Young Love


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Although when she had told me the reason for this was because she and her boyfriend had split, I was jumping for joy. Inside of course because the fact of the matter is, her boyfriend, or should I say ex was a complete moron.


The Present

It had just ticked over to 5:30. I had dozed off once more. I turned to my side to see Amber curled up to me with her arms draped around my waist. Her body was hot but I believed that it was just our joint body temperature and not the drugs that was causing her temperature.

I went through many emotions this past night. Anxiety, fear, relief, happiness just to name a few. Right now I felt the latter. To me, this moment was bliss although I wished it had been in better circumstances. I savoured every second of this it.

Beside me I heard my phone vibrate. I quickly answered it and spoke in a whisper so I wouldn't disturb Amber.

'Nate, it's Charlie. You disappeared last night so fast I didn't get to say goodbye.'

'Piece of advice Charlie. Don't invite Paulie Dante to any more parties. You do know that fucker was passing out ecstasy,' I hissed into the phone.

'I know, I was there with you. Sorry if that ruined your night I-'

I cut him off and said. 'You know he slipped some of those into Amber's drink. She was a complete fucking mess afterwards.'

'She ok?' Charlie asked with genuine concern.

'She's fine. No thanks to you.'

'Hey, go easy there Nate. Wasn't my fault.'

I rubbed my temple with my fingers and mumbled an apology.

'I'm sorry Charlie. But I've become quite fond and protective of Amber.'

'Don't worry about it. I know what it feels like to be in love.'

'Really?' I asked mockingly.

'Well...not really...but I've seen it in movies.'

I laughed quietly before Charlie took a serious tone.

'I know you really care for Amber man. I've known it for a few years now, even in school. I saw the way you looked at her, that stupid grin you have every time she talks to you. And back then, you didn't make a move although it was probably wise. But nothing's stopping you now man, you've shown how much you care for her. Make a God damn move or I'll kick your ass.'

I sat in stunned silence. This was a side of Charlie I'd never seen. We had always joked but our most serious conversations were about if Star Wars Episode IV is better than V. Finally I answered.

'You get that out of a film too Charlie.'

'Everything slightly witty or wise I say is from a movie. Anyhow, just wanted to check up on you, give me an update later on.'

'Ok, catch you later.'

I hung up and lay in silence as I thought about what he had said.


The Party- Last Night

Last night was one of those nights that brought unexpected twists and turns. Amber and I arrived at Charlie's party little past 9 pm. I managed to persuade her to come along with the promise of old high school chums. She wore a simple but stunning silver white dress that went down to her knees. It was so simple but enough to get the attention of most of the guys at the party. Seeing as we went with different crowds back then, we were split up fast.

I kept an eye on her every once in a while and was quite annoyed to see her talking and laughing with her old squeeze, Paulie Dante. Frankly, I never understood what she saw in him. He was one of those assholes who believed himself to be God's gift to woman. Not surprisingly this was completely unfounded as the guy was an idiot and pretty trashy. Yet Amber enjoyed his company so I kept my thoughts to myself.

The night started off normal, drinking, eating, partying and reminiscing. But well into the party, some guy who I vaguely remembered from school and never caught the name of offered me, Charlie and a few others several blue pills.

'What is it?' asked Charlie.

'Ecstasy,' the guy said.

Charlie's demeanour changed at once. He got to his feet and said firmly. 'Are you fucking nuts? I don't want ecstasy flying around at my party.'

'Easy now mate. They're not mine. Paulie's passing them around.'

'That asshole.'

Charlie and I got to our feet and made our way across the party to where Paulie was. He and about 3 other guys surrounded Amber.

'What the hell do you think you're doing passing drugs around at my party?'

The two started bickering back and forth as Amber climbed out from between the guys and approached me. She rubbed her head and said.

'I feel a bit funny. You reckon we can get back to your place or something. These guys have been hitting on me all night.'

I smiled inwardly and replied. 'Sure.'

Amber was acting rather strangely on the drive back. It was her manner that caught me by surprise. The way she talked, the way she was twitching here and there. Unfortunately I was driving and it didn't occur to me that something was wrong until we got back to my place.

'It's so hot in here,' she groaned.

I raised an eyebrow at her. 'It's the middle of winter and midnight. It's freezing inside and out.'

'Kidding? It's so hot,' she slurred.

Amber started fanning herself with a magazine she picked up.

'You feeling ok?'

It was stupid question under the circumstances because she was obvious not herself. In that moment, she fell forward. I had to dive across the room just catch her in time. Amber clung to me as I tried to get some sense into her.

'Amber! Are you ok?'

I fell to the floor as I caught her in my arms. I sat her up against the couch and looked at her. Her pupils seemed distorted; she was sweating intensely and slurring her words. Fear gripped me; I grabbed her head with my hands and looked her in the eyes.

'Stay with me. Did you take any of that crap Paulie was passing around?'

She momentarily became aware of her surroundings and mumbled.

'Obviously something was slipped into my drink,' she drooled with a slight smile.

'Shit,' I muttered as I racked my brains trying to think of what to do next. 'Gotta get you to a hospital.'

I picked her up in my arms and was about to go through the front door when I realised. She wouldn't want this. She wouldn't want this to get out. If I bring her to the hospital, everyone would find out. I remembered my first aid training.

'I have to get your temperature down,' I muttered absently to myself.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and started kissing me on the neck. If this were any other time and in any other situation, I would've been the happiest guy in the world. But this wasn't her. And even then, part of me savoured as her soft supple lips made contact against my skin.

She kept fidgeting in my arms up to the point where I almost dropped her. Suddenly she pulled away from me and we both came crashing against the wall. I took most of the impact as I tried to protect her.

'Work with me here Amber. I need to get your temperature down or else there's risk of brain damage or some shit like that.'

I slung her arm over my shoulder and half dragged her to the bathroom. I didn't want to do what I was about to do but I had no choice. I carried her over to the toilet and I grabbed a pen. As gently as I could I poked the back of her throat with it. She instantly threw her head forward towards the toilet and vomited the contents of her stomach out; food, drugs and all. It was not something I wanted to have to do again

Then I held her and basically threw open the shower door. Together we stepped in. Her knees buckled beneath her and I barely managed to catch her once more. I wrapped my arm around my slim waist and held her to me.

Her body was near boiling. I quickly turned the cold water on and almost immediately, a jet of icy water splashed down on us. I shivered in my place but Amber seemed almost oblivious to the freezing water. The water soaked us all over. Her hair was splayed all over my face as I held her steady under the water. I was shivering furiously but Amber remained still.

The water seeped easily through her dress causing it to become somewhat translucent. We slowly slid down floor as the coldwater continued spraying all over us. I held her from behind to shield me partially from the water.

I could see the outline of her breasts through her dress as they rested on my arms. Her nipples poked out and teased me with the wonderful site. Despite the position I was in, my fear outweighed my arousal.

I stayed inside as long as possible before I finally stepped out. Once I saw that Amber too was starting to shiver, I brought her out. As if oblivious to my presence, she let her dress fall to the floor and presented me with a view of her bare ass. She stumbled into the bedroom and collapsed on the bed.

I stood watching for several moments before I slowly approached her and covered her in a robe.


The Present

Once again I found myself waking from a brief nap. The first rays of the sun filled the room. I guessed it to be around 7 in the morning. But this time it was Amber that had woken me up. I found her sitting up beside me in bed. Her hair roughly brushed back and her robe tied up neatly at the waist.

'Fun party huh?' I joked.

Amber smiled nervously. 'To think those were the people I hung out with back in the day.'

'Back in the day? You're not that old.'

Amber smiled again and than looked at me with adoring eyes.

'Thankyou,' she said in almost a whisper.

I nodded slightly. She inched closer to me until our faces were only about 30 cm apart.

'You know, of all my friends, past and present, I don't think anyone's ever cared about me more than you.'

'Anyone else would've done the same.'

'Not those old friends of mine last night. They just let those boys climb all over me. And besides, who would've chosen to not go to the hospital. It's as if you know me better than I know myself.'

'Maybe I'm just an idiot. Historically, that's been the case.'

She shook he head. 'No, you knew I wouldn't want this to get out.'

'What can I say? I care about you. I've always care for you,' I admitted.

'Since when?'

'Since the first moment I talked to you. Since the first time you laughed at one of my jokes, since-'

I never finished that sentence because in that moment, Amber did the most unexpected thing. She leaned in and kissed me. Her soft, supple, moist lips made contact with mine. She grasped both my hands and together we kissed passionately. She was eventually first to break the kiss. She flashed me another one of her smiles and said.

'And thanks for just leaving my dress on your dirty floor.'

'It was that or brain damage.'

Amber laughed. It was music to my ears. 'Now, is that piece of knowledge from first aid classes or Bad Boys 2?'

'A little of both.'

She grabbed me by the collar and pulled me on top of her as she lay flat on the bed. I just watched her in awe as slowly she undid the belt of her robe. She let the sides fall away and revealed to me her perfect body. I stripped just as quickly before returning to my position on top of her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in close. We kiss once more as my hands explored her body. Her smooth skin was cool by now. The time she spent playing netball has left her with a well toned, athletic body. She broke the kiss once more.

'And thanks for not fucking me as I slept.'

I laughed loudly before pretending to go serious. 'Who says I didn't?'

This time it was her turn to laugh. 'Because I'm still a virgin honey.'

The comment took me by surprise. It really shouldn't have but considering what a beautiful and intelligent girl she was, I was really astonished.

'Don't look so surprised. You think I'd actually let any of those guys screw me?'

'Yes quite frankly. Or at the very least I thought it would've been a one nighter.'

'And you've had a one nighter?'

I paused before saying. 'Charlie's cousin.'

Amber laughed again. I didn't want the lovely noise to stop so I lowered my mouth onto her breasts. As I sucked on one breast, I cupped the other one gently in my hand. Her breasts were what you'd expect for a girl in her early 20s, firm but had a spring to them that was delightful.

I cupped both breasts in my hands before moving down between her thighs with a long line of kisses. Amber spread her legs slightly to allow me access. She twitched slightly as I gently kissed high up her thighs. The moment by tongue made contact with the lips of her vagina however, her legs were quick to close trapping my head between her thighs. Her hand grabbed at my hair and pulled me into her. She let out a loud moan before slowly spreading her legs once more. I slowly slithered my tongue onto her vagina once more. She squealed in pleasure once more. I went back to kissing her as my fingers raked across her vagina and pubic hair.

Our eyes met and I knew it was time. I positioned myself between her legs. Slowly I lowered my penis and aligned it to her small tight opening. I held her in my arms as I ever so slowly pushed the tip of my penis into her. Amber inhaled one big breath as I did so and never broke eye contact. Her walls tightened around my penis. I could already feel some of her juices on my penis as it lubricated my path into her. It wasn't long before I met some resistance. I had reached her hymen. She nodded as if to give me approval.

I pushed in slightly more forcefully than before. Amber squirmed in pain and pleasure as I broke through. She let out a loud cry as her virgin status disappeared. At one point the pain overpowered her pleasure and she tried pushing me away. But I knew she wanted this. I easily out muscled her and pushed in as far as I could. I almost pulled out completely before I roughly buried my penis to the hilt in one hard, fast thrust. The penetration caught her by surprise and once more she let of a rather loud cry. This time it was a cry of pure pleasure. With each thrust, the walls of her vagina tightened around my penis. Her juices were flowing freely now and I glided into her easily.

Her breast bounced back and forth with each thrust, her erect nipples scraping my chest along the way. Amber soon got the hang of it and wrapped her legs around me. With one hand I supported myself against the bed and with the other; I grabbed hold of her tight, smooth ass and rammed her into the bed. She started meeting my thrusts and continued moaning softly. Her skin felt damp once more. In wasn't long before I look to see her body gleaming from sweat in the pale sunlight.

We started locking lips once more. I kissed her all over her neck, an act which she obviously enjoyed. Amber arched her head to look down; she let her legs slip down onto the bed again so that it was my job to do all the fucking. She watched captivated as my penis stabbed into her again and again and again. Her juices mixed with mine and of course there was blood from me taking her virginity. She threw her head back and was lost in the frenzy of our lovemaking. She let out soft moans and groans with each thrust. Our bodies were as hot as fire, not only did my penis slide into her easily but our bodies were covered in so much sweat already that our bodies almost slipped off of each others.

I looked into her eyes but she was lost in the thrill of her first sexual experience. Her breasts continued to bounce back and forth rhythmically. Finally when I couldn't hold it much longer, I ejaculated fully into her. But despite this, I continued thrusting into her vagina. Amber took all sorts of positions with her legs as if unsure of what to do with them. It didn't take long but when it did, her orgasm was explosive. Every muscle in her body tightened up. She arched her back and her face was contorted in pleasure. Her fingernails dug deep into my back so hard that it actually hurt. Amber let out a loud cry.

Exhausted, she rolled out from under me breathing heavily and short of breath. Her body gleamed from the sweat. She fingered her sore vagina slightly. Our juices oozed slowly from her opening and dripped all over her fingers. We inched towards each other and embraced.

'That was amazing,' she panted. 'When I catch my breath. Can we do that again?'

I smiled before grabbing her and swinging her on top of me. Her breasts dangled in my face. Amber looked amused.

'I should wake up to this more often.'

Together we shared a laugh before we made love again.


School Class Room- 5 years ago

Alyssa and I were discussing how to go about writing this essay. So far we had gotten nowhere. Alyssa resorted to calling upon everyone for help. None were much help. Finally she called across to Amber. Amber was a relative stranger to me. She had only been in several of my classes before this. I was quite indifferent to her.

'Sorry Alyssa but I don't understand any of this,' Amber said all but ignoring my presence.

'That's ok. Nate and I will just hand it up like this. If the teacher doesn't like it, I'll just tell him to go fuck himself.'

Amber and I looked at each other awkwardly.

'Yeah, I'm sure that'll go down real well,' I remarked.

Amber couldn't help herself and burst out laughing. I took joy in her amusement. She looked and me and said while still laughing.

'I'm sorry, Nate is it? I'm Amber.'

'I know. I've been in a few of your classes before.'

'I'm sorry, that's horrible of me. You and I should talk more often.'

'I'd like that.'

Someone called for Amber from across the room. She stood up to walk away.

'Excuse me.'

We said goodbye. When she was out of hearing distance, Alyssa saw me grinning and said.


'Nothing. She's nice that's all.'

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Sybaris_CaesarSybaris_Caesaralmost 8 years ago
Good guys finish last but win!

Just wanted to bring it up on Romance section :D

somethingspicy7somethingspicy7over 9 years ago

I loved this story, it was really a good read and was just the right amount of pages. It wasn't too short or rushed and it wasn't so long that you lose interest. I really liked how you get to know the characters and the sex scene wasn't rushed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I liked it right up until the moment when she woke up miraculously fine and ready to have sex. You seem to love moving back and forward through time, I would have waited a few days so she wasn't feeling the after effects of a high fever, and didn't taste like puke.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
actually literate!

way above the literary average for this or any porn site - well done. The last vignette made it so much better.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Crap Title, Good Story

I read this story a while back and was really impressed seeing as it is you first.

You should continue writing more stuff.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Loved It

Everything you could want from a story. Spelling is a bit off here and there but I don't care. Hope you continue writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Very enjoyable

Despite some errors, the gist of this rekindled some very fond memories of my own.

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