Young Man and Older Lady Ch. 10

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Shauna returns to England, Trey gets new room-mate.
7.5k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 09/25/2021
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In mid-October, Shauna came home looking really upset. She had received an urgent phone call at work from her mother in England. Apparently, her younger sister, who was divorced, had been killed in a car accident and now her two young children were left parentless. The father was in jail on a lengthy sentence for assaulting the kids' mother, so was out of the picture, and Shauna's mother - a widow - was unable to look after the kids for more than a few days because of her age.

Trey was upset to be losing her - maybe for a very long time, maybe for ever - but recognized immediately the obligation Shauna felt in heading back to the UK to deal with her family's needs. So in a matter of three days, Shauna wound up everything, her classes were distributed to other professors, and Trey had taken her to the airport and hugged and kissed her goodbye.

That night, alone in bed, Trey felt really down. In the space of just four years, he had lost his father, discovered an Aunt he had never known, fallen in love with her and lived an incredible time of sex and love, lost her to brain cancer, found a new lover and now had to give her up to someone else's greater needs.

He would reach across the bed and find no-one there. For some reason, the house started to develop 'emptiness' echoes. On the second Saturday morning after Shauna left, he finally got out of bed around 10 and made himself some toast and marmalade. Normally Saturday breakfast was a highlight of the week. Full English Breakfast, copious cups of coffee, and maybe even a Buck's Fizz. Not toast and marmalade on it's own.

He was on his second slice of toast when the doorbell rang. Wrapping his robe around his naked body, he went to the door. As he opened it, in came Aunt Ruth, his deceased mother's younger sister, who was also newly introduced into Trey's life.

She came in like she was a whirling Dervish. "I knew I would find you here like this - not dressed, not having your usual big Saturday breakfast, and feeling sorry for yourself. So here I am to brighten up your day, and of course, to complicate your life!"

Trey smiled. "Well, I could use some happy company, not feeling too happy by myself. But how are you going to complicate my life?"

"By moving in with you! Apparently there is a structural issue with the building my small apartment at the University is in, and it will take months to remedy, and so I am homeless, and you have a second bedroom and currently no room mate, so her I am."

"You want to move in with me?"

"Why not? I can afford to pay my share, I am not too bad a cook, so can take some of that load from you. And if either of us has an unscratched itch, we can help each other out....!"

"You mean, you want to room here with me, and have incestual sex with me when you are feeling randy?"

"Yes, but you can have incestual sex with me whenever you're feeling randy, too."

"Laugh out loud, that could be every night!"


"What do you mean, So?"

"Sit down boy, we need to talk."

Trey sat down. Ruth poured herself a cup of copy, popped a slice of bread in the toaster, and kept herself busy tidying the kitchen until it was ready. Ruth was 23 years older than Trey, and very much a woman of the world and her own person.

Finally, after biting into the toast, she started talking with her mouth full. "I have been observing you. You enjoyed sex with Shauna, you liked her company and was happy to have her around, as she lifted you out of the gloom of losing Sarah, but everyone could see you didn't love Shauna. Like, yes; fancy sexually, yes; but love, no. Not like Sarah."

Trey shrugged his shoulders. "You could well be right."

Ruth smiled. "And you quite fancy me, for sex, don't you?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yes, your friends say so, even Shauna told me she felt you fancied me. And she was really convinced after the threesome we had."

"Guess I should not chose professional poker as a career..."

Ruth laughed. "That's true. The point is what you feel isn't one-way. I quite fancy you, too. I only have one concern. Do you fancy me because I remind you of your mother?"

Trey's reaction was instantaneous - a vigorous shake of the head. Then, after a pause, he said "No, no no. I really have no vivid memory of my mother. None really, other than the one photo of her face. My parents didn't take many photographs when I was a kid, and what few they took were of me. I was 10 when she died, and for several years before she died she was ill, so until I met you, I had no idea what she looked like. I didn't know about you, either"

There was a pause. Trey went on, "You have firmed up some blurry memories, but I have to admit, my fancying you is exactly that. I just love your attitude to life, which I am sure is a lot more ebullient than my mother's was. You decide what you want, and you go for it. And my guess is you will normally get it, too. You're kind of like Sarah, but only, different."

Ruth smiled. "I had heard a lot about you before I came round that evening. In particular, Marjorie (who quite fancies you too) figured that your relationship with Shauna was something that you allowed to happen to counteract your loneliness. Marjorie put Shauna in your life exactly for that reason. She was sexually desirable, but not someone you could or would love."

Trey poured himself another coffee. Then, on a whim, he popped more bread in the toaster. "Want one too?" he asked. Ruth nodded.

As he prepared the toast, Ruth went on. "If Shauna really loved you, she would have asked you how you felt about bringing her sister's kids out here. With her position here as a professor, it wouldn't have been difficult in the circumstances to get those kids over. But instead, she gave up her job and went back, and I have it on good authority from George in his capacity as Dean as well as a friend, that Cambridge wanted her back enough to offer tenure."

After a pause, he looked at Ruth. "Have I got this right? You want to move in here as a room-mate, with your own room but occasional nights together, in the hopes that I will fall in love with you?"

He turned to look at Ruth, who stepped forward so her face was inches from his. She looked him straight in the eyes. "Yes!" Then she leaned forward and kissed him.

The kiss lasted. Tongues explored. Arms held the other close. Then Ruth reached in between them and pulled his robe open. Her hand found a hardened cock, and grabbed it. "I rest my case," she said.

"I hope not," he said.

Ruth took him by the hand and led him into the sitting room. She flipped the robe off his shoulders on to the floor, then pushed him in the chest so he fell back in to the settee.

She started to strip. Her jacket hit the floor, and then she pulled her blouse up over head. She was not wearing a bra. She undid the belt on her skirt, and undid the zip on her right hip. Under it she was completely devoid of underwear. She stepped out of the skirt, and stood naked in front of him. By now, he was fully erect.

All she was wearing was high heels, like some porn star. Trey noticed immediately that her previously thick bush had been thinned out and trimmed to a smaller shape, and that the area immediately adjacent to her vagina was now completely shorn of hair. As he took this in, she knelt down between his knees, but not touching him.

"Tell me you don't want me to continue with what I could do in this position. Go on, tell me to stop because you don't fancy me."

Trey swallowed before answering. "You know bloody well I can't!"

Ruth placed her hands on the cushions either side of Trey, so she could lean forward. Without touching his cock with her hands, Ruth covered the head of his penis with her mouth, and slid it fully into her mouth. She reached up and pinched both his nipples, and then started slowly bobbing her head up and down his fully extended erect penis.

Trey was laying back, eyes closed, moaning gently. He could feel his ejaculation building. He was willing it not to explode, but could not hold that thought forever.

When he came, he thought he would never stop. When he finally did, he pulled Ruth up off her knees, and towards him, and she sat on his naked lap. Opening her mouth, she showed him the quantity of his ejaculate. Then, with a cheeky grin, she swallowed it all. Trey turned her face towards him and kissed her. Cupping one breast, he played with the nipple as the kiss went on and on....

"I refuse your first offer," he said. "The guest room is not available. If you want to be my room-mate, then you must be exactly that. You must share my room.... every night."

"Are you sure?"

Trey silently nodded.

Ruth said "You know there will be comments. People who don't know the whole situation, don't know I am your mother's sister, will think that you were unfaithful to Shauna and dumped her for me. People who do know I am your Aunt may not have a proper understanding of the relationship either. They may even accuse you of wanting a substitute mother. And, they may accuse you of breaking the law"

Trey answered quietly. "I know. But the honest truth is - ever since the first time we, you and I, had sex - with Shauna - I have felt more of a connection with you than with her. She was happy to have other people in our relationship. She even suggested us having a hedonistic Christmas at a nudist colony in Jamaica, looking for others to have sex with..."

"She was looking for good sex, not love. And you want to be loved as well as have good sex. And that is the root of the differences between you." Ruth's reply was quiet - almost a whisper.

Trey looked in to Ruth's eyes. "You know, you are a very attractive woman. And I don't mean just because you remind me a little of my mother. You just are - but with a lot more personality. She was always the quieter one of my two parents. No-one would ever call you quiet..."

He paused. She cocked her head to one side and waited.

Then he said "You've suddenly made me realize what I do feel for you. There is an underlying chemistry, an emotional connection, that I had never experienced in my life before I met and got to know Sarah. And now I am believing you are reawakening that feeling in me... and in a way Shauna didn't and couldn't... and in a different way to Sarah. You're not Sarah, you're Ruth. And that's someone completely different."

She smiled. "I hope so. So tell me, would you go to a hedonistic nudist resort with me?"

"You know something? I might just. But we have a lot of learning about each other before we go somewhere like that."

"Then let's go upstairs, and start the learning process," she said, getting off his lap, kicking off her shoes, and taking his hand. They went up to the master bedroom, holding hands. Trey had not made the bed, so Ruth pulled it tidy, and they got in. They lay on their sides, facing each other, and kissed. No embrace, hardly any body contact. Just mouth to mouth, a kiss, eyes wide open.

And then Ruth got the giggles, and Trey asked "What's so funny..."

Ruth paused. Then she said "The last time I saw Shauna at the University, she told me about her returning to England. The last words she said were 'So now the coast is clear, he can be all yours.'"

"It's funny - Shauna and I had a good time up at the cottage when we first met, and she shook me out of my doldrums with her personality and energy. And, to be sure, her sexiness. But to be honest, the last three weeks, since we had that weekend with Wendy and with you, I have felt she was slipping away. It was almost like she was losing interest in us."

"She was! I could tell. We used to chat occasionally in the dining room over lunch, and I felt she missed England, and especially Cambridge. She even flat out asked me if I fancied you. I said that yes, I did, but you probably didn't fancy me the same way, and that I was perhaps too old for you. She laughed at that, telling me that Sarah was ten years older than me, so that wouldn't be a problem."

Ruth paused. "I hate to say this about the terrible tragedy with her sister, but I think she almost saw that as a gift from the gods, an opportunity to return home that no-one could in all honesty talk her out of - not even you."

With their faces still so very close, Trey said "You're probably right. But - and here's the million-dollar question - are you wanting me for the right reason?"

"Are you asking me if I love you? Because, if you are, I will say this - not yet, not completely. But I want to. Yes, I have a healthy dose of good old-fashioned lust for you. I really like you, and, professionally, I respect you. I have heard good things about your work and your prospects. I am really fond of you, and you are my only remaining family. But I am fond of you in ways an Aunt should never be fond of a nephew. It may be taboo, but I can't help it."

She paused, and closed her eyes tightly for a while. Then she opened them again, and said, very quietly, "I want to love you, in every way a woman can love and want and desire a man. Taboo, or not taboo - I don't care. I want to let what I feel for you grow in whatever which way it is going to. I want all of your friends to be our friends and I want them to know how much I am going to love you..."

She reached down between them, and found Trey's very erect manhood. She gripped it tightly, then rolled on to her back, pulling him over her by his cock. He used his elbows and knees to position himself, and she started to rub the head of his cock against her vagina.

Trey could feel the heat of her womanhood against his manhood. He could feel the moisture. He knew this was the point of no return. If he didn't stop now, he never could. If he didn't stop, didn't retreat, then he would be in a totally committed relationship. He could roll off her and get out of bed. He could say that they shouldn't be like this.

He could say that their sex so far, on two fantastic occasions, had been wonderful, but it shouldn't happen again. He could say that. Or he could thrust his steel-hard cock into her wet pussy...

His debate with himself lasted for what seemed ages, but was probably only thirty or forty seconds. Then he grabbed her shoulders, and pulled on them so as to drive his cock all the way in - in one single, direct, driving, penetrative thrust. Their pubic bones met, Ruth let out a submissive yelp, and then they kissed.

As the kiss broke, he began thrusting in and out. It was clearly animalistic sex. It was him possessing her, owning her. It was full-blooded lust.... And yet....

And yet, it was love. It was clearly a desire to give all the emotion he could muster to this woman who in a few short weeks, and - to be honest - not that much time together, had already made an indelible mark on him. They had had sexual relations twice, and met a few times socially.

She bucked and twisted on the bed under him like a rodeo stallion. He countered her thrusts, repeatedly pushing her back down with his hips. And for the second time that day, he came in a full and violent climax, filling her with his juices so that they seeped out of her body and smeared themselves over her genitals, and down her cleft.

As normal breathing resumed, he rolled off her and they lay, side by side, holding hands. For a long time they were both silent. Then Ruth spoke, very quietly and deliberately.

"Do you realize that in the few short weeks we have known each other, this is the first time we have ever been alone together?"

He thought about it. "No, I hadn't realized, but you're right. And yet somehow, I have always felt something of a closeness, ever since you rang the doorbell, that makes it feel like we're alone when we aren't."

"Well, get used to being alone with me, because we are going to be doing it a lot."

Trey smiled at the ceiling. "What ever you say, my love." They spent most of the rest of the day in bed, naked, making love from time to time, but now always slowly and gently, with lots of kissing and caressing and hugging. In the evening they got out of bed and slipped on robes, and phoned for pizza.

When the pizza was gone, they went back to bed.


They awoke Sunday morning. They turned and lay on their sides again, facing each other, him on his left side, her on her right.

"Okay," she said, "fill me in on who's who in your circle of sex friends. I want to know who I might meet who has been involved in your sex life, and who clicked and who didn't."

"And if I tell, do I get details of your past?"

"Maybe, but right now I am more interested in who might be in our joint future..."

"Well, soon after Sarah and I got together, there was an Asian Professor and his wife that we had over for the night. He was bi and wanted me, but the chemistry didn't really click. They only came over the one time.

Then came the Boobsy Twins. Liz Fotheringham gave them that nickname, because she thought their boobs measurement was a higher number than their IQ, but that turned out to be completely wrong. We finished up in bed with the two of them - Jan and Sue - they're both bi-sexual. They're still in our circle - beautiful girls, great figures - and very, very sexy.

Then we learned later that summer that Dean Henry - Marjorie's late husband - was having an affair with Liz Fotheringham...."

"Pardon me," spluttered Ruth, "Liz and Charles Henry, an affair?"

"Oh, yes, hot and heavy, including going to a Swinger's Club down in the Capital. Sarah and I caught them at the University's cottage, which is near my family's cottage. Caught them bare-faced, or should I say bare-bummed. Stark naked! So we finished up having some interesting nights with them, until Charlie croaked after a night with Liz at the club! At least he didn't croak in it. It turned out Marjorie knew all about the affair."

"Well, I never," said Ruth.

"Following Charlie's death is when Marjorie and Sarah and I became friends. It turned out that Marjorie was having an incestuous relationship with her daughter Belinda, and we caught them at the cottage. So that expanded our group. Then Marjorie and Liz became friends and occasional lovers, and it also turned out that Marjorie had this thing going with George, who is now Dean.

Then at a party in our garden, when we were all running around naked, a friend of mine turned up unexpectedly. He thought he was gay - but still a virgin - but through parties with us, has found he is really bi-sexual. He and Liz then got into a relationship. And so we would all party together. Oh, Belinda and her husband Greg then got involved with the group as well.

Then, after Sarah died, I went to the cottage in retreat, and after a while, Marjorie sent me Shauna. I think she meant it just to end my monk-like existence, but we got into the relationship that has now just ended."

"I was going to ask about that," said Ruth. "Have you heard from Shauna, and how do the two of you stand?"

"I got a letter from her, yesterday as it happens, so written soon after she arrived in England. It was a Dear John, basically. 'Nice while it lasted, but I'm not coming back. Readmitted to Cambridge, with tenure - Goodbye.' So no chance of her coming back."

"Did she say anything about what she had said to me?"

"No. I guess she figured it was up to you to tell me how you feel about you, and I and Us."

"True. Do you and your Swing Club still get together."

"After Shauna broke my Monk's Abstention, we had a naked wake at the cottage, but since Shauna moved in here, we haven't had one since. So the only persons Shauna and I have jointly played with are you, and Wendy."

"So how do you feel about Shauna not coming back?"

"Let me show you!"

Trey rolled over and kissed Ruth on the lips, gently. Then he started on her chin, then her neck, and then slowly down her body, kissing nipples and belly button, and working down to Ruth's vagina. There, he uncovered her clit and sucked on it, then penetrated her with two fingers and found her magic spot, and proceeded to rub it as he nibbled on her clit.