You Thought I Would Never Do It


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There was no choice to make here. "Yes Mistress, I will accept."

"Very well. I'll be back shortly. Kaci, there is a role for you in this challenge, will you join me so we can discuss it?"

I heard Kaci arise from her chair and walk over, then she and Mistress Marne started murmuring and whispering. I couldn't tell what they were saying, however. A few moments later, however, both women walked towards me.

"As I was saying, I think you will enjoy this challenge. I believe my clients should always have a chance to enjoy an orgasm towards the end of their session, provided they have been well behaved, and you do fall into that category, despite a couple of vocal outbursts. I never offer my own vaginal or oral stimulation to my clients, but over the years, I've developed a very talented set of hands and fingers, which are very good at bringing men -- and women, I might add -- to orgasm. I am prepared to do that for you now."

Well, this was a surprise, and it sounded good to me, but I knew there had to be a catch. There was still some sort of challenge coming. I heard footsteps approaching my head, and suddenly I sensed Kaci's presence -- and her sensual scent -- very close by.

"Your challenge, however, is to bring your wife to orgasm before I do that for you. Her corset conveniently unsnaps between her legs, and her lace leggings have nothing at the crotch." There was a pause, I felt Kaci stepping forward, and suddenly my upside-down head was clamped between her thighs, my nose buried near her rosebud, and my mouth resting against her pussy. She was very wet, and she smelled like, well, like sex. Just as this was happening, I felt a cool drizzle on my cock as Mistress Marne squirted a large dollop of lube to assist in her ministrations.

Oh, this ring on your cock is going to be in my way, so...... let's give it to Kaci." I felt the ring pulling off my cock, the chain moving up my belly and across my chest, and then a solid tug on my nipples -- in an upward direction - as Kaci apparently took control of the clamps. She tugged again, a bit harder, and I heard a brief giggle.

"If you succeed in bringing Kaci off first, you'll have an opportunity to experience my cane. I can't promise you will wholly enjoy that experience, as there will be some pain involved, but it will be one you'll remember. If I bring you off first, however, your orgasm will mark the end of your time with me. We'll unstrap you, and Kaci will take you home. Are you ready? I know you can't really speak just now, so Kaci, let me know when his tongue first touches your pussy, that will be the sign that we're starting."

Though my hearing was somewhat impacted by the tight environs around my head -- as was my ability to breathe -- I heard another giggle from above me, and felt another tug on my nipples. It was almost like my wife was riding a horse bareback and using the reins to get started. I didn't see any other possible course of action, so I spread my lips, extended my tongue, and started probing. "Okay, go," Kaci exclaimed, and I felt Mistress Marne's hands wrap around my cock and begin sliding around. I was still in darkness, but even without the blindfold I would have had no way of seeing what I was doing -- my field of view would essentially have been Kaci's ass -- and I had no hands to help me explore her folds either, so my ability to be sure I was hitting the right spots was pretty limited. Thankfully, I think Kaci decided to help me out -- I don't know whether it was more for her benefit, or mine -- and she adjusted and settled her location until my tongue cause a pelvic jerk and sharp intake of breath -- along with a sharp and momentarily painful tug on my nipples. I had no bandwidth to pay attention to that now; I was fully focused on Kaci's clit. Hopefully, I was now on the right track to getting her to cum first.

I say hopefully because, down at my own torso, Mistress Marne was beginning to generate serious positive responses. One hand was wrapped around my balls, twizzling them around with its fingers, while the other was gently stroking up, down, up, down the underside of my cock. Every couple of strokes she would pause, pinch my cock-head between her fingers, and roll it around just like she was doing with my balls. Of course, the huge butt plug in my ass wasn't helping matters (or maybe it was, depending on your perspective and desired outcome) because every time Mistress Marne rocked me around, it nudged up against my prostate. I'm sure she knew it was there and was trying to use it to her best advantage. I could tell that (a) she was highly experienced and very talented at this, and (b) it wasn't going to take long for me to explode. It wasn't like I could try and distract myself with boring math questions, after all, as I needed to concentrate on my tongue buried deep in my wife's pussy.

Kaci was moving around more by now as well, however, rocking her pelvis back and forth as I sucked on her juices and flicked my tongue around inside her as fast and as hard as I could. I could faintly hear her voice whimpering as her body strove to achieve orgasm. I was also moving more, however, and suddenly I felt that pressure building that told me I was probably just seconds away. I finally resorted to using my teeth, biting down as gently as I could on what I hoped was Kaci's clit. That one move did the trick, and I felt Kaci's entire body begin writhing and heard her voice begin screaming. She was using her legs to ride up and down as her own juices squirted out over my face. Thankfully she pulled off -- I think more out of desperation for some relief herself more than any concern or consideration for me -- and I was able to take a deep breath through my nose before swallowing down the girl-cum she had deposited into my mouth. I hadn't even noticed at the time, but I realized that somewhere in there Mistress Marne had let go of my cock. And I hadn't cum.

With no use of my arms and legs, and still blindfolded, all I could do was lie there, breathing deeply, listen to Kaci settle down after her writhing orgasm, and wonder what was in store for me next.

"That was very close," said Mistress Marne, a bit of amazement in her voice. "Usually when I set up a challenge of that nature, I win, so you did well to bring Kaci over her cliff so quickly. I think maybe I was distracted because I so enjoyed watching her, I perhaps forgot to focus on you. Here; let me remove your blindfold now -- you should see what you did to your wife."

Mistress Marne reached over, removed the blindfold, and I blinked a few times as my eyes re-adjusted to the light. Kaci was still standing just above my head -- my eyes just below her pussy, which looked drippy wet, flushed in color and very bedraggled. Above that, however, Kaci was smiling broadly, and she promptly leaned over and gave me a deep, deep kiss. "That. Was. Amazing! I never know you could get me off quite THAT well with just your tongue. Well... maybe I felt your teeth in there too. Usually I complain if that happens, but no more!" Kaci looked down at the ring on the chain that was still wrapped around one finger, and gave a gentle tug. "Plus, who knew how much fun THESE could be!" I was pleased that she enjoyed holding those reins.... but even a gentle tug was painful in the highly sensitized state my nipples were in.

Meanwhile, Mistress Marne had reached down, unclipped my wrist and ankle on one side, and was moving around to the other. When she finished I slid off the wheel, staggering a bit as the feeling came back into my legs, then gestured at Mistress Marne towards my chest, silently asking if the nipple clamps could also be removed. "Of course," she said, smiling, as she gently unclipped one, then the other. She gave each nipple a gentle little caress as she pulled the clamps away. "However, you do have one experience left, you know," as she reached for the switch.

"Just so you know, I would never really use this on something like your cock or balls. That warning gesture I teased you with was simply for effect. Leaving a red stripe on a fleshy part of the body is one thing, but I wouldn't want to cut open something important."

I thought about resisting -- pushing back and asking if maybe we hadn't done enough after all -- but then decided that no, I was going to be all in on this gift Kaci had created for me, and if getting my ass filled with red stripes was going to be a part of this experience, so be it. "Where do you want me, Mistress?" I asked.

"Oh, I think you should experience my cross," she responded. "Come this way." She led me over to a large metal frame in the shape of an "X" standing on the floor on the other side of the room. "Stand here facing this," ordered Mistress Marne. I did, and discovered that the four arms came together just about at my belly button. My cock and balls hung freely below the crossing; a good thing, I realized, as I was still pretty stiff down there and trapping my cock between my body and the frame might have been, well, uncomfortable. My upper chest and face looked through between the upper arms. "Spread your legs out," she ordered, and promptly affixed the ankle cuffs I was still wearing to each of the lower extensions. "And now your arms," and she did the same with my wrists. "Oh, My, I guess we had better remove this!", and I felt the butt plug in my ass slowly being pulled out and away. We had all, every one of us, totally forgotten it was in there! Then she stepped away, I guess picking up that master remote once more, as the upper extension pieces began moving, stretching my arms out until I was once again well immobilized.

I heard a rustling that I assumed may have been Mistress Marne picking up her cane. She stepped around to the back of the cross, so that I was looking right into her eyes - well, her breasts, with her eyes peering down from above them - and began running her fingers up and down the long thin object she held in one hand.

"So, while a flogger, a paddle and a strap all play an important role in domination play, a switch of this nature, which is made of rattan and is quite thin and flexible, is actually my favorite implement of all. I find that the sensations this imparts, when delivered properly, can be highly exquisite. However, there are a couple of cautions to keep in mind. Kaci, you should pay attention here, just in case you're ever inclined to try a switch yourself." Mistress Marne was apparently shifting into instructor mode for a moment. "As I said when we were using the flogger, and this also applies to spanking, the switch should really only be applied to fleshy areas of the body. The ass is perfect, and the front and back of the thighs are very good as well. The back side of the lower legs are also okay, but not the front side where there's no covering over the bones. The upper back and shoulders are also okay for something thin and flexible like this, as the shoulder blades are larger and protect the spine itself, which one should never hit. The chest is also a good spot, at least for a man, though it could be really tender for a woman. Absolute no-no's include joints like knees or elbows, no kidneys, and like I said before -- no genitalia. And nothing at the neck or above. But in the prime fleshy areas, it's really fine to strike as hard as one wishes to strike. It will absolutely leave stripes, so if you don't want people to know what has happened, stick with areas that will be hidden with clothes. Unlike the pink or red flush imparted by a paddle, which will fade overnight, these marks may require a couple weeks to fully disappear, depending on how they were applied and what sort of after-care is provided.

With that, she flicked the switch back and forth in the air; it made a distinct "whoosh" sound, like the flogger but somehow cleaner, I guess because it was just one thin piece slicing through the air, not dozens. But then, she lowered the tip of the switch and gently nudged my cock which, since her ministrations on the wheel hadn't led to an explosion, was still standing straight out. "Well, look at this", she mused with a smile. "Perhaps you're excited by the prospect of what's coming....."

"Now, let's see. Kaci, did you say this visit to my Den was an anniversary present? How many years has it been?"

"Our fifteenth anniversary was last week," answered Kaci.

"Well that's perfect. Fifteen is a lot, actually, so I may need to go a bit easy on you, but it's a good number and we'll go with it. I like to have my clients count the numbers out loud, after each strike, but this time, to make it participatory given that it's an anniversary celebration, Kaci, why don't you call out the count?"

"Okay, I can do that." Kaci hadn't retreated back to her chair, but was standing to one side of me where she would have a good view, while Mistress Marne had moved around the cross and was now standing somewhere behind me.

"My rule is that you mustn't lose count, or we'll have to start over," warned Mistress Marne.

"Really? Well, I'll keep that in mind, for sure!" Kaci responded, a bit too excitedly for my liking.

I heard the switch whipping this way and that around the air behind me, before there was a moment of silence, and then 'WHHOOOOSSSHHHH' and I felt a searing line of pain right across the back of my butt. I knew I had to remain silent, but I couldn't help letting a quiet "Ahhhh" escape my lips. It really hurt! "One," called out Kaci, as if I didn't know that already. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like at fifteen.

I heard a few bootsteps as Mistress Marne move to a different position behind me, then 'whooossshhh' and the switch landed again, a bit lower this time. This was really different than any of the flogger, the strands of which struck in a pretty dispersed manner, the spanks with the paddle, which though they landed very solidly, were spread out over a broader area of flesh, or even the narrower strap. This was like a thin line of searing white heat. "Two," counted Kaci. My torso involuntarily tried to find a path of escape, but of course, there was nowhere to go.

The switching continued, with Kaci counting through three, four, five, six and seven, each strike landing in a slightly different place on my ass. I could no longer differentiate where the switch was landing, as my entire ass was wildly on fire. After Kaci called out "eight", Mistress Marne finally spoke up. "Cal, you're handling this well. Kaci, we're just over half-way through, would you like to take a turn?"

"Oh, No!" Kaci replied, emphatically. "I told you, I don't really even like to spank my husband. Trying out that flogger was enough of an experiment for me. I'm not going to be using a switch; this is why I brought him to you."

"That's fine, and your response is actually pretty typical. I frequently get clients who want me to do things that their partners or lovers aren't comfortable doing for them. Let's see, where are we now?"

"We're at eight," responded Kaci. "Before you started I was thinking I might somehow manage to lose count partway through, just to extend and enhance his experience, but after watching and hearing your switch land on his ass and seeing the pattern that is developing, I can't imagine going more than fifteen. But please... do carry on with what we've agreed to."

"I'll do that," responded Mistress Marne, as she slowly meandered around towards my front. "Oh My Goodness, what have we here?" She reached out with end of the cane and gently tweaked my cock back and forth. My ass was so aflame I hadn't really noticed, but with her touch, I realized that my shaft felt bigger and harder and fuller than it had in a very, very long time. "Kaci, come around and take a look at this," said Mistress Marne with a bit of awe in her voice.

"Oh Wow!" exclaimed Kaci. "I don't think I have ever seen him get that huge and hard and colorful. Is he okay?"

"Oh, he's perfectly fine, just excited is all. The experience of feeling my switch must be really turning him on." She stepped a bit closer, and reached down to just barely touch my cockhead. It promptly jumped, a bit painfully! "I have an idea, Kaci. I did promise your husband an orgasm before we're done this evening. It's well known that simultaneous stimulation of other parts of the body will enhance the intensity of a genital orgasm. He's clearly turned on by the feel of my switch on his ass, so why don't you come over here and provide whatever sort of attention you wish to this wonderfully engorged, excited cock while I complete the remaining strokes. I bet he'll come with an explosive force greater than you've ever seen before."

"Really? Okay, I think I could get into doing that," Kaci responded, a note of intrigue in her voice. She stepped around the frame, stood just in front of me, and smiled broadly. "Honey, are you ready for this? Doesn't really matter if you are or not, I guess, because you're going to get it either way." Kaci slowly sank to her knees, and reached out with both hands, gently placing her fingertips on either side of my sack. Even that gentle touch was excruciatingly stimulating. Slowly, she drew her fingers up onto and then along the length of my shaft, generating a shock wave that radiated through my body. I writhed against the frame, involuntarily trying to pull away while at the same time relishing the sensations she was generating. "I think I'm ready now," Kaci purred to Mistress Marne.

"Very well, I am as well", she replied, and suddenly I heard the WWHHHHISSSSSHHHHHHH of the switch just before feeling the red hot sting of its strike across my ass. "Cal, I think your wife's mouth may soon no longer be able to count out loud, as it will be devoted to something else, so you'll have to complete the counting process yourself. What number was that?".

"Ohhhhhhhhh, I think it was n..... nine?" I whimpered back. It was very hard to concentrate given what was going on down around my mid-section. Kaci had grasped hold of my cock more firmly with one hand and was stroking up and down, while her other had grasped hold of my balls and was twizzling oner against the other.

"That's right," answered the Mistress, as she stepped around to a different vantage point. THWIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGH, went the switch, and I couldn't help but let out a startled cry as it landed just at the base of my butt. "AAAARRRRRGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!".

I sensed Kaci looking up at me, I think a bit startled herself at my cry. But, she stayed in character as Assistant Mistress, and simply whispered, "Cal, don't forget to announce the number."

"Oh, God, that was ten...." I managed to say. Kaci smiled at me, and licked her lips. "You got it. I think soon you'll need a little lubrication down here, and slipping her tongue even further out between her lips, reached out and caressed the tip of my cock. "Oh God, Oh Shit, Oh Fuck" I exclaimed as the sensations on my cock grew even more intense.

WWWHHHHHHIIIIIIIZZZZZZZZZ, went the switch, and my flaming ass tensed up as it struck right across the fleshy middle. My cock responded as well, involuntarily jumping away from Kaci's gently caressing tongue. She reached out, grabbed it at the base, and offered an admonishment. "Are you trying to escape from my attentions? We can't have that now, can we?" And as if to reinforce her words, Kaci's lips formed a circle through which she gently inserted the first inch or so of my inflamed shaft.

"That was number eleven, and I think we can dispense with the rest of the counting process," said Mistress Marne, gently. She could tell that I was in no condition to be trying to shout out a number. "We have four strikes left. Kaci, are you ready?"

Kaci nodded her head up and down, never releasing my cock from her mouth. "Uh Huh..." she seemed to say, and the words created a buzz where her tongue wrapped around my cock within her mouth.