, I doubt I'm going to get much in the coming months."

"So, is there anything you need from me other than my continued silence?"

"Not at the moment. Your babysitting skills maybe later."

"Oh no, don't do kids."

"What are you going to do when you have your own?"

"Let Mrs. Johnson look after them."

"Talking about Mrs. Johnson. How is Charlie?"

"She's fine, won't be able to do much before the new year."

"Oh, why?"

"Christmas, she's away, and I was away doing the driving school."

"I'm sure once you get a car, it will be much easier."

"When I get a car, yeah."

"I'm sure you will," she says with a knowing smile. We get up to the seat and sit. Archie is running around more than usual; nobody's taken him out since I did on Sunday.

"Do you know, I've missed 'us.'"

"You're not getting all clingy, are you?"

Jill laughs, "no." She waits a moment and adds, "and not needy either?"

"Well, you need a good seeing too."

"Robert. I don't know what you mean."

"To be honest, Jill, I enjoy us talking like this in private. Can we do that without doing the rest?"

"I can't see why not. Only in private, though."

Because it's still light, we sit pretty far apart and not for long. As soon as Archie shows his face, we are on our feet, heading back down the hill.

"Rob, before we get closer to civilization, can I ask you that now you know that what we did has most probably produced a child. Are you still okay within yourself?"

"What my conscious?"

"Yes, if you like."

"To be honest, I should be asking you that. You have to live with the lie, and it's you that has to face it every day when you look at our child or look your husband in the eye. I think I've got off lightly. I'll be off to University just after he or she is born."

"If you had seen Jack's face when he realized that calendar had no X on for December, you would see that it is worth it and more."


"You know if it hadn't worked the first time."

"I thought we were only going to try the once?"

"Yeah, but I would have talked myself into a second go and then you."

"I don't doubt that for a minute if I am single," I say, shaking my head.

We get to the bottom of the hill, Jill heads home, and I take Archie home. It's mid-afternoon when I get in and make myself a sandwich with a cup of tea. I go upstairs and sit at my desk and eat. My mind is going over what Jill said earlier, and I still have the same feeling inside. I am pleased that she has finally fulfilled her dream. I just hope the cost wasn't too high.

I've got into repairing my old portable radio when I hear the front door open. I look at the time and realize it is time for my parents to get home.

I finish what I am doing and get up to go downstairs. My mother has brought chips home tonight, and I can smell them from the top of the stairs.

"Is that you, Rob?"


Mum waits for me to get to the bottom of the stairs as she continues to plate up the newspaper-clad dinner. "I got you southern fried chicken tonight."

"That's great; who's car is that on the drive?"

"That depends," she says.

"On what?"

"On whether you passed your test or not."

"What, the car is for me?"

"Yes, but only when you show me you've passed."

I turn and go upstairs. I come back down with my certificate from the driving school and the paperwork I have to send off to the DVLA. "There you go."

"Well done, I knew you could do it."

"Your father took two attempts to pass." My mother often brings that up when a chance presents itself.

"So, am I legal to drive the car?"

"Yes, I've put it in my name, so it was cheaper to insure.

"Thanks, mum. Can I go out in it tonight?"

"Wow, someone's keen."

"Charlie leaves tomorrow and

"Yes, I've put it in my name, so it was cheaper to insure.

"Thanks, Mum. Can I go out in it tonight?"

"Wow, someone's keen."

"Charlie leaves tomorrow, and I would like to see her before she goes."

"Are you sure you will be okay? Traffic is crazy this time of year."

"Yes, Mum, I will take it easy."

She hands me the ford key, and we settle down to eat.

I phone Charlie just after six. "Hi, Charlie."

"Hi Rob, how did you get on?"

"I passed."

"Oh, babes, that's brilliant. All you need now is a car."

"Well, I was wondering if it would be okay if I came round to see you?"

"What really?"

"Yeah, I've got you a small gift that I would like to give you before you leave."

"Oh baby, hang on." I hear her ask if it's okay for me to come round. "Yes, no problem. My mother has been desperate to meet the guy I've been going on about for the last three weeks."

"Well, okay, what is the best way to get to you?

"The easiest is down your dual carriageway. It would be best to head towards the M20 but do not get on the motorway. You need to go over the motorway and then the first turning off."

"You mentioned Great Mills before, and I know where that is."

"Good, you remembered. I'll tell you what, I will meet you at the Great Mills in thirty minutes, okay?"

"Okay, see you soon, Charlie."

"You don't know how much I am looking forward to this; see you in half an hour."

I now know where I'm going. She doesn't live too far from the Great Mills my Dad always goes to. I get in the car, familiarize myself with the controls, and set the seat and mirrors. I start the engine and slowly reverse out of the drive. It will be the first time I've driven in the dark, but I'm sure I know where I'm going.

It's not long until I'm going over the M20 and taking the first left. Every traffic light seems to be red. Finally, I come round a bend and see the giant lit-up Great Mills sign. I indicate in and see Charlie straight away waiting under the entrance. She's with a younger girl and scanning every car that comes into the car park, and a smile explodes across her face when she sees me.

I park up and get out--Charlie waves to a man inside before running towards me. "Rob," she shouts.

We meet in the middle of the road, and Charlie throws her arms around me. We kiss for a minute until the younger girl moans, "Charlotte, it's cold."

We stop kissing, and both look at the frozen teenager. "Rob, this is my little sister Ruth."

"Hello Ruth, it's good to meet you."

"Yeah, hi, can we get home now?" She's a miserable one.

"Come on, jump in the car. It's a lot warmer." she walks hesitantly across the road and waits for me to unlock the door for her. I get in and reach across and unlock first the passenger, then the back seat door.

"Quickly put the keys in the ignition and start the car. I put the blowers going, and the car began to heat up.

We drive down several roads before getting to Charlie's place, and I park up outside. Ruth gets out without a word.

"Sorry about her; mum made her come out with me."

"That's okay; I'm just pleased to see you before you leave."

We get out and make our way into the house. "Mum?" Charlie calls.

"I'm upstairs; I'll be down in a minute."

We walk into the lounge where Ruth has slumped down in an armchair and is staring at the TV.

We sit on the sofa holding hands, waiting for Charlie's mother to come down.

"Sorry, you must be Rob. It's so lovely to meet you finally." Charlie's Mum says as she walks into the lounge.

"Yeah, she won't shut up about you," Ruth adds.

Charlie huffs, "please don't embarrass me," she pleads.

Her mum smiles, "honey, didn't you know that's what us mums do?" The way she looked at me sent a shiver down my spine.

I have to smile because Charlie's nothing like my mother. I spend an hour at Charlie's home, but it feels off. I can't put my finger on it, but her Mum gives me the creeps. That, and I can't at least get a kiss from my girlfriend.

Eventually, I feel I have worn out my welcome, and I make my apologies and leave. Charlie and I exchange prezzies, promising not to open them until Christmas day. She comes out to the car with me, and we get a little alone time. It helps that the area is poorly lit, with no street lights near the house. She sits on my lap in the driver's seat, and we kiss. She's wearing a skirt today that sits just below the knee. When we start to kiss, I realize it's moved up quite a bit and sits above the knee, giving me skin to touch.

Again our kiss gets deep, and the passion builds. My hands are wondering again as they slide up the outside of her thigh. I feel the skirt full up a little more as the material creases under my hand. I bring my hand up to cup her face before returning to her knee. I rest it there a moment, and then Charlie drops her right leg into the passenger footwell to my astonishment. This has two effects, it opens her legs slightly, and my hand changes knees finishing on her left knee.

I stayed there, not sure if that was deliberate on not. I figure that it will be like the last time. If she wants to stop me, she will. I slide my hand up a little, and her kisses don't change one bit. I'm sure she opened her legs a little more to allow me to go higher. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, I continue my stroking. Each time my hand moves higher, It's at this moment I touch a very wet pantie material. Charlie gasps into my mouth as I hold my hand there for a moment applying pressure working into her slit a little. Her legs suddenly clamped closed.

Charlie is breathing heavily and has rested her forehead on mine. "Your such a good kisser." She takes another deep breath, "oh shit, Rob, you best stop." She gives me another peck and then holds me in a tight embrace.

Our hug is interrupted by Charlie's mother calling from the door and reminding her that they have an early start.

"I best get going. It's been so good to see you, though, Rob."

"Yeah, likewise. So you are back new years eve, yes?"

"Yes, I'll phone you when we get back."

"Have a good Christmas, Charlie."

"Yeah, you to Rob. I wish we could spend it together."

"Maybe next year?"

"You've got a date."

She moves from my lap and gives me one last kiss. She slowly makes her way in, only turning to wave goodbye as she goes through the door.

As I start the car, I scratch my nose and am immediately drawn to the smell on my hand. Mmmmm, 'Pussy Al a Charlie.'


Christmas is a drag; the only good thing to happen is that I am surprised with a Sage master system from Mum and Dad. I thought the car was my gift. Along with the Master system, I got a couple of games and some other smaller items. Overall I felt I did pretty well.

The only bit of excitement is Clive has decided to have a new year party at his place. His parents are going to another house, so they've allowed him to party. My only thing was that I didn't want to drink and drive. Clive got permission for us to stay. They have some blow-up beds that we can set up in their dining room.

With time to think, I often found myself looking across the road and wondering if I had done the right thing. This was answered when I glanced towards the illuminated kitchen window the evening before Charlie returned and saw Mr. Peters cuddling Mrs. Peters from behind, holding his wife's stomach with the happiest of looks on his face. This made my mind up to forget any worries I still had and move on. That walk up to The Ridge was relaxed. I was totally at peace with myself for the first time in weeks.

The next day I am on tenterhooks waiting for that phone call. The time seems to pass slowly as I wait for my girlfriend to announce she is back.

The phone must have rung half a dozen times. Each time I would walk to the top of the stairs and listen.

Then the one time. "Hello?....... Oh, hello dear......Hang on, and I will get him........Robert?"

I thunder down the stairs, "Hello?"

"Hey, Rob, I'm back."

"Don't know anyone called back?"

"Ha Ha, not funny. Can you come to pick me up?"

"Sure, what you got in mind to do?"

"Not sure, but I want to get out of this madhouse."

"Charlie, Clive's having a new year party, and we've been invited. Are you up for that? It will mean us staying there the night if I have a drink, separate beds if you don't want to share."

"That sounds great," I hear her ask her mother. "Yes, that's okay. How long until you get here?"

"Great, I'll be over in about an hour." I hang up quickly and go upstairs to get my trainers on.

Thirty-five minutes later, I pull up outside Charlie's house. I go up and ring the doorbell. Charlie's Mum answers the door and puts me straight on edge with the way she looks me up and down. She makes me feel like a piece of meat.

Luckily Charlie is ready to go, and we are gone. "Where do you fancy going?" I ask.

"Can we go back to yours? I'm still knackered from the drive back, and if we're up late, then I need a rest."

"No problem."

We get in and head upstairs after saying hi to my Mum, but as usual, we get ignored. I put some music going; I taped the Sunday countdown on radio one. I try and eliminate most of the talking, but it's a fine art with my finger hovering over the pause button. I often listen to the tape while playing my Sega Master System. I record it every Sunday to keep it up to date.

Charlie makes a beeline for the bed and makes herself comfortable. She pats the space next to her, and we snuggle up cuddling.

Our kiss starts to deepen, but Charlie pulls back a little. "Hey, no leaving me in the same state as you did in the car."

"Mmmm, you got very wet. I could smell you on my hand for two days after."

She playfully hits me, "you are the first person to make me feel such things, and I'm sure if my body is overreacting or it's the way you kiss."

"I would settle for the way I kiss."

"I bet you would. Anyway, how was your Christmas?"

"Crap without you," I answer flatly.

"Oh, poor baby. Did you miss your girlfriend?"

"What you saying? Didn't you miss me?"

"Of course, but I had skiing to distract me."

We carried on chatting the afternoon away and kissed a little more, but any time my hands found a little naked flesh, Charlie would move my hand. I guess she must be on her period or something, so I didn't push things.

To my surprise, Mum cooks Charlie's dinner and is friendly with her. I'm wondering if she's been on the red wine already. Mum and Dad are going to one of the neighbor's houses for the new year. With only a hand full of houses on the road, it makes sense for one of them to do something. We had our turn three years back.

Charlie and I go back upstairs for a couple of hours before we leave. We play doubles on Spy Catcher on the games console, and Charlie whoops me. If anyone asks, though, I let her win.